Ji Wufeng let out a long breath, hugged Lu Shuangshuang ecstatically and said, "Honey, did you hear that? We have our own child."

However, after the excitement, there was a question that had to be clarified, and that was why the child in Lu Shuangshuang's belly was so special.

"I think this has a direct relationship with you being a divine warrior." Ye Linglong said.

Divine warriors are also cultivators. If Ji Wufeng thought about it carefully, I am afraid that this is indeed the case.

Because it is rare for cultivators to have children, because cultivators live extremely long lives, and most of them devote themselves to cultivation. They have no concept of passing on the family line, and they are not willing to cause trouble.

However, any child of a cultivator is no longer a mortal body as soon as he is born. Either he has amazing talents, or he has powerful power right from his mother's womb.

Although Ji Wufeng had no children in the world of cultivation and had not done any research, he was certain that this must be caused by the fetus inheriting the powerful power of its parents.

Ji Wufeng is a true cultivator, and his children will naturally inherit his power. They are not ordinary children and are born to be much stronger than ordinary people.

In this way, there is a difference. Just because this fetus is so powerful, it is destined that the energy it needs in the mother's body is not comparable to that of ordinary fetuses. This is like the energy that elephants and ants need in the mother's body. The energy is worlds apart.

The fetus had already sprouted in Lu Shuangshuang's body, but unfortunately, Lu Shuangshuang was not a cultivator, but a mortal, and could not provide him with powerful energy like a cultivator, so it took several months to absorb Lu Shuangshuang. It is formed by too many vital functions.

However, this was still far from enough, so after Ji Wufeng transferred a large amount of true energy, the fetus was finally full and stabilized.

After figuring out the key to this, Ji Wufeng let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was there. Otherwise, the fetus would have sucked the mother's body dry in order to take shape, and both mother and child would be dead.


Another thing is that I find that Lu Shuangshuang’s thoughts seem to be much more obvious now than before. Although it cannot be confirmed, I think 80% of them are related to the fetus! "

Lu Shuangshuang was like a living dead before, with almost no signs of life except her body, but now the detection equipment showed that she actually started to have her own thoughts.

Gouhun interjected: "I guess this is indeed related to the fetus. She should be in a deep sleep now. Nothing in the outside world can affect her. However, the fetus comes from her body and is one with her. Therefore, she can feel it." fetus."

Ye Linglong's eyes lit up and she said: "If this guess is correct, then this fetus is most likely the key to waking her up!"

Gouhun also became excited and said: "Yes, since the fetus can affect her, when the fetus grows to be strong enough, once it has its own thinking, it will definitely be able to awaken the mother's body!"

Ji Wufeng was immediately overjoyed. This was great news. The child was born and his wife recovered. Anyone else would be overjoyed.

He kissed Lu Shuangshuang hard and said, "Honey, did you hear that? Our child is very healthy. You have to wake up when the time comes. The child needs to be cared for by his own mother!"

After the news spread that Lu Shuangshuang was pregnant and that Ji Wufeng was going to be a father, everyone felt relieved, and then they were all overjoyed.

At this moment, Qin Yi rushed over and shouted anxiously before entering the ward: "Where is it? Where is that little beast?"

The situation at that time was too critical. Ji Wufeng was almost determined to die together with Lu Shuangshuang. No one could stop him. Ye Linglong had no choice but to invite Qin Yi. I am afraid she is the only one in the world who can Change Ji Wufeng's decision.

have to

After learning about the situation, Qin Yi immediately put down everything in his hands and rushed to Yuzhou.

Everyone got out of the way, Qin Yi rushed into the ward and saw Lu Shuangshuang lying on the hospital bed. She walked over and held Lu Shuangshuang's hand. Her eyes turned red and she cried, "You silly girl, you have suffered so much." ."

Lu Shuangshuang has followed Qin Yi for many years and can be said to be the person she trusts the most. Lu Shuangshuang did not go back during the New Year. Ji Wufeng lied to her because he was busy with work.

But she didn't expect that Lu Shuangshuang was injured and comatose because of her son, and even became pregnant with Ji Wufeng's child.

This made Qin Yi feel extremely distressed for Lu Shuangshuang, and she felt extremely guilty.

"Mom, both of you are fine. You will wake up soon. The child is also very healthy..." Ji Wufeng said.

Qin Yi raised her head and asked Ye Linglong, "Is that so?"

Ye Linglong nodded and said, "Aunt Qin, please don't worry. Shuangshuang is in very good condition now, and the child is also healthy. There is no problem."

"That's good."

Qin Yi held Lu Shuangshuang's hand tightly and said, "My child, this is what the Ji family owes you. You must wake up, otherwise Mom will not be able to compensate you."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yi stood up, raised her hand and slapped Ji Wufeng hard on the face.


Ji Wufeng didn't dare to dodge. This slap hit his face hard, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"You beast, kneel down!" Qin Yi shouted angrily.


Ji Wufeng immediately knelt in front of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi pointed at Lu Shuangshuang and said sternly: "Remember, it's all because of you that Shuangshuang is like this now. This is what the Ji family owes her, and it's what you owe her."

"I know, Mom." Ji Wufeng lowered his head and said.

Qin Yi raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm asking you now, how do you plan to repay this debt?"\u003c


Ji Wufeng pointed his finger to the sky and said: "I swear that I will love and protect her for the rest of my life. If I violate it, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Hearing this, Qin Yi's eyebrows relaxed, but her tone remained majestic as she said: "Listen here, I don't care how many women you have in the future, but I recognize this daughter-in-law. If you dare in the future, If you fail her, you don’t need to be punished by heaven and earth, I will kill you with my own hands!”

"Mom, I heard you!" Ji Wufeng said while lying on the ground.

Although the process is a bit too dangerous, the ending is quite satisfying. Lu Shuangshuang is facing recovery, and the Ji family is about to have another child. This is a great joy.

Qin Yi made a decision and moved her family to Yuzhou.

The Tianxiang Group is now headquartered in Yuzhou, and Qin Yi is in charge of a reliable person. He plans to stay in Yuzhou to serve Lu Shuangshuang with peace of mind and take care of several children at the same time.

Qin Yi got into the kitchen early in the morning, grabbed an old hen and dropped it, turning it into a pot of fragrant chicken soup.

"Grandma, are you making chicken soup for me to drink again?" Tianlin ran in, picked up the spoon and was about to taste it.


Unexpectedly, Qin Yi slapped his hand away and said with a glare: "Go aside, this is stew for your younger brothers and sisters."

Tianlin shouted with an aggrieved look on his face: "I haven't given birth yet, can I drink chicken soup?"

"You don't care whether you can drink it or not. If your mother drinks it, the fetus can drink it. Do you understand?" Qin Yi said.

Tianlin was so angry that he raised his little fist and said angrily: "You are trying to steal my chicken soup before the baby is born. I will beat your ass when you are born!"

Luoluo said: "Brother Tianlin, you don't really want to beat up your little brother and sister, do you?"

Tianlin scratched his head and thought for a moment, then said: "It seems that I can't really beat him. Brother Dahu, if I fight with someone in the future, I still count on him. Forget it, for the sake of him helping me to get beaten in the future, Just forgive him first.”

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