Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1204: A second-married woman is no longer valuable.

When Ji Wufeng got up from the ground again, the old woman finally stopped and said with a dark face: "The upper beam is really crooked and the lower beam is crooked. I knew that old bastard couldn't give birth to anything good."

After saying that, he carried his dung bucket and left.

Seeing that the old woman was gone, Tie Xin immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Asshole, do you know how dangerous you were just now?"

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "If your master really wanted to kill me just now, do you think I can make her let me go with just a few words?" .??.

Tie Xin felt the same way. Based on her understanding of the old woman, if she really had murderous intentions, Ji Wufeng would be a dead man now, and there would be no chance of giving him a chance to speak.

"Why did you become a disciple of this old... senior? Who is she?" Ji Wufeng asked. He wanted to know what the background of this old woman was.

"I don't know the master's name, I just know that everyone calls her Mr. Yun," Tie Xin said.

"Then why does she feel like seeing my father's murderer when she sees me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Not just you, she behaves like this with anyone named Ji." Tie Xin said.


"It is said that I had a grudge... with Mr. Ji, your grandfather."

Ji Wufeng guessed it with his own guesses. Just as he had guessed before, this old woman had a relationship with Ji Lao Bu Shi. But unfortunately, the relationship did not work out. It was Ji Lao Bu Si who started the relationship and finally gave up. So the old woman I hate the Ji family.

"Master, she hasn't been out of this courtyard for more than 20 years, but I heard that you were here and you were from the Ji family, so I found you. It's lucky that you are safe and sound, so you Don’t provoke her, and leave quickly.”

Haven't been out of this yard for more than 20 years?

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked, "Does that mean your master doesn't know what has happened outside in the past twenty years?"

"It should be like this. My master is not interested in outside things at all." Tie Xin said.

"That'll be easy."

Ji Wufeng jumped up excitedly, and suddenly ran towards the old woman at the top of his lungs, saying, "Grandma, you have to make the decision for me..."

The old woman suddenly became furious and said in a deep voice: "Boy, why are you howling?"

"Grandma, you don't know, not only do you hate the old bastard Ji, I hate that old bastard even more than you..."

Ji Wufeng recounted his life experience word for word.

After hearing this, the old woman was stunned. She hated the Ji family, but she seemed to have no reason to hate Ji Wufeng.

When the old man abandoned her, the Ji family also abandoned Ji Wufeng. There were even people in the Ji family who deliberately wanted to get rid of him. After all, they still had the same problem.

"Oh, you miserable child, get up quickly, stop crying, and let grandma take a good look."

The old woman pulled Ji Wufeng up distressedly, wiped away a few drops of cat urine that Ji Wufeng squeezed out, and said sadly: "The Ji family are really a bunch of bastards, it's okay to harm me, even such a good baby, Don't cry, grandma will make the decision for you!"

Tie Xin was dumbfounded. Your uncle, what you were shouting about just now turned into a touching scene of grandparents and grandchildren recognizing each other in the blink of an eye?

"Yes, grandma, you

You must make the decision for me. If anyone dares to bully me, you will beat him up for me. "Ji Wufeng said.

"No problem, as long as you marry her." The old woman suddenly pointed at Tiexin and said this out of nowhere.

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded, and Tie Xin was also dumbfounded. Wasn't this old woman's thinking too fast? Just now they were shouting and killing, then they were recognizing each other, and now they are acting as matchmakers.

Tie Xin's little face suddenly turned red, and he stamped his feet and said, "Master, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"Boy, it's not easy for you to break into the Shura battlefield. It can be said to be a narrow escape, but it's different if I take action."

The old woman chuckled and said, "Boy, do you want to marry a wife or die? It's your choice."

Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "Senior, you can't force your relationship. Tie Xin and I have a deep affection, but that is definitely not what we call it..."

Before he finished speaking, the old woman was already impatient and said: "Why are you so long-winded? Which of the bastards in the Ji family can't make his eyes pop out when he sees a beautiful woman? Why did a beautiful woman take the initiative when I came to your place?" If you send it to your door, why push it out? Since you two have feelings, then stop talking nonsense and worship heaven and earth here. I will be the officiant for you. "

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face, you old woman are too ignorant, right? I'm here to stir up emotions. It's fine if you're not moved. I want to ruin the scenery here. Is your life really in vain?

"Senior, you also know that I am going to the Shura battlefield soon. I have to wait and see whether I can come back. Why don't we wait until I come out?" Ji Wufeng said.

"I said, what are you waiting for? Why do you have to wait for you to come out? Just do as I say and worship heaven and earth immediately." The old woman said domineeringly.

"Master..." Tie Xin stamped his feet angrily.

The old woman glared and said: "I have to remind you, all the bastards of the Ji family are very slippery. Now they are talking about being drunk. Maybe there will be no one left in the blink of an eye. Then you won't be able to find a place to cry. ."

Ji Wufeng said solemnly: "Senior Yun, my life or death is uncertain this time. You can't let Tie Xin worship heaven and earth today and become a widow tomorrow, right?"

When the old woman heard this, she nodded and said: "That's right. Whether your boy can survive is still a question. It is true that I am too anxious. If you die inside, it will be difficult for our Tiexin family to find a man in the future. Well, women who are married for the second time are not very precious anymore."

Ji Wufeng almost fell to the ground. The first marriage hasn't been settled yet. Why the hell have you already started planning a second marriage?

"Master, please help him." Tie Xin held the old woman's hand and begged.

The old woman said angrily: "Why should I help him? I wish all the bastards from the Ji family would die. Let me help him. It's delusional!"

"Master, you can't watch your most precious apprentice become a widow before getting married, right?" Tie Xin continued to plead.

"Isn't that better? I'm not happy with him. If he dies, I will find someone better than him!" said the old woman.

"But master, I only like him!" Tie Xin said.

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately. Damn it, what's going on? Does this little girl Tie Xin like herself?

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at him, Tie Xin blushed suddenly and winked at him.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that Tie Xin must have a purpose in bringing him to see her master, otherwise wouldn't he come here to torture her intentionally? When Ji Wufeng got up from the ground again, the old woman finally stopped and said with a dark face: "The upper beam is really crooked and the lower beam is crooked. I knew that old bastard couldn't give birth to anything good."

After saying that, he carried his dung bucket and left.

Seeing that the old woman was gone, Tie Xin immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Asshole, do you know how dangerous you were just now?"

Ji Wufeng said with a smile: "If your master really wanted to kill me just now, do you think I can make her let me go with just a few words?"

Tie Xin felt the same way. Based on her understanding of the old woman, if she really had murderous intentions, Ji Wufeng would be a dead man now, and there would be no chance of giving him a chance to speak.

"Why did you become a disciple of this old... senior? Who is she?" Ji Wufeng asked. He wanted to know what the background of this old woman was.

"I don't know the master's name, I just know that everyone calls her Mr. Yun," Tie Xin said.

"Then why does she feel like seeing my father's murderer when she sees me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Not just you, she behaves like this with anyone named Ji." Tie Xin said.


"It is said that I had a grudge... with Mr. Ji, your grandfather."

Ji Wufeng guessed it with his own guesses. Just as he had guessed before, this old woman had a relationship with Ji Lao Bu Shi. But unfortunately, the relationship did not work out. It was Ji Lao Bu Si who started the relationship and finally gave up. So the old woman I hate the Ji family.

"Master, she hasn't been out of this courtyard for more than 20 years, but I heard that you were here and you were from the Ji family, so I found you. It's lucky that you are safe and sound, so you Don’t provoke her, and leave quickly.”

Haven't been out of this yard for more than 20 years?

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked, "Does that mean your master doesn't know what has happened outside in the past twenty years?"

"It should be like this. My master is not interested in outside things at all." Tie Xin said.

"That'll be easy."

Ji Wufeng jumped up excitedly, and suddenly ran towards the old woman at the top of his lungs, saying, "Grandma, you have to make the decision for me..."

The old woman suddenly became furious and said in a deep voice: "Boy, why are you howling?"

"Grandma, you don't know, not only do you hate the old bastard Ji, I hate that old bastard even more than you..."

Ji Wufeng recounted his life experience word for word.

After hearing this, the old woman was stunned. She hated the Ji family, but she seemed to have no reason to hate Ji Wufeng.

When the old man abandoned her, the Ji family also abandoned Ji Wufeng. There were even people in the Ji family who deliberately wanted to get rid of him. After all, they still had the same problem.

"Oh, you miserable child, get up quickly, stop crying, and let grandma take a good look."

The old woman pulled Ji Wufeng up distressedly, wiped away a few drops of cat urine that Ji Wufeng squeezed out, and said sadly: "The Ji family are really a bunch of bastards, it's okay to harm me, even such a good baby, Don't cry, grandma will make the decision for you!"

Tie Xin was dumbfounded. Your uncle, what you were shouting about just now turned into a touching scene of grandparents and grandchildren recognizing each other in the blink of an eye?

"Yes, grandma, you

You must make the decision for me. If anyone dares to bully me, you will beat him up for me. "Ji Wufeng said.

"No problem, as long as you marry her." The old woman suddenly pointed at Tiexin and said this out of nowhere.

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded, and Tie Xin was also dumbfounded. Wasn't this old woman's thinking too fast? Just now they were shouting and killing, then they were recognizing each other, and now they are acting as matchmakers.

Tie Xin's little face suddenly turned red, and he stamped his feet and said, "Master, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"Boy, it's not easy for you to break into the Shura battlefield. It can be said to be a narrow escape, but it's different if I take action."

The old woman chuckled and said, "Boy, do you want to marry a wife or die? It's your choice."

Ji Wufeng said depressedly: "Senior, you can't force your relationship. Tie Xin and I have a deep affection, but that is definitely not what we call it..."

Before he finished speaking, the old woman was already impatient and said: "Why are you so long-winded? Which of the bastards in the Ji family can't make his eyes pop out when he sees a beautiful woman? Why did a beautiful woman take the initiative when I came to your place?" If you send it to your door, why push it out? Since you two have feelings, then stop talking nonsense and worship heaven and earth here. I will be the officiant for you. "

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face, you old woman are too ignorant, right? I'm here to stir up emotions. It's fine if you're not moved. I want to ruin the scenery here. Is your life really in vain?

"Senior, you also know that I am going to the Shura battlefield soon. I have to wait and see whether I can come back. Why don't we wait until I come out?" Ji Wufeng said.

"I said, what are you waiting for? Why do you have to wait for you to come out? Just do as I say and worship heaven and earth immediately." The old woman said domineeringly.

"Master..." Tie Xin stamped his feet angrily.

The old woman glared and said: "I have to remind you, all the bastards of the Ji family are very slippery. Now they are talking about being drunk. Maybe there will be no one left in the blink of an eye. Then you won't be able to find a place to cry. ."

Ji Wufeng said solemnly: "Senior Yun, my life or death is uncertain this time. You can't let Tie Xin worship heaven and earth today and become a widow tomorrow, right?"

When the old woman heard this, she nodded and said: "That's right. Whether your boy can survive is still a question. It is true that I am too anxious. If you die inside, it will be difficult for our Tiexin family to find a man in the future. Well, women who are married for the second time are not very precious anymore."

Ji Wufeng almost fell to the ground. The first marriage hasn't been settled yet. Why the hell have you already started planning a second marriage?

"Master, please help him." Tie Xin held the old woman's hand and begged.

The old woman said angrily: "Why should I help him? I wish all the bastards from the Ji family would die. Let me help him. It's delusional!"

"Master, you can't watch your most precious apprentice become a widow before getting married, right?" Tie Xin continued to plead.

"Isn't that better? I'm not happy with him. If he dies, I will find someone better than him!" said the old woman.

"But master, I only like him!" Tie Xin said.

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately. Damn it, what's going on? Does this little girl Tie Xin like herself?

Seeing Ji Wufeng staring at him, Tie Xin blushed suddenly and winked at him.

Ji Wufeng suddenly felt that Tie Xin must have a purpose in bringing him to see her master, otherwise wouldn't he come here to torture her intentionally?

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