Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1156 A sudden change in the Gu family


Someone screamed, not everyone was so tyrannical, someone was shot, Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "Carry him into the infirmary, and we will complete the fifty-kilometer cross-country journey tomorrow morning, within one hour!"

This training method is really shocking. He actually shoots directly. Not only can he not rest after being injured, he even has to train twice as hard.

Devilish training, hellish training, this seems to be no longer enough to describe it. This is death training, training on the verge of death!

This is exactly Ji Wufeng's purpose. He wants to build the Dragon Tooth Warriors into super warriors. In the future, they will face gangsters that are not ordinary. They may be warriors, or they may be undead warriors from the Wushen Group, who are the most terrifying people in the world. , the most ferocious enemy, they are facing death all the time.

Ji Wufeng wanted them to complete their training under the threat of death. Only by adapting to the threat of death, when the real threat of death came, they could quickly fight back and escape death.

But it was very strange. Many people were hit by bullets, but no one was hit in the vitals. After taking out the bullets and applying some special medicine from the Dragon Group, they were alive and kicking again the next day.

That's because Ji Wufeng didn't fire his gun randomly, because he couldn't really kill people, but deliberately avoided the vital points with every shot.

Ji Wufeng took over half of the country in just a few days in Shanghai, and even took Long Feng and Long Ya into his pocket. When the training results on Longya Island came out, all the big guys were full of praise.

For a while, Ji Wufeng could be said to be on the rise. Maybe ordinary people don't know his name, but among powerful people, he has shined like a comet, shining with stunning light.

But when Ji Wufeng is talked about, there is always one person whose name cannot be avoided, and that is Gu Tianyang!

Anyone who knows Ji Wufeng a little bit is aware of the grievances between the two of them, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows. Does Ji Wufeng's rise mean that Gu Tianyang's light will be obscured?

Almost all the important members of the Gu family were present. A burly old man with gray hair sat at the head of the table. He was the Gu family’s Dinghai Shenzhen, Gu Tianyang’s grandfather—Gu Mingtang!

The people sitting on both sides are all elderly, the youngest is probably forty years old, and only Gu Tianyang is a young man.

Because among the younger generation of the Gu family, he is the only one, Gu Tianyang, who is qualified to participate in such a meeting.

Gu Mingfeng, the fourth son of the Gu family, said with a gloomy face: "This is the first time that someone has been safe and sound after going against the Gu family, and he is still jumping so hard now. It is really a shame to the Gu family."

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, that little beast Ji Wufeng didn't just take away Yuzhou, he actually occupied half of Shanghai and Haihai. The Dragon Group also took a piece of the pie. We must not let him get bigger."

"Indeed, with his grudge against Tianyang, once he becomes big, he will sooner or later become a serious problem for the Gu family."

Ji Wufeng has expressed his rejection of the Gu family in public more than once. With the Gu family's domineering way of doing things, at this time, the grass on the grave of such a person is estimated to be more than a foot high.

In the beginning, not many people in the Gu family took him seriously, but it was different now. Ji Wufeng was sitting in Yuzhou, occupying half of Shanghai, and controlling Long Ya, which already posed a threat to the Gu family.


The most intolerable thing is Longya. The Gu family has always regarded the Dragon Group as its biggest capital. Before this, the Gu family spent countless resources to let Gu Tianyang occupy a position in the Dragon Group.

Originally, as long as Gu Tianyang could completely capture the Dragon Group, the Gu family could sit back and relax, but unexpectedly, a Dragon's Tooth suddenly appeared and was not controlled by the Dragon Group.

At this moment, the old guys from the Gu family couldn't sit still and called this meeting.

Gu Mingfeng looked at Gu Mingtang and said, "Brother, that beast Ji Wufeng is so wanton, I can't let him continue to behave like this."

Gu Mingtang looked at Gu Tianyang and asked, "Tianyang, tell me your opinion."

Hearing Gu Mingtang asking Gu Tianyang again, everyone looked dissatisfied. There were so many descendants of the Gu family, and only Gu Tianyang was qualified to sit here. Naturally, they felt a little unbalanced.

In the eyes of others, Gu Tianyang is the most outstanding among the Gu family, but these people sitting here don't think so. No matter how outstanding he is, can he be better than his own son and grandson?

The reason why Gu Tianyang is qualified to sit here is just because he is the grandson of Gu Mingtang.

If he were the helmsman of the Gu family, his children and grandchildren would also be able to sit here, and they would be even more outstanding than Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "You all say that Ji Wufeng is too presumptuous, but I think some people who make decisions are just too incompetent!"

Suddenly, Gu Tianyang's words were like a ladle of cold water poured into a boiling pot of oil. They exploded in an instant. Everyone immediately yelled, "How dare you speak like that?"

"Tianyang, what do you mean?"

"Bastard, is this what you can say?"

Seeing the indignant faces of these elders, Gu Tianyang said with a faint smile: "Did I say something wrong? In Shanghai, it was clearly you who united with the Mu family and Qianye Liu to let Qianye Ming deal with him. Now Ji Wufeng is safe and sound, and There is also a big gain, what is it but incompetence?”

In the past, Gu Tianyang naturally would not have dared to be so presumptuous in front of so many heads, but it was different today because he knew very well that today's family meeting was not aimed at Ji Wufeng, but at him.

In this case, does he still need to be so polite?

Gu Mingfeng sneered: "What do you mean by this, Ji Wufeng can only ask you to deal with him?"

The tone was full of sarcasm. Who in the entire Gu family doesn't know that Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang are mortal enemies? But after several confrontations, Ji Wufeng was victorious!

Gu Tianyang smiled slightly and said: "Fourth Grandpa thinks too highly of me. Let me see it this way. If you think anyone has the ability to deal with Ji Wufeng, he is qualified to sit in my position. I, Gu Tianyang, will never step in again." One step here!”

Hearing this, everyone present raised their eyebrows. Being able to sit here not only proves his ability, but also affirms his status. Everyone knows that Gu Tianyang will be the future successor of the Gu family.

And now Gu Tianyang actually said that he was quitting, and not only quitting this conference room, but quitting the entire Gu family!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Gu Mingfeng said with gleaming eyes.

After the Gu family left Gu Mingtang, Gu Mingfeng was the most powerful. If Gu Tianyang gave up on his own initiative, the Gu family would naturally fall into his hands. "ah……"

Someone screamed, not everyone was so tyrannical, someone was shot, Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said: "Carry him into the infirmary, and we will complete the fifty-kilometer cross-country journey tomorrow morning, within one hour!"

This training method is really shocking. He actually shoots directly. Not only can he not rest after being injured, he even has to train twice as hard.

Devilish training, hellish training, this seems to be no longer enough to describe it. This is death training, training on the verge of death!

This is exactly Ji Wufeng's purpose. He wants to build the Dragon Tooth Warriors into super warriors. In the future, they will face gangsters that are not ordinary. They may be warriors, or they may be undead warriors from the Wushen Group, who are the most terrifying people in the world. , the most ferocious enemy, they are facing death all the time.

Ji Wufeng wanted them to complete their training under the threat of death. Only by adapting to the threat of death, when the real threat of death came, they could quickly fight back and escape death.

But it was very strange. Many people were hit by bullets, but no one was hit in the vitals. After taking out the bullets and applying some special medicine from the Dragon Group, they were alive and kicking again the next day.

That's because Ji Wufeng didn't fire his gun randomly, because he couldn't really kill people, but deliberately avoided the vital points with every shot.

Ji Wufeng took over half of the country in just a few days in Shanghai, and even took Long Feng and Long Ya into his pocket. When the training results on Longya Island came out, all the big guys were full of praise.

For a while, Ji Wufeng could be said to be on the rise. Maybe ordinary people don't know his name, but among powerful people, he has shined like a comet, shining with stunning light.

But when Ji Wufeng is talked about, there is always one person whose name cannot be avoided, and that is Gu Tianyang!

Anyone who knows Ji Wufeng a little bit is aware of the grievances between the two of them, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows. Does Ji Wufeng's rise mean that Gu Tianyang's light will be obscured?

Almost all the important members of the Gu family were present. A burly old man with gray hair sat at the head of the table. He was the Gu family’s Dinghai Shenzhen, Gu Tianyang’s grandfather—Gu Mingtang!

The people sitting on both sides are all elderly, the youngest is probably forty years old, and only Gu Tianyang is a young man.

Because among the younger generation of the Gu family, he is the only one, Gu Tianyang, who is qualified to participate in such a meeting.

Gu Mingfeng, the fourth son of the Gu family, said with a gloomy face: "This is the first time that someone has been safe and sound after going against the Gu family, and he is still jumping so hard now. It is really a shame to the Gu family."

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately echoed: "Yes, that little beast Ji Wufeng didn't just take away Yuzhou, he actually occupied half of Shanghai and Haihai. The Dragon Group also took a piece of the pie. We must not let him get bigger."

"Indeed, with his grudge against Tianyang, once he becomes big, he will sooner or later become a serious problem for the Gu family."

Ji Wufeng has expressed his rejection of the Gu family in public more than once. With the Gu family's domineering way of doing things, at this time, the grass on the grave of such a person is estimated to be more than a foot high.

In the beginning, not many people in the Gu family took him seriously, but it was different now. Ji Wufeng was sitting in Yuzhou, occupying half of Shanghai, and controlling Long Ya, which already posed a threat to the Gu family.


The most intolerable thing is Longya. The Gu family has always regarded the Dragon Group as its biggest capital. Before this, the Gu family spent countless resources to let Gu Tianyang occupy a position in the Dragon Group.

Originally, as long as Gu Tianyang could completely capture the Dragon Group, the Gu family could sit back and relax, but unexpectedly, a Dragon's Tooth suddenly appeared and was not controlled by the Dragon Group.

At this moment, the old guys from the Gu family couldn't sit still and called this meeting.

Gu Mingfeng looked at Gu Mingtang and said, "Brother, that beast Ji Wufeng is so wanton, I can't let him continue to behave like this."

Gu Mingtang looked at Gu Tianyang and asked, "Tianyang, tell me your opinion."

Hearing Gu Mingtang asking Gu Tianyang again, everyone looked dissatisfied. There were so many descendants of the Gu family, and only Gu Tianyang was qualified to sit here. Naturally, they felt a little unbalanced.

In the eyes of others, Gu Tianyang is the most outstanding among the Gu family, but these people sitting here don't think so. No matter how outstanding he is, can he be better than his own son and grandson?

The reason why Gu Tianyang is qualified to sit here is just because he is the grandson of Gu Mingtang.

If he were the helmsman of the Gu family, his children and grandchildren would also be able to sit here, and they would be even more outstanding than Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang said calmly: "You all say that Ji Wufeng is too presumptuous, but I think some people who make decisions are just too incompetent!"

Suddenly, Gu Tianyang's words were like a ladle of cold water poured into a boiling pot of oil. They exploded in an instant. Everyone immediately yelled, "How dare you speak like that?"

"Tianyang, what do you mean?"

"Bastard, is this what you can say?"

Seeing the indignant faces of these elders, Gu Tianyang smiled lightly and said, "Did I say something wrong? In Shanghai, it was clearly you who united with the Mu family and Qianye Liu to let Qianye Ming deal with him. Now Ji Wufeng is safe and sound, and There is also a big gain, what is it but incompetence?”

In the past, Gu Tianyang naturally would not have dared to be so presumptuous in front of so many heads, but it was different today because he knew very well that today's family meeting was not aimed at Ji Wufeng, but at him.

In this case, does he still need to be so polite?

Gu Mingfeng sneered: "What do you mean by this, Ji Wufeng can only ask you to deal with him?"

The tone was full of sarcasm. Who in the entire Gu family doesn't know that Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang are mortal enemies? But after several confrontations, Ji Wufeng was victorious!

Gu Tianyang smiled slightly and said: "Fourth Grandpa thinks too highly of me. Let me see it this way. If you think anyone has the ability to deal with Ji Wufeng, he is qualified to sit in my position. I, Gu Tianyang, will never step in again." One step here!”

Hearing this, everyone present raised their eyebrows. Being able to sit here not only proves his ability, but also affirms his status. Everyone knows that Gu Tianyang will be the future successor of the Gu family.

And now Gu Tianyang actually said that he was quitting, and not only quitting this conference room, but quitting the entire Gu family!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Gu Mingfeng said with gleaming eyes.

After the Gu family left Gu Mingtang, Gu Mingfeng was the most powerful. If Gu Tianyang gave up on his own initiative, the Gu family would naturally fall into his hands.

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