Ye Xixi had known for a long time that Wu Mingqi had no good intentions in inviting her here this time. She threw away the documents and sneered, "I think it's just because you don't have the guts to ask your master to come out and talk to me in person."

That's right, Wu Qiming wouldn't have the guts to go against her. So what if she signed today? Ye Chongtian can definitely get it back immediately, including Wu Qiming's life.

"Stinky girl..." Wu Mingqi was furious that he was so despised by a stinky girl.

"Pa bang..."

With the sound of clapping, Lu Zixuan strode out with a sinister sneer on his face and said: "I have long heard that Miss Ye is a talented and beautiful person. I didn't expect that when I saw her today, she would be so brave. Lu Zixuan really admires his extraordinary skills, how about we become friends?"

Although Ye Xixi was a little surprised by Lu Zixuan's appearance, she did not panic at all and said with contempt: "Who did I think it was? It turns out to be you, a lost dog. How dare you be friends with me? Sorry, I don't Get used to being friends with a dog!”

Although Ye Xixi usually speaks sharply, this is the first time she has been so hurtful. There is no other way. You want to plot against me. Do you still expect me to be polite to you?

In response to Ye Xixi's sarcasm, Lu Zixuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he sneered: "Hasn't Miss Ye clearly seen the situation in front of her? This is not a very good situation!"

Ye Xixi curled her lips and said: "What's the situation? Isn't it because Ji Wufeng is not here that you clowns just show up and dance? If he is in Yuzhou now, do you have the courage to come out?"

Lu Zixuan suddenly felt murderous intent, and said in a ferocious voice: "Since Miss Ye is so unfriendly, Lu Zixuan can only offend her."

Suddenly, two rays of black energy spread along Lu Zixuan's palms. His eyes instantly turned red, and he reached Ye Xixi's side in a flash, spreading his fingers to grab the top of Ye Xixi's head.

At this moment, Abu, who had been standing still, moved, and a cold light flashed through. It was a sharp dagger, which struck straight at Lu Zixuan's arm.


Lu Zixuan quickly withdrew his arm, but it was too late. There was a gash in his arm, and green liquid flowed out. Fortunately, he dodged fast enough, otherwise the blow from Abu would have cut off his arm.

Seeing Lu Zixuan like this, Wu Mingqi was shaking with fear, and Ye Xixi also had a look of fear on her face, but she didn't seem too surprised.

"I thought you dared to come back because you have gained so much ability. It turns out that you have turned into this kind of beast who is not like a human or a ghost. But it's okay. I have raised cats and dogs. That's right. I have never raised a weird beast like you, Abu, take him back to me and keep him as a pet for a few days!"

"You little bitch, you're looking for death!"

Lu Zixuan's murderous intent boiled over, and the wound on his arm healed strangely quickly, and he shouted: "Catch her!"


A big hole was directly knocked out of the wall, and four weirdos, all covered in black robes, rushed in!

"Ye Xixi, it's hard to fly today!" Lu Zixuan said with a cruel smile.

Ye Xixi shook her head with disdain and said: "A dog is still a dog after all. Even if your biting skills become better, you will still be a running dog. But how can a dog beat a human's IQ?"

Suddenly, there were several screams outside the door.


Then the door was blown into pieces by an extremely violent force!



Jiang Ruoshui's car drove to the third factory and saw that the entrance of the factory was crowded with people. Two corpses were parked directly there. A group of men, women and children stood there in grief and indignation. They should be the family members of the two victims.

"That woman is the boss here. Everyone, hurry up and catch her. Don't let her escape. If you don't give us an explanation today, we will never let her leave!"

Seeing Jiang Ruoshui coming, a group of family members of the victims immediately swarmed up and surrounded her.

"Everyone, please don't get excited. As the person in charge, I deeply regret that such a tragedy occurred. However, please rest assured that Tianxiang Group will definitely give everyone a satisfactory explanation. Please send a representative to negotiate with me now. Can you Can?"

No matter what the truth behind it was, Jiang Ruoshui could not look down upon these people who had just lost their loved ones.

The director of the third factory, sweating profusely, squeezed over and shouted: "Everyone, please calm down. I have already said that Director Jiang will handle it personally. Now you finally believe it, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui nodded to the factory director and said, "Let's go to your office to talk."

The factory director led the way, and a group of people walked into the office. However, when the factory director closed the door, Jiang Ruoshui found that the group of family members had disappeared.

But there was a man wearing a mask sitting in the office, smiling and saying: "Hello, Director Jiang. I have long heard that Director Jiang is not only a shopping mall, but I didn't expect that when I saw him today, he is even more stunning."

Jiang Ruoshui did not show much surprise at this sudden change, but asked indifferently: "I don't know you, who are you?"

"Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Black Dragon!"

However, after Jiang Ruoshui nodded, he turned to Fan Yutong and asked with a complicated expression: "Why do you do this?"

Fan Yutong was Tianxiang's old man and was highly valued by Lu Shuangshuang. Ji Wufeng also regarded her as a friend. After Jiang Ruoshui came, he also entrusted her with important tasks and regarded her as a confidant.

When he got the news, Jiang Ruoshui would never believe that Fan Yutong would betray him, but now the facts are before his eyes.

"Yes...I'm sorry." Fan Yutong had a painful expression on his face.

"Is there really no reason?" Jiang Ruoshui asked calmly.

Fan Yutong shook his head. Maybe there was really no reason, or maybe it was a reason that he couldn't speak out.

"Hey, why does Mr. Jiang care about this? Please ask Mr. Jiang to come with me now." Black Dragon waved his hand, and four weirdos covered in black robes rushed in.


The door suddenly seemed to have been hit by a cannonball and was blown to pieces. A sharp cold light flew towards the man in black who reached out to touch Jiang Ruoshui.

It was the dragon's tooth blade that was inserted into the throat of the man in black. The terrifying force directly knocked the man in black away and pinned him to the wall.

In the CEO's office, the old man doesn't have much hair. Recently, due to the development of Tianfeng Group, he has too many things to do, almost to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. As a result, his hair is even less, and the top of his head is almost like a hair. A Mediterranean.

The assistant knocked on the door and came in, saying: "Mr. Xu, Minister Ye wants to see you."

Before the old ghost could answer, Ye Qianxiang had already twisted his waist and walked in with a spring-filled face. The old ghost frowned slightly and said to the assistant: "You go down first." Ye Xixi had already known that Wu Mingqi would do this. He invited her here out of kindness, threw away the documents and sneered: "I think it's just because you don't have the guts to ask your master to come out and talk to me in person."

That's right, Wu Qiming wouldn't have the guts to go against her. So what if she signed today? Ye Chongtian can definitely get it back immediately, including Wu Qiming's life.

"Stinky girl..." Wu Mingqi was furious that he was so despised by a stinky girl.

"Pa bang..."

With the sound of clapping, Lu Zixuan strode out with a sinister sneer on his face and said: "I have long heard that Miss Ye is a talented and beautiful person. I didn't expect that when I saw her today, she would be so brave. Lu Zixuan really admires his extraordinary skills, how about we become friends?"

Although Ye Xixi was a little surprised by Lu Zixuan's appearance, she did not panic at all and said with contempt: "Who did I think it was? It turns out to be you, a lost dog. How dare you be friends with me? Sorry, I don't Get used to being friends with a dog!”

Although Ye Xixi usually speaks sharply, this is the first time she has been so hurtful. There is no other way. You want to plot against me. Do you still expect me to be polite to you?

In response to Ye Xixi's sarcasm, Lu Zixuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he sneered: "Hasn't Miss Ye clearly seen the situation in front of her? This is not a very good situation!"

Ye Xixi curled her lips and said: "What's the situation? Isn't it because Ji Wufeng is not here that you clowns just show up and dance? If he is in Yuzhou now, do you have the courage to come out?"

Lu Zixuan suddenly felt murderous intent, and said in a ferocious voice: "Since Miss Ye is so unfriendly, Lu Zixuan can only offend her."

Suddenly, two rays of black energy spread along Lu Zixuan's palms. His eyes instantly turned red, and he reached Ye Xixi's side in a flash, spreading his fingers to grab the top of Ye Xixi's head.

At this moment, Abu, who had been standing still, moved, and a cold light flashed through. It was a sharp dagger, which struck straight at Lu Zixuan's arm.


Lu Zixuan quickly withdrew his arm, but it was too late. His arm was split open and green liquid flowed out. Fortunately, he dodged fast enough, otherwise Abu's blow would have cut off his arm.

Seeing Lu Zixuan like this, Wu Mingqi was shaking with fear, and Ye Xixi also had a look of fear on her face, but she didn't seem too surprised.

"I thought you dared to come back because you have gained so much ability. It turns out that you have turned into a beast that is not like a human or a ghost. But it's okay. I have raised cats and dogs. That's right. I have never raised a weird beast like you, Abu, take him back to me and keep him as a pet for a few days!"

"You little bitch, you're looking for death!"

Lu Zixuan's murderous intent boiled over, and the wound on his arm healed strangely quickly, and he shouted: "Catch her!"


A big hole was directly knocked out of the wall, and four weirdos, all covered in black robes, rushed in!

"Ye Xixi, it's hard to fly today!" Lu Zixuan said with a cruel smile.

Ye Xixi shook her head with disdain and said: "A dog is still a dog after all. Even if your biting skills become better, you will still be a running dog. But how can a dog beat a human's IQ?"

Suddenly, there were several screams outside the door.


Then the door was blown into pieces by an extremely violent force!



Jiang Ruoshui's car drove to the third factory and saw that the entrance of the factory was crowded with people. Two corpses were parked directly there. A group of men, women and children stood there in grief and indignation. They should be the family members of the two victims.

"That woman is the boss here. Everyone, hurry up and catch her. Don't let her escape. If you don't give us an explanation today, we will never let her leave!"

Seeing Jiang Ruoshui coming, a group of family members of the victims immediately swarmed up and surrounded her.

"Everyone, please don't get excited. As the person in charge, I deeply regret that such a tragedy happened. However, please rest assured that Tianxiang Group will definitely give everyone a satisfactory explanation. Please send a representative to negotiate with me now. Can you Can?"

No matter what the truth behind it was, Jiang Ruoshui could not look down upon these people who had just lost their loved ones.

The director of the third factory, sweating profusely, squeezed over and shouted: "Everyone, please calm down. I have already said that Director Jiang will handle it personally. Now you finally believe it, right?"

Jiang Ruoshui nodded to the factory director and said, "Let's go to your office to talk."

The factory director led the way, and a group of people walked into the office. However, when the factory director closed the door, Jiang Ruoshui found that the group of family members had disappeared.

But there was a man wearing a mask sitting in the office, smiling and saying: "Hello, Director Jiang. I have long heard that Director Jiang is not only a shopping mall, but I didn't expect that when I saw him today, he is even more stunning."

Jiang Ruoshui did not show much surprise at this sudden change, but asked indifferently: "I don't know you, who are you?"

"Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Black Dragon!"

However, after Jiang Ruoshui nodded, he turned to Fan Yutong and asked with a complicated expression: "Why do you do this?"

Fan Yutong was Tianxiang's old man and was highly valued by Lu Shuangshuang. Ji Wufeng also regarded her as a friend. After Jiang Ruoshui came, he also entrusted her with important tasks and regarded her as a confidant.

When he got the news, Jiang Ruoshui would never believe that Fan Yutong would betray him, but now the facts are before his eyes.

"Yes...I'm sorry." Fan Yutong had a painful expression on his face.

"Is there really no reason?" Jiang Ruoshui asked calmly.

Fan Yutong shook his head. Maybe there was really no reason, or maybe it was a reason that he couldn't speak out.

"Hey, why does Mr. Jiang care about this? Please ask Mr. Jiang to come with me now." Black Dragon waved his hand, and four weirdos covered in black robes rushed in.


The door suddenly seemed to have been hit by a cannonball and was blown to pieces. A sharp cold light flew towards the man in black who reached out to touch Jiang Ruoshui.

It was the dragon's tooth blade that was inserted into the throat of the man in black. The terrifying force directly knocked the man in black away and pinned him to the wall.

In the CEO's office, the old man doesn't have much hair. Recently, due to the development of Tianfeng Group, he has too many things to do, almost to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. As a result, his hair is even less, and the top of his head is almost like a hair. A Mediterranean.

The assistant knocked on the door and came in, saying: "Mr. Xu, Minister Ye wants to see you."

Before the old ghost could answer, Ye Qianxiang had already twisted his waist and walked in with a happy face. The old ghost frowned slightly and said to the assistant: "You go down first."

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