This was the peak business period, and many people were standing directly on the street soliciting customers. When they saw the two coming, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Judging from the way they dress, you can tell that they are either rich or noble. Also, these two guys are still so young and handsome.

In an instant, the two were surrounded by a group of people.

Xue Qingming looked bored and took out a handful of bills and threw them in the air.

"Money is falling from the sky, pick it up quickly!"

The women immediately knelt down to pick up the money, and Xue Qingming and Ji Wufeng left quickly.

After leaving the red light district, we finally reached the end of the street. The last door was also lit with lights, and it was also a glass door. However, the sign on the glass door was not a foot massage, but a fortune telling.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely think that this person's brain must be too crowded to treat people in a place like this?

I only heard a woman inside saying: "Master, help me read my palm."

"Master, you are so handsome. I think you should stop telling fortunes and do it with me. We can combine our swords and make sure you make a lot of money!"

"Master, don't listen to her nonsense. Just make a price and I'll book it for you!"

Ji Wufeng pushed open the glass door, and a group of women were sitting around. They were all dressed in sexy and revealing clothes. They should all be in the sex business.

There is a man sitting among the women, but his age is difficult to estimate, because the man is indeed so handsome, with delicate cheeks as sharp as a knife, and an air of vicissitudes of life between his brows.

No wonder these women didn't even do business, but came to make fun of him.

In response to the provocation of these women, the man's expression did not change at all. He looked at his palms meticulously and said indifferently: "Your fortune is not bad, but it's a pity that you are too persistent. You can't be too stubborn in everything." Maybe giving up is the way out."

What era is it now? This kind of superstitious statement is a liar as soon as you open your mouth, but when it comes from this man's mouth, it actually smells like an immortal.

Everyone was a little confused, but the face of the woman whose palm was read changed drastically. The frivolity on her face disappeared instantly. She stood up and saluted respectfully: "Master, I understand what to do, thank you."

"Chenghui, fifty yuan!" the man stretched out his hand.

"It's my turn, it's my turn." A woman sat over excitedly.

"Are you asking about future or marriage?" the man asked still indifferently.

"Master, they say you are very good at touching bones. Please touch them for me." The woman took off her coat and leaned over.

The man stretched out his hand, brushed across the woman's chest, and touched her face directly. After kneading it for a while, he said calmly: "What you are fighting for now may not be what you really want. No matter how much you get now, it is just nothing." False.”

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

The woman's face was full of doubts, but when she saw the man's eyes, her whole body trembled suddenly, and she immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Master, thank you for understanding."

The woman took out a few hundred-dollar bills, and the man took out one, found another fifty dollars, and then returned all the money.

After that, the man raised his head and glanced at Ji Wufeng, nodded and said: "That's it for today. You can go back. Please be early tomorrow."

Although they were reluctant to leave, no one had any objections. Instead, they glared angrily at Ji Wufeng and left.

Ji Wufeng took the initiative

He closed the door and said, "Should I call you Uncle Fourth?"

The man nodded, took out a cigarette and threw one to the two of them. Xue Qingming took the cigarette and found that it was a pack of low-quality cigarettes worth 2 yuan and 51, but Xue Qingming did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

After lighting the cigarette, the man's eyes suddenly became sharp, like two steel knives, piercing directly into people's hearts.

Xue Qingming's hand that was about to light a cigarette trembled violently. He finally discovered that a man like this man could not hide his sharpness no matter where he was. Just a look in his eyes made Xue Qingming feel a little overwhelmed!

I felt like I was stripped naked from top to bottom. Even though I was wearing clothes, it felt like I was standing there with my butt naked, and my whole body felt chilly.

The man's eyes are like a sharp blade, and his body is just paper, it will break with a poke!

Ji Wufeng also had a focused gaze. Although he did not feel that kind of intimidation, this kind of look was difficult to encounter even in the world of cultivation, and it was enough to shock people's minds.

It's strange, this man doesn't know any martial arts at all, let alone facing a master like Ji Wufeng, even a local ruffian with a wine bottle can easily open his head!

But no one dares to look down upon him, because he is Master Chu Tianshu!

Twenty years ago, there were four people in China who were famous all over the world!

These people are Ji Hongtu, the second young master of the Ji family, Gu Yunfei, the eldest young master of the Gu family, Yun Feiyang of Tiangong, the holy land of martial arts, and Chu Tianshu!

The first three are unparalleled in strength and background. Everyone knows that Chu Tianshu is the only one who has a mysterious origin and has no power to tie a chicken!

Chu Tianshu is not the person with the most famous reputation among the four, but he is definitely the person among the four that people dare not mess with easily!

The book of heaven knows the secret of heaven, and it tells the secret of heaven in one word!

This sentence describes Chu Tianshu. He has no strength and no background, but it is said that he can read the heavenly books and know the secrets of heaven!

Whenever there is a danger, he can be lucky enough to turn it into a good one. Then the people who offend him will suffer, and they will be inexplicably brought about misfortunes, ranging from bloody disasters to the destruction of their families!

On the surface, all this seems to have nothing to do with Chu Tianshu, because no one has found the slightest trace of his involvement.

But the scary thing is that every time before something happens, Chu Tianshu can foresee it in advance, and he will also tell you in advance: Be careful of the bloody disaster!

Sure enough, the next day someone fell downstairs and suffered a bloody head.

Someone once killed a very important person in Chu Tianshu. He predicted that the person would not be able to see the sun the next day. That night, the enemy came to the door. Except for the children going to school, no one in the family survived.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chu Tianshu.

But that's what makes it so creepy. In the eyes of everyone, Chu Tianshu can simply predict the future and even control the future fate of others.

He said that whoever wants to die will not be able to escape, just like a seducer, who can determine life or death with just one word.

Who would be willing to mess with such a terrible person?

If you scold someone and they say, "Go home and eat shit," your toilet may burst and spray all over your mouth.

Drinking with unknown people is always the most frightening thing. Chu Tianshu is too mysterious and weird. Being targeted by him is like being targeted by a ghost.

Regardless of whether the rumors about Chu Tian Shu Zhi Tianji were true or false, Ji Wufeng felt that this person was very scary. This was the peak business period, and many people were standing directly on the street soliciting customers. When they saw the two coming, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Judging from the way they dress, you can tell that they are either rich or noble. Also, these two guys are still so young and handsome.

In an instant, the two were surrounded by a group of people.

Xue Qingming looked bored and took out a handful of bills and threw them in the air.

"Money is falling from the sky, pick it up quickly!"

The women immediately knelt down to pick up the money, and Xue Qingming and Ji Wufeng left quickly.

After leaving the red light district, we finally reached the end of the street. The last door was also lit with lights, and it was also a glass door. However, the sign on the glass door was not a foot massage, but a fortune telling.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely think that this person's brain must be too crowded to treat people in a place like this?

I only heard a woman inside saying: "Master, help me read my palm."

"Master, you are so handsome. I think you should stop telling fortunes and do it with me. We can combine our swords and make sure you make a lot of money!"

"Master, don't listen to her nonsense. Just make a price and I'll book it for you!"

Ji Wufeng pushed open the glass door, and a group of women were sitting around. They were all dressed in sexy and revealing clothes. They should all be in the sex business.

There is a man sitting among the women, but his age is difficult to estimate, because the man is indeed so handsome, with delicate cheeks as sharp as a knife, and an air of vicissitudes of life between his brows.

No wonder these women didn't even do business, but came to make fun of him.

In response to the provocation of these women, the man's expression did not change at all. He looked at his palms meticulously and said indifferently: "Your fortune is not bad, but it's a pity that you are too persistent. You can't be too stubborn in everything." Maybe giving up is the way out."

What era is it now? This kind of superstitious statement is a liar as soon as you open your mouth, but when it comes from this man's mouth, it actually smells like an immortal.

Everyone was a little confused, but the face of the woman whose palm was read changed drastically. The frivolity on her face disappeared instantly. She stood up and saluted respectfully: "Master, I understand what to do, thank you."

"Chenghui, fifty yuan!" The man stretched out his hand.

"It's my turn, it's my turn." A woman sat over excitedly.

"Are you asking about future or marriage?" the man asked still indifferently.

"Master, they say you are very good at touching bones. Please touch them for me." The woman took off her coat and leaned over.

The man stretched out his hand, brushed across the woman's chest, and touched her face directly. After kneading it for a while, he said calmly: "What you are fighting for now may not be what you really want. No matter how much you get now, it is just nothing." False.”

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

The woman's face was full of doubts, but when she saw the man's eyes, her whole body trembled suddenly, and she immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Master, thank you for understanding."

The woman took out a few hundred-dollar bills, and the man took out one, found another fifty dollars, and then returned all the money.

After that, the man raised his head and glanced at Ji Wufeng, nodded and said: "That's it for today. You can go back. Please be early tomorrow."

Although they were reluctant to leave, no one had any objections. Instead, they glared angrily at Ji Wufeng and left.

Ji Wufeng took the initiative

He closed the door and said, "Should I call you Uncle Fourth?"

The man nodded, took out a cigarette and threw one to the two of them. Xue Qingming took the cigarette and found that it was a pack of low-quality cigarettes worth 2 yuan and 51, but Xue Qingming did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

After lighting the cigarette, the man's eyes suddenly became sharp, like two steel knives, piercing directly into people's hearts.

Xue Qingming's hand that was about to light a cigarette trembled violently. He finally discovered that a man like this man could not hide his sharpness no matter where he was. Just a look in his eyes made Xue Qingming feel a little overwhelmed!

I felt like I was stripped naked from top to bottom. Even though I was wearing clothes, it felt like I was standing there with my butt naked, and my whole body felt chilly.

The man's eyes are like a sharp blade, and his body is just paper, it will break with a poke!

Ji Wufeng also had a focused gaze. Although he did not feel that kind of intimidation, this kind of look was difficult to encounter even in the world of cultivation, and it was enough to shock people's minds.

It's strange, this man doesn't know any martial arts at all, let alone facing a master like Ji Wufeng, even a local ruffian with a wine bottle can easily open his head!

But no one dares to look down upon him, because he is Master Chu Tianshu!

Twenty years ago, there were four people in China who were famous all over the world!

These people are Ji Hongtu, the second young master of the Ji family, Gu Yunfei, the eldest young master of the Gu family, Yun Feiyang of Tiangong, the holy land of martial arts, and Chu Tianshu!

The first three are unparalleled in strength and background. Everyone knows that Chu Tianshu is the only one who has a mysterious origin and has no power to tie a chicken!

Chu Tianshu is not the person with the most famous reputation among the four, but he is definitely the person among the four that people dare not mess with easily!

The book of heaven knows the secret of heaven, and it tells the secret of heaven in one word!

This sentence describes Chu Tianshu. He has no strength and no background, but it is said that he can read the heavenly books and know the secrets of heaven!

Whenever there is a danger, he can be lucky enough to turn it into a good one. Then the people who offend him will suffer, and they will be inexplicably brought about misfortunes, ranging from bloody disasters to the destruction of their families!

On the surface, all this seems to have nothing to do with Chu Tianshu, because no one has found the slightest trace of his involvement.

But the scary thing is that every time before something happens, Chu Tianshu can foresee it in advance, and he will also tell you in advance: Be careful of the bloody disaster!

Sure enough, the next day someone fell downstairs and suffered a bloody head.

Someone once killed a very important person in Chu Tianshu. He predicted that the person would not be able to see the sun the next day. That night, the enemy came to the door. Except for the children going to school, no one in the family survived.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chu Tianshu.

But that's what makes it so creepy. In the eyes of everyone, Chu Tianshu can simply predict the future and even control the future fate of others.

He said that whoever wants to die will not be able to escape, just like a seducer, who can determine life or death with just one word.

Who would be willing to mess with such a terrible person?

If you scold someone and they say, "Go home and eat shit," your toilet may burst and spray all over your mouth.

Drinking with unknown people is always the most frightening thing. Chu Tianshu is too mysterious and weird. Being targeted by him is like being targeted by a ghost.

Regardless of whether the rumors about Chu Tianshu Zhi Tianji were true or false, Ji Wufeng felt that this person was very scary.

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