Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1354 So crazy that there is no limit to it

A young man from the Li family shouted loudly, his body suddenly rose up, and he attacked Jun Baqi like a thunderous attack.


The attack bombarded Baqi Jun's body, and there was a sudden burst of sand and rocks, but Baqi Jun did not move at all, and his face was full of ridicule: "It would be very disappointing if the Li family only has this level of waste. "

The cold evil aura suddenly rose, and the young man surnamed Li suddenly changed his color. He wanted to retreat but it was too late. Jun Baqi reached out and grabbed his arms and tore them apart on both sides. Blood spurted out crazily. Li The two arms of the young man surnamed Li were immediately torn off by him, and the young man surnamed Li fell to the ground howling miserably.


There was a gasp of air. This young man was the leader of the Li family's young generation, and he was actually no match for Yamata Jun.

"Does the mighty Chinese martial arts world only have these trashes? What kind of Chinese martial arts family is there? I think it should be called a trash family, haha..." Yamata Jun laughed loudly and wildly. ??

"You are so arrogant!"

"Watch me kill you!"

"You are so audacious. You dare to come to the Li family and act wild. I want you to pay the price!"

Everyone in the Li family was furious and asked to come forward to fight with Jun Baqi. An elder shouted sternly: "Shut up!"

Jun Baqi's strength is so tyrannical that no one of the younger generation of the Li family is his opponent. If he goes up there, he will simply die!

"Madman, I'll challenge you!" With a sharp shout, someone flew forward regardless of the elder's blockage.

It's Li Tianqing, the number one young person in the Li family!

Jun Yaqi raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Hey, you're not bad, you're better than those losers."

"If you dare to come to the Li family and act wild, I will never come back!"

Li Tianqing shouted loudly, and violent attacks swept towards Baqi Jun. Li Zhenlei was demoted, and Li Tianqing was also spurned by the Li family, but at this time the Li family still cheered loudly.


Baqi Jun suddenly stamped the ground with one foot, and an even more domineering aura exploded. Li Tianqing's attack was instantly disintegrated!

"Let's see how many moves you can take from me!"

Baqi Jun shouted coldly, opened his big hand, and attacked Li Tianqing with a ferocious attack.

Li Tianqing roared angrily, his body rose up in the air, and faced Baqi Jun.


The two attacks collided violently, producing a powerful explosion that shook the ground.

But obviously Li Tianqing is no match for Baqi Jun. An elder said anxiously: "Tian Qing is no match for him either, retreat!"

No matter what, Li Tianqing is the number one young person in the Li family and cannot be easily compromised here.

But it was too late, Jun Baqi slapped Li Tianqing on the chest, and Li Tianqing immediately flew backwards, vomiting blood.


An elder immediately flew forward to catch him and found that all the tendons in his body had been shattered by Yamata Shun.

"You are so poisonous!" the elder shouted sternly.

Jun Baqi said with a ferocious smile: "In a fair fight, death in battle is a matter of course!"


Baqi Jun glanced coldly, and everyone in the Li family looked at each other angrily, but they had nothing to say. Even Li Tianqing had been defeated, so what qualifications did they have to speak?

"Who dares to fight with me?" Yamaki Jun shouted loudly.

When no one answered, Jun Baqi laughed and left, arrogantly saying: "A century-old martial arts family? A bunch of trash, hahaha..."

The Jin family is preparing for Jin

When Shisheng was holding a funeral, suddenly a young man as tall as an iron tower came from the sky, stood on the roof of Jin's house and shouted: "The Dongyang Grass Pheasant has come to challenge me in my name, who dares to challenge me?"

"Be brave, I will take your life!" A young man rose into the air.


Cao Zhi Chengming snorted coldly and punched him with an explosive punch. The young man was immediately sent flying out. After landing on the ground, he was breathless.

"Presumptuous!" The Jin family was furious.

Cao Pheasant Chengming sneered: "A bunch of losers are vulnerable, let Jin Yuanfeng come out!"

Jin Yuanfeng, the number one young person of the Jin family!

Almost at the same time, the elders of the Han family were discussing how to deal with Han Renjie. Suddenly a melodious and melodious flute sounded, and a misty Chuchen, a woman in a green shirt, holding a green bamboo flute, was seen walking outside the door of the Han family. Said: "The Kagura Liuying of the Dongyang Kagura family came to ask the Han family for advice!"

This was a tone of challenge. Someone from the Han family immediately stepped forward to challenge, and the melodious sound of the flute suddenly floated out of Kagura Liuying's mouth.

Just when the Han family's attack was about to arrive, a ghastly murderous intention burst out from the sound of the flute. The visitor stumbled suddenly, bloodshot eyes began to flow from his mouth and nose, and he collapsed to the ground.

"It's Tianyin that penetrates the heart!" An elder of the Han family called out.

Kagura Liuying said calmly: "This junior is here just to ask for advice, not to hurt anyone, but to fight Han Yufei!"

The one who comes here will only compete with the number one young man from the Han family!

The young master of the Iron Sword Sect was challenged by Ying Muhai of the Sakura Temple and died on the spot!

The Li family was challenged by Jun Baqi, several young people were killed and injured, and Li Tianqing was deposed!

The Jin family was challenged by Cao Zhicheng, and the number one young man, Jin Yuanfeng, was killed on the spot!

r\u003e Kagura Liuying challenged the Han family, but Han Yufei was struck through the heart by Tianyin, and all his limbs were disabled!

The four of them could be said to have won a great victory. When they left, they said that among the young generation of Chinese martial arts, they were all losers and no one was their opponent!

The news spread quickly, and the entire Chinese martial arts community was furious. He actually dared to come to China and speak so arrogantly. He was really arrogant!

But then news spread that Ying Muhai challenged the young master of Tianwu Sect and won!

Baqijun challenged Mujiajia Mufeng and won!

Cao Pheasant challenges Yuan Yulong in his name and wins!

Kagura Liuying challenges Ren Tianming and wins!

The strongest young masters of the two major sects and the four major martial arts families were all defeated. The strength of the four people was obvious to all. Except for Kagura Liuying, the other three methods were extremely cruel. Instead of shouting death or destruction to the defeated opponent, He once again let out wild words, with a few of them enough to destroy the young generation of the Chinese martial arts!

This made the older martial arts masters jump in anger, but there was nothing they could do. Those who came were juniors, and those who challenged them were also juniors. If old guys like them interfered, wouldn't it be shameful?

I originally thought that Ying Muhai would continue to challenge like this, and the young people in the Chinese martial arts world would be unable to hold their heads up, but they stopped in time and even set up a youth supreme ring.

The four people said that such challenges were a waste of time. They wanted to defeat the younger generation of the Chinese Wulin in one fell swoop in the Youth Supreme Competition and achieve their title of Youth Supreme!

It's so crazy, so crazy.

Immediately some strong men from the younger generation came to challenge, but unfortunately, they all ended in defeat.

"A mad dog is a mad dog. When he gets mad, he bites people. That's fine. Now that he's here, he doesn't have to go back." Ji Wufeng's face was filled with murderous intent.

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