Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1200 Who else has broken through the Shura battlefield?

Ji Wufeng's face darkened. What do you mean, I'm dead and you can't survive? Damn it, are you going to die for your love?

On the rooftop of the Zongheng Building, a graceful and graceful woman was smoking a cigarette elegantly. A gust of evening breeze blew by, lifting her long black hair, exuding an unparalleled charm.

Ji Wufeng felt that that bastard was really blind. He chose Xia Mingxue instead of such a stunning beauty.

"Really decided to go?" Shao Lingxue asked calmly.

"Yeah." Ji Wufeng nodded.

"Then go." Shao Lingxue said.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while and said angrily: "I'm going to have a narrow escape from death. Aren't you worried?"

Shao Lingxue smiled and said, "What's there to worry about? It's not the first time I've seen someone break into the Shura battlefield."

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "He also broke through?"

"Yeah." Shao Lingxue nodded.

Ji Wufeng was silent. Is that old bastard really that strong?

"He's not the only one." Shao Lingxue added.

"Who else?"

"Not counting you, besides him and Gu Tianyang, there are four other people I know."

"Which four?"

"Gu Yunfei, Xiao Pojun and Yun Feiyang."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly focused. It was pretty much what he had guessed. It was really these people.

Yun Feiyang is a member of the Heavenly Palace. Back then, Yun Feiyang was young and vigorous. He wanted to be the best among his peers, travel around the world, and defeat all the masters of his peers.

In the end, Yun Feiyang wandered to Huajing, but instead of challenging the famous masters of his generation, he did something even more sensational.

That is to enter the Shura battlefield!

The Shura battlefield is extremely dangerous, and those who dare to enter are all amazing geniuses.

A strong person, and anyone's cultivation has reached the point of being unruly, so the masters who dare to enter the Shura battlefield are at least forty years old.

However, Yun Feiyang broke this age limit because he was only eighteen years old at the time!

Yun Feiyang lived up to his reputation as the number one master among the young men in Tiangong. He successfully passed through the Shura battlefield, and made bold claims that he would wait in Huajing for half a year. He would only challenge the masters of his generation who had passed through the Shura battlefield. If there was no one after half a year, If he can get through, he will never set foot in Huajing again in his life.

Because Hua Jing is not worthy of letting him set foot on it for the second time!

As soon as these words came out, Huajing exploded. All the masters rushed to the Shura battlefield. Unfortunately, less than one out of ten could get through. Even if they did, they were already middle-aged. The seniority did not match. Unable to challenge Yun Feiyang.

Half a year passed quickly, and no young master had ever broken through to the Shura battlefield.

Yun Feiyang was about to leave Huajing amidst wild laughter. At this moment, the first young master to break through the Shura battlefield finally appeared.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Who is he?"

So many young and powerful men have died in the Shura battlefield. The first young man to break through must be unparalleled in terms of strength and courage.

"Ji family Ji Hongtu!" Shao Lingxue said.

Although he had already thought it would be him, Ji Wufeng was still a little touched when he heard the name.

Ji Hongtu broke through the Shura battlefield, and the whole Huajing was shocked, because Yun Feiyang's opponent finally appeared, and the young generation of Huajing could finally feel proud.

However, things didn't stop there.

In Ji Hongtu Gang

As soon as he stepped out of the Shura battlefield, the second young man walked out closely behind him.

Gu Yunfei!

Gu Yunfei, the peerless genius of the Gu family, is also Gu Tianyang's biological father.

But it still didn't stop there. Behind Gu Yunfei was Xiao Pojun of the Xiao family!

For half a year, Yun Feiyang didn't have an opponent, but in just one day, he had three opponents in succession.

A shocking battle for the young generation began. The four of them started a melee, fighting from Huajing to the suburbs, and from the suburbs to the South China Sea. Win or lose. .??.??

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but ask: "Who won in the end?"

Shao Lingxue shook her head and said: "None of them won. Because of the appearance of one person, the four of them just called it quits and made peace. Until now, there has been no competition."

"Chu Tianshu!"

Needless to say, Shao Lingxue knew that that person was Chu Tianshu, Master Tianshu.

No one knows what happened between the five people. They only know that from then on, the five people cherished each other and turned from rivals to friends, and from friends to brothers. They were collectively called the Five Elites of China!

The five heroes of China are all heroes of the world, invincible and strong men who can surpass their peers. They are stunningly talented and dazzling. It can be said that they overshadowed the entire young generation at that time. Five people dared to touch their edge!

Ji Wufeng's blood boiled when he heard this, not because he envied the strength of the five people, but because he had been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years and had never encountered such an opponent, friend or brother!

Shao Lingxue suddenly asked: "How sure are you?"

Ji Wufeng said: "Ten points!"

"So confident?"

"It's not that I'm confident, it's that I can't lose to my opponent, let alone the one I want to surpass!"

Shao Lingxue's phone rang. After hanging up, she said to Ji Wufeng, "Let's go see someone."

"Meeting whom?"

"A person who allows you to enter the Shura battlefield."

Ji Wufeng held his breath immediately. He never expected that Shao Lingxue had such great energy and could allow such a big boss to summon him.

After leaving the Zongheng Building, a straight young man stood next to a black car. His sharp eyes showed that he was a soldier, and he was also an elite among the elite. He said in a deep voice: "You are Ji Wufeng, right? My name is Xia Zhiming." , here to pick you up."

Ji Wufeng found that Xia Zhiming seemed to be full of hostility towards him, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him. He got into the car and drove towards his destination.

The car drove to an old street in the old city. Among the old streets were rows of single-family courtyards. Although they looked like ordinary B\u0026Bs, they were heavily guarded. Ji Wufeng looked around and saw that, except for the gate posts he could see, there were many hidden buildings. At least a dozen pairs of eyes were already staring at him.

If there was an emergency, it is estimated that the car Ji Wufeng was riding in and the people in it would be blown to pieces in an instant, leaving no trace behind.

The car stopped in front of the gate, Xia Zhiming took out his ID, and the gate quickly let him go after reading it.

Entering the alley and getting out of the car, Ji Wufeng immediately felt several terrifying auras, and his eyes suddenly froze. Unexpectedly, there were even more masters inside.

Following Xia Zhiming into the alley, Ji Wufeng felt a more powerful aura, almost on the same level as Hong Yanling.

With his current strength, it would be very difficult to fight against just one. If there were two, he would have no choice but to run away.

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