Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1219 Is he finally going to show up?

Lu Zixuan showed a satisfied smile on his face and said: "Very good, once something happens to Jiang Ruoshui, there will be a chance."

The Qingli woman's expression moved slightly, with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Lu Zixuan stepped forward and lifted her chin with his hand, sneering and saying, "What, you can't bear it?"

The beautiful woman was silent!


A hard slap hit her face, and blood flowed down her cheek. Lu Zixuan came closer, stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the corner of her mouth, and said in a sinister voice: "You must do it Remember, you are mine now, no, you are just my dog, and a dog can only obey its master if it wants to survive!"


Lu Zixuan's palm was like a sharp blade, tearing the beautiful woman's clothes into pieces...

Not long after, the beautiful woman dragged her exhausted body away. Lu Zixuan smiled with satisfaction, and a handsome young man walked in and said, "It seems that you are making good progress. You still have such a leisurely mood at this time!"

Han Chong, the visitor turned out to be Han Chong who had been following Gu Tianyang! .??.

Didn't he go to the east with Gu Tianyang? Why did it appear in Yuzhou?

Lu Zixuan chuckled and said: "Young Master Han is joking, even if it is a dog, it must be both kind and powerful. At least she must know that she is still valuable to her master."

"Yes, this is also the prince's idea." Han Chong said with a faint smile.

Lu Zixuan's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Young Master Han, please rest assured, I will definitely do my best to handle the matters the prince has given me."

Han Chong nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, your mission is directly related to the success or failure of the prince's plan, so you can't make any mistakes."

Lu Zixuan frowned slightly and said: "Master Han, I don't quite understand. Ji Wufeng is already in Huajing. Why do we need to come to Yuzhou? Even if the prince has other goals, the target should be Tianfeng Group, Tianxiang Group Although it is of great value to the Ye family, it shouldn’t be enough for the prince to value it so much, right?”

Han Chong waved his hand and said: "You are wrong. The reason why Ji Wufeng can become the prince's opponent is that he can never be suppressed so easily. If we can't tell the difference in Huajing this time, then the victory or defeat will be decided here. The key is, without Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group, what else can Ji Wufeng use to fight against the prince?"

Lu Zixuan understood that he was going to pull out all the stops. Even if he couldn't kill Ji Wufeng this time, he would still seize his hometown.

"After all, Yuzhou is now completely in the hands of Ji Wufeng. If we attack head-on, our chances of winning are too small, so as long as we can hit their vital points, as for targeting Tianxiang Group and Ye's Group, that's because you don't understand the importance of this to Ji Wufeng. If they are controlled, Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group will be in the prince's pocket."

Now that we have decided to attack Ji Wufeng, we naturally need to fully understand him. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we be invincible.

Tianxiang Group was founded by Qin Yi, and he would never let his mother's hard work be destroyed.

As for the Ye Group, it may not have any special significance to Ji Wufeng, but Ye Chongtian and his daughter are different. With Ji Wufeng's current relationship with the Ye family of Huajing, if problems arise between Ye Chongtian and his daughter in Yuzhou, it will directly affect the Ye family of Huajing.

Ye Xixi received Wu Mingqi's negotiation call. After ending the call, Ye Xixi snorted coldly and said, "I'm finally showing up."

Yet? That's fine, I want to see who this guy with his hidden head and tail is! "

Jiang Ruoshui said with a worried look on his face: "Xixi, is this too risky? Most people won't have the courage. I'm afraid something will happen."

Ji Wufeng's current level of fighting has surpassed that of ordinary people. Although this time has been planned for a long time and it seems that there will be no problems on the surface, once the enemy is really unable to compete, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Xixi smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sister Ruoshui, there is no turning back when you fire your bow. Since we have become a target, it is impossible to hide."

"The more this happens, the more careful we have to be." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Ye Xixi said: "There has been some movement on my side, and it should be coming soon on your side, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui said with a chill on his face: "I think they will take action at the same time."

The target is Ji Wufeng, and they have chosen conspiracy, so they will definitely hit the target with one hit. If it is just Ye Xixi, it cannot affect the overall situation, but will only cause confusion, and they will definitely attack the Tianxiang Group.

The two of them fell silent at the same time. After a while, they suddenly seemed to have made an appointment and asked in unison: "Are you afraid?"

After the two asked the same question, they couldn't help laughing again.

As Ji Wufeng's enemies continue to escalate, they all know that their lives will be in danger at any time, so they are all afraid because it is very dangerous.

But even though they know the danger, they still do it, so they ask "Are you afraid?" instead of "I'm afraid!"

They are not beautiful CEOs, nor are they daughters of aristocratic families. At this time, they are just girls. Now that bastard is outside fighting for life and death. They can't help. The only thing they can do is to protect their home and keep it safe. Karma, wait for that bastard to return safely.

Ye Xixi clenched her fists and said angrily: "That bastard may be kissing me with some vixen at this moment. He is alive and well, but he has made our sisters scared here. When he comes back, we must kill him!"

Early the next morning, after Lin Xiaomeng went to school, the two looked at each other and got in the car.

"Go to Mingyang Club." Ye Xixi said. Mingyang Club was the negotiation place arranged by Wu Mingqi.

"Yes, Miss." The driver spoke in a convoluted manner, but upon closer inspection, he turned out to be a young black man.

Jiang Ruoshui rushed to Tianxiang Group first as usual, walked into the office and asked: "Yutong, is there anything I need to handle personally today?"

Tianfeng Group has been launched. She has integrated her Ruushui International with Tianxiang Group and cooperated with Tianfeng Group. She cannot take care of the unilateral Tianxiang Group, and basically all related matters are handled by Fan Yutong.

Fan Yutong is an old man of Tianxiang Group, and he still has some friendship with Ji Wufeng, so Jiang Ruoshui can rest assured to use her.

Fan Yutong said: "Director Jiang, a major accident occurred in the third factory. Two employees were killed. The judicial authorities need our Tianxiang legal representative to handle it."

Two lives, this is a big deal, and since Tianxiang Group has achieved this level now, its reputation is very important. Jiang Ruoshui should handle it personally and comfort the families of the victims.

Jiang Ruoshui frowned slightly, two lives? Is it so serious? And it's still at this critical juncture. Lu Zixuan showed a satisfied smile on his face and said: "Very good, once something happens to Jiang Ruoshui, there will be a chance."

The Qingli woman's expression moved slightly, with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Lu Zixuan stepped forward and lifted her chin with his hand, sneering and saying, "What, you can't bear it?"

The beautiful woman was silent!


A hard slap hit her face, and blood flowed down her cheek. Lu Zixuan came closer, stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the corner of her mouth, and said in a sinister voice: "You must do it Remember, you are mine now, no, you are just my dog, and a dog can only obey its master if it wants to survive!"


Lu Zixuan's palm was like a sharp blade, tearing the beautiful woman's clothes into pieces...

Not long after, the beautiful woman dragged her exhausted body away. Lu Zixuan smiled with satisfaction, and a handsome young man walked in and said, "It seems that you are making good progress. You still have such a leisurely mood at this time!"

Han Chong, the visitor turned out to be Han Chong who had been following Gu Tianyang! ??

Didn't he go to the east with Gu Tianyang? Why did it appear in Yuzhou?

Lu Zixuan chuckled and said: "Young Master Han is joking, even if it is a dog, it must be both kind and powerful. At least she must know that she is still valuable to her master."

"Yes, this is also the prince's idea." Han Chong said with a faint smile.

Lu Zixuan's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Young Master Han, please rest assured, I will definitely do my best to handle the matters the prince has given me."

Han Chong nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, your mission is directly related to the success or failure of the prince's plan, so you can't make any mistakes."

Lu Zixuan frowned slightly and said: "Master Han, I don't quite understand. Ji Wufeng is already in Huajing. Why do we need to come to Yuzhou? Even if the prince has other goals, the target should be Tianfeng Group, Tianxiang Group Although it is of great value to the Ye family, it shouldn’t be enough for the prince to value it so much, right?”

Han Chong waved his hand and said: "You are wrong. The reason why Ji Wufeng can become the prince's opponent is that he can never be suppressed so easily. If we can't tell the difference in Huajing this time, then the victory or defeat will be decided here. The key is, without Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group, what else can Ji Wufeng use to fight against the prince?"

Lu Zixuan understood that he was going to pull out all the stops. Even if he couldn't kill Ji Wufeng this time, he would still seize his hometown.

"After all, Yuzhou is now completely in the hands of Ji Wufeng. If we attack head-on, our chances of winning are too small, so as long as we can hit their vital points, as for targeting Tianxiang Group and Ye's Group, that's because you don't understand the importance of this to Ji Wufeng. If they are controlled, Yuzhou and Tianfeng Group will be in the prince's pocket."

Now that we have decided to attack Ji Wufeng, we naturally need to fully understand him. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we be invincible.

Tianxiang Group was founded by Qin Yi, and he would never let his mother's hard work be destroyed.

As for the Ye Group, it may not have any special significance to Ji Wufeng, but Ye Chongtian and his daughter are different. With Ji Wufeng's current relationship with the Ye family of Huajing, if problems arise between Ye Chongtian and his daughter in Yuzhou, it will directly affect the Ye family of Huajing.

Ye Xixi received Wu Mingqi's negotiation call. After ending the call, Ye Xixi snorted coldly and said, "I'm finally showing up."

Yet? That's fine, I want to see who this guy with his hidden head and tail is! "

Jiang Ruoshui said with a worried look on his face: "Xixi, is this too risky? Most people won't have the courage. I'm afraid something will happen."

Ji Wufeng's current level of fighting has surpassed that of ordinary people. Although this time has been planned for a long time and it seems that there will be no problems on the surface, once the enemy is really unable to compete, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ye Xixi smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sister Ruoshui, there is no turning back when you fire your bow. Since we have become a target, it is impossible to hide."

"The more this happens, the more careful we have to be." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Ye Xixi said: "There has been some movement on my side, and it should be coming soon on your side, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui said with a chill on his face: "I think they will take action at the same time."

The target is Ji Wufeng, and they have chosen conspiracy, so they will definitely hit the target with one hit. If it is just Ye Xixi, it cannot affect the overall situation, but will only cause confusion, and they will definitely attack the Tianxiang Group.

The two of them fell silent at the same time. After a while, they suddenly seemed to have made an appointment and asked in unison: "Are you afraid?"

After the two asked the same question, they couldn't help laughing again.

As Ji Wufeng's enemies continue to escalate, they all know that their lives will be in danger at any time, so they are all afraid because it is very dangerous.

But even though they know the danger, they still do it, so they ask "Are you afraid?" instead of "I'm afraid!"

They are not beautiful CEOs, nor are they daughters of aristocratic families. At this time, they are just girls. Now that bastard is out there fighting for life and death. They can't help. The only thing they can do is to protect their home. Karma, wait for that bastard to return safely.

Ye Xixi clenched her fists and said angrily: "That bastard may be kissing me with which vixen he is at this time. He is alive and well, but he has made our sisters afraid here. When he comes back, we must kill him!"

Early the next morning, after Lin Xiaomeng went to school, the two looked at each other and got in the car.

"Go to Mingyang Club." Ye Xixi said. Mingyang Club was the negotiation place arranged by Wu Mingqi.

"Yes, Miss." The driver spoke in a convoluted manner, but upon closer inspection, he turned out to be a young black man.

Jiang Ruoshui rushed to Tianxiang Group first as usual, walked into the office and asked: "Yutong, is there anything I need to handle personally today?"

Tianfeng Group has been launched. She has integrated her Ruushui International with Tianxiang Group and cooperated with Tianfeng Group. She cannot take care of the unilateral Tianxiang Group, and basically all related matters are handled by Fan Yutong.

Fan Yutong is an old man of Tianxiang Group, and he still has some friendship with Ji Wufeng, so Jiang Ruoshui can rest assured to use her.

Fan Yutong said: "Director Jiang, a major accident occurred in the third factory. Two employees were killed. The judicial authorities need our Tianxiang legal representative to handle it."

Two lives, this is a big deal, and since Tianxiang Group has achieved this level now, its reputation is very important. Jiang Ruoshui should handle it personally and comfort the families of the victims.

Jiang Ruoshui frowned slightly, two lives? Is it so serious? And it's still at this critical juncture.

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