Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1130 The magical Ji Tianlin

The little boy wiped his tears and pointed at Tianlin and the others and said, "They beat me. Dad, please avenge me quickly, wuwuwu..."

This little brat was not a good person. After being beaten, he immediately called his father to inform him. His father was also a gangster. Hearing that his precious son was beaten, he immediately came over with his little brother in a rage.

When the big bear heard this, he immediately became angry and ran over to Tianlin and said ferociously to the group of people: "You little bastard, did you beat my son?"

After all, he was just a child. When he saw so many ferocious adults coming, he was immediately frightened and did not dare to speak. However, Tianlin stood up and said with disdain: "I beat you so that I, Mr. Ji, can take action. That’s the blessing he gained from his previous life!” ??

Ji Wufeng fainted, Young Master Ji? Damn it, they called me Young Master Ji, but you took the title away. Are you thinking that I am dead?

When he saw an adult coming, Ji Wufeng wanted to go out and deal with it, but now he retracted his stretched out leg. This kid is so wrong. It would be nice to let him learn a lesson.

"Little bastard, I think you want to die!"

When the big bear was angry, he slapped Tianlin's face with a big mouth. It was obvious that this big bear was also a battle-experienced master. He had some skills in his hands and his strikes were very heavy. If this big mouth could be hit hard, Well, a child who was only a few years old had to be knocked unconscious.

Who would have thought that after the big bear's big mouth was slapped, it would take some time, and the Tianlin in front of him suddenly disappeared, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Ji Wufeng knew that Tianlin was very talented, so he taught him some movement skills. At this time, he was surprised to find that Tianlin's movement skills had reached the point of proficiency. The big bear wouldn't even think about beating him. Not even a hair can be touched.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but marvel at Tianlin's talent. He had made such progress in just a few days. You must know that he had not made such progress in the world of cultivation back then.

"Haha, big bear, if you want to beat your young master, you should wait until the next life!"

Tianlin didn't know what happened but suddenly appeared behind the big bear and kicked the big bear on the butt.

But after all, Tianlin was young and had too little strength. Apart from Qinggong, he had not practiced any real martial arts. This kick did not knock the big bear down, but pounced forward, looking very embarrassed.

The big bear was so furious that he turned around and punched Tianlin, but he still didn't hit Tianlin. The little cub slipped as hard as a loach and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then he stood behind the big bear again, with a look on his face. With a smirk, he kicked him again.

But this kick was no longer aimed at the butt, but aimed at the big bear's thigh!

Ji Wufeng covered his forehead. Where did the little boy learn these dirty tricks? I didn't teach him this.


This kick hit the red heart, and the big bear immediately became obedient, with veins popping out on his forehead. He bent over and covered his thighs and screamed "ouch" on the ground!

The thigh is one of the weakest parts of a man. Even if a kick doesn't cause too much damage, the pain is not easy to bear and can make a person temporarily lose his ability to fight.

Tianlin seized the opportunity and rushed forward to punch and kick the big bear. The attacks fell on the big bear like raindrops. The strength of his fists might not cause much damage, but

The water penetrated the stone, and he received almost a hundred punches in the blink of an eye. The big bear finally couldn't bear it anymore and screamed in agony.

Those big men who followed Big Bear were dumbfounded. This kid was only six or seven years old at most. Can't he just teach him a lesson with just one finger? But the result was that their boss, who was highly skilled in martial arts, was beaten until he fell to the ground like a dead dog.

"Brother Tianlin is so awesome!" Luoluo shouted excitedly while clapping his little hands.

Tianlin's younger brothers also reacted, waving flags and shouting: "Boss is awesome, Boss is mighty!"

"Damn it, if you dare to bully our boss, beat him to death!"

"Are the big guys great? Are they still beaten by the boss?"

Seeing his little brother standing aside in a daze, the big bear roared angrily: "You losers, get on here!"

Those big men didn't react until they were scolded, and immediately rushed forward, cursing: "You little bastard, go to hell!"

Six or seven big men rushed over. Tianlin immediately gave up his attack on the big bear and suddenly disappeared. The strong man rushing at the front suddenly covered his eyes and shouted in pain: "Ah, eyes, I s eyes!"

Tianlin raised two fingers in his hand, smiled slyly, took a step forward, and rushed to a big man like lightning, aimed at the man's eyes, and inserted two fingers into it.

Ji Wufeng was sweating coldly as he watched this in the car. This kid was not a human after all. Could he be an old monster with good looks?

However, these big men soon discovered that Tianlin would only attack vulnerable places such as the thighs and eyes. As for other places, Tianlin could not cause much damage at all.

They became smarter and guarded their thighs and eyes tightly. Sure enough, Tianlin couldn't attack these two places, and attacking other places was of no use at all.

However, these people couldn't catch Tianlin. The little kid was as slippery as a loach. He was clearly standing in front of him, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he disappeared.

Seeing that he couldn't hold Tianlin down, the big bear on the ground pointed at Ji Yanran. Luoluo and Tianlin's gang of boys shouted sternly: "Damn, are you pigs? Go and catch them!"

Those big men all reacted, right, not everyone is so powerful, right?

Suddenly three or four big men rushed over there, reaching out to catch Yanran and Luoluo. The two women hurriedly ran back. Tianlin's dozen younger brothers immediately shouted: "Protect my aunt and sister-in-law!"

More than a dozen boys blocked Yanran and Luoluo from behind. A big man grabbed a little boy, slapped him in the face, and cursed: "You little bastard, you want to die!"


This slap immediately made the little boy's face swell up, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Then with a fierce push, all the little boys in front of Yanran and Luoluo were immediately pushed to the ground.

"Damn girl, come on!" The two big men reached out and grabbed Yanran and Luoluo.

"Let them go!"

Tianlin, who had been running all the time, suddenly roared angrily, rushed over, as fast as lightning, and kicked the two big men on the thighs.

Ji Yanran and Luo Luo were both frightened, their eyes bulging.

I saw Tianlin standing there, staring at the two big men, and uttered a few words coldly: "You deserve to die!" The little boy wiped his tears and pointed at Tianlin and the others: "They beat me, old man. Dad, please avenge me quickly, wuwuwu..."

This little brat was not a good person. After being beaten, he immediately called his father to inform him. His father was also a gangster. Hearing that his precious son was beaten, he immediately came over with his little brother in a rage.

When the big bear heard this, he immediately became angry and ran over to Tianlin and said ferociously to the group of people: "You little bastard, did you beat my son?"

After all, he was just a child. When he saw so many ferocious adults coming, he was immediately frightened and did not dare to speak. However, Tianlin stood up and said with disdain: "I beat you so that I, Mr. Ji, can take action. That’s the blessing he gained from his previous life!”

Ji Wufeng fainted, Young Master Ji? Damn it, they called me Young Master Ji, but you took the title away. Are you thinking that I am dead?

When he saw an adult coming, Ji Wufeng wanted to go out and deal with it, but now he retracted his stretched out leg. This kid is so wrong. It would be nice to let him learn a lesson. .??.

"Little bastard, I think you want to die!"

When the big bear was angry, he slapped Tianlin's face with a big mouth. It was obvious that this big bear was also a battle-experienced master. He had some skills in his hands and his strikes were very heavy. If this big mouth could be hit hard, Well, a child who was only a few years old had to be knocked unconscious.

Who would have thought that after the big bear's big mouth was slapped, it would take some time, and the Tianlin in front of him suddenly disappeared, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Ji Wufeng knew that Tianlin was very talented, so he taught him some movement skills. At this time, he was surprised to find that Tianlin's movement skills had reached the point of proficiency. The big bear wouldn't even think about beating him. Not even a hair can be touched.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but marvel at Tianlin's talent. He had made such progress in just a few days. You must know that he had not made such progress in the world of cultivation back then.

"Haha, big bear, if you want to beat your young master, you should wait until the next life!"

Tianlin didn't know what happened but suddenly appeared behind the big bear and kicked the big bear on the butt.

But after all, Tianlin was young and had too little strength. Apart from Qinggong, he had not practiced any real martial arts. This kick did not knock the big bear down, but pounced forward, looking very embarrassed.

The big bear was so furious that he turned around and punched Tianlin, but he still didn't hit Tianlin. The little cub slipped as hard as a loach and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then he stood behind the big bear again, with a look on his face. With a smirk, he kicked him again.

But this kick was no longer aimed at the butt, but aimed at the big bear's thigh!

Ji Wufeng covered his forehead. Where did the little boy learn these dirty tricks? I didn't teach him this.


This kick hit the red heart, and the big bear immediately became obedient, with veins popping out on his forehead. He bent over and covered his thighs and screamed "ouch" on the ground!

The thigh is one of the weakest parts of a man. Even if a kick doesn't cause too much damage, the pain is not easy to bear and can make a person temporarily lose his ability to fight.

Tianlin seized the opportunity and rushed forward to punch and kick the big bear. The attacks fell on the big bear like raindrops. The strength of his fists might not cause much damage, but

The water penetrated the stone, and he received almost a hundred punches in the blink of an eye. The big bear finally couldn't bear it anymore and screamed in agony.

Those big men who followed Big Bear were dumbfounded. This kid was only six or seven years old at most. Can't he just teach him a lesson with just one finger? But the result was that their boss, who was highly skilled in martial arts, was beaten until he fell to the ground like a dead dog.

"Brother Tianlin is so awesome!" Luoluo shouted excitedly while clapping his little hands.

Tianlin's younger brothers also reacted, waving flags and shouting: "The boss is awesome, the boss is mighty!"

"Damn it, if you dare to bully our boss, beat him to death!"

"Are the big guys great? Are they still beaten by the boss?"

Seeing his little brother standing aside in a daze, the big bear roared angrily: "You losers, get on here!"

Those big men only reacted after being scolded, and immediately rushed forward, cursing: "You little bastard, go to hell!"

Six or seven big men rushed over. Tianlin immediately gave up his attack on the big bear and suddenly disappeared. The strong man rushing at the front suddenly covered his eyes and shouted in pain: "Ah, eyes, I s eyes!"

Tianlin raised two fingers in his hand, smiled slyly, took a step forward, and rushed to a big man like lightning, aimed at the man's eyes, and inserted two fingers into it.

Ji Wufeng was sweating coldly as he watched this in the car. This kid was not a human after all. Could he be an old monster with good looks?

However, these big men soon discovered that Tianlin would only attack vulnerable places such as the thighs and eyes. As for other places, Tianlin could not cause much damage at all.

They became smarter and guarded their thighs and eyes tightly. Sure enough, Tianlin couldn't attack these two places, and attacking other places was of no use at all.

However, these people couldn't catch Tianlin. The little kid was as slippery as a loach. He was clearly standing in front of him, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he disappeared.

Seeing that he couldn't hold Tianlin down, the big bear on the ground pointed at Ji Yanran. Luoluo and Tianlin's gang of boys shouted sternly: "Damn, are you pigs? Go and catch them!"

Those big men all reacted, right, not everyone is so powerful, right?

Suddenly three or four big men rushed over there, reaching out to catch Yanran and Luoluo. The two women hurriedly ran back. Tianlin's dozen younger brothers immediately shouted: "Protect my aunt and sister-in-law!"

More than a dozen boys blocked Yanran and Luoluo from behind. A big man grabbed a little boy, slapped him in the face, and cursed: "You little bastard, you want to die!"


This slap immediately made the little boy's face swell up, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Then with a fierce push, all the little boys in front of Yanran and Luoluo were immediately pushed to the ground.

"Damn girl, come on!" The two big men reached out and grabbed Yanran and Luoluo.

"Let them go!"

Tianlin, who had been running all the time, suddenly roared angrily, rushed over, as fast as lightning, and kicked the two big men on the thighs.

Ji Yanran and Luo Luo were both frightened, their eyes bulging.

Tianlin stood there, staring at the two big men, and uttered a few words coldly: "You deserve to die!"

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