Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1118 Do you like Ling Moran?

Xiao Feng rushed to Ling Moran and said, "Are you okay?"

Ling Moran was speechless and said, "That gun wasn't meant to hit me, what can happen to me?"

People were dead, and there were gunshots. Everyone was frightened out of their wits, crying for their fathers and running away like crazy, and the scene became chaotic.

However, the more chaotic the scene, the easier it is to hide the crisis.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were cold, and when he was about to pull Shi Qianying to his side to block him behind him, he found that Xiao Feng had held Ling Moran's hand, pulled her behind him, and said: "You are right behind me. Don’t come out, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.”

Xiong Bao's eyes widened and he said, "Dog seller, when did this kid become so heroic?"

Ji Wufeng said coldly: "Anyone found suspicious will be killed without mercy!"

Ji Wufeng was angry and dared to attack Shi Qianying. He must pay a heavy price!

Yue Kunpeng was the first to take action and jumped into the crowd. He saw a man wearing a hat holding a gun in his hand and punched out. The man in the hat flew up and hit a telephone pole on the side of the road, hitting his brain. crack!

Xiong Bao also rushed forward, and gunshots rang out. He tilted his neck to avoid the bullets, grabbed the shooter's neck with his big hand, and twisted it hard until the neck was twisted like a twist.

Bang bang bang...

A flurry of gunshots rang out, all targeting Shi Qianying. The dragon tooth blades in the hands of Tong Xin and Ling Moran appeared and blocked all the bullets, leaving Shi Qianying unscathed.

Ji Wufeng's eyes showed murderous intent, and he rushed towards the direction where the gunshots were heard. He howled miserably for a while, and people kept falling in a pool of blood.

Suddenly a red dot appeared on Shi Qianying's body. Yue Kunpeng, who was the first to notice it, shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

It's a sniper rifle!

Ji Wufeng's heart was beating wildly and he rushed back quickly, but at this time, the sound of a sniper rifle had already sounded.


"Be careful!" Ling Moran's face changed drastically and he pushed Shi Qianying away, exposing himself to the trajectory of the bullet.

With Ling Moran's skills, ordinary bullets may not kill her, but a sniper rifle can definitely kill her!

But suddenly, a cold light seemed to split the space and it was Xiao Feng's flying knife.


The flying knife hit the bullet of the sniper rifle, but unfortunately the sniper rifle was too powerful. The flying knife could only slow down part of the speed of the bullet and could not completely intercept it.

Just as she was about to hit Ling Moran, she saw a body taking a step forward and blocking her in front, and a splash of blood spattered!

"Xiao Feng!" Ling Moran supported Xiao Feng who was shaking.

Supported by Ling Moran, Xiao Feng stood still, and the flying knife struck again. A scream sounded from the rooftop not far away, it was the sniper hiding there.

"Xiao Feng, how are you?"

I don't know if he was moved by Xiao Feng for taking the bullet for him, but Ling Moran's eyes turned red when he hugged him.

Xiao Feng suddenly smiled stupidly and said: "It's okay, don't worry, didn't I just say that? As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."

There were too many people at the scene. It was impossible to tell the killers lurking in the crowd. They couldn't kill them all.

"Leave immediately." Ji Wufeng said coldly.

Everyone quickly rushed to the car, and it was safe after getting in the car.

After getting in the car, Xiao Feng fainted. Ling Moran hugged Xiao Feng and shouted: "Xiao Feng, don't you

You can die, please wake up quickly..."

Ji Wufeng's heart boiled with murderous intent. Although these people came to kill Shi Qianying, the real target was definitely him.

It was too dangerous just now. If it weren't for Xiao Feng, Shi Qianying might be fine, but Ling Moran might have died. Ji Wufeng blamed himself for being too careless.

The car drove straight into Maplewood Bay. Although Xiao Feng was shot, his flying knife had already removed most of the force of the sniper rifle bullet. In addition, the warrior's body itself was much tougher than ordinary people's. , so it’s nothing serious, just take out the bullet and rest for a few days.

After taking out the bullet and applying medicine, Ling Moran was reluctant to leave. Although he didn't say it, he clearly wanted to take care of Xiao Feng.

Ji Wufeng saw the silly smile on Xiao Feng's face and couldn't help but touch his nose. Just now it was a scene where the hero saved the beauty. This kid blocked a bullet for Ling Moran.

And Ling Moran has been alone with her sister since she was a child. Now that someone is willing to die for her, she must be completely moved, right?

If Ling Moran is allowed to take care of him again and the two of them get along alone, and Xiao Feng looks like a human and a dog, they may fall in love over time.

Although Ling Moran always pestered Ji Wufeng before, it might just be out of worship and admiration for a man, deliberately going against him, not necessarily love.

It wasn't until he met Xiao Feng that he felt his true love.

However, Ji Wufeng promised Yuan Tianzong to take care of the Ling Moran sisters, so of course he would not give her to others casually.

Ji Wufeng said with a cold face: "He won't die anyway, so he doesn't need you to take care of him."

Who would have thought that Ling Moran suddenly became angry and said, "It's me who saved me, but it's none of your business whether I take care of you or not?


"There is a nurse to take care of him. You are rough and can only do bad things." Ji Wufeng said.

"No, who knows whether those nurses are professional or attentive?" Ling Moran said.

Ji Wufeng secretly laughed in his heart. It seemed that this girl was really in love for the first time and fell in love with that bastard Xiao Feng.

But he had a straight face, rushed forward, twisted the collar of Xiao Feng's clothes, and cursed: "You bastard, I will kill you!"

But before he could make a move, Ling Moran had already rushed forward, grabbed him and howled: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to beat him!"

"No, if you dare to beat him, I will beat you!"

After Ling Moran finished speaking, he raised his fist at Ji Wufeng, as if he was really going to have a fight with Ji Wufeng.

"Boy, just wait, we are not done with this!" Ji Wufeng put down Xiao Feng and left angrily.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out, he heard Ling Moran shouting from behind: "Are you okay? There's no need to be afraid of her. If he dares to bully you in the future, I'll beat him up for you!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened and he almost fainted. When Ling Moran was pestering him before, he acted like he would not marry her unless he was the one, but now he no longer recognizes the person in the blink of an eye.

I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in a woman's shabby mouth.

At this time, Tong Xin came over and said with a smile: "Don't you like Mo Ran too?"

"Tch, I don't like that girl's movies, but if I don't do this, how can that kid Xiao Feng willingly take over the blame for me?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled, and then said seriously: "But I was entrusted by others to take care of that girl, so I naturally have to be responsible for her. If that guy Xiao Feng bullies her, I will have broken my trust."

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