Now it became a consensual relationship. The marriage was booked on the spot at Bai's house. Mo Qingran was still sleeping at home. When she woke up, she heard that she was going to get married soon. .

Now she was so angry that she had a huge quarrel with her mother, threatening to beat her to death even if she refused to marry, but her mother refused to give in and locked her up at home until the wedding day. Don't let her out.

In the end, the Nalan family got the news and helped her escape, otherwise she would still be under house arrest at this time.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose and said, "Since Tianxin helped you run out, wouldn't it be enough if you just ask her to help you talk about it?"

With Nalan Tianxin's energy, it was easy to deal with Mo Qingran's matter.

"I also want to ask her to help me, but she is worried now, so I don't want to bother her." Mo Qingran lowered her head and said.

"Worried? What's wrong with her?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Mo Qingran shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I originally wanted to see her, but I didn't see her. The person who helped me run away asked me to come to Yuzhou to find you."

Ji Wufeng's brows immediately wrinkled. It was related to Mo Qingran's life-long event, but he couldn't even meet Nalan Tianxin, so he must be really in trouble.

Although Nalan Tianxin is disabled, she is definitely an extremely intelligent person, and the troubles she encounters will definitely not be minor troubles.

In this case, even if Mo Qingran didn't come to see him, he would still have to go to Beijing.

The two of them arrived at the ward. Today, Wu Chang and Ma Tianlin were in charge of guarding the door. Wu Chang stood there with a cool expression on his face, without saying a word. Ma Tianlin's mouth was like a machine, and he said, "Brother, what happened today?" The little girl is really juicy, her face is watery, and she has a good figure..."


Wu Chang's sword was half drawn out, and Ma Tianlin immediately closed his mouth and said: "Okay, I won't say anything anymore. I will pull out the sword at every turn. What woman can't see you if she is blind?"

I just don’t know what he would think if he knew that Wu Chang already had a charming little lady by his side.

Suddenly he saw Ji Wufeng and Mo Qingran walking over. Ma Tianlin, who was holding back his anger, immediately screamed: "Fuck you, you are a heartless person. Your wife is still lying in there with a big belly. Brothers, help you guard the door." , you actually went to pick up a girl!"

Mo Qingran immediately glared and said, "Damn fat man, what are you talking about? He is my brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law? She is your sister-in-law, haha..."

Ma Tianlin's eyes suddenly glowed green, he stretched out his fat pig hand and said with a smile: "Hello sister-in-law, my name is Ma Tianlin. I am the best brother in martial arts and the most handsome among this bastard."

Mo Qingran rolled her eyes at him and said, "You idiot!"

Ma Tianlin got angry and said: "Who is a bastard? Have you ever seen a bastard who is so happy and handsome?"

Mo Qingran grinned and said: "You don't have to be handsome, but you are indeed a good-for-nothing with a sense of humor."


Ma Tianlin felt as if he had been hit in the chest and received a critical hit of 100,000 points of damage.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes, wasn't this girl so cute just now? When the time comes, send this damn fat guy Ma Tianlin to snatch the bride. Imagine the expression on Mo Qingran's face at that time, it must be wonderful.

Ji Wufeng said: "Damn fat man."

Ma Tianlin Xie

He glanced at Mo Qingran and said, "What are you doing?"

It seems that he is very worried about Mo Qingran's "happy idiot" just said.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Mo Qingran and said: "She will stay in Yuzhou for a few days. You will be responsible for entertaining her these days. Remember, you must entertain her well. If she is not greeted and makes her unhappy, I will call her." Break your dog’s legs?”

"You Xiudou...want me to entertain her?"

"You let this damn fat man entertain me?"

As soon as Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the two of them shouted at the same time.

Oops, there was such a tacit understanding. Ji Wufeng felt that it was really necessary to make the two of them a couple.

Ji Wufeng walked up to Mo Qingran and whispered: "Think about it, if you are so good-looking, there will definitely be a lot of hooligans who will come to trouble you, and there will definitely be fights. This damn fat guy is full of flesh. Resist beating."

Mo Qingran thought about it. When the fight actually started, of course he would need a human shield.

Ji Wufeng ran up to Ma Tianlin again and whispered: "Don't you want to pick up a beautiful girl? Now this is a test. It's difficult for this girl to be good at it. If you can get her, you will not indulge in love in the future, and you will have no disadvantages. Do you have a beautiful woman at your fingertips?"

Ma Tianlin thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was really the case. Dogs knew how to pick up the hardest bones first, let alone women?

A few days passed quickly. Lu Shuangshuang's condition was very stable, and the fetus was growing healthily. In addition, Ji Wufeng collected a large amount of tonics, which were enough for the fetus to absorb, so Ji Wufeng did not need to accompany him all the time.

That night, Ji Wufeng was going to Huajing, and Qin Yi prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Apart from the family, there was only one guest, Mo Qingran, and of course Ma Tianlin, who was in charge of entertaining her, was also there.

Even after these days of getting along, the two of them still didn't seem to get along. Seeing Ma Tianlin staring at the dishes on the table, Mo Qingran said scornfully: "Eat, eat, eat. I just know how to eat. I don't think so." Not only are you a jerk, you’re also an idiot.”

Ma Tianlin immediately became unhappy and said angrily: "You still have the nerve to accuse me? It seems that you ate more than me last time, right? You wolfed it down like a starving ghost."

This is really what happened. When the two of them had dinner together for the first time, Mo Qingran despised Ma Tianlin at first, saying that he ate like a pig, but then she didn't expect that she ate even more than Ma Tianlin. Ma Tianlin didn't even know how she maintained such a slim figure.

Mo Qingran picked up a chicken drumstick and said proudly: "I'm a beauty, can you compare with me? No matter how much I eat, I'm still more eye-catching than you!"

Ma Tianlin was speechless for a moment. This is the fact. No matter how much a beautiful woman eats, she will still look better than a man.

Isn’t the beauty amazing? Can beautiful women just bully people? Ma Tianlin had tears in his eyes.

After dinner, Ji Wufeng and his group boarded the plane. Looking at the white clouds outside, Ji Wufeng roared in his heart: Hua Jing, I, Ji Wufeng, am back!

"Sir, would you like a drink?"

The beautiful and sexy stewardess was holding drinks and asked politely one by one. When it was Ma Tianlin's turn, the damn fat man stared at the stewardess and almost cried out.


Just as he was about to say hello to the stewardess, Ma Tianlin suddenly screamed in pain, covered his feet and angrily shouted at Mo Qingran who was sitting next to him: "Why are you stepping on me?" The marriage was arranged at home, and Mo Qingran was still sleeping at home. When she woke up, she heard that she was going to get married soon.

Now she was so angry that she had a huge quarrel with her mother, threatening to beat her to death even if she refused to marry, but her mother refused to give in and locked her up at home until the wedding day. Don't let her out.

In the end, the Nalan family got the news and helped her escape, otherwise she would still be under house arrest at this time.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose and said, "Since Tianxin helped you run out, wouldn't it be enough if you just ask her to help you talk about it?"

With Nalan Tianxin's energy, it was easy to deal with Mo Qingran's matter.

"I also want to ask her to help me, but she is worried now, so I don't want to bother her." Mo Qingran lowered her head and said.

"Worried? What's wrong with her?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Mo Qingran shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I originally wanted to see her, but I didn't see her. The person who helped me run away asked me to come to Yuzhou to find you."

Ji Wufeng's brows immediately wrinkled. It was related to Mo Qingran's life-long event, but he couldn't even meet Nalan Tianxin, so he must be really in trouble.

Although Nalan Tianxin is disabled, she is definitely an extremely intelligent person, and the troubles she encounters will definitely not be minor troubles.

In this case, even if Mo Qingran didn't come to see him, he would still have to go to Beijing.

The two of them arrived at the ward. Today, Wu Chang and Ma Tianlin were in charge of guarding the door. Wu Chang stood there with a cool expression on his face, without saying a word. Ma Tianlin's mouth was like a machine, and he said, "Brother, what happened today?" The little girl is really juicy, her face is watery, and she has a good figure..."


Wu Chang's sword was half drawn out, and Ma Tianlin immediately closed his mouth and said: "Okay, I won't say anything anymore. I will pull out the sword at every turn. What woman can't see you if she is blind?"

I just don’t know what he would think if he knew that Wu Chang already had a charming little lady by his side.

Suddenly he saw Ji Wufeng and Mo Qingran walking over. Ma Tianlin, who was holding back his anger, immediately screamed: "Fuck you, you are a heartless person. Your wife is still lying in there with a big belly. Brothers, help you guard the door." , you actually went to pick up a girl!"

Mo Qingran immediately glared and said, "Damn fat man, what are you talking about? He is my brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law? She is your sister-in-law, haha..."

Ma Tianlin's eyes suddenly glowed green, he stretched out his fat pig hand and said with a smile: "Hello sister-in-law, my name is Ma Tianlin. I am the best brother in martial arts and the most handsome among this bastard."

Mo Qingran rolled her eyes at him and said, "You idiot!"

Ma Tianlin got angry and said: "Who is a bastard? Have you ever seen a bastard who is so happy and handsome?"

Mo Qingran grinned and said: "You don't have to be handsome, but you are indeed a good-for-nothing with a sense of humor."


Ma Tianlin felt as if he had been hit in the chest and received a critical hit of 100,000 points of damage.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes, wasn't this girl so cute just now? When the time comes, send this damn fat guy Ma Tianlin to snatch the bride. Imagine the expression on Mo Qingran's face at that time, it must be wonderful.

Ji Wufeng said: "Damn fat man."

Ma Tianlin Xie

He glanced at Mo Qingran and said, "What are you doing?"

It seems that he is very worried about Mo Qingran's "happy idiot" just said.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Mo Qingran and said: "She will stay in Yuzhou for a few days. You will be responsible for entertaining her these days. Remember, you must entertain her well. If she is not greeted and makes her unhappy, I will call her." Break your dog’s legs?”

"You Xiudou...want me to entertain her?"

"You let this damn fat man entertain me?"

As soon as Ji Wufeng finished speaking, the two of them shouted at the same time.

Oops, there was such a tacit understanding. Ji Wufeng felt that it was really necessary to make the two of them a couple.

Ji Wufeng walked up to Mo Qingran and whispered: "Think about it, if you are so good-looking, there will definitely be a lot of hooligans who will come to trouble you, and there will definitely be fights. This damn fat guy is full of flesh. Resist beating."

Mo Qingran thought about it for a while. When the fight started, of course he would need a human shield.

Ji Wufeng ran up to Ma Tianlin again and whispered: "Don't you want to pick up a beautiful girl? Now this is a test. It's difficult for this girl to be good at it. If you can get her, you will not indulge in love in the future, and you will have no disadvantages. Do you have a beautiful woman at your fingertips?"

Ma Tianlin thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was really the case. Dogs knew how to pick up the hardest bones first, let alone women?

A few days passed quickly. Lu Shuangshuang's condition was very stable, and the fetus was growing healthily. In addition, Ji Wufeng collected a large amount of tonics, which were enough for the fetus to absorb, so Ji Wufeng did not need to accompany him all the time.

That night, Ji Wufeng was going to Huajing, and Qin Yi prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Apart from the family, there was only one guest, Mo Qingran, and of course Ma Tianlin, who was in charge of entertaining her, was also there.

Even after these days of getting along, the two of them still didn't seem to get along. Seeing Ma Tianlin staring at the dishes on the table, Mo Qingran said scornfully: "Eat, eat, eat. I just know how to eat. I don't think so." Not only are you a jerk, you’re also an idiot.”

Ma Tianlin immediately became unhappy and said angrily: "You still have the nerve to accuse me? It seems that you ate more than me last time, right? You wolfed it down like a starving ghost."

This is really what happened. When the two of them had dinner together for the first time, Mo Qingran despised Ma Tianlin at first, saying that he ate like a pig, but then she didn't expect that she ate even more than Ma Tianlin. Ma Tianlin didn't even know how she maintained such a slim figure.

Mo Qingran picked up a chicken drumstick and said proudly: "I'm a beauty, can you compare with me? No matter how much I eat, I'm still more eye-catching than you!"

Ma Tianlin was speechless for a moment. This is the fact. No matter how much a beautiful woman eats, she will still look better than a man.

Isn’t the beauty amazing? Can beautiful women just bully people? Ma Tianlin had tears in his eyes.

After dinner, Ji Wufeng and his group boarded the plane. Looking at the white clouds outside, Ji Wufeng roared in his heart: Hua Jing, I, Ji Wufeng, am back!

"Sir, would you like a drink?"

The beautiful and sexy stewardess was holding drinks and asked politely one by one. When it was Ma Tianlin's turn, the damn fat man stared at the stewardess and almost cried out.


Just as he was about to say hello to the flight attendant, Ma Tianlin suddenly screamed in pain, covered his feet and angrily shouted at Mo Qingran who was sitting next to him: "Why are you stepping on me?"

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