Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1228 Forcing Gu Tianyang to come back

News of Yuzhou's change of ownership soon reached Huajing, which was undoubtedly an announcement that Ji Wufeng might no longer be qualified to continue participating in this battle.

Whether he can save his life or not is still unknown. Now that his home nest has been taken over again, even if he can't die, he is just a bereaved dog!

While Ji Wufeng was thrown into the abyss, Gu Tianyang's momentum rapidly expanded. Even though he was in the east, no one doubted that the change of ownership in Yuzhou was not his work.

Look, don’t you think you’re awesome? Now that they are not at home, they can easily get rid of you. This proves something and proves their strength.

There are also battle reports that Gu Tianyang keeps sending back from the eastern battlefield. There is a lot of publicity on the Internet, either reporting how many enemy troops the Dragon Group has annihilated, or reporting on what good deeds Gu Tianyang has done. Every piece of news is praising Gu Tian. Yang's act of benevolence and righteousness, the benevolent man is invincible, demonstrates the supreme power and magnanimity of Yangyang China!

Crazy admirers seem to have pushed Gu Tianyang to the altar.


Lu Zifeng smashed the cup in his hand on the ground. Only by winning the hearts of the people can he win the world. Maybe even if Ji Wufeng had a chance to turn defeat into victory, the people would probably think that it was just a little monster who got lucky and defeated Ultraman.

What if Ji Wufeng jumped out and shouted: "Gu Tianyang, I want to duel with you."

He was probably drowned in the saliva of those Gu Tianyang supporters. How could we fight this fight? We had already lost it before the fight even started.

Lei Ming covered his face and said, "It's over now, there's no hope at all."

He now regrets boarding Ji Wufeng's pirate ship. If the ship capsizes, the entire Lei family will also be destroyed.

Li Yunxiao chuckled and said, "Why are you so anxious? Ji Wufeng is not dead yet."

"So what if he didn't die? If he knew about the situation in front of him, he would be angry to death even if he didn't die." Beichen Ao said with squinting eyes.

The country he had finally conquered was taken away just like that. If it had been him, he would have vomited blood and died long ago.

"It seems that our plan should be carried out." Lu Zifeng said with a cold face.

Seeing you smile made me sad for several days. Seeing you cry made me happy for several years. Now Gu Tianyang is smiling, but Lu Zifeng is so sad that he wants to cry.

"It's indeed time to proceed." Li Yunxiao chuckled.

"What's the plan?" Beichen Ao asked.

"Force Gu Tianyang to come back!"

Gu Tianyang's momentum is now high. Not only are they wanting to cry, but Xiao Mingyu is probably also laughing unhappily. Some people are already calling him Prince.

While the prince Gu Tianyang is still shining brightly, he is just a copycat at best.

If he wants to secure the position of prince, Gu Tianyang is undoubtedly the strongest opponent. The stronger the opponent, the more uncomfortable he will feel.

But the most uncomfortable person was not Xiao Mingyu, nor Lu Zifeng, nor Ji Wufeng, but Gu Tianhao.

Seeing that Gu Tianhao was not in a good mood, Song Jianghe smiled cautiously and said, "The weather is nice today, young master, why don't we go and relax?"


Gu Tianhao smiled, his face turned ferocious because of the ferocious smile, and said, "Young Master? How far do you think the difference between me, the Young Master, and the Prince is?"

Song Jianghe's face was stunned. How far is the difference? That's a huge difference.

There are many eldest young men, and all the wealthy young men in Huajing can be called eldest young masters, but how many people dare to use the title of prince?

Gu Tianyang dares because he is the first person of his generation in Huajing!

Ji Wufeng dared because he had the energy to force Gu Tianyang to go far east.

Xiao Mingyu dares because he is now the most powerful person among the younger generation in Huajing.

But does Gu Tianhao dare?

He doesn't dare, because he is not as good as Gu Tianyang, not as good as Ji Wufeng, and not as good as Xiao Mingyu. If he dares to call himself the prince, the whole Huajing City will probably laugh.

"Why should you mind, young master? It's just a title." Song Jianghe tried his best to make his smile look natural, but it was unnatural no matter how he smiled.

"Yes, the title is not important, and you don't need to mind it too much, but the title means the person's identity. The eldest young master is the eldest young master, and the prince is the prince. They are not on the same level at all!"

Gu Tianhao's tone was full of resentment. He had always thought that he was not inferior to Gu Tianyang. If he sat in Gu Tianyang's position, he would still be the prince, and he would even be better than Gu Tianyang. better.

However, the appearance of Xiao Mingyu easily replaced the crown prince, which made him feel very hurt. How could this be possible? The prince should be me, but why did he become Xiao Mingyu? This is so unscientific!

But before he had time to react, Gu Tianyang's momentum greatly increased. Everyone was talking about how the two princes would fight when Gu Tianyang returned. Gu Tianyang was not mentioned at all.

This made Gu Tianhao feel like a clown. Gu Tianyang was the prince in the Gu family, and he was still the prince after leaving the Gu family. And even if he, Gu Tianhao, was in the Gu family, he was still just a young man.

Gu Tianhao's heart felt like a needle was pricking him. Am I really not as good as Gu Tianyang?

Never underestimate a man's jealousy. If this man is crazy, he may be more terrifying than a narrow-minded woman!

The ferocious smile on Gu Tianhao's face suddenly disappeared. He turned his head and asked Song Jianghe seriously: "Jiang He, you are the person I trust the most. How do you think I can transform from young master to prince?"

The expression on Song Jianghe's face showed that he seemed to be experiencing a strenuous struggle in his heart. Finally, he said: "Since the young master has talked about this, I will say it directly. Even if what I said is wrong, for the sake of I recognize you, young master."

"Say it!" Gu Tianhao said.

Song Jianghe said coldly: "Actually, everyone knows that the reason why Gu Tianyang can become the prince is not because he has the support of the Gu family? Otherwise, why should he? Perhaps the young master feels that Gu Tianyang is no longer in the Gu family, and the Gu family is here I fully support you, but you are wrong.”

"Why did Gu Tianyang leave? He didn't do anything treacherous or cause great losses to the Gu family. His leaving was just a hard-to-get method, just to deal with Ji Wufeng. Now it seems that his The plan worked."

"But have you ever thought about it, don't the Gu family really know about Gu Tianyang's plan? They must know that they are just cooperating with Gu Tianyang. They are still secretly supporting him with all their strength, and you, the eldest young master, It’s just a temporary replacement.”

"Besides, Gu Tianyang said that he is not from the Gu family, so he is not from the Gu family? If Mr. Gu wants to call him back one day, he will still be the eldest son of the Gu family, and now his momentum is at the peak of his power, I think The time for him to return to the Gu family is not far away." News of Yuzhou's change of ownership soon spread to Huajing, which was undoubtedly an announcement that Ji Wufeng might no longer be qualified to continue participating in this battle.

Whether he can save his life or not is still unknown. Now that his home nest has been taken over again, even if he can't die, he is just a bereaved dog!

While Ji Wufeng was thrown into the abyss, Gu Tianyang's momentum rapidly expanded. Even though he was in the east, no one doubted that the change of ownership in Yuzhou was not his work.

Look, don’t you think you’re awesome? Now that they are not at home, they can easily get rid of you. This proves something and proves their strength.

There are also battle reports that Gu Tianyang keeps sending back from the eastern battlefield. There is a lot of publicity on the Internet, either reporting how many enemy troops the Dragon Group has annihilated, or reporting on what good deeds Gu Tianyang has done. Every piece of news is praising Gu Tian. Yang's act of benevolence and righteousness, the benevolent man is invincible, demonstrates the supreme power and magnanimity of Yangyang China!

Crazy admirers seem to have pushed Gu Tianyang to the altar.


Lu Zifeng smashed the cup in his hand on the ground. Only by winning the hearts of the people can he win the world. Maybe even if Ji Wufeng had a chance to turn defeat into victory, the people would probably think that it was just a little monster who got lucky and defeated Ultraman.

What if Ji Wufeng jumped out and shouted: "Gu Tianyang, I want to duel with you."

He was probably drowned in the saliva of those Gu Tianyang supporters. How could we fight this fight? We had already lost it before the fight even started.

Lei Ming covered his face and said, "It's over now, there's no hope at all."

He now regrets boarding Ji Wufeng's pirate ship. If the ship capsizes, the entire Lei family will also be destroyed.

Li Yunxiao chuckled and said, "Why are you so anxious? Ji Wufeng is not dead yet."

"So what if he didn't die? If he knew about the situation in front of him, he would be angry to death even if he didn't die." Beichen Ao said with squinting eyes.

The country he had finally conquered was taken away just like that. If it had been him, he would have vomited blood and died long ago.

"It seems that our plan should be carried out." Lu Zifeng said with a cold face.

Seeing you smile made me sad for several days. Seeing you cry made me happy for several years. Now Gu Tianyang is smiling, but Lu Zifeng is so sad that he wants to cry.

"It's indeed time to proceed." Li Yunxiao chuckled.

"What's the plan?" Beichen Ao asked.

"Force Gu Tianyang to come back!"

Gu Tianyang's momentum is now high. Not only are they wanting to cry, but Xiao Mingyu is probably also laughing unhappily. Some people are already calling him Prince.

While the prince Gu Tianyang is still shining brightly, he is just a copycat at best.

If he wants to secure the position of prince, Gu Tianyang is undoubtedly the strongest opponent. The stronger the opponent, the more uncomfortable he will feel.

But the most uncomfortable person was not Xiao Mingyu, nor Lu Zifeng, nor Ji Wufeng, but Gu Tianhao.

Seeing that Gu Tianhao was not in a good mood, Song Jianghe smiled cautiously and said, "The weather is nice today, young master, why don't we go and relax?"


Gu Tianhao smiled, his face turned ferocious because of the ferocious smile, and said, "Young Master? How far do you think the difference between me, the Young Master, and the Prince is?"

Song Jianghe's face was stunned. How far is the difference? That's a huge difference.

There are many eldest young men, and all the wealthy young men in Huajing can be called eldest young masters, but how many people dare to use the title of prince?

Gu Tianyang dares because he is the first person of his generation in Huajing!

Ji Wufeng dared because he had the energy to force Gu Tianyang to go far east.

Xiao Mingyu dares because he is now the most powerful person among the younger generation in Huajing.

But does Gu Tianhao dare?

He doesn't dare, because he is not as good as Gu Tianyang, not as good as Ji Wufeng, and not as good as Xiao Mingyu. If he dares to call himself the prince, the whole Huajing City will probably laugh.

"Why should you mind, young master? It's just a title." Song Jianghe tried his best to make his smile look natural, but it was unnatural no matter how he smiled.

"Yes, the title is not important, and you don't need to mind it too much, but the title means the person's identity. The eldest young master is the eldest young master, and the prince is the prince. They are not on the same level at all!"

Gu Tianhao's tone was full of resentment. He had always thought that he was not inferior to Gu Tianyang. If he sat in Gu Tianyang's position, he would still be the prince, and he would even be better than Gu Tianyang. better.

However, the appearance of Xiao Mingyu easily replaced the crown prince, which made him feel very hurt. How could this be possible? The prince should be me, but why did he become Xiao Mingyu? This is so unscientific!

But before he had time to react, Gu Tianyang's momentum greatly increased. Everyone was talking about how the two princes would fight when Gu Tianyang returned. Gu Tianyang was not mentioned at all.

This made Gu Tianhao feel like a clown. Gu Tianyang was the prince in the Gu family, and he was still the prince after leaving the Gu family. And even if he, Gu Tianhao, was in the Gu family, he was still just a young man.

Gu Tianhao's heart felt like a needle was pricking him. Am I really not as good as Gu Tianyang?

Never underestimate a man's jealousy. If this man is crazy, he may be more terrifying than a narrow-minded woman!

The ferocious smile on Gu Tianhao's face suddenly disappeared. He turned his head and asked Song Jianghe seriously: "Jiang He, you are the person I trust the most. How do you think I can transform from young master to prince?"

The expression on Song Jianghe's face showed that he seemed to be experiencing a strenuous struggle in his heart. Finally, he said: "Since the young master has talked about this, I will say it directly. Even if what I said is wrong, for the sake of I recognize you, young master."

"Say it!" Gu Tianhao said.

Song Jianghe said coldly: "Actually, everyone knows that the reason why Gu Tianyang can become the prince is not because he has the support of the Gu family? Otherwise, why should he? Perhaps the young master feels that Gu Tianyang is no longer in the Gu family, and the Gu family is here I fully support you, but you are wrong.”

"Why did Gu Tianyang leave? He didn't do anything treacherous or cause great losses to the Gu family. His leaving was just a hard-to-get method, just to deal with Ji Wufeng. Now it seems that his The plan worked."

"But have you ever thought about it, don't the Gu family really know about Gu Tianyang's plan? They must know that they are just cooperating with Gu Tianyang. They are still secretly supporting him with all their strength, and you, the eldest young master, It’s just a temporary replacement.”

"Besides, Gu Tianyang said that he is not from the Gu family, so he is not from the Gu family? If Mr. Gu wants to call him back one day, he will still be the eldest son of the Gu family, and now his momentum is at the peak of his power, I think The time for him to return to the Gu family is not far away."

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