If Wuchang and the others knew that Ji Wufeng had killed his own in front of him and he failed to stop him, they would have to chop him into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!

"Get away!"

Before Gouhun could get closer, Ji Wufeng suddenly roared, and Gouhun spat out blood and flew out. He didn't even get up for a long time. Finally, he took out his phone and dialed, and shouted: "Get the hell over here, the boss is crazy. , you have to kill yourself, if you don’t come, just wait and collect the bodies for us.”

In less than ten minutes, the door of the ward was hit by a sharp weapon and torn into pieces. The first person to rush in was Wu Chang. Seeing the scene in front of him, he asked in shock: "What happened?"

"Fengzi, you can't just think about it."

"Master, you can't die!"

In an instant, the ward was filled with people, all of whom were Ji Wufeng's most trusted brothers and friends. When they knew what happened, they all felt sorry for Lu Shuangshuang, and at the same time they understood Ji Wufeng's madness.

If he had such a good woman in Ji Wufeng's position, he would definitely be equally crazy.

But the crazy guy is going crazy. After all, they are more sensible than Ji Wufeng now. Murong Wuji shouted: "Stop fucking standing there, pull him away, otherwise he will really die later."

As he said that, he reached out to grab Ji Wufeng.


Murong Wuji suddenly flew out and hit the wall hard, with blood pouring from his mouth. Ji Wufeng said in a sinister tone: "Let's all go. I have made up my mind. I will kill anyone who stops me today!"

Everyone was stunned. It seemed that Gouhun was right, Ji Wufeng was really crazy.

"Your grandpa, even if you kill me, I can't let you die here today, Loach, come on!"

As soon as Yuan Dongdong finished speaking, he and Zhao Jiaolong rushed forward as fast as lightning, but they came back as fast as they left, spitting blood from their mouths, and couldn't get up after lying on the ground for a long time.

Zhao Jiaolong shouted loudly: "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Come on together, knock him out and carry him back!"

Yue Kunpeng frowned slightly and rushed over. Nie Hu also drew his sword and shouted: "Master, don't blame me. If you die, my wife will be sad too."

boom! boom!

Similarly, the two of them flew back with serious injuries. Wu Chang and Lin Tianzhao stepped forward, but were kicked away by Ji Wufeng before they could take action.

Zhao Jiaolong pointed at Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao who were standing aside and said angrily: "Why the hell don't you come?"

At this time, Ye Linglong shook her head and said: "No, there is only one person who can stop him at this time. You try your best to stop him. I hope it's not too late."

After saying that, Ye Linglong took out her phone and dialed a number.

Everyone rushed towards Ji Wufeng, trying to stop him, but at this time Ji Wufeng was already crazy, and they did not dare to use their full strength for fear of hurting Ji Wufeng and Lu Shuangshuang, so they could only passively take the beating.

Although Ji Wufeng did not kill anyone, if this continues, everyone will be beaten to death by him.

Finally, Ji Wufeng could no longer stand. His energy was exhausted, his vitality had been drained out, and he was about to fall into a coma.

Zhao Jiaolong seized the opportunity, stepped forward and punched Ji Wufeng, knocking him unconscious to the ground, and everything returned to peace.

After making the call, Ye Linglong immediately stepped forward to check and took a deep breath and said, "There is nothing wrong with him. He just has too much overdraft. He needs to rest for a while."

Enough. "

Everyone also let out a sigh of relief, finally saving Ji Wufeng's life, but no one was relieved, because Lu Shuangshuang was bound to die. Will Ji Wufeng be able to withstand such a blow?

At this moment, Jiang Ruoshui suddenly said: "Shuangshuang..."

Everyone looked over with surprise on their faces. Lu Shuangshuang's life function had been almost exhausted just now. Her hair was gray and she looked like an old woman. But now she has returned to normal, with a rosy complexion and long black hair. She had obviously taken Ji Wufeng's drug. After using his skills, he stabilized.

Ye Linglong immediately continued to check and found that Lu Shuangshuang had completely maintained signs of life.

"Is that thing in her body full?"

Ye Linglong looked at her with a weird look on her face, and then her expression suddenly became extremely weird. She turned to Gou Hun and said, "You are a professional doctor, come and take a look."

Gouhun had just received a punch from Ji Wufeng. He limped over and put his fingers on Lu Shuangshuang's wrist. He suddenly jumped up and howled in a high-pitched voice: "Fuck, is this something complicated? Is it me? Did you see it wrong? Could it be that my medical skills are not good enough?"

"It's normal that your medical skills are not good enough, but if I see it wrong, it's abnormal, unless I'm blind!" Ye Linglong said.

Damn it, why do you mean it's normal for me to be poor in medical skills, but it's not normal if you see it wrong?

Gouhun was extremely depressed, but she didn't dare to provoke this female devil. Instead, she turned to Chu Chu and said, "Miss Chu Chu, could you please find the best obstetrician and gynecologist here?"

Yu Chuchu didn't know why Gouhun asked her to find the obstetrician and gynecologist, but now was not the time to ask, so she ran out immediately.

Yuan Dongdong shouted: "Damn it, my sister-in-law has become like this. If you don't save people, why are you looking for an obstetrician and gynecologist?"

Gouhun squinted his eyes and cursed: "You are so anxious, I naturally have my own reasons."

"What's going on?" Jiang Ruoshui asked eagerly.

Gouhun glanced at Ye Linglong secretly, hesitated for a long time, and said, "I'm not absolutely sure yet, but you will all know in a moment."

Yu Chuchu quickly called the best obstetrician and gynecologist in the hospital. She was an elderly female doctor who was facing retirement. She was frightened when she saw that the room was full of people, and many of them were covered in blood. A jump.

But before she could say anything, Gouhun ran over, grabbed her hand and said, "Doctor, come and see what's going on with my sister-in-law?"

The doctor looked at Lu Shuangshuang, then felt her pulse, and finally touched her belly and said, "Don't be nervous, she's just pregnant!"

"What did you say?"


Everyone was stunned. Lu Shuangshuang had been in a coma for several months and had to have a full body checkup almost every few days. If she was pregnant, she should have been found out long ago.

"This is impossible. She cannot be pregnant. You must have seen it wrong." Nie Hu affirmed.

If Lu Shuangshuang was pregnant, she would have discovered it long ago. Why wait until now? Unless she just became pregnant in the past few days, but the possibility is zero!

"How can you, a young lady, talk? I don't know how many important people have delivered babies. How could I get it wrong?" The old doctor was very dissatisfied with Nie Hu's attitude of doubting her.

Before Nie Hu could speak, Gouhun interrupted: "She's not wrong, my sister-in-law is really...pregnant." If Wuchang and the others knew that Ji Wufeng had killed him in front of him, but he couldn't stop it. If so, I have to chop him into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!

"Get away!"

Before Gouhun could get closer, Ji Wufeng suddenly roared, and Gouhun spat out blood and flew out. He didn't even get up for a long time. Finally, he took out his phone and dialed, and shouted: "Get the hell over here, the boss is crazy. , you have to kill yourself, if you don’t come, just wait and collect the bodies for us.”

In less than ten minutes, the door of the ward was hit by a sharp weapon and torn into pieces. The first person to rush in was Wu Chang. Seeing the scene in front of him, he asked in shock: "What happened?"

"Fengzi, you can't just think about it."

"Master, you can't die!"

In an instant, the ward was filled with people, all of whom were Ji Wufeng's most trusted brothers and friends. When they knew what happened, they all felt sorry for Lu Shuangshuang, and at the same time they understood Ji Wufeng's madness.

If he had such a good woman in Ji Wufeng's position, he would definitely be equally crazy.

But the crazy guy is going crazy. After all, they are more sensible than Ji Wufeng now. Murong Wuji shouted: "Stop fucking standing there, pull him away, otherwise he will really die later."

As he said that, he reached out to grab Ji Wufeng.


Murong Wuji suddenly flew out and hit the wall hard, with blood pouring from his mouth. Ji Wufeng said in a sinister tone: "Let's all go. I have made up my mind. I will kill anyone who stops me today!"

Everyone was stunned. It seemed that Gouhun was right, Ji Wufeng was really crazy.

"Your grandpa, even if you kill me, I can't let you die here today, Loach, come on!"

As soon as Yuan Dongdong finished speaking, he and Zhao Jiaolong rushed forward as fast as lightning, but they came back as fast as they left, spitting blood from their mouths, and couldn't get up after lying on the ground for a long time.

Zhao Jiaolong shouted loudly: "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Come on together, knock him out and carry him back!"

Yue Kunpeng frowned slightly and rushed over. Nie Hu also drew his sword and shouted: "Master, don't blame me. If you die, my wife will be sad too."

boom! boom!

Similarly, the two of them flew back with serious injuries. Wu Chang and Lin Tianzhao stepped forward, but were kicked away by Ji Wufeng before they could take action.

Zhao Jiaolong pointed at Murong Wuji and Wen Jingtao who were standing aside and said angrily: "Why the hell don't you come?"

At this time, Ye Linglong shook her head and said: "No, there is only one person who can stop him at this time. You try your best to stop him. I hope it's not too late."

After saying that, Ye Linglong took out her phone and dialed a number.

Everyone rushed towards Ji Wufeng, trying to stop him, but at this time Ji Wufeng was already crazy, and they did not dare to use their full strength for fear of hurting Ji Wufeng and Lu Shuangshuang, so they could only passively take the beating.

Although Ji Wufeng did not kill anyone, if this continues, everyone will be beaten to death by him.

Finally, Ji Wufeng could no longer stand. His energy was exhausted, his vitality had been drained out, and he was about to fall into a coma.

Zhao Jiaolong seized the opportunity, stepped forward and punched Ji Wufeng, knocking him unconscious to the ground, and everything returned to peace.

After making the call, Ye Linglong immediately stepped forward to check and took a deep breath and said, "There is nothing wrong with him. He just has too much overdraft. He needs to rest for a while."

Enough. "

Everyone also let out a sigh of relief, finally saving Ji Wufeng's life, but no one was relieved, because Lu Shuangshuang was bound to die. Will Ji Wufeng be able to withstand such a blow?

At this moment, Jiang Ruoshui suddenly said: "Shuangshuang..."

Everyone looked over with surprise on their faces. Lu Shuangshuang's life function had been almost exhausted just now. Her hair was gray and she looked like an old woman. But now she has returned to normal, with a rosy complexion and long black hair. She had obviously taken Ji Wufeng's drug. After using his skills, he stabilized.

Ye Linglong immediately continued to check and found that Lu Shuangshuang had completely maintained signs of life.

"Is that thing in her body full?"

Ye Linglong looked at her with a weird look on her face, and then her expression suddenly became extremely weird. She turned to Gouhun and said, "You are a professional doctor, come here and take a look."

Gouhun had just received a punch from Ji Wufeng. He limped over and put his fingers on Lu Shuangshuang's wrist. He suddenly jumped up and howled in a high-pitched voice: "Fuck, is this something complicated? Is it me? Did you see it wrong? Could it be that my medical skills are not good enough?"

"It's normal that your medical skills are not good enough, but if I see it wrong, it's abnormal, unless I'm blind!" Ye Linglong said.

Damn it, why do you mean it's normal for me to be poor in medical skills, but it's not normal if you see it wrong?

Gouhun was extremely depressed, but she didn't dare to provoke this female devil. Instead, she turned to Chu Chu and said, "Miss Chu Chu, could you please find the best obstetrician and gynecologist here?"

Yu Chuchu didn't know why Gouhun asked her to find the obstetrician and gynecologist, but now was not the time to ask, so she ran out immediately.

Yuan Dongdong shouted: "Damn it, my sister-in-law has become like this. If you don't save people, why are you looking for an obstetrician and gynecologist?"

Gouhun squinted his eyes and cursed: "You are so anxious, I naturally have my own reasons."

"What's going on?" Jiang Ruoshui asked eagerly.

Gouhun glanced at Ye Linglong secretly, hesitated for a long time, and said, "I'm not absolutely sure yet, but you will all know in a moment."

Yu Chuchu quickly called the best obstetrician and gynecologist in the hospital. She was an elderly female doctor who was facing retirement. She was frightened when she saw that the room was full of people, and many of them were covered in blood. A jump.

But before she could say anything, Gouhun ran over, grabbed her hand and said, "Doctor, come and see what's going on with my sister-in-law?"

The doctor looked at Lu Shuangshuang, then felt her pulse, and finally touched her belly and said, "Don't be nervous, she's just pregnant!"

"What did you say?"


Everyone was stunned. Lu Shuangshuang had been in a coma for several months and had to have a full body checkup almost every few days. If she was pregnant, she should have been found out long ago.

"This is impossible. She cannot be pregnant. You must have seen it wrong." Nie Hu affirmed.

If Lu Shuangshuang was pregnant, she would have discovered it long ago. Why wait until now? Unless she just became pregnant in the past few days, but the possibility is zero!

"How can you, a young lady, talk? I don't know how many important people have delivered babies. How could I get it wrong?" The old doctor was very dissatisfied with Nie Hu's attitude of doubting her.

Before Nie Hu could say anything, Gouhun interrupted: "She's not wrong. My sister-in-law is really...pregnant."

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