Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1303 Zhuang Zhiling ran away?

"You boy who doesn't know how high the sky is!"

Mu Tianchao had a stern look on his face and said angrily: "As a disciple of the old sword master, you don't want to do justice for heaven as your own duty, but you actually colluded with evil heretics to harm the common people!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He had known for a long time that these old guys had bad intentions, but he didn't expect to be so impatient that they would grab the shit basin when they came up.

"Hey, I said that even if you want to accuse me unjustly, you have to spend some money to do it. Let's not talk about the truth or falsehood. At least you have to create some false evidence for me."

Ji Wufeng became angry, pointed at Mu Tianchao's nose and cursed: "You old bastard, if you can't come up with evidence today, I will never be done with you!"

"Huh, since I said this, of course there is conclusive evidence. You conspired with Tian Wuxin, the young master of the Demon Sect, and it was seen with your own eyes. Do you dare to deny it?" Jin Shisheng said solemnly.

Instantly, the entire audience was shocked. Could it be that so many people came today just to deal with Ji Wufeng?

The disciples of the six major martial arts families immediately shouted loudly, saying: "Okay, how dare you collude with the young master of the Demon Sect!"

"It has long been obvious that he is not a good person, and he actually colludes with evil heretics!"

"Everyone can punish the treacherous person who colludes with evil spirits and betrays the right way. Kill him and give an explanation to the right way in the world of martial arts!"

Hundreds of people from the six major martial arts families came and shouted together with great momentum. Everyone was filled with indignation and excitement, as if the evidence of Ji Wufeng's collusion with the devil was conclusive and he should be punished on the spot immediately!

"By being with people from the Demon Sect, does that mean I'm colluding with the Demonic Way?"

Ji Wufeng sneered and pointed at the people in front of him and said, "Now you think I am also a demon, and you are all with me now. According to what you say, you are all colluding with the devil?"

Mu Tianchao said with a sinister look on his face: "No matter how clever you are, in front of the martial arts people in the world today, you can't even think of escaping!"

This made Ji Wufeng a little strange. The six major martial arts families wanted to deal with him, but Li Zhenlei and the others were just gangsters at heart. It seemed that only Jin Shisheng and Mu Tianchao really hated him.

Jin Shisheng was not surprised. After all, destroying the Jin family in Huajing would be equivalent to destroying the Jin family's job.

As for the Mu family, he just had some issues with Mu Feng, so he wouldn't make the Mu family hate him so much, right?

"I said Mu Laogou, what's the matter with you? I didn't smash the glass of your toilet, why do you hate me so much?" Ji Wufeng stared at Mu Tianchao.

Mu Tianchao's cheeks twitched and remained silent, but a young man beside him said angrily: "You beast, you kidnapped my sister-in-law. A shameless person like you should be cut into pieces."

"Your sister-in-law? I don't even know you, okay?" Ji Wufeng said.

"My eldest brother is Mu Feng, and Zhuang Zhiling is my future sister-in-law!" the young man said angrily.

"Shut up!" Mu Tianchao shouted.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned for a while, and then it seemed like a pot was boiling and it was boiling into chaos.

"Damn it, this guy is so cruel, he even robbed the Mu family's wife?"

"Damn it, this kid turns out to be a habitual offender. He robbed someone's wife not just for the first time."

"The Mu family had originally decided on a wedding banquet, but why suddenly there was no news. It turned out that the bride was snatched away."


Hearing this, Ji Wufeng was also stunned.

, Damn it, what is going on?

He and Zhuang Zhiling had an affair once. Originally, he wanted to take responsibility, but when someone wanted to get married, he couldn't stop them.

I thought that Zhuang Zhiling would soon marry into the Mu family, but she didn't expect that this was not the case at all, and she ran away instead.

Now Ji Wufeng was a bit unreasonable. Although he was not the one who abducted Zhuang Zhiling, it was certain that Zhuang Zhiling's running away probably had something to do with him.

I have a bit of a headache, but I can’t admit it now.

Turning the gun around, Jin Shisheng said: "Old Jin, I destroyed the Huajing Jin family and destroyed the Jin family's jobs. You must be very angry, right? It's understandable that you want to frame me, but it's not so unskilled. ah."

"Framed? The evidence is conclusive, and you still say it was framed?" Mu Tianchao said with a sinister smile on his face.

The engagement banquet was originally a very festive occasion, but at this moment it was filled with murderous intent, invisible pressure spread everywhere, and some timid legs were trembling and they wanted to run away.

Here are all people from the martial arts world who kill like crazy. If a fight breaks out later and they are killed, there will be no room for explanation.

"Jiang Hui!" Mr. Jiang whispered.


"Tell everyone in the Jiang family to evacuate here immediately and go back to Tiannan. No one is allowed to step out of Tiannan without my order." Mr. Jiang said coldly.


This is the Jiang family's place, but now everyone in the Jiang family is required to evacuate.

Mr. Jiang said with a look of sorrow and anger: "Can't you see it? Today's engagement banquet is basically a conspiracy. The Li family just wants to take this opportunity to lure Ji Wufeng out. Now that they have achieved their goal, I will no longer care about the life and death of the Jiang family."

Jiang Hui was startled. He also saw that the Li family didn't take the Jiang family seriously at all. Looking at the situation, there must be a war. If the Jiang family didn't evacuate, it would definitely be affected.

At this time, Jiang Hui was no longer heartless, and his heart couldn't help but feel extremely miserable.

At this time, several young men with sharp auras came over and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous here later. Please come with me now."

"Who are you?" Mr. Jiang asked sharply.

"We are young master Ji Wufeng's people. The young master has told us before to protect the Jiang family no matter what. It will be very chaotic when the war starts, and you will most likely be affected. Only by evacuating now can we ensure safety." The young man said.

"No need to worry, the Jiang family has the Jiang family's methods, and they don't need him to be a good person. Jiang Hui, take everyone away!"

Mr. Jiang had an angry look on his face. Although he hated what the Li family did, he hated Ji Wufeng even more for bringing disaster to the Jiang family. If it hadn't been for him, this place wouldn't have turned into a battlefield.

Knowing that these people were Ji Wufeng's people, Jiang Xinyue fell to her knees on the ground and begged: "Grandpa, I can understand how you feel now, but now is a critical moment of life and death, so just go with them."

Jiang Hui hesitated for a moment and said, "Uncle, even if you get angry again, you have to wait until later. We can't bring down the rest of the Jiang family."

Although he is also angry with Ji Wufeng, he is not a fool. Ji Wufeng knows that today is a trap for him, but he still comes, which shows that he cares about Jiang Xinyue. As long as he cares about Jiang Xinyue, he will definitely take good care of her. People from the Jiang family.

Mr. Jiang let out a long sigh, waved his hands and said, "That's all, let's go. Let's all go." "You don't know how high the sky is!"

Mu Tianchao had a stern look on his face and said angrily: "As a disciple of the old sword master, you don't want to do justice for heaven as your own duty, but you actually colluded with evil heretics to harm the common people!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He had known for a long time that these old guys had bad intentions, but he didn't expect to be so impatient that they would grab the shit basin when they came up.

"Hey, I said that even if you want to accuse me unjustly, you have to spend some money to do it. Let's not talk about the truth or falsehood. At least you have to create some false evidence for me."

Ji Wufeng became angry, pointed at Mu Tianchao's nose and cursed: "You old bastard, if you can't come up with evidence today, I will never be done with you!"

"Huh, since I said this, of course there is conclusive evidence. You conspired with Tian Wuxin, the young master of the Demon Sect, and it was seen with your own eyes. Do you dare to deny it?" Jin Shisheng said solemnly.

Instantly, the entire audience was shocked. Could it be that so many people came today just to deal with Ji Wufeng?

The disciples of the six major martial arts families immediately shouted loudly, saying: "Okay, how dare you collude with the young master of the Demon Sect!"

"It has long been obvious that he is not a good person, and he actually colludes with evil heretics!"

"Everyone can punish the treacherous person who colludes with evil spirits and betrays the right way. Kill him and give an explanation to the right way in the world of martial arts!"

Hundreds of people from the six major martial arts families came and shouted together with great momentum. Everyone was filled with indignation and excitement, as if the evidence of Ji Wufeng's collusion with the devil was conclusive and he should be punished on the spot immediately!

"By being with people from the Demon Sect, does that mean I'm colluding with the Demonic Way?"

Ji Wufeng sneered and pointed at the people in front of him and said, "Now you think I am also a demon, and you are all with me now. According to what you say, you are all colluding with the devil?"

Mu Tianchao said with a sinister look on his face: "No matter how clever you are, in front of the martial arts people in the world today, you can't even think of escaping!"

This made Ji Wufeng a little strange. The six major martial arts families wanted to deal with him, but Li Zhenlei and the others were just gangsters at heart. It seemed that only Jin Shisheng and Mu Tianchao really hated him.

Jin Shisheng was not surprised. After all, destroying the Jin family in Huajing would be equivalent to destroying the Jin family's job.

As for the Mu family, he just had some issues with Mu Feng, so he wouldn't make the Mu family hate him so much, right?

"I said Mu Laogou, what's the matter with you? I didn't smash the glass of your toilet, why do you hate me so much?" Ji Wufeng stared at Mu Tianchao.

Mu Tianchao's cheeks twitched and remained silent, but a young man beside him said angrily: "You beast, you kidnapped my sister-in-law. A shameless person like you should be cut into pieces."

"Your sister-in-law? I don't even know you, okay?" Ji Wufeng said.

"My eldest brother is Mu Feng, and Zhuang Zhiling is my future sister-in-law!" the young man said angrily.

"Shut up!" Mu Tianchao shouted.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned for a while, and then it seemed like a pot was boiling and it was boiling into chaos.

"Damn it, this guy is so cruel, he even robbed the Mu family's wife?"

"Damn it, this kid turns out to be a habitual offender. He robbed someone's wife not just for the first time."

"The Mu family had originally decided on a wedding banquet, but why suddenly there was no news. It turned out that the bride was snatched away."


Hearing this, Ji Wufeng was also stunned.

, Damn it, what is going on?

He and Zhuang Zhiling had an affair once. Originally, he wanted to take responsibility, but when someone wanted to get married, he couldn't stop them.

I thought that Zhuang Zhiling would soon marry into the Mu family, but she didn't expect that this was not the case at all, and she ran away instead.

Now Ji Wufeng was a bit unreasonable. Although he was not the one who abducted Zhuang Zhiling, it was certain that Zhuang Zhiling's running away probably had something to do with him.

I have a bit of a headache, but I can’t admit it now.

Turning the gun around, Jin Shisheng said: "Old Jin, I destroyed the Huajing Jin family and destroyed the Jin family's jobs. You must be very angry, right? It's understandable that you want to frame me, but it's not so unskilled. ah."

"Framed? The evidence is conclusive, and you still say it was framed?" Mu Tianchao said with a sinister smile on his face.

The engagement banquet was originally a very festive occasion, but at this moment it was filled with murderous intent, invisible pressure spread everywhere, and some timid legs were trembling and they wanted to run away.

Here are all people from the martial arts world who kill like crazy. If a fight breaks out later and they are killed, there will be no room for explanation.

"Jiang Hui!" Mr. Jiang whispered.


"Tell everyone in the Jiang family to evacuate here immediately and go back to Tiannan. No one is allowed to step out of Tiannan without my order." Mr. Jiang said coldly.


This is the Jiang family's place, but now everyone in the Jiang family is required to evacuate.

Mr. Jiang looked sad and angry and said, "Can't you see it? Today's engagement party is basically a conspiracy. The Li family just wants to take this opportunity to lure Ji Wufeng out. Now that they have achieved their goal, I will no longer care about the life and death of the Jiang family."

Jiang Hui was startled. He also saw that the Li family didn't take the Jiang family seriously at all. Looking at the situation, there must be a war. If the Jiang family didn't evacuate, it would definitely be affected.

At this time, Jiang Hui was no longer heartless, and his heart couldn't help but feel extremely miserable.

At this time, several young men with sharp auras came over and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous here later. Please come with me now."

"Who are you?" Mr. Jiang asked sharply.

"We are young master Ji Wufeng's people. The young master has told us before to protect the Jiang family no matter what. It will be very chaotic when the war starts, and you will most likely be affected. Only by evacuating now can we ensure safety." The young man said.

"No need to worry, the Jiang family has the Jiang family's methods, and they don't need him to be a good person. Jiang Hui, take everyone away!"

Mr. Jiang had an angry look on his face. Although he hated what the Li family did, he hated Ji Wufeng even more for bringing disaster to the Jiang family. If it hadn't been for him, this place wouldn't have turned into a battlefield.

Knowing that these people were Ji Wufeng's people, Jiang Xinyue fell to her knees on the ground and begged: "Grandpa, I can understand how you feel now, but now is a critical moment of life and death, so just go with them."

Jiang Hui hesitated for a moment and said, "Uncle, even if you get angry again, you have to wait until later. We can't bring down the rest of the Jiang family."

Although he is also angry with Ji Wufeng, he is not a fool. Ji Wufeng knows that today is a trap for him, but he still comes, which shows that he cares about Jiang Xinyue. As long as he cares about Jiang Xinyue, he will definitely take good care of her. People from the Jiang family.

Mr. Jiang let out a long sigh, waved his hand and said, "That's it, you go, everyone go."

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