After the two left, the man in black who had just been kicked to the ground by Chen Kaiwei immediately got up and ran away with a mean smile on his face.

At the corner of the street, a young man who saw all of this dialed Ji Wufeng's phone and said, "Miss Hua was taken away. There is something wrong inside."

After entering an apartment, Chen Kaiwei opened his wine cabinet and started drinking with Hua Yutong. When he saw the delicate and beautiful rosy cheeks and voluptuous and sexy figure, Chen Kaiwei's eyes glowed green.

As long as Hua Yutong is drunk, he can do whatever he wants. If Hua Yutong is held accountable afterwards, he can completely say that she lost her rationality after drinking and forcibly had sex with him, and he was the victim who was forcibly pushed down. .

Alcohol can indeed magnify the release of people's emotions. As expected, when Hua Yutong was drunk, his realization began to blur. Finally, he reached out and touched Chen Kaiwei's face, and said as if he was dreaming: "Do you know, I really love you?"

Chen Kaiwei was immediately overjoyed and said excitedly: "Of course I know, because I love you too!"

Hua Yutong suddenly pounced on him, hugged Chen Kaiwei in his arms, and wanted to kiss him crazily.

Chen Kaiwei was so excited that he didn't expect to succeed so easily. Hua Yutong was definitely the best woman he had ever come across. He decided that tonight he would take videos and photos to make Hua Yutong his toy. .

Otherwise, it would be such a waste to have such a beauty for just one night.

Chen Kaiwei was so horny that he took off his own penis and pounced on Hua Yutong. Just when he was about to have a romantic night, his neck suddenly tightened and he was lifted in and kicked by someone. It hit the top of his thigh, causing him so much pain that he rolled on the ground and kept moaning.

Hua Yutong was suddenly awakened by Chen Kaiwei's cry, and his vision became clearer. He actually saw Chen Kaiwei lying naked on the ground screaming, and Ji Wufeng appeared in the room at some unknown time.

She knew instantly what happened. Chen Kaiwei must have wanted to do something to her while she was drunk. Then Ji Wufeng chased after her and stopped what was going to happen next.

Hua Yutong almost shed tears. He came unexpectedly. He still had her own heart in her heart. She wanted to rush over and hug Ji Wufeng and cry for a while. Unexpectedly, Ji Wufeng turned his head and yelled at her angrily: "If I don't come, Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Hua Yutong is a very traditional and conservative person. If this thing really happened, she would not be able to bear it.

Hua Yutong was already in a very bad mood, and she felt even more aggrieved by being scared like this. Now Ji Wufeng yelled at her again, and said angrily: "Whatever the consequences are is also my business, it's none of your business." what relationship?"


Ji Wufeng was angry and ran over in a hurry. She didn't appreciate it?

Hua Yutong said coldly: "You have so many girlfriends to accompany you, why did you come to me? Did you come here specifically to see my jokes?"

If it weren't for you, would I be drinking to death? What did that bastard do to me? Even if you don’t comfort me, you still yell at me. I hate you so much.

Ji Wufeng knew that she had resentment in her heart and said quickly: "How could I see your joke? I'm worried that you are being bullied."

"Do you still care about me being bullied?"

"Of course I care, otherwise I wouldn't come

ah. "Ji Wufeng said.

Hua Yutong said with a sneer on his face: "Yes, you, Young Master Ji Wufeng, are so kind and righteous. Your righteousness is so thin that you will go through fire and water for whom. Only in this way can those women love you to the death, right?"

Ji Wufeng felt a headache and said, "Let's stop arguing for now. You can scold us as much as you want after we go back, okay?"

"No, why should I scold you? You saved me, I can only be infinitely grateful to you. You can leave first. From now on, my affairs have nothing to do with you. I'm afraid I owe you too much. I can't be grateful enough. I can only I'll repay you with my life." Hua Yutong said with a cold face.

Ji Wufeng got angry and said, "We are friends, are you going too far by saying this?"

Hua Yutong finally broke out and shouted: "But I want to be your girlfriend, not your friend!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, Hua Yutong was stunned. Why did she just say it? How can you say it? He doesn't like himself at all, yet he still insists on throwing himself into his arms.

Tears fell down unsatisfactorily, salty and bitter, but she couldn't feel it, she only felt pain in her heart.

Ji Wufeng sighed for a while and was silent for a long time before he stepped forward and gently wiped the tears on Hua Yutong's face and said: "You are so outstanding and good, you should have a man who loves you wholeheartedly, but I am so half-hearted, you don't deserve it." Fuck you."

"Today I can be extremely rich, but if I fail, I may lose everything."

"You know who I am. I have killed many people, and there are many others. Maybe I will be killed tomorrow."

"How could I not understand your thoughts? But I am not qualified to accept it at all."


Ji Wufeng murmured to himself, but Hua Yutong suddenly asked: "Do you love me?"

This question stopped Ji Wufeng. He was actually a little resistant to saying love, but he felt a little reluctant to say not love. Seeing Hua Yutong like this made him feel distressed. It seemed that no answer was right.

"I've said it before, I can't be single-minded at all." Ji Wufeng said.

"As long as you have me in your heart, I'll be satisfied." Hua Yutong said.

She decided to go all out and end it today no matter what, otherwise it would be too painful.

"It's too dangerous around me, and there are so many enemies..." Ji Wufeng said.

"It's okay, I believe you can protect me. Even if you can't protect me, your enemy killed me and you just happened to marry another one. I was robbed and you were cuckolded. I can only blame you for your bad luck. ."

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded now. He originally thought that with Hua Yutong's temper, as long as she made it clear, she would definitely give up, but he didn't expect that she seemed to be taking advantage of him.

He is completely in trouble. If he accepts it, he seems to be too greedy. If he doesn't accept it, he really can't bear to part with such a pretty girl.

Mom, can't you make me look uglier? He's so handsome, do you think he's causing trouble?

Just when Ji Wufeng was scratching his head anxiously, Chen Kaiwei, who had kicked Ji Wufeng, finally regained his composure and shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly..."

"shut up!"

Ji Wufeng and Hua Yutong turned around and roared in unison. Ji Wufeng was about to step forward to give him a kick, but Hua Yutong was faster than him. He rushed forward and kicked Chen Kaiwei hard, hitting Chen Kaiwei's thigh. After the two left, the man in black who had just been kicked to the ground by Chen Kaiwei immediately got up and ran away with a mean smile on his face.

At the corner of the street, a young man who saw all of this dialed Ji Wufeng's phone and said, "Miss Hua was taken away. There is something wrong inside."

After entering an apartment, Chen Kaiwei opened his wine cabinet and started drinking with Hua Yutong. When he saw the delicate and beautiful rosy cheeks and voluptuous and sexy figure, Chen Kaiwei's eyes glowed green.

As long as Hua Yutong is drunk, he can do whatever he wants. If Hua Yutong is held accountable afterwards, he can completely say that she lost her rationality after drinking and forcibly had sex with him, and he was the victim who was forcibly pushed down. . .??.

Alcohol can indeed magnify the release of people's emotions. As expected, when Hua Yutong was drunk, his realization began to blur. Finally, he reached out and touched Chen Kaiwei's face, and said as if he was dreaming: "Do you know, I really love you?"

Chen Kaiwei was immediately overjoyed and said excitedly: "Of course I know, because I love you too!"

Hua Yutong suddenly pounced on him, hugged Chen Kaiwei in his arms, and wanted to kiss him crazily.

Chen Kaiwei was so excited that he didn't expect to succeed so easily. Hua Yutong was definitely the best woman he had ever come across. He decided that tonight he would take videos and photos to make Hua Yutong his toy. .

Otherwise, it would be such a waste to have such a beauty for just one night.

Chen Kaiwei was so horny that he took off his own penis and pounced on Hua Yutong. Just when he was about to have a romantic night, his neck suddenly tightened and he was lifted in and kicked by someone. It hit the top of his thigh, causing him so much pain that he rolled on the ground and kept moaning.

Hua Yutong was suddenly awakened by Chen Kaiwei's cry, and his vision became clearer. He actually saw Chen Kaiwei lying naked on the ground screaming, and Ji Wufeng appeared in the room at some unknown time.

She knew instantly what happened. Chen Kaiwei must have wanted to do something to her while she was drunk. Then Ji Wufeng chased after her and stopped what was going to happen next.

Hua Yutong almost shed tears. He came unexpectedly. He still had her own heart in her heart. She wanted to rush over and hug Ji Wufeng and cry for a while. Unexpectedly, Ji Wufeng turned his head and yelled at her angrily: "If I don't come, Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Hua Yutong is a very traditional and conservative person. If this thing really happened, she would not be able to bear it.

Hua Yutong was already in a very bad mood, and she felt even more aggrieved by being scared like this. Now Ji Wufeng yelled at her again, and said angrily: "Whatever the consequences are is also my business, it's none of your business." what relationship?"


Ji Wufeng was angry and ran over in a hurry. She didn't appreciate it?

Hua Yutong said coldly: "You have so many girlfriends to accompany you, why did you come to me? Did you come here specifically to see my jokes?"

If it weren't for you, would I be drinking to death? What did that bastard do to me? Even if you don’t comfort me, you still yell at me. I hate you so much.

Ji Wufeng knew that she had resentment in her heart and said quickly: "How could I see your joke? I'm worried that you are being bullied."

"Do you still care about me being bullied?"

"Of course I care, otherwise I wouldn't come

ah. "Ji Wufeng said.

Hua Yutong said with a sneer on his face: "Yes, you, Young Master Ji Wufeng, are so kind and righteous. Your righteousness is so thin that you will go through fire and water for whom. Only in this way can those women love you to the death, right?"

Ji Wufeng felt a headache and said, "Let's stop arguing for now. You can scold us as much as you want after we go back, okay?"

"No, why should I scold you? You saved me, I can only be infinitely grateful to you. You can leave first. From now on, my affairs have nothing to do with you. I'm afraid I owe you too much. I can't be grateful enough. I can only I'll repay you with my life." Hua Yutong said with a cold face.

Ji Wufeng got angry and said, "We are friends, are you going too far by saying this?"

Hua Yutong finally broke out and shouted: "But I want to be your girlfriend, not your friend!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, Hua Yutong was stunned. Why did she just say it? How can you say it? He doesn't like himself at all, yet he still insists on throwing himself into his arms.

Tears fell down unsatisfactorily, salty and bitter, but she couldn't feel it, she only felt pain in her heart.

Ji Wufeng sighed for a while and was silent for a long time before he stepped forward and gently wiped the tears on Hua Yutong's face and said: "You are so outstanding and good, you should have a man who loves you wholeheartedly, but I am so half-hearted, you don't deserve it." Fuck you."

"Today I can be extremely rich, but if I fail, I may lose everything."

"You know who I am. I have killed many people, and there are many others. Maybe I will be killed tomorrow."

"How could I not understand your thoughts? But I am not qualified to accept it at all."


Ji Wufeng murmured to himself, but Hua Yutong suddenly asked: "Do you love me?"

This question stopped Ji Wufeng. He was actually a little resistant to saying love, but he felt a little reluctant to say not love. Seeing Hua Yutong like this made him feel distressed. It seemed that no answer was right.

"I've said it before, I can't be single-minded at all." Ji Wufeng said.

"As long as you have me in your heart, I'll be satisfied." Hua Yutong said.

She decided to go all out and end it today no matter what, otherwise it would be too painful.

"It's too dangerous around me, and there are so many enemies..." Ji Wufeng said.

"It's okay, I believe you can protect me. Even if you can't protect me, your enemy killed me and you just happened to marry another one. I was robbed and you were cuckolded. I can only blame you for your bad luck. ."

Ji Wufeng was dumbfounded now. He originally thought that with Hua Yutong's temper, as long as she made it clear, she would definitely give up, but he didn't expect that she seemed to be taking advantage of him.

He is completely in trouble. If he accepts it, he seems to be too greedy. If he doesn't accept it, he really can't bear to part with such a pretty girl.

Mom, can't you make me look uglier? He's so handsome, do you think he's causing trouble?

Just when Ji Wufeng was scratching his head anxiously, Chen Kaiwei, who had kicked Ji Wufeng, finally regained his composure and shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly..."

"shut up!"

Ji Wufeng and Hua Yutong turned around and roared in unison. Ji Wufeng was about to step forward to give him another kick, but Hua Yutong was faster than him. He rushed forward and kicked Chen Kaiwei hard, hitting Chen Kaiwei's thigh.

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