Ji Wufeng arranged the venue at Yuehai Restaurant. Of course, not everyone went there. Not everyone liked such a lively scene, but there were still hundreds of people.

Let the Pig King directly move all the tables, chairs and benches to the square outside the restaurant. Dozens of tables are enough to accommodate so many people.

Seeing the large mass of heads in front of him, the Pig King in charge was sweating profusely and said, "Young Master Feng, why do you have to invite so many students to dinner at once?"

It's not unusual to have a few or dozens of people, but to invite hundreds of people at once, it's definitely the first time to see them, unless it's a flowing water banquet in the countryside.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Your catering industry should also be merged into Tianfeng Group, right?"

The Pig King immediately said gratefully: "That's right, I really didn't expect that the restaurant business could be so big. It's all thanks to Master Feng."

How can a group as big as Tianfeng not have a catering industry? Zhu Wang's Yuehai Restaurant was the first to join, and it opened more than a dozen branches in just one month. This allowed him to see the prospect of Yuehai Restaurant becoming bigger and bigger, and even going global.

"Then what do you think Tianfeng lacks most now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course the most lacking thing is talent. You don't even know it, Mr. Feng. I dare not say anything else. Just because Yuehai Restaurant is getting bigger and bigger, I feel that the few people I have are no longer enough." said the Pig King.

The previous managers at Yuehai were pretty good, but as the restaurant grew bigger and bigger, there simply weren't enough people.

"From a young age to an adult, your Yuehai Restaurant is short of talents, and then Tianfeng as a whole is even more short of talents. But don't you think that all the talents I brought today are talents?"

Ji Wufeng said: "Henan University is not only a famous school in China, but will also become an internationally famous school in the future. The fact that these people can enter Henan University has proven that they are good enough. If they are given another chance to hone themselves, I guarantee that every one of them will Everyone will become an elite who can stand alone."

The Pig King's eyes suddenly lit up. What Ji Wufeng said made sense. These people were already good enough. With a little more training, they would be ready-made talents.

The table was soon filled with wine and food. Ji Wufeng held the wine glass and said loudly: "Thank you so much to my classmates today. If it weren't for your full support, I would not have such confidence. From now on, you will be my brothers and sisters, Ji Wufeng. We Come have a drink!"

At this time, a voice intervened and said: "How can we be left out of this matter?"

I saw two tall and burly Western youths and a beautiful foreign girl walking over. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but ask, "Why are they here?"

It turned out to be Eric, Marcus and Wuchen!

Eric and Marcus are the famous Four Heavenly Kings of exchange students. Although they are a bit arrogant and domineering, they never do anything to bully the weak, and they are very difficult to deal with Yamata Aoki, so everyone does not reject them.

Although Wuchen rarely shows up, her peerless appearance has made her famous. Some good people even say that she is the number one campus beauty of Henan University. However, anyone who sees her appearance knows that the number one campus beauty is well-deserved. .

With a face so exquisite that there is almost no flaw, a tall and slender figure with sharp angles, coupled with a seemingly arrogant but friendly temperament, this is a goddess!

\u003e Ji Wufeng was not surprised when Eric and Marcus came, but Wuchen was beyond his expectation.

Although the two had contacted each other several times, they did not go further. Since Vivian left, there has been no interaction between them.

Wuchen chuckled and said, "You're coming here so abruptly, so you're not disturbing me, are you?"

"Haha... of course not."

Ji Wufeng laughed and said: "I can't even invite a beautiful woman like Wuchen. You are here to give me face. Come on, come on, please take a seat."

"Thank you." Wuchen smiled and sat down.

Ji Wufeng had some doubts in his heart. He knew that Wuchen's identity must be very complicated, otherwise he would never be able to get together with Eric and the others. Could she be trying to convey something when she came here without any warning today?

The food and wine were served, and everyone started to get ready immediately, and the atmosphere soon became lively. Some boys became bolder after drinking a few glasses of wine, rolling up their sleeves and bragging, making the girls cover their mouths and laugh non-stop.

After three rounds of drinking, a car drove over. Zhang Zhanpeng, in a suit and leather shoes, got out of the car and came to Ji Wufeng respectfully.

Ji Wufeng stood up and said loudly: "Dear classmates, many of you are my seniors, and many of you should be graduating soon and entering social work. I wonder how you are finding internship units?"

A dejected boy said: "Oh, I submitted so many resumes, but very few received responses. Fresh graduates have too little work experience, so it's difficult to get started."

This is a very common social phenomenon. Due to the lack of work experience, college students will soon have to go through a period of at least several years to find a suitable job. A few years ago, I heard that there were graduates from Beijing University who were driving elevators.

Although I don’t know whether the news is true or false, it reflects the actual phenomenon of employment difficulties for fresh graduates.

After the topic was opened, everyone sighed and complained that there was nothing they could do. If there was no need to go through the back door these days, it would take a few years to get ahead.

However, this is the problem. Why do so many college students from prestigious universities, who were originally regarded as the favored students, end up doing nothing?

That's because every college student is high-spirited and has lofty aspirations when they leave school. However, the blows of a few years have gradually dulled their spirit. In the end, they have to compromise with life and give up their ambitions for the sake of life. , a mediocre life.

Ji Wufeng pointed to Zhang Zhanpeng who was sitting next to him and said: "Dear students, now I would like to introduce a friend to you, Zhang Zhanpeng, the deputy general manager of Tianfeng Group's Yuzhou region!"

Hearing this, everyone looked stunned. Tianfeng Group has been booming recently. Many people have predicted that Tianfeng Group will become the leading enterprise in China. They did not expect that Tianfeng Group would be there today. The higher-ups sit with them.

I don’t know how many people dream of entering Tianfeng Group, but unfortunately the threshold there is too high, and many people go for interviews but fail!

"Hello, classmates, I am Zhang Zhanpeng, don't be formal, everyone!"

Qian Chaohui stood up with a smile, introduced himself and said: "As for the current difficulties in finding employment for fresh graduates, Tianfeng Group, as a Chinese enterprise, should naturally do its part, so it has just been decided by the board of directors to formulate the "Young Eagle Spreading Wings" Plan!" Ji Wufeng arranged the location at Yuehai Restaurant. Of course, not everyone went there, and not everyone liked such a lively scene, but there were still hundreds of people.

Let the Pig King directly move all the tables, chairs and benches to the square outside the restaurant. Dozens of tables are enough to accommodate so many people.

Seeing the large mass of heads in front of him, the Pig King in charge was sweating profusely and said, "Young Master Feng, why do you have to invite so many students to dinner at once?"

It's not unusual to have a few or dozens of people, but to invite hundreds of people at once, it's definitely the first time to see them, unless it's a flowing water banquet in the countryside.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "Your catering industry should also be merged into Tianfeng Group, right?"

The Pig King immediately said gratefully: "That's right, I really didn't expect that the restaurant business could be so big. It's all thanks to Master Feng."

How can a group as big as Tianfeng not have a catering industry? Zhu Wang's Yuehai Restaurant was the first to join, and it opened more than a dozen branches in just one month. This allowed him to see the prospect of Yuehai Restaurant becoming bigger and bigger, and even going global.

"Then what do you think Tianfeng lacks most now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course the most lacking thing is talent. You don't even know it, Mr. Feng. I dare not say anything else. Just because Yuehai Restaurant is getting bigger and bigger, I feel that the few people I have are no longer enough." said the Pig King.

The previous managers at Yuehai were pretty good, but as the restaurant grew bigger and bigger, there simply weren't enough people.

"From a young age to an adult, your Yuehai Restaurant is short of talents, and then Tianfeng as a whole is even more short of talents. But don't you think that all the talents I brought today are talents?"

Ji Wufeng said: "Henan University is not only a famous school in China, but will also become an internationally famous school in the future. The fact that these people can enter Henan University has proven that they are good enough. If they are given another chance to hone themselves, I guarantee that every one of them will Everyone will become an elite who can stand alone."

The Pig King's eyes suddenly lit up. What Ji Wufeng said made sense. These people were already good enough. With a little more training, they would be ready-made talents.

The table was soon filled with wine and food. Ji Wufeng held the wine glass and said loudly: "Thank you so much to my classmates today. If it weren't for your full support, I would not have such confidence. From now on, you will be my brothers and sisters, Ji Wufeng. We Come have a drink!"

At this time, a voice intervened and said: "How can we be left out of this matter?"

I saw two tall and burly Western youths and a beautiful foreign girl walking over. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but ask, "Why are they here?"

It turned out to be Eric, Marcus and Wuchen!

Eric and Marcus are the famous Four Heavenly Kings of exchange students. Although they are a bit arrogant and domineering, they never do anything to bully the weak, and they are very difficult to deal with Yamata Aoki, so everyone does not reject them.

Although Wuchen rarely shows up, her peerless appearance has made her famous. Some good people even say that she is the number one campus beauty of Henan University. However, anyone who sees her appearance knows that the number one campus beauty is well-deserved. .

With a face so exquisite that there is almost no flaw, a tall and slender figure with sharp angles, coupled with a seemingly arrogant but friendly temperament, this is a goddess!

\u003e Ji Wufeng was not surprised when Eric and Marcus came, but Wuchen was beyond his expectation.

Although the two had contacted each other several times, they did not go further. Since Vivian left, there has been no interaction between them.

Wuchen chuckled and said, "You're coming here so abruptly, so you're not disturbing me, are you?"

"Haha... of course not."

Ji Wufeng laughed and said: "I can't even invite a beautiful woman like Wuchen. You are here to give me face. Come on, come on, please take a seat."

"Thank you." Wuchen smiled and sat down.

Ji Wufeng had some doubts in his heart. He knew that Wuchen's identity must be very complicated, otherwise he would never be able to get together with Eric and the others. Could she be trying to convey something when she came here without any warning today?

The food and wine were served, and everyone started to get ready immediately, and the atmosphere soon became lively. Some boys became bolder after drinking a few glasses of wine, rolling up their sleeves and bragging, making the girls cover their mouths and laugh non-stop.

After three rounds of drinking, a car drove over. Zhang Zhanpeng, in a suit and leather shoes, got out of the car and came to Ji Wufeng respectfully.

Ji Wufeng stood up and said loudly: "Dear classmates, many of you are my seniors, and many of you should be graduating soon and entering social work. I wonder how you are finding internship units?"

A dejected boy said: "Oh, I submitted so many resumes, but very few received responses. Fresh graduates have too little work experience, so it's difficult to get started."

This is a very common social phenomenon. Due to the lack of work experience, college students will soon have to go through a period of at least several years to find a suitable job. A few years ago, I heard that there were graduates from Beijing University who were driving elevators.

Although I don’t know whether the news is true or false, it reflects the actual phenomenon of employment difficulties for fresh graduates.

After the topic was opened, everyone sighed and complained that there was nothing they could do. If there was no need to go through the back door these days, it would take a few years to get ahead.

However, this is the problem. Why do so many college students from prestigious universities, who were originally regarded as the favored students, end up doing nothing?

That's because every college student is high-spirited and has lofty aspirations when they leave school. However, the blows of a few years have gradually dulled their spirit. In the end, they have to compromise with life and give up their ambitions for the sake of life. , a mediocre life.

Ji Wufeng pointed to Zhang Zhanpeng who was sitting next to him and said: "Dear students, now I would like to introduce a friend to you, Zhang Zhanpeng, the deputy general manager of Tianfeng Group's Yuzhou region!"

Hearing this, everyone looked stunned. Tianfeng Group has been booming recently. Many people have predicted that Tianfeng Group will become the leading enterprise in China. They did not expect that Tianfeng Group would be there today. The higher-ups sit with them.

I don’t know how many people dream of entering Tianfeng Group, but unfortunately the threshold there is too high, and many people go for interviews but fail!

"Hello, classmates, I am Zhang Zhanpeng, don't be formal, everyone!"

Qian Chaohui stood up with a smile, introduced himself and said: "As for the current difficulties in finding employment for fresh graduates, Tianfeng Group, as a Chinese enterprise, should naturally do its part, so it has just been decided by the board of directors to formulate the "Young Eagle Spreading Wings" plan!"

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