Zhao Jiaolong became angry and shouted: "Damn it, if you have the guts, just confront me head-on. Who do you think you are a hero if you attack someone from behind?"

The figure of Chaihun appeared in front of him, and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten? This is a lower level place. On the stage, there are only winners, no heroes!"

The few people who bet on Zhao Jiaolong to win looked annoyed and cursed: "Damn it, I thought this stupid big guy was a little bit good, but I didn't expect that he was really a waste, causing me to lose hundreds of thousands more." !”

In their eyes, Zhao Jiaolong is not only inferior to others in terms of strength, but his brain is not sophisticated enough. He actually wants to have an upright showdown with others in a death-defying arena. Isn't there something wrong with his brain?

The white fox smiled proudly and said: "Brother Long Tengxiao, it seems that your friend's strength is very average. What a pity. Once on the field, unless you knock down the opponent, you will have to come down sideways."

He has determined that Zhao Jiaolong will lose.

Ji Wufeng said nonchalantly: "It's such a pity. It's a waste like this. It's not a loss for me to spend five million for you to help me clean it up. At least I don't have to keep him in vain."

At this time, Yuan Dongdong and the others also whispered quietly behind them. The sound was not very loud, but it was enough for the white fox to hear clearly.

"How can this be done? Loach is the strongest among us. If he is not even an opponent, we will never have a chance."

"It's over. If we lose even him, we'll be dead on the field. I think we'd better retreat first."

"Are you out of your mind? It's not like you don't know the young master's temper. If we play, at most one of us will die. If we run away, I'm afraid even our whole family won't be able to survive..."

After hearing the whispers of several of them, Bai Hu's eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that the stupid young man who came on stage was the most powerful among the group.

He couldn't help but cast a disdainful look at Ji Wufeng. This is really a two hundred and fifty person. Although he has a lot of money, he has raised such a group of losers. But it's okay, don't you have a lot of money? Just give me some flowers.

After the chat, Yuan Dongdong and others murmured in their hearts, Damn, it’s so uncomfortable to pretend to be a coward. The soul-chasing guy on the field is obviously a piece of shit in their eyes, but they still insist on calling him awesome. , I still look very scared.

I saw that Chaihun was attacking crazily on the field. The people on the field couldn't see his figure clearly at all. They could only see the blurry shadow flashing around Zhao Jiaolong. If he didn't appear, he would attack Zhao Jiaolong again. .

And Zhao Jiaolong roared again and again, and attacked the surroundings with the same madness, but he couldn't even touch a hair of Soul Chaser.

But since you dare to enter the life and death boxing ring, you naturally have some ability. Just like the stupid big guy in the ring, his strength is not that good, but he is thick-skinned and has suffered so many attacks from chasing souls. The body was covered with scars, but no fatal injuries were caused.

However, it was only a matter of time before Zhao Jiaolong fell. Except for Ji Wufeng and others, this was everyone's guess in the entire boxing ring.

I don’t know how many times Chai Hun attacked. Zhao Jiaolong now looked like he was covered in injuries. In fact, Chai Hun was not having an easy time either. He kept circling around Zhao Jiaolong desperately, which was undoubtedly very exhausting.

At the same time, Zhuihun was also muttering in his heart

, this silly big guy is too thick-skinned, it is better to end the battle quickly, otherwise he will fall down from exhaustion before others are defeated.

Just when Zhuihun was preparing to use his special move, he saw that Zhao Jiaolong was going crazy, his feet kept moving, his mouth roared, and his palms crazily scratched and scratched around aimlessly.

There was a roar of laughter in the audience. This was obviously because Zhao Jiaolong couldn't find an opponent and wanted to attack Chaihun by accident, but this obviously didn't work.

Chaihun sneered, it was time to fight the trapped beast, so let's end it.

Suddenly, the soul-chasing figure disappeared, then reappeared, and finally appeared strangely behind Zhao Jiaolong, stabbing the back of Zhao Jiaolong's head with the knife like a sharp sword, which is the weakest point on a person's body, even if Even if he couldn't kill Zhao Jiaolong, he could instantly lose his combat effectiveness. Zhao Jiaolong would definitely die by then.

But at this moment, an extremely surprising scene appeared. Zhao Jiaolong was attacking randomly. He couldn't find a big target at all. He might have hit the target by mistake. He slapped it horizontally with his palm, hitting the soul chaser impartially. On the head.

Zhuihun was immediately beaten and fell to the ground. What was even more coincidental was that the big mouth just hit Zhuihun's temple. After Zhuihun fell to the ground, he fell into a brief coma. His head shook for a long time and he still couldn't get up. .

And this gave Zhao Jiaolong an opportunity. He rushed over and twisted Zhuihun's neck. He sneered and said, "Damn it, did you enjoy beating me just now? Now it's finally my turn, right?" !”

After saying that, he punched Zhuihun's nose. Suddenly Zhuihun's face was full of peach blossoms, and his nosebleeds were spurting out. He finally regained his consciousness, but was knocked unconscious by Zhao Jiaolong's punch. He turned his head and his eyes were filled with stars.

Bang bang bang...

Zhao Jiaolong punched Zhuihun's nose several times in a row. Within a few blows, Zhuihun's nose was bloody and bloody. He fainted on the ground and could not get up.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned. Bai Hu jumped up from his seat and screamed: "How is this possible? It's absolutely impossible!"

Everyone could see that Zhao Jiaolong would definitely die in terms of his true strength, but it was as if he had seen a ghost. He was defeated by Zhao Jiaolong by mistake.

This was a coincidence, and even more so an accident. Except for Ji Wufeng and others, almost everyone present thought so.

Zhao Jiaolong staggered down the stage. Normally, the moment the winner stepped off the stage, there were cheers, but this time there were boos. The main reason was that everyone felt that Zhao Jiaolong was just lucky enough to win. But the most important thing is that Zhao Jiaolong made many people lose money. Only people with sick minds cheer for him?

Although Zhao Jiaolong won, he collapsed as soon as he returned to his seat, with blood dripping from his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered a very serious injury.

With a livid face, the white fox smiled forcefully at Ji Wufeng and said, "I wonder if little brother Longteng is interested in playing another round with me?"

He could see that Zhao Jiaolong's win was too lucky, and his loss was too unjust. Five million, with an odds of 1 to 5, means 25 million, which must be recovered.

Upon hearing Bai Hu's proposal to play again, Yuan Dongdong and others' expressions suddenly changed, as if they were very scared, making Bai Hu believe that they were all very afraid of playing. Zhao Jiaolong became angry and shouted: "Damn it, if you have the guts, just confront me head-on. Who do you think you are a hero if you attack someone from behind?"

The figure of Chaihun appeared in front of him, and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten? This is a lower level place. On the stage, there are only winners, no heroes!"

The few people who bet on Zhao Jiaolong to win looked annoyed and cursed: "Damn it, I thought this stupid big guy was a little bit good, but I didn't expect that he was really a waste, causing me to lose hundreds of thousands more." !”

In their eyes, Zhao Jiaolong is not only inferior to others in terms of strength, but his brain is not sophisticated enough. He actually wants to have an upright showdown with others in a death-defying arena. Isn't there something wrong with his brain?

The white fox smiled proudly and said: "Brother Long Tengxiao, it seems that your friend's strength is very average. What a pity. Once on the field, unless you knock down the opponent, you will have to come down sideways."

He has determined that Zhao Jiaolong will lose.

Ji Wufeng said nonchalantly: "It's such a pity. It's a waste like this. It's not a loss for me to spend five million for you to help me clean it up. At least I don't have to keep him in vain."

At this time, Yuan Dongdong and the others also whispered quietly behind them. The sound was not very loud, but it was enough for the white fox to hear clearly.

"How can this be done? Loach is the strongest among us. If he is not even an opponent, we will never have a chance."

"It's over. If we lose even him, we'll be dead on the field. I think we'd better retreat first."

"Are you out of your mind? It's not like you don't know the young master's temper. If we play, at most one of us will die. If we run away, I'm afraid even our whole family won't be able to survive..."

After hearing the whispers of several of them, Bai Hu's eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that the stupid young man who came on stage was the most powerful among the group.

He couldn't help but cast a disdainful look at Ji Wufeng. This is really a two hundred and fifty person. Although he has a lot of money, he has raised such a group of losers. But it's okay, don't you have a lot of money? Just give me some flowers.

After the chat, Yuan Dongdong and others murmured in their hearts, Damn, it’s so uncomfortable to pretend to be a coward. The soul-chasing guy on the field is obviously a piece of shit in their eyes, but they still insist on calling him awesome. , I still look very scared.

I saw that Chaihun was attacking crazily on the field. The people on the field couldn't see his figure clearly at all. They could only see the blurry shadow flashing around Zhao Jiaolong. If he didn't appear, he would attack Zhao Jiaolong again. .

And Zhao Jiaolong roared again and again, and attacked the surroundings with the same madness, but he couldn't even touch a hair of Soul Chaser.

But since you dare to enter the life and death boxing ring, you naturally have some ability. Just like the stupid big guy in the ring, his strength is not that good, but he is thick-skinned and has suffered so many attacks from chasing souls. The body was covered with scars, but no fatal injuries were caused.

However, it was only a matter of time before Zhao Jiaolong fell. Except for Ji Wufeng and others, this was everyone's guess in the entire boxing ring.

I don’t know how many times Chai Hun attacked. Zhao Jiaolong now looked like he was covered in injuries. In fact, Chai Hun was not having an easy time either. He kept circling around Zhao Jiaolong desperately, which was undoubtedly very exhausting.

At the same time, Zhuihun was also muttering in his heart

, this silly big guy is too thick-skinned, it is better to end the battle quickly, otherwise he will fall down from exhaustion before others are defeated.

Just when Zhuihun was preparing to use his special move, he saw that Zhao Jiaolong was going crazy. He kept moving his feet, roaring from his mouth, and scratching and scratching around aimlessly with his palms.

There was a roar of laughter in the audience. This was obviously because Zhao Jiaolong couldn't find an opponent and wanted to attack Chaihun by accident, but this obviously didn't work.

Chaihun sneered, it was time to fight the trapped beast, so let's end it.

Suddenly, the soul-chasing figure disappeared, then reappeared, and finally appeared strangely behind Zhao Jiaolong, stabbing the back of Zhao Jiaolong's head with the knife like a sharp sword, which is the weakest point on a person's body, even if Even if he couldn't kill Zhao Jiaolong, he could instantly lose his combat effectiveness. Zhao Jiaolong would definitely die by then.

But at this moment, an extremely surprising scene appeared. Zhao Jiaolong was attacking randomly. He couldn't find a big target at all. He might have hit the target by mistake. He slapped it horizontally with his palm, hitting the soul chaser impartially. On the head.

Zhuihun was immediately beaten and fell to the ground. What was even more coincidental was that the big mouth just hit Zhuihun's temple. After Zhuihun fell to the ground, he fell into a brief coma. His head shook for a long time and he still couldn't get up. .

And this gave Zhao Jiaolong an opportunity. He rushed over and twisted Zhuihun's neck. He sneered and said, "Damn it, did you enjoy beating me just now? Now it's finally my turn, right?" !”

After saying that, he punched Zhuihun's nose. Suddenly Zhuihun's face was full of peach blossoms, and his nosebleeds were spurting out. He finally regained his consciousness, but was knocked unconscious by Zhao Jiaolong's punch. He turned his head and his eyes were filled with stars.

Bang bang bang...

Zhao Jiaolong punched Zhuihun's nose several times in a row. Within a few blows, Zhuihun's nose was bloody and bloody. He fainted on the ground and could not get up.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned. Bai Hu jumped up from his seat and screamed: "How is this possible? It's absolutely impossible!"

Everyone could see that Zhao Jiaolong would definitely die in terms of his true strength, but it was as if he had seen a ghost. He was defeated by Zhao Jiaolong by mistake.

This was a coincidence, and even more so an accident. Except for Ji Wufeng and others, almost everyone present thought so.

Zhao Jiaolong staggered down the stage. Normally, the moment the winner stepped off the stage, there were cheers, but this time there were boos. The main reason was that everyone felt that Zhao Jiaolong was just lucky enough to win. But the most important thing is that Zhao Jiaolong made many people lose money. Only people with sick minds cheer for him?

Although Zhao Jiaolong won, he collapsed as soon as he returned to his seat, with blood dripping from his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered a very serious injury.

With a livid face, the white fox smiled forcefully at Ji Wufeng and said, "I wonder if little brother Longteng is interested in playing another game with me?"

He could see that Zhao Jiaolong's win was too lucky, and his loss was too unjust. Five million, with an odds of 1 to 5, means 25 million, which must be recovered.

Upon hearing Bai Hu's proposal to play again, Yuan Dongdong and others' expressions suddenly changed, as if they were very scared, making Bai Hu believe that they were all very afraid of playing.

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