Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1251 Lu Shuangshuang is in danger

Ji Wufeng is now under the pressure of public opinion. Gu Tianyang is a national idol, and Ji Wufeng has been portrayed as a big villain, which is very detrimental to Ji Wufeng.

If Ji Wufeng becomes Gu Tianyang's friend, the name of this big devil will be removed immediately. How can a hero's friend be a bad guy?

"As expected, you are all smart as ice and snow." Ji Wufeng said cheerfully and appreciatively.

But there was one thing he didn't say, and that was that Gu Tianyang's additional sincerity did play a role.

Is the black dragon really dead? But Ji Wufeng saw it with his own eyes.

But Ji Wufeng did not forget Ye Qianxiang's words. At the same time, he did not believe that Gu Tianyang could not make a deal with him with a dead person.

Although she knew that there were benefits to forming an alliance, Ye Xixi still couldn't help but said: "After fighting for a long time, you actually want to help the big bad guy!"

Jiang Ruoshui looked at the time and said, "It's time you went to see Shuangshuang.

Ye Xixi also said angrily: "Humph, for the sake of Sister Shuangshuang, I will spare you first!"

Lu Shuangshuang was not the first woman to follow Ji Wufeng, but she was also the woman with the most important status in Ji Wufeng's eyes in the eyes of others, just because Lu Shuangshuang was the one who paid the most for Ji Wufeng. ??

At this moment, Ji Wufeng's phone suddenly rang. It was Juhun. After answering, Juhun said in a heavy tone: "Master, something happened to Shuangshuang's sister-in-law."

"What's the matter?" Ji Wufeng suddenly stood up and asked sternly.

When they learned that something had happened to Lu Shuangshuang, Jiang Ruoshui and Ye Xixi didn't even have time to change their clothes and shoes, so they rushed out in casual clothes and slippers. Abu had already started the car.

He almost ran all the way to the hospital and found Yu Chuchu standing at the door of the hospital, her eyes red, obviously she had just cried. When she saw Ji Wufeng coming, her tears started to fall again.

Ji Wufeng patted her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, he will be fine."

When he opened the door, he saw two people already inside, Gouhun and Ye Linglong.

She didn't have time to ask why Ye Linglong was here, so she directly asked Gouhun: "What's the situation now?"

Gouhun said with a solemn expression: "Sister-in-law Shuangshuang's condition has always been very stable, but for some unknown reason her life functions are declining. At this rate, her life functions will be completely exhausted in less than two months. , then..."

Before he finished his seductive words, Ji Wufeng had already understood. If a person's life functions are completely exhausted, signs of life will disappear along with it, which is death.

"What method can we use to save her?" Ji Wufeng said.

Ye Linglong shook her head and said: "It's useless, her life functions are draining too fast, and the energy replenished to her cannot make ends meet, and there is no way to stop it!"

"You can't even do anything?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

"I'm sorry!" Ye Linglong lowered her head and said.

Ji Wufeng staggered and almost collapsed on the ground, saying: "No, it's impossible. She has always been good, how could she suddenly become like this!"

"Sister Shuangshuang!"

Yu Chuchu couldn't help crying first. Ye Xixi wiped her tears and shouted to Gouhun: "Aren't you a very good doctor? Please hurry up and save Sister Shuangshuang!"

Gouhun also lowered his head and said: "There is nothing I can do, I'm sorry..."

r\u003e "You bastard, you can't do anything and you still act like a shitty doctor!" Ye Xixi cursed at Gouhun while shedding tears.

Jiang Ruoshui walked silently to the hospital bed and saw Lu Shuangshuang, who had lost a lot of weight. He gently held her hands, turned to Ye Linglong and said, "No matter what method you use, no matter what price you pay, please help." How is she?"

Ye Linglong sighed and said: "I'm sorry, I can't find the reason for her loss of life functions. The only thing I can do is to keep replenishing them. But the amount of replenishment cannot meet the rate of her loss, so I can only postpone the disappearance of her life signs." It’s just time!”

Ji Wufeng jumped up and said to Ye Linglong: "Didn't you say that as long as you find Angel Star, you can save her?"

Ye Linglong said: "That is just my guess, it has not been confirmed, and I have also found three angel stars so far, which is far from enough in number!"

Ever since Ye Linglong suggested that collecting Angel Stars might save Lu Shuangshuang, Ji Wufeng had given the order and mobilized all his energy to find Angel Stars. However, Angel Stars are too rare and only three have been found so far. It is far different from the quantity Ye Linglong said.

"Even if it's not enough, I have to try it now!" Ji Wufeng said.

After Ye Linglong hesitated for a moment, she said: "Now she has lost a lot of life functions and is very weak. I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the domineering energy of Angel Star."

"Now I have no other choice." Ji Wufeng said with red eyes.

"Then let's start!" Ye Linglong nodded.

The situation had become so critical that she had to give it a try. She knew that even if there was only a glimmer of hope, Ji Wufeng would never miss it!

Three angel stars were sent over. Ji Wufeng originally wanted Jiang Ruoshui and the others to leave temporarily, but none of them were willing to leave.

Ji Wufeng gently touched Lu Shuangshuang's cheek and said softly: "Don't be afraid, as long as I am here, you will be fine."

"Sister Shuangshuang, you must get better." Yu Chuchu cried.

Ye Xixi cried while wiping her tears: "Sister Shuangshuang, nothing will happen to you. If something happens to you, I will have one less helper to help me bully this bastard in the future."

Jiang Ruoshui wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, held both hands and said, "We sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. This time I will wait for you."

Ye Linglong also looked deeply at Lu Shuangshuang, and then said to Ji Wufeng: "Let's start!"

Ji Wufeng nodded, motioned Jiang Ruoshui and the others to step aside and grabbed an angel star.


The Angel Star was crushed to pieces, and blue light immediately burst out, but it condensed together and floated in the palm of Ji Wufeng's hand. The Angel Star was shattered, and the energy drifted out. It is necessary to input this energy bit by bit. Lu Shuangshuang's body.

The energy was continuously compressed, and finally condensed into the shape of water droplets. A blue silk thread was slowly input along Lu Shuangshuang's chest.

Lu Shuangshuang's complexion began to change. The originally pale and bloodless complexion gradually turned rosy, and the rise and fall of her chest gradually became stronger, which showed that her breathing was gradually stabilizing.

"It's working!" Ye Linglong shouted with joy.

Everyone saw the change in Lu Shuangshuang. The girls next to him jumped up with excitement, and Ji Wufeng was so excited that he almost shed tears. Ji Wufeng is now under the pressure of public opinion. Gu Tianyang is a national idol, and Ji Wufeng has been portrayed as a big villain, which is very detrimental to Ji Wufeng.

If Ji Wufeng becomes Gu Tianyang's friend, the name of this big devil will be removed immediately. How can a hero's friend be a bad guy?

"As expected, you are all smart as ice and snow." Ji Wufeng said cheerfully and appreciatively.

But there was one thing he didn't say, and that was that Gu Tianyang's additional sincerity did play a role.

Is the black dragon really dead? But Ji Wufeng saw it with his own eyes.

But Ji Wufeng did not forget Ye Qianxiang's words. At the same time, he did not believe that Gu Tianyang could not make a deal with him with a dead person.

Although she knew that there were benefits to forming an alliance, Ye Xixi still couldn't help but said: "After fighting for so long, you actually want to help the big bad guy!"

Jiang Ruoshui looked at the time and said, "It's time you went to see Shuangshuang.

Ye Xixi also said angrily: "Humph, for the sake of Sister Shuangshuang, I will spare you first!"

Lu Shuangshuang was not the first woman to follow Ji Wufeng, but she was also the woman with the most important status in Ji Wufeng's eyes in the eyes of others, just because Lu Shuangshuang was the one who paid the most for Ji Wufeng. ??

At this moment, Ji Wufeng's phone suddenly rang. It was Juhun. After answering, Juhun said in a heavy tone: "Master, something happened to Shuangshuang's sister-in-law."

"What's the matter?" Ji Wufeng suddenly stood up and asked sternly.

When they learned that something had happened to Lu Shuangshuang, Jiang Ruoshui and Ye Xixi didn't even have time to change their clothes and shoes, so they rushed out in casual clothes and slippers. Abu had already started the car.

He almost ran all the way to the hospital and found Yu Chuchu standing at the door of the hospital, her eyes red, obviously she had just cried. When she saw Ji Wufeng coming, her tears started to fall again.

Ji Wufeng patted her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, he will be fine."

When he opened the door, he saw two people already inside, Gouhun and Ye Linglong.

She didn't have time to ask why Ye Linglong was here, so she directly asked Gouhun: "What's the situation now?"

Gouhun said with a solemn expression: "Sister-in-law Shuangshuang's condition has always been very stable, but for some unknown reason her life functions are declining. At this rate, her life functions will be completely exhausted in less than two months. , then..."

Before he finished his seductive words, Ji Wufeng had already understood. If a person's life functions are completely exhausted, signs of life will disappear along with it, which is death.

"What method can we use to save her?" Ji Wufeng said.

Ye Linglong shook her head and said: "It's useless, her life functions are draining too fast, and the energy replenished to her cannot make ends meet, and there is no way to stop it!"

"You can't even do anything?" Ji Wufeng asked coldly.

"I'm sorry!" Ye Linglong lowered her head and said.

Ji Wufeng staggered and almost collapsed on the ground, saying: "No, it's impossible. She has always been good, how could she suddenly become like this!"

"Sister Shuangshuang!"

Yu Chuchu couldn't help crying first. Ye Xixi wiped her tears and shouted to Gouhun: "Aren't you a very good doctor? Please hurry up and save Sister Shuangshuang!"

Gouhun also lowered his head and said: "There is nothing I can do, I'm sorry..."

r\u003e "You bastard, you can't do anything and you still act like a shitty doctor!" Ye Xixi cursed at Gouhun while shedding tears.

Jiang Ruoshui walked silently to the hospital bed and saw Lu Shuangshuang, who had lost a lot of weight. He gently held her hands, turned to Ye Linglong and said, "No matter what method you use, no matter what price you pay, please help." How is she?"

Ye Linglong sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I can't find the reason for her loss of life functions. The only thing I can do is to keep replenishing them. But the amount of replenishment can't meet the rate of her loss, so I can only delay the disappearance of her life signs." It’s just time!”

Ji Wufeng jumped up and said to Ye Linglong: "Didn't you say that as long as you find Angel Star, you can save her?"

Ye Linglong said: "That is just my guess, it has not been confirmed, and I have also found three angel stars so far, which is far from enough in number!"

Ever since Ye Linglong suggested that collecting Angel Stars might save Lu Shuangshuang, Ji Wufeng had given the order and mobilized all his energy to find Angel Stars. However, Angel Stars are too rare and only three have been found so far. It is far different from the quantity Ye Linglong said.

"Even if it's not enough, I have to try it now!" Ji Wufeng said.

After Ye Linglong hesitated for a moment, she said: "Now she has lost a lot of life functions and is very weak. I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the domineering energy of Angel Star."

"Now I have no other choice." Ji Wufeng said with red eyes.

"Then let's start!" Ye Linglong nodded.

The situation had become so critical that she had to give it a try. She knew that even if there was only a glimmer of hope, Ji Wufeng would never miss it!

Three angel stars were sent over. Ji Wufeng originally wanted Jiang Ruoshui and the others to leave temporarily, but none of them were willing to leave.

Ji Wufeng gently touched Lu Shuangshuang's cheek and said softly: "Don't be afraid, as long as I am here, you will be fine."

"Sister Shuangshuang, you must get better." Yu Chuchu cried.

Ye Xixi cried while wiping her tears: "Sister Shuangshuang, nothing will happen to you. If something happens to you, I will have one less helper to help me bully this bastard in the future."

Jiang Ruoshui wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, held both hands and said, "We sisters haven't seen each other for a long time. This time I will wait for you."

Ye Linglong also looked deeply at Lu Shuangshuang, and then said to Ji Wufeng: "Let's start!"

Ji Wufeng nodded, motioned Jiang Ruoshui and the others to step aside and grabbed an angel star.


The Angel Star was crushed to pieces, and blue light immediately burst out, but it condensed together and floated in the palm of Ji Wufeng's hand. The Angel Star was shattered, and the energy drifted out. It is necessary to input this energy bit by bit. Lu Shuangshuang's body.

The energy was continuously compressed, and finally condensed into the shape of water droplets. A blue silk thread was slowly input along Lu Shuangshuang's chest.

Lu Shuangshuang's complexion began to change. The originally pale and bloodless complexion gradually turned rosy, and the rise and fall of her chest gradually became stronger, which showed that her breathing was gradually stabilizing.

"It's working!" Ye Linglong shouted with joy.

Everyone saw the change in Lu Shuangshuang. The girls next to him jumped up with excitement, and Ji Wufeng was so excited that he almost shed tears.

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