
At this time, a taxi drove over, and Ji Wufeng and others got out of the taxi. After paying the fare, the taxi drove away immediately. Nie Hu was still yelling from behind: "Fuck, don't leave. , there is still fifty cents left and you haven’t found me yet.”

At this time, the Jiang family's door was already crowded with guests who came to attend the banquet. This scene almost made everyone's faces filled with contempt. They came to Jiang's family for the banquet, but they took a taxi and even paid 50 cents for the taxi. Fei was worried, why could the Jiang family have such a poor guest?

Seeing Ji Wufeng and the others coming, Li Yue immediately ran over. He glanced at Lin Tianzhao first, and then said happily to Ji Wufeng, "You are finally here."

"I came here specifically to drink my wife's engagement wine today, how could I be absent?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

The guests were all stunned. His wife's engagement wine? Isn’t the eldest daughter of the Jiang family getting engaged to the eldest young master of the Li family today? Could this guy be Li Tianqing, the eldest young master of the Li family?

It must be him, otherwise who would be so bold as to say such a thing?

Ji Wufeng has no choice. When he comes to steal someone else's bride, he has to be honest, right? If he and Jiang Xinyue were just ordinary friends, then why should he take her away today?

Therefore, he took it upon himself to establish a relationship between himself and Jiang Xinyue as boyfriend and girlfriend, and he would explain it after it was over.

Moreover, he also found out that in order to stir up hatred between himself and Li Tianqing, the person behind the scenes had already announced that he and Jiang Xinyue had been having an affair when they were in Yuzhou.

"Young Master Li, I've admired him for a long time. I'm very impressed by Young Master Li's reputation. It's even more famous than meeting him today." A fat man stepped forward with a smile on his face, took Ji Wufeng's hand and shook it.

The expression was like that of a grandson seeing his own grandfather, so enthusiastic that he wanted to give it to him. It gave Ji Wufeng goosebumps. If he had blocked that fat pig face, he would have thought that his long-lost grandson was here.

Everyone else reacted instantly and rushed over to swarm him.

"Young Master Li is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men, he is so majestic..."

"Isn't that right? If you didn't know, you would have thought some big star was coming."

"How are you talking? Can those celebrities who are worthless and worthless compare to Young Master Li?"

The eldest son of a martial arts family, his power in the arena is definitely no worse than that of Gu Tianyang and others in Huajing. If he can curry favor with him, he can be unscrupulous in the arena in the future.

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng and the other five were surrounded by people, just like Lafayette was surrounded by courtiers.

But at this moment, someone sneered: "You really don't know whether to live or die, and you actually want to steal a woman from Brother Tianqing!"

Uh, trying to steal a woman from Li Tianqing?

Everyone was stunned, only to hear Li Yue continue: "Don't be so attentive. He is not Young Master Li. He is the old lover of Young Master Li's fiancée."


In an instant, the crowd surrounding Ji Wufeng felt as if they had seen a ghost, and they all jumped back. The fat man who was the first to shake hands with Ji Wufeng jumped on his feet and cursed: "You are not Mr. Li, you should have done it earlier." Tell me, why are you pretending to be full of garlic?"

"Damn it, it took me a long time to make it and it turned out to be a fake!"

"Look at his poor appearance, I've already seen that he's not a good guy.

, and he wants to steal his wife from Young Master Li, seeking death! "

Everyone couldn't help but yell and curse. Their original intention was to curry favor with Li Tianqing, but they didn't expect that after being passionate for a long time, they turned out to be Li Tianqing's love rival.

Oh my god, can I get married now?

If Li Tianqing knew that they were so enthusiastic about his love rival, wouldn't the entire Li family be offended? When the Li family releases a word, how can they still hang out in the world?

Li Yu walked over with a proud look on his face and said with a sneer: "Do you see clearly? You are not even a fart here. There are too many people who can crush you to death with one finger."

Li Yu had always held a grudge after being slapped by Ji Wufeng before. This time she came with her because she wanted to see with her own eyes how Ji Wufeng and the others were taught a lesson.

"But I can crush you to death with one finger right now!"

A ghastly voice sounded, and then a fierce aura pressed towards Li Yu, who immediately fell to his knees with a plop.

"Stop it!" A loud shout rang out!

The person coming was none other than Jiang Hui, Jiang Chengfeng's father, the middle-aged man Ji Wufeng met when he beat Jiang Chengfeng before.

He said angrily: "You are guests of the Jiang family. Do you want to use force in the Jiang family?"

Ji Wufeng waved his hand, and Lin Tianzhao immediately took back his breath and said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out we are guests of the Jiang family, but not only did no one receive us, but they came to ridicule us, making me think we were from the Jiang family. Where is the enemy?"

"As long as you are a guest of the Jiang family, the Jiang family will treat you with courtesy."

Jiang Hui didn't have any good impression of Ji Wufeng. If it weren't for Mr. Jiang's decision, he would never have sent an invitation letter to Ji Wufeng. However, he also knew that he couldn't afford to offend Ji Wufeng, so he said coldly: "Please come in and sit down. There will naturally be people inside to entertain you." you."

After saying that, he hurriedly helped Li Yue up. The Li family were now honored guests and must not be offended.

Seeing that Jiang Hui ignored him lazily, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to walk in by himself. There were already many guests, but almost everyone stayed away when they saw him. They already knew that this guy and Li Tianqing were love rivals, so naturally they didn't dare to follow him. He contacted him for fear of making the Li family unhappy and retaliating against them as well.

Just like that, Ji Wufeng and the other five stood there in a daze. Even the servants of the Jiang family were unwilling to greet them. There was a vacuum within a five-meter radius of them, and no one dared to step in.

Ma Tianlin pouted and said, "What's going on with the Jiang family? It's so rude. No one even came to say hello. Don't you know that their new uncle is here?"

"I'm busy and have things on my hands, so of course I don't have time to greet us, but let's not be idle and have fun by ourselves. Set up the stall, come and have fun." After saying this, Ji Wufeng took something out of his pocket. Three dice come.

"Damn it, you brought dice?" Zhao Jiaolong glared.

Ji Wufeng said: "Of course, there are many big shots here today, and they must all be rich. Wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune?"

Zhao Jiaolong thought of the last birthday party held by the Liu family. He rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, set up the stall quickly. Hurry up. Can you afford to delay my fortune?"

Ji Wufeng said to Yuan Dongdong: "Things are not here. Find some valuable ones. Remember, they must be valuable, otherwise they will not be worthy of our identity and status." "You..."

At this time, a taxi drove over, and Ji Wufeng and others got out of the taxi. After paying the fare, the taxi drove away immediately. Nie Hu was still yelling from behind: "Fuck, don't leave. , there is still fifty cents left and you haven’t found me yet.”

At this time, the Jiang family's door was already crowded with guests who came to attend the banquet. This scene almost made everyone's faces filled with contempt. They came to Jiang's family for the banquet, but they took a taxi and even paid 50 cents for the taxi. Fei was worried, why could the Jiang family have such a poor guest?

Seeing Ji Wufeng and the others coming, Li Yue immediately ran over. He glanced at Lin Tianzhao first, and then said happily to Ji Wufeng, "You are finally here."

"I came here specifically to drink my wife's engagement wine today, how could I be absent?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

The guests were all stunned. His wife's engagement wine? Isn’t the eldest daughter of the Jiang family getting engaged to the eldest young master of the Li family today? Could this guy be Li Tianqing, the eldest young master of the Li family?

It must be him, otherwise who would be so bold as to say such a thing?

Ji Wufeng has no choice. When he comes to steal someone else's bride, he has to be honest, right? If he and Jiang Xinyue were just ordinary friends, then why should he take her away today?

Therefore, he took it upon himself to establish a relationship between himself and Jiang Xinyue as boyfriend and girlfriend, and he would explain it after it was over.

Moreover, he also found out that in order to stir up hatred between himself and Li Tianqing, the person behind the scenes had already announced that he and Jiang Xinyue had been having an affair when they were in Yuzhou.

"Young Master Li, I've admired him for a long time. I'm very impressed by Young Master Li's reputation. It's even more famous than meeting him today." A fat man stepped forward with a smile on his face, took Ji Wufeng's hand and shook it.

The expression was like that of a grandson seeing his own grandfather, so enthusiastic that he wanted to give it to him. It gave Ji Wufeng goosebumps. If he had blocked that fat pig face, he would have thought that his long-lost grandson was here.

Everyone else reacted instantly and rushed over to swarm him.

"Young Master Li is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men, he is so majestic..."

"Isn't that right? If you didn't know, you would have thought some big star was coming."

"How are you talking? Can those celebrities who are worthless and worthless compare to Young Master Li?"

The eldest son of a martial arts family, his power in the arena is definitely no worse than that of Gu Tianyang and others in Huajing. If he can curry favor with him, he can be unscrupulous in the arena in the future.

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng and the other five were surrounded by people, just like Lafayette was surrounded by courtiers.

But at this moment, someone sneered: "You really don't know whether to live or die, and you actually want to steal a woman from Brother Tianqing!"

Uh, trying to steal a woman from Li Tianqing?

Everyone was stunned, only to hear Li Yue continue: "Don't be so attentive. He is not Young Master Li. He is the old lover of Young Master Li's fiancée."


In an instant, the crowd surrounding Ji Wufeng felt as if they had seen a ghost, and they all jumped back. The fat man who was the first to shake hands with Ji Wufeng jumped on his feet and cursed: "You are not Mr. Li, you should have done it earlier." Tell me, why are you pretending to be full of garlic?"

"Damn it, it took me a long time to make it and it turned out to be a fake!"

"Look at his poor appearance, I've already seen that he's not a good guy.

, and he wants to steal his wife from Young Master Li, seeking death! "

Everyone couldn't help but yell and curse. Their original intention was to curry favor with Li Tianqing, but they didn't expect that after being passionate for a long time, they turned out to be Li Tianqing's love rival.

Oh my god, can I get married now?

If Li Tianqing knew that they were so enthusiastic about his love rival, wouldn't the entire Li family be offended? When the Li family releases a word, how can they still hang out in the world?

Li Yu walked over with a proud look on his face and said with a sneer: "Do you see clearly? You are not even a fart here. There are too many people who can crush you to death with one finger."

Li Yu had always held a grudge after being slapped by Ji Wufeng before. This time she came with her because she wanted to see with her own eyes how Ji Wufeng and the others were taught a lesson.

"But I can crush you to death with one finger right now!"

A ghastly voice sounded, and then a fierce aura pressed towards Li Yu, who immediately fell to his knees with a plop.

"Stop it!" A loud shout rang out!

The person coming was none other than Jiang Hui, Jiang Chengfeng's father, the middle-aged man Ji Wufeng met when he beat Jiang Chengfeng before.

He said angrily: "You are guests of the Jiang family. Do you want to use force in the Jiang family?"

Ji Wufeng waved his hand, and Lin Tianzhao immediately took back his breath and said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out we are guests of the Jiang family, but not only did no one receive us, but they came to ridicule us, making me think we were from the Jiang family. Where is the enemy?"

"As long as you are a guest of the Jiang family, the Jiang family will treat you with courtesy."

Jiang Hui didn't have any good impression of Ji Wufeng. If it weren't for Mr. Jiang's decision, he would never have sent an invitation letter to Ji Wufeng. However, he also knew that he couldn't afford to offend Ji Wufeng, so he said coldly: "Please come in and sit down. There will naturally be people inside to entertain you." you."

After saying that, he hurriedly helped Li Yue up. The Li family were now honored guests and must not be offended.

Seeing that Jiang Hui ignored him lazily, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to walk in by himself. There were already many guests, but almost everyone stayed away when they saw him. They already knew that this guy and Li Tianqing were love rivals, so naturally they didn't dare to follow him. He contacted him for fear of making the Li family unhappy and retaliating against them as well.

Just like that, Ji Wufeng and the other five stood there in a daze. Even the servants of the Jiang family were unwilling to greet them. There was basically a vacuum within a five-meter radius of them, and no one dared to step in.

Ma Tianlin pouted and said, "What's going on with the Jiang family? It's so rude. No one even came to say hello. Don't you know that their new uncle is here?"

"I'm busy and have things on my hands. Of course I don't have time to greet us, but let's not be idle and have fun by ourselves. Set up the stall and come and have some fun." After saying this, Ji Wufeng took something out of his pocket. Three dice come.

"Damn it, you brought dice?" Zhao Jiaolong glared.

Ji Wufeng said: "Of course, there are many big shots here today, and they must all be rich. Wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune?"

Zhao Jiaolong thought of the last birthday party held by the Liu family. He rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, set up the stall quickly. Hurry up. Can you afford to delay my fortune?"

Ji Wufeng said to Yuan Dongdong: "If the things are not in order, you can find some valuable ones. Remember, they must be valuable, otherwise they will not be worthy of our status and status."

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