Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1113 Round up the whole number

Yue Kunpeng's face suddenly darkened, and he said dejectedly: "I don't have that much money and can't afford to pay. You can change the conditions, as long as I can do it."

Because the Yue family is obsessed with martial arts and has little contact with the powerful, they really don't have much money except for military supplies.

Ji Wufeng chuckled, "If you can afford the compensation, I won't even mention this condition."

"Damn it, you have no money? Why did you smash my car if you don't have any money? Your uncle's is more than 40 million, how long will it take to earn it back!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped up on the ground, pointed at Yue Kunpeng's nose and spat out Xingzi with his mouth full of foam, and cursed: "I'm going to give your uncle a hard time. You have to have money to show off, okay? You're a pauper and you've spent tens of millions on me." In your car, are you thinking that the door will be squeezed?"

Bang bang bang...

Yue Kunpeng's anger rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and the joints of his fists crackled. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Ji Wufeng, he would have hit him with an old fist.

Seeing Yue Kunpeng gnashing his teeth, Ji Wufeng shouted: "What are you doing? Do you still want to hit someone? If you break other people's things, you have to pay for it. This is a matter of course. You are not happy with what I said to you?"

"Tell me, what are you doing? I will just do as you are told." Yue Kunpeng said through gritted teeth. He was really worried that he would not be able to help but take action, and then be beaten by Ji Wufeng again.

Upon hearing Yue Kunpeng's words, Ji Wufeng immediately changed his treacherous smile and said, "That's right. If you do something wrong, you have to admit it. If you get beaten, you have to stand upright. Besides, I'm not an unreasonable person. Since If you don’t have money to pay for my car, let’s find another way to solve it.”

"any solution?"

"Look, it's often shown like this in movies. Those who eat the King's meal have to stay and wash the dishes. Those who go to the brothels without getting paid have to stay and be turtles. If you damage my car and can't afford it, just give it to me. Become a driver." Ji Wufeng said.

Yue Kunpeng immediately widened his eyes and asked me to be your driver. I want to break your heart. After all, I am also the eldest son of the Yue family. I will drive for you.

Aren't you afraid of losing your life?

But he had already said what he said just now, and he couldn't go back on his words now.

Ji Wufeng stretched out his fingers and counted them while calculating: "Based on the salary of an ordinary driver, it's three thousand a month. I'm a generous person, so I'll give you three thousand five, and I'll also give you food and accommodation." I wrapped it, you see how righteousness I fight, so you have to know how to know the righteousness with me? If someone beats me in the future, you have to stand up and use your body to help me block it so that I will live up to my pain. !”

Yue Kunpeng touched his waist. He regretted not taking out his gun when he went out today, otherwise he would have killed this bastard.

"I can drive for you, but the salary is not necessary." Yue Kunpeng said coldly.

"That won't work. I'm known for being kind. If I don't pay you a salary, how do I know how long you have to drive for me?"

Ji Wufeng stretched out his fingers to calculate again and said: "Your monthly salary is 3,500, which is 42,000 a year. You owe me 40 million. After all, you have to work for me for more than 950 years." My driver, we are all generous people, I will cover all the food and accommodation for you, if you drive for fifty more years, let’s make up the whole number, one thousand years..."


Yue Kunpeng's eyes finally turned black and he fell to the ground. "A thousand years, can you live to a thousand years?" You think you are a turtle bastard!

After Yue Kunpeng left, Ji Wufeng immediately called Li Yunxiao, and Li Yunxiao immediately sent someone to repair the car. The car was still under warranty. It took more than 20 minutes for the car to restart.

"Isn't this... a bit too unkind?" Tong Xin said. Ji Wufeng seemed to be completely blackmailing Yue Kunpeng, and his methods were extremely extreme.

Despicable and shameless.

"Why is he so kind? As I said just now, there is a big price to pay for showing off. If he dares to show off in front of me, he must be prepared to be ravaged by me." Ji Wufeng said confidently.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng believed that the message he wanted to convey had been brought back to the Yue family by Yue Kunpeng. The next step was what choice the Yue family would make.

In the Yue family, a burly bald old man looked at Yue Kunpeng who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Did you lose?"

"Yes, grandpa, and I am convinced that I lost." Yue Kunpeng said.

Yue Kunpeng is indeed convinced. Sometimes, if the difference is not too big, you may still have the confidence to catch up and regard the opponent as your competitor. But if the opponent surpasses you too much, you may not even have the confidence to catch up. It’s all gone, and you can’t do anything except accept it?

Knowing that his grandson had lost, and that he had lost so miserably, Yue Longhui did not show how angry he was. Instead, his eyes flashed with brilliance and he said, "Then what?" ??

Yue Kunpeng blushed and said, "The result is that I want to be his driver."

"How long?"

"Nine hundred and fifty years, he said rounding it up, it's a thousand years!"


Yue Longhui had just taken a sip of tea into his mouth, and when he heard Yue Kunpeng's words, he immediately spit it out again and said with a helpless smile: "This kid is really different."

"Grandpa, I..." Yue Kunpeng was a little uneasy. If he really wanted to be Ji Wufeng's driver, where would the Yue family's face be?

Yue Longhui smiled and said, "What? Do you think it's very embarrassing to be Ji Wufeng's driver?"

Yue Kunpeng shook his head and said: "I don't care about personal honor or disgrace at all, but I can't embarrass the Yue family.

Yue Longhui nodded and said

: "I'm very pleased that you can always keep this in mind, but you must remember that heroes cannot be judged by their immediate success or failure. You are a soldier. You know very well what Han Xin went through back then. Compared with him, this What does a little grievance mean?"

Yue Longhui stood up, took out a cigarette and threw it to Yue Kunpeng and said, "I know you smoke too, so smoke it."

After Yue Kunpeng lit the cigarette, Yue Longhui said with a face full of vicissitudes: "I am already old. It depends on you whether the Yue family can avenge its shame. If you continue to stay in the Yue family, the chance of you making a breakthrough is very slim. Go Well, this time is the Yue family’s opportunity, and it’s also your opportunity.”

Yue Kunpeng's fingers holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Although he was not born when the incident happened, he kept his grandfather's words in mind. The knot in Yue Longhui's heart was the common goal of all the Yue family.

Yue Longhui waved his hand and said, "Go ahead. You don't have to worry about the rest. I'll take care of everything."

Bang bang bang!

Yue Kunpeng lay on the ground and kowtowed three times, then turned around and strode away without saying hello to anyone, and walked straight out of the door of Yue's house.

Seeing his most beloved and most hopeful grandson leave, Yue Longhui's eyes turned red. If he were a real dragon, he would have to throw himself into the sea to turn the world upside down.

"Someone is coming!"

Yue Longhui's guard pushed open the door and walked in. Yue Longhui threw a piece of literature and education over with a stroke of his pen and said: "This is the appointment order. From now on, the deputy captain will take over as the captain of the special team!"

Ji Wufeng and Tong Xin drove straight to Hongye City. They saw that Hongye City had closed for business today. Xiao Lie and a group of elites were guarding the outside with loaded ammunition. The atmosphere was very tense. When Ji Wufeng's car came into view, at least There are more than a dozen people with their guns pointed in this direction.

When he found out it was Ji Wufeng, Xiao Lie immediately asked someone to take him away. He stepped forward and said respectfully, "Brother."

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