Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1193. Entered the wrong house?

"What did you say?" Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused.

"According to my investigation, Gu Mingyue is very important to Gu Tianyang. If I can hold Gu Mingyue in my hands..."


Ji Wufeng suddenly shouted coldly, which startled Ji Qingzi.

Seeing Ji Qingzi's horrified eyes, Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "You want to say that if we capture Gu Mingyue, we have a bargaining chip to restrict Gu Tianyang?"

Ji Qingzi lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, although it's a bit despicable to do this, but if I can defeat Gu Tianyang, I don't think there is anything to be ashamed of."

Ji Wufeng sighed and said, "It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize to me, but Gu Mingyue must not move."

"why not?" ??

Since Ji Wufeng agreed with him, why should he veto it.

"Maybe you didn't check clearly enough, but Gu Mingyue is not actually named Gu!"

Regarding Gu Mingyue, Ji Wufeng told himself more than once that they were just two similar people, but he couldn't help but pay attention.

He learned that although Gu Mingyue was from the Gu family, except for Gu Tianyang, no one in the entire Gu family, including her parents, regarded her as a member of the Gu family.

If it weren't for Gu Tianyang's protection, I'm afraid Gu Mingyue wouldn't be able to survive in the Gu family.

He sent out Tianmen to investigate the reason and learned that Gu Mingyue was not actually a member of the Gu family. Instead, a mysterious person sent Gu Mingyue to the Gu family to be raised as a young child.

It's just that this matter was extremely secretive back then, and very few people even knew about it in the Gu family.

Ji Wufeng ordered Tianmen to continue investigating Gu Mingyue's life experience, but unfortunately, he found nothing and could not find any clues.

"Qingzi, I can only say that she is a very important person to me." Ji Wufeng said.

Although Ji Qingzi didn't know what the relationship between Gu Mingyue and Ji Wufeng was, but for Ji Wufeng to say such words, he knew that Gu Mingyue must have an extremely important position in Ji Wufeng's heart.

Yes, Ji Wufeng was not sure that Gu Mingyue was Mingyue, but even if it was a similar person, Ji Wufeng would never allow anyone to hurt her.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Mingyue is the only guilt in his heart. This guilt, whether it is a thousand years or ten thousand years, he will remember it in his heart.

"Mingyue, what I owed you back then, I will pay you back now, even though she may be just your shadow..."

An aura of loneliness and loneliness emanated from Ji Wufeng's body, making Ji Qingzi feel that he was just a lone figure in the sea, covered in wounds. Feeling this breath of sadness, Ji Qingzi chose silence, stepped forward and hugged him gently from behind.

In Ji Qingzi's eyes, Ji Wufeng has always been an omnipotent image, but at this time, this majestic man seemed so lonely and helpless.

Ji Wufeng raised his head and asked, "Where is she now?"

Ji Qingzi said: "After she left the Gu family, I sent people to follow her. She was bullied by a group of ruffians. When my people were about to take action, they were overtaken."

Ji Wufeng asked eagerly: "Have you found out who it is?"

He didn't expect that Gu Mingyue would be kicked out by the Gu family. If she was really bullied by those gangsters, he probably would never forgive himself in this life.

Although he has been rescued now,

But there is no guarantee whether someone has ulterior motives.

"Don't worry, it was a woman who saved her." Ji Qingzi knew what he was worried about.

"Is it a woman?"

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly and said, "Do you know who she is?"

No matter who that woman is, she must find Gu Mingyue as soon as possible. Now that Gu Tianyang is gone, there are too many people who want to deal with Gu Tianyang. It is not difficult to imagine that someone will come up with their idea. Hit Gu Mingyue.

Ji Qingzi thought for a while and said: "She is a very young woman, covered with a veil, her appearance cannot be seen clearly, she is very skilled, she is a martial artist, and she is pregnant."

"A pregnant woman?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a while, if it was a pregnant woman, she was definitely not here to deal with Gu Mingyue. Who would come out with a big belly to cause trouble?

Regardless, this is a very useful clue that can be pursued immediately.

"It's time for you to go." Ji Qingzi said.

Ji Wufeng knew that he really should go. Gu Tianhao must have got the news now and would be here soon. If Gu Tianhao came at this time, Ji Qingzi's plan would be ruined.

Ji Wufeng stood up, paused, and said, "If Gu Tianhao dares to hurt you, kill him!"

Ji Wufeng left with his front foot, and Gu Tianhao arrived with his back foot. When he saw that Ji Qingzi was safe and sound, the gloom on his face dissipated. He grabbed Ji Qingzi's hand and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

A woman is no different to the people of the Gu family, but if his woman is played by another man, it is a cuckold, which is a big joke, and Gu Tianhao will become the laughing stock of the entire Huajing City. .

Gu Mingyue slept soundly. This was the only time she really fell asleep after Gu Tianyang left.

Bang bang!

There was a knock on the door. Zhuang Zhiling stood up quickly and put on her veil. After opening the door, she saw a young man in black standing outside the door. He asked politely: "Is our lady here?"

"Gu Qiang, why are you here?" Gu Mingyue was very surprised when she saw the young man in black.

Gu Qiang smiled and said: "Miss, the old man asked me to take you back. You didn't come back all night, and the old man was very worried."

"What did you say? Grandpa, is he worried about me? Want me to go back?" Gu Mingyue looked unbelieving.

Although the Gu family broke Gu Mingyue's heart, Gu Mingyue still decided to go back because it was her home after all, and her grandfather was still worried about her, and the family affection made it impossible for her to refuse.

Gu Mingyue followed Gu Qiang back to Gu's home, but asked Zhuang Zhiling to go back with him. Gu Qiang did not refuse because the old man's order was to bring Gu Mingyue back at all costs.

When I arrived at Gu's house, I saw Gu Mingyue. Those who usually spoke harshly and sarcastically towards him seemed to have changed. They stepped forward one by one and said kindly: "Oh, is Mingyue back? You don't even know. , you didn’t come back last night, we were all worried to death.”

"Yes, I even sent people out to look for it, but they couldn't find it."

"Oh, you child is disobedient. How could you stay home all night? We were so worried that we couldn't sleep all night."

Seeing that this group of people who usually hated her came up to her and asked her for warmth and care, Gu Mingyue was confused. What was going on? Did she enter the wrong house? "What did you say?" Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused.

"According to my investigation, Gu Mingyue is very important to Gu Tianyang. If I can hold Gu Mingyue in my hands..."


Ji Wufeng suddenly shouted coldly, which startled Ji Qingzi.

Seeing Ji Qingzi's horrified eyes, Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "You want to say that if we capture Gu Mingyue, we have a bargaining chip to restrict Gu Tianyang?" .??.

Ji Qingzi lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, although it's a bit despicable to do this, but if I can defeat Gu Tianyang, I don't think there is anything to be ashamed of."

Ji Wufeng sighed and said, "It's not your fault. You don't need to apologize to me, but Gu Mingyue must not move."

"why not?"

Since Ji Wufeng agreed with him, why should he veto it?

"Maybe you didn't check clearly enough, but Gu Mingyue is not actually named Gu!"

Regarding Gu Mingyue, Ji Wufeng told himself more than once that they were just two similar people, but he couldn't help but pay attention.

He learned that although Gu Mingyue was from the Gu family, except for Gu Tianyang, no one in the entire Gu family, including her parents, regarded her as a member of the Gu family.

If it weren't for Gu Tianyang's protection, I'm afraid Gu Mingyue wouldn't be able to survive in the Gu family.

He sent out Tianmen to investigate the reason and learned that Gu Mingyue was not actually a member of the Gu family. Instead, a mysterious person sent Gu Mingyue to the Gu family to be raised as a young child.

It's just that this matter was extremely secretive back then, and very few people even knew about it in the Gu family.

Ji Wufeng ordered Tianmen to continue investigating Gu Mingyue's life experience, but unfortunately, he found nothing and could not find any clues.

"Qingzi, I can only say that she is a very important person to me." Ji Wufeng said.

Although Ji Qingzi didn't know what the relationship between Gu Mingyue and Ji Wufeng was, but for Ji Wufeng to say such words, he knew that Gu Mingyue must have an extremely important position in Ji Wufeng's heart.

Yes, Ji Wufeng was not sure that Gu Mingyue was Mingyue, but even if it was a similar person, Ji Wufeng would never allow anyone to hurt her.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Mingyue is the only guilt in his heart. This guilt, whether it is a thousand years or ten thousand years, he will remember it in his heart.

"Mingyue, what I owed you back then, I will pay you back now, even though she may be just your shadow..."

An aura of loneliness and loneliness emanated from Ji Wufeng's body, making Ji Qingzi feel that he was just a lone figure in the sea, covered in wounds. Feeling this breath of sadness, Ji Qingzi chose silence, stepped forward and hugged him gently from behind.

In Ji Qingzi's eyes, Ji Wufeng had always been an omnipotent image, but at this time, this majestic man seemed so lonely and helpless.

Ji Wufeng raised his head and asked, "Where is she now?"

Ji Qingzi said: "After she left the Gu family, I sent people to follow her. She was bullied by a group of ruffians. When my people were about to take action, they were overtaken."

Ji Wufeng asked eagerly: "Have you found out who it is?"

He didn't expect that Gu Mingyue would be kicked out by the Gu family. If she was really bullied by those gangsters, he probably would never forgive himself in this life.

Although he has been rescued now,

But there is no guarantee whether someone has ulterior motives.

"Don't worry, it was a woman who saved her." Ji Qingzi knew what he was worried about.

"Is it a woman?"

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly and said, "Do you know who she is?"

No matter who that woman is, she must find Gu Mingyue as soon as possible. Now that Gu Tianyang is gone, there are too many people who want to deal with Gu Tianyang. It is not difficult to imagine that someone will come up with their idea. Hit Gu Mingyue.

Ji Qingzi thought for a while and said: "She is a very young woman. She is covered with a veil. Her appearance cannot be seen clearly. She is very skilled and is a martial artist. Moreover, she is pregnant."

"A pregnant woman?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a while, if it was a pregnant woman, she was definitely not here to deal with Gu Mingyue. Who would come out with a big belly to cause trouble?

Regardless, this is a very useful clue that can be pursued immediately.

"It's time for you to go." Ji Qingzi said.

Ji Wufeng knew that he really should go. Gu Tianhao must have got the news now and would be here soon. If Gu Tianhao came at this time, Ji Qingzi's plan would be ruined.

Ji Wufeng stood up, paused, and said, "If Gu Tianhao dares to hurt you, kill him!"

Ji Wufeng left with his front foot, and Gu Tianhao arrived with his back foot. When he saw that Ji Qingzi was safe and sound, the gloom on his face dissipated. He grabbed Ji Qingzi's hand and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

A woman is no different to the people of the Gu family, but if his woman is played by another man, it is a cuckold, which is a big joke, and Gu Tianhao will become the laughing stock of the entire Huajing City. .

Gu Mingyue slept soundly. This was the only time she really fell asleep after Gu Tianyang left.

Bang bang!

There was a knock on the door. Zhuang Zhiling stood up quickly and put on her veil. After opening the door, she saw a young man in black standing outside the door. He asked politely: "Is our lady here?"

"Gu Qiang, why are you here?" Gu Mingyue was very surprised when she saw the young man in black.

Gu Qiang smiled and said: "Miss, the old man asked me to take you back. You didn't come back all night, and the old man was very worried."

"What did you say? Grandpa, is he worried about me? Want me to go back?" Gu Mingyue looked unbelieving.

Although the Gu family broke Gu Mingyue's heart, Gu Mingyue still decided to go back because it was her home after all, and her grandfather was still worried about her, and the family affection made it impossible for her to refuse.

Gu Mingyue followed Gu Qiang back to Gu's home, but asked Zhuang Zhiling to go back with him. Gu Qiang did not refuse because the old man's order was to bring Gu Mingyue back at all costs.

When I arrived at Gu's house, I saw Gu Mingyue. Those who usually spoke harshly and sarcastically towards him seemed to have changed. They stepped forward one by one and said kindly: "Oh, is Mingyue back? You don't even know. , you didn’t come back last night, we were all worried to death.”

"Yes, I even sent people out to look for it, but they couldn't find it."

"Oh, you child is disobedient. How could you stay home all night? We were so worried that we couldn't sleep all night."

Seeing that this group of people who usually hated her came up to her and asked her for warmth and care, Gu Mingyue was confused. What was going on? Did she enter the wrong house?

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