Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1197 A good bird chooses a tree to roost in

Ji Wufeng turned around and looked at several cars parked in the parking lot, and smiled coldly in his heart. It seemed that he was not the only one who was anxious.

Three burly young men stood at the door. They were Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng, and Lu Tiangang. Their eyes were sharp and their bodies were as straight as javelins!

Lei Ming almost fainted. Damn, these three guys were here. It seemed that Ji Wufeng, the bastard, was going to make a big fuss today, otherwise he wouldn't have put up such a big showdown.

"Hey, Xiao Naruko, why are you willing to come to Yuwen's house today?" Yuwen Tiancheng asked with a smirk on his face.

Lei Ming was extremely nervous, but he had to hold on to his momentum, pointed at Ji Wufeng and laughed loudly: "This bastard forced me to come here. I'm just here to watch the fun. If something happens later, I'll follow you." It doesn’t matter to me.”

Lu Tiangang suddenly said with a look of disdain: "Boss, it's okay to call us here. Why did you bring this idiot too?"

Lei Ming immediately got angry and said angrily: "Lu Tiangang, who the hell are you calling a idiot?"

"I said you are a idiot? Are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, we can practice alone in a place where no one is around." Lu Tiangang stared and rolled up his sleeves as he spoke.

Lei Ming shrank his neck. Ten of them together were no match for Lu Tiangang. However, he refused to give in and said, "I am a gentle man. I will not be violent with barbarians like you. I am uneducated."

"Who are you calling uneducated?" Lu Tiangang was angry.


Ji Wufeng gave a soft drink and said: "From now on, we will all be our own."

"Is this kid one of our own?" Ye Lingfeng looked unbelieving.

Ji Wufeng looked at Lei Ming, who said angrily: "You still want to see a hammer? I've already boarded your pirate ship, and now it's too late even if I want to get off the ship!"

Lu Tiangang suddenly grinned and grabbed Lei Ming's neck. Lei Ming immediately grimaced in pain.

"Since he is my brother, I should have told him earlier. Don't worry, I won't beat you up in the future."

The five of them entered the courtyard and Ji Wufeng said, "I saw someone has arrived. Who are they?"

Yuwen Tiancheng smiled bitterly and said: "Anyway, basically everyone who should have arrived has arrived. The coffins are all old and buried up to their eyebrows, but they are so heavy that I can't breathe. It's really weird."

Ji Wufeng smiled. There is nothing surprising about this. Those old guys hold great power and have been in high positions all year round. They have long developed a strong aura that is not angry and self-defeating. Even if they are dying, they will not have that kind of power. dissipate.

Walking into the lobby, I saw eight middle-aged people standing on both sides outside the lobby door. When they saw someone coming, they immediately cast their sharp eyes like razor blades over them.

Yuwen Tiancheng and others didn't feel deeply, but Lei Ming felt like there was a knife across his neck. Damn it, where did these bastards come from? How could their gazes be so scary?

After confirming the identities of Ji Wufeng and others, the eight of them withdrew their gaze and stopped paying attention.

Walking into the door, Lei Ming immediately understood why there were eight such scary guys standing outside. At the same time, he also knew the identities of those eight guys, who were their personal guards.

The first person in the middle is Yu Wen Zhengming of the Yuwen family, followed by Mr. Hong Feng of the Hong family, Ye Chongwei, the head of the Ye family, Lu Tianyi, the father of the Lu family, and even Lei Zhensheng, the father of his own family, is also there.


Oh my god, basically less than half of the big guys in Huajing City are here. Although most of these people have retreated to the second line and their energy has been greatly reduced, once they start to attack, it is estimated that half of Huajing City will be turned over.

After being glanced at by several big guys, Lei Ming immediately stood up straight, as if a primary school student suddenly bumped into his head teacher. Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng and Lu Tiangang were not much better. Although they were not so nervous, they were still trembling. of.

Ji Wufeng, on the other hand, was still smiling playfully. He sat down in front of some big guys, grabbed a cigarette on the table and started smoking. He said with a smile: "Are you old guys having a meeting?"

Hearing this, a group of big guys immediately started to glare at each other. Among the younger generation, Ji Wufeng was the only one who dared to call them old guys.

But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do to him, and he couldn't take off his pants and beat him up.

The first one to speak was Lei Zhensheng, scolding: "You little bastard, stop talking sarcastically. Isn't it because of you that we have old arms and legs?"

Ji Wufeng said innocently: "What's wrong with me? I didn't fight with anyone."

Ye Chongwei glared and said, "You didn't fight, but you made Gutou so angry that he almost vomited blood."

Ji Wufeng often sees these old guys, but this is the first time for Ye Chongwei to appear on such an occasion. There is no way, Ji Wufeng visited the Ye family with great fanfare, which completely brought the Ye family down.

Even though Ye Chongwei was deeply reluctant, he had no choice but to stand by Ji Wufeng's side.

"Vomiting blood? Real vomiting or fake vomiting? Is it serious? Can you still live? Are you dead?" Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up, and questions popped up like beans.

All the big bosses suddenly had black lines on their faces. Damn it, how long has it been? Why is this kid still so out of tune?

Yuwen Tiancheng frowned and said: "The current situation is very unfavorable to you. Are you not worried at all?"

Ji Wufeng spread his hands with an indifferent expression and said: "What should I be anxious about? Isn't it just ruining my reputation? But the Gu family is not much better than me. I went into the water alone to catch up with their family. I Don’t suffer any loss.”

Ji Wufeng's reputation is indeed not very good now, but the Gu family is not much better either.

Gu Tianyang left, and Gu Tianhao came to power but was disgraced by Ji Wufeng. The outside world has already spread rumors that the Gu family has no one available except Gu Tianyang. This is a precursor to the decline of the Gu family.

This is not a good phenomenon. Good birds choose trees to roost in. If this rumor is confirmed, the Gu family dynasty that has been run by the Gu family for many years will most likely have cracks.

Who will continue to serve the master who is about to decline?

Lei Zhensheng shook his head helplessly and said: "You are really a master who can't bear to suffer. I guess the old man must be full of regrets now, right?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly sneered: "Do you regret not nipping me in the bud at the beginning? But unfortunately, it's too late now!"

Suddenly, a murderous aura from Kapa rose into the sky. Lei Ming felt a chill on his back and his legs were shaking. What was going on? Why is there a dark wind blowing in?

Originally, although he had a hostile relationship with Gu Tianyang, he did not express his anger towards the entire Gu family, but for some reason, when he learned about Gu Mingyue's situation in the Gu family, he hated the entire Gu family. Ji Wufeng turned around and looked at several cars parked in the parking lot, and smiled coldly in his heart. It seemed that he was not the only one who was anxious.

Three burly young men stood at the door. They were Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng, and Lu Tiangang. Their eyes were sharp and their bodies were as straight as javelins!

Lei Ming almost fainted. Damn, these three guys were here. It seemed that Ji Wufeng, the bastard, was going to make a big fuss today, otherwise he wouldn't have put up such a big showdown.

"Hey, Xiao Naruko, why are you willing to come to Yuwen's house today?" Yuwen Tiancheng asked with a smirk on his face.

Lei Ming was extremely nervous, but he had to hold on to his momentum, pointed at Ji Wufeng and laughed loudly: "This bastard forced me to come here. I'm just here to watch the fun. If something happens later, I'll follow you." It doesn’t matter to me.”

Lu Tiangang suddenly said with a look of disdain: "Boss, it's okay to call us here. Why did you bring this idiot too?"

Lei Ming immediately got angry and said angrily: "Lu Tiangang, who the hell are you calling a idiot?"

"I said you are a idiot? Are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, we can practice alone in a place where no one is around." Lu Tiangang stared and rolled up his sleeves as he spoke.

Lei Ming shrank his neck. Ten of them together were no match for Lu Tiangang, but he refused to give in and said, "I am a gentle man. I will not be violent with barbarians like you. I am uneducated."

"Who are you calling uneducated?" Lu Tiangang was angry.


Ji Wufeng gave a soft drink and said: "From now on, we will all be our own."

"Is this kid one of our own?" Ye Lingfeng looked unbelieving.

Ji Wufeng looked at Lei Ming, who said angrily: "You still want to see a hammer? I've already boarded your pirate ship, and now it's too late even if I want to get off the ship!"

Lu Tiangang suddenly grinned and grabbed Lei Ming's neck. Lei Ming immediately grimaced in pain.

"Since he is my brother, I should have told him earlier. Don't worry, I won't beat you up in the future."

The five of them entered the courtyard and Ji Wufeng said, "I saw someone has arrived. Who are they?"

Yuwen Tiancheng smiled bitterly and said: "Anyway, basically everyone who was supposed to come has arrived. The coffins are all old and the soil is buried up to their eyebrows, but they are so heavy that I can't breathe. It's really weird."

Ji Wufeng smiled. There is nothing surprising about this. Those old guys hold great power and have been in high positions all year round. They have long developed a strong aura that is not angry and self-defeating. Even if they are dying, they will not have that kind of power. dissipate.

Walking into the lobby, I saw eight middle-aged people standing on both sides outside the lobby door. When they saw someone coming, they immediately cast their sharp eyes like razor blades over them.

Yuwen Tiancheng and others didn't feel deeply, but Lei Ming felt like there was a knife across his neck. Damn it, where did these bastards come from? Why are their looks so scary?

After confirming the identities of Ji Wufeng and others, the eight of them withdrew their gaze and stopped paying attention.

Walking into the door, Lei Ming immediately understood why there were eight such scary guys standing outside. At the same time, he also knew the identities of those eight guys, who were their personal guards.

The first person in the middle is Yu Wen Zhengming of the Yuwen family, followed by Mr. Hong Feng of the Hong family, Ye Chongwei, the head of the Ye family, Lu Tianyi, the father of the Lu family, and even Lei Zhensheng, the father of his own family, is also there.


Oh my god, basically less than half of the big guys in Huajing City are here. Although most of these people have retreated to the second line and their energy has been greatly reduced, once they start to attack, it is estimated that half of Huajing City will be turned over.

After being glanced at by several big bosses, Lei Ming immediately stood up straight, as if a primary school student suddenly bumped into the head teacher. Yuwen Tiancheng, Ye Lingfeng and Lu Tiangang were not much better. Although they were not so nervous, they were still trembling. of.

Ji Wufeng, on the other hand, was still smiling playfully. He sat down in front of some big guys, grabbed a cigarette on the table and started smoking. He said with a smile: "Are you old guys having a meeting?"

Hearing this, a group of big guys immediately started to glare at each other. Among the younger generation, Ji Wufeng was the only one who dared to call them old guys.

But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do to him, and he couldn't take off his pants and beat him up.

The first one to speak was Lei Zhensheng, scolding: "You little bastard, stop talking sarcastically. Isn't it because of you that we have old arms and legs?"

Ji Wufeng said innocently: "What's wrong with me? I didn't fight with anyone."

Ye Chongwei glared and said, "You didn't fight, but you made Gutou so angry that he almost vomited blood."

Ji Wufeng often sees these old guys, but this is the first time for Ye Chongwei to appear on such an occasion. There is no way, Ji Wufeng visited the Ye family with great fanfare, which completely brought the Ye family down.

Even though Ye Chongwei was deeply reluctant, he had no choice but to stand by Ji Wufeng's side.

"Vomiting blood? Real vomiting or fake vomiting? Is it serious? Can you still live? Are you dead?" Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up, and questions popped up like bouncing beans.

All the big bosses suddenly had black lines on their faces. Damn it, how long has it been? Why is this kid still so out of tune?

Yuwen Tiancheng frowned and said: "The current situation is very unfavorable to you. Are you not worried at all?"

Ji Wufeng spread his hands with an indifferent expression and said: "What should I be anxious about? Isn't it just ruining my reputation? But the Gu family is not much better than me. I went into the water alone to catch up with their family. I Don’t suffer any loss.”

Ji Wufeng's reputation is indeed not very good now, but the Gu family is not much better either.

Gu Tianyang left, and Gu Tianhao came to power but was disgraced by Ji Wufeng. The outside world had already spread rumors that the Gu family had no one available except Gu Tianyang. This was a precursor to the decline of the Gu family.

This is not a good phenomenon. Good birds choose trees to roost in. If this rumor is confirmed, the Gu family dynasty that has been run by the Gu family for many years will most likely have cracks.

Who will continue to serve the master who is about to decline?

Lei Zhensheng shook his head helplessly and said: "You are really a master who cannot afford to suffer. I guess the old man must be full of regrets now, right?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly sneered: "Do you regret not nipping me in the bud at the beginning? But unfortunately, it's too late now!"

Suddenly, a murderous aura from Kapa rose into the sky. Lei Ming felt a chill on his back and his legs were shaking. What was going on? Why is there a dark wind blowing in?

Originally, although he had a hostile relationship with Gu Tianyang, he did not express his anger towards the entire Gu family, but for some reason, when he learned about Gu Mingyue's situation in the Gu family, he hated the entire Gu family.

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