Everyone's eyes immediately widened, because they didn't see clearly what happened, and all the bodyguards collapsed on the ground. Ma Tianlin stood there calmly, putting on a posture that he thought was very coquettish and said: "How about it?" ?Am I handsome? Do I look like Bruce Lee?"

Mo Qingran was also a little dumbfounded, nodded and said: "He is a little bit handsome, and he looks a lot like Bruce Lee, but I have never seen such a fat Bruce Lee!"

Ma Tianlin was furious, but before he could get angry, a gun was put to his head, making him swallow the words he was about to curse.

"Today is my young master's happy day. You better get out of here, you fat man, or I will kill you!" Bai Weihao said coldly.

The hatred of having your wife taken away is the greatest hatred in life, and if your daughter-in-law is taken away when you get married, you will become a laughing stock for the rest of your life.

Ma Tianlin got angry and said, "Master Dao, don't think that because I am fat, I will look good when rolled up. In fact, thin people can also look good when rolled up. If you don't believe me, why don't you give it a try?"

Although Ma Tianlin had just knocked down a dozen bodyguards in one go and was very impressive, he said such idiotic words, which made everyone think that this fat man must have something wrong with his brain.

"Do you think I dare not kill you?" Bai Weihao said coldly.

"That's right, Master Dao, I just know that you don't dare to do anything to Master Dao." Ma Tianlin said.

He knew that people like Bai Weihao must have killed people before, but he would never dare to do so in public. Now is a legal society. If someone shoots and kills in public, even his father, Thanos, can't save him.

Bai Weihao smiled, handed the robbery to a man with a sinister expression beside him, and said: "I really don't dare, because I am a good and law-abiding person, how could I do such a thing? But if someone shoots to kill, I will It can’t be turned off.”

The man took the gun, pointed it at Ma Tianlin's head, and sneered: "Master Bai, don't forget what you promised me."

Bai Weihao laughed ferociously and said: "Don't worry, I'll give you two million in settling-in allowance, and I'll hire the best lawyer for you, and you'll be out after a few years of practice.

You're getting a good deal. "

Ma Tianlin was stunned immediately. Your uncle, you still play like this?

Bai Weihao didn't dare to shoot, but some people did.

This man is obviously a desperado, but if he goes to jail for a few years, he can get millions, which is indeed a good deal.

Among the crowd, Lu Zifeng said hey: "You still don't plan to go? Fatty can't even handle it."

"Don't be anxious yet, the fun hasn't officially started yet." Ji Wufeng was there, not worried at all.

With a gun pointed at his head by a desperado, Ma Tianlin would not only be unable to snatch his wife, he would even lose his life.

Mo Qingran said with a look of despair, "You'd better leave."

She knew that she had no chance to change her destiny today, and she didn't want to hurt Ma Tianlin anymore.

Ma Tianlin felt aggrieved. What should he do now?

He is a member of the Taoist sect, and his physique is far inferior to the agility and toughness of a warrior. There is no way to avoid bullets.

But seeing the delicate Mo Qingran being pushed into the fire pit, he felt heartbroken.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Your uncle, if you dare to steal your wife from me, I will kill you."

Then a powerful force suddenly rushed towards Ma Tianlin. Ma Tianlin was unprepared and his body immediately rushed towards the man holding the gun.

The man was suddenly shocked. He thought Ma Tianlin was determined to snatch Mo Qingran away and that he was going to fight him desperately, so he raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Ma Tianlin also reacted, crying and cursing in his heart: He bought a watch last year, who the hell harmed me?


The gunshot rang out, and Ma Tianlin had no choice but to

The vicious dog pounced on the food and fell to the ground, the bullet grazing his scalp and flying out.

Before he could get up, the hateful voice just now rang out again: They robbed your wife and daughter, and even shot you to kill you. Why the hell don’t you dare to fight back? Are you still a man?

Before he finished speaking, the man pointed his gun at Ma Tianlin again.

Ma Tianlin's anger immediately broke out. Yes, although she was not his daughter-in-law, at least she was a beautiful Ma Tianlin. What was even more abominable was that she shot me. It was really unreasonable.


The gunfire rang out again, but strangely, it missed at such a close distance, as if there was an invisible force that deflected the muzzle of the gun.

As soon as the man's eyes flashed, Ma Tianlin was already in front of him, and slapped him hard on the face with a big mouth. ??

The man was suddenly slapped with stars in his eyes, fell to the ground, and dropped the gun in his hand.

Ma Tianlin exploded. He rushed over and rode on him, giving him a slap in the face. He cursed angrily: "Your uncle, if you dare to compete with me, I will kill you..."

Everyone present was stunned. Isn't this fat guy too awesome? Not even afraid of guns.

The first person to react was Bai Weihao, who sneered and said, "Catch him, commit murder on the street, and send him to the police station."

Although the man did not beat Ma Tianlin to death, his goal had been achieved. He committed a murder on the street and took him to the police station. Everything would be fine today.

Immediately, the experts arranged by Song Jianghe rushed out and pounced on Ma Tianlin like a wolf.

"Your grandpa, the more people bully the less people, right? But your Taoist master, the thing I'm not afraid of the most is the large number of people!"

Ma Tianlin took out a yellow paper talisman from nowhere, and after sticking it on his body, he suddenly jumped over a person's head, and then kicked over.

At this time, the fat man was just like a master in a martial arts movie, as light as a swallow.

The master of the Song family at the front was kicked away, and a large area of ​​the people behind him was knocked down. Ma Tianlong stamped his foot on the ground, and his round body rushed towards the crowd of masters of the Song family like a tiger.

Lu Zifeng's eyes widened and he said, "Damn it, how did the fat guy become so powerful all of a sudden?"

"The Tao Sect has stood firm for thousands of years, so we can't underestimate it!" Ji Wufeng said.

"Does Taoism really exist in this world?" Lu Zifeng knew that Ma Tianlin was a Taoist disciple, but he never believed that those magical Taoism really existed.

Ji Wufeng said: "Didn't you just see it with your own eyes?"

Lu Zifeng had a look of astonishment on his face and said, "Holy crap, aren't these Taoist people like gods?"

Those Taoist masters in the movie can move mountains and seas at every turn and call for wind and rain. If such people really existed, then their power would be too terrifying.


Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "Taoism cannot be used casually. First of all, the innate requirement for cultivating Taoism is to have spiritual roots, and there are too few people with spiritual roots. Moreover, the level of Taoism is the same as the cultivation level of a warrior. It’s different, just like the charm that the fat man is using, if used by someone who is not good at Taoism, it will only make people stronger, but it will not have such an effect at all.”

Bang bang bang...

Almost instantly, all the masters of the Song family collapsed on the ground. Ma Tianlin stood proudly on the spot. Mo Qingran's eyes widened. At this time, she discovered that this damn fat man no longer seemed insignificant. On the contrary, he still had a little bit of majesty. fierce.

Bai Weihao was confused. Just to prevent emergencies, he asked Song Jianghe to arrange these masters of the Song family, but he didn't expect them to be so vulnerable.

Ma Tianlin suddenly looked over, and Bai Weihao was startled. He quickly stepped back and said, "What are you going to do?"

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