Yun Shuixian looked down on him and said: "What kind of demon transformation? The name is very powerful, but in fact it is just a self-inflicted rubbish kung fu. It can double a person's skill in a short period of time, but as the skill increases, he will not die in the end." You have to become an idiot too.”

Ji Wufeng looked understanding, nodded and said: "No wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out you have practiced such rubbish martial arts."

No matter what kind of martial arts, you must pay attention to step-by-step and down-to-earth practice. Martial arts that enhance one's skills in a short period of time will have certain side effects and should not be taken into consideration.

"Hehe... No matter what, as long as I can kill you, that's enough." Jun Yaqi sneered sinisterly.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of indifference. Even though Baqi Jun had practiced the Demonic Transformation, he didn't take this kind of thing seriously. Killing him was just a matter of raising his hand. ??

His real opponent is the master of Sakura Temple who has secretly sneaked into China. After the Youth Supreme Tournament is over, he will go to Dongyang to challenge the real strong men of Dongyang Wulin.

"Baqi Jun, I was too lazy to kill you before. I didn't expect you to have the courage to come back. It's okay. I let you run away twice when you came to China. It would be so shameless to let you run away again today!"

Ji Wufeng had a look of contempt on his face. It was impossible for him to kill everyone, but if he encountered them, don't even think about leaving sadly.

Seeing the contempt on Ji Wufeng's face, Baqijun's expression suddenly changed and became extremely ugly, and he said sternly: "Then you will die!"


There was a vast red light surrounding Yamata Jun's body, and a terrifying blood-red figure slowly condensed around him. The red figure was as tall as Yamata Jun, and even his vague appearance was different from that of Yamata Jun. He is very similar.

"The devil transforms and the devil robs his body!"

Yamata Jun yelled: "Kill!"

In an instant, Mo Jie exuded overwhelming demonic power, and everyone in the audience immediately retreated for fear of being affected.

Mo Jie stomped on the ground and disappeared on the spot. Then he appeared in front of Ji Wu Feng out of thin air and stretched out his bloody claws to grab Ji Wu Feng.

However, Baqijun was destined to be disappointed. If Ji Wufeng had not entered the Shura Field before, he might have really made Ji Wufeng hateful on the spot.

Although he had a demonic body that greatly increased his strength, Ji Wufeng's strength had not been improving slowly during this period.

Facing Jun Baqi, Ji Wufeng certainly would not show mercy. He raised his palm and smacked him, his powerful palm force pressing down like a mountain.

The arrogant and unparalleled energy hit the demon body fiercely, and the blood-red figure was immediately blasted away. Yamata Jun in the distance spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

The Demonic Tribulation Body is the secret secret skill of the Baqi family. It does have very terrifying power, but it also has fatal weaknesses. The Demonic Tribulation Body is closely connected with the main body. If the Demonic Tribulation Body is severely damaged, the main body will also suffer the same damage. trauma.

After a brief moment of daze, Yamata Jun spat out a mouthful of blood, and then roared like a wild beast, saying: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"Don't you understand now?" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

Jun Yaqi was shocked and said with an expression of disbelief: "I don't understand, my skill has obviously increased dramatically, why am I still not your opponent!"

"If you don't understand, then go to the underworld and think about it slowly."

Ji Wufeng's murderous intent was fierce and he punched out. Today he will use a strong stance to punch

Baqi Jun blasted and killed, shocking Dongyang Martial Arts!


Someone blocked Ji Wufeng's fist, and his energy suddenly spread wildly around him. Everyone in the audience immediately hurriedly retreated!

The person who blocked Ji Wufeng was not Jun Baqi, but Yun Shuixian.

Yun Shuixian glared at Ji Wufeng and said, "Why are you such a scoundrel? These eight horses clearly belong to me. I haven't had enough of them yet. Why do you take them away?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless and said: "Haha, I was wrong, I'll give it back to you."

Yamata Jun was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He even fought over me as if he were a toy, and shouted sternly: "You all go to hell!"

The terrifying blood light rose up again, and the demon body reappeared outside of Jun Baqi's body. He dodged, leaving behind a trail of afterimages, and rushed toward the two of them like thunder.

"You big bad guy, I'm warning you, these eight horses are mine, if you dare to steal them from me..."

As soon as Yun Shuixian finished speaking, his body rose into the sky, and he leaned down and rushed down. The sword blade was as sharp as a rainbow. Before the person arrived, the sword energy had already begun to destroy the ground, and the entire competition stage was shaking violently.

"You little bitch, you're looking for death!"

Yamata Jun roared, Mojie raised his arms high, and struck the air with a palm. The violent blood energy went up against the sky and collided with Yun Shuixian's unparalleled sword energy.


In an instant, Yun Shuixian's sword edge shattered the demon's arm, and the sharp sword light continued to slash downwards, straight towards Yamata Jun. Yun Narixian's left hand suddenly opened, and at the same time, he struck at Yamata Jun's demon arm. Robbery.

Mo Jie's body suddenly seemed to be imprisoned by invisible hands, and he struggled and roared.


Yamaki Jun screamed and flew away. His body was pierced by the edge of the sword, his face was hideous and terrifying, his whole body was twitching, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

The outcome has been decided, Jun Yaqi is no match for Unnarcissus, and the difference is more than a star!

"Admit defeat and admit that you are a loser. I never kill losers!" Yun Shuixian said loudly.

"Don't even think about it!"

Yamata Jun roared wildly, suddenly letting out a tragic roar, and blood was spraying crazily from his mouth, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

The Demon Tribulation body suddenly let out bursts of roars, and its size more than doubled in an instant. The terrifying aura full of blood smelled like crazy and rushed toward Yun Shuixian.

However, Jun Yaqi suddenly stopped his feet, and his body turned into a stream of blood and rushed out of the field quickly. He was actually trying to escape!

"Humph, you want to leave now? It's already too late. If I just let you go, how will I, Miss Yun, be able to survive in the future?"

Yun Shuixian was furious and swung his palm across the air to strike down the demon.


With an extremely violent explosion, Mo Jie's body was shattered to pieces, a dazzling red light erupted in the air, and a fishy smell spread throughout the space.

Everyone could feel the terrifying power emanating from the Demon Tribulation body, but it was destroyed by Yun Shuixian with a wave of his hand. Everyone was horrified. This beautiful little girl was so powerful. Could it be that she was a monster?

The demon body was destroyed, and Yamata Jun, who was running in the distance, was implicated. He felt like it was torn apart and almost collapsed on the ground, but he could only resist the urge to spurt blood from his mouth and move forward. Run wildly. Yun Shuixian looked down on him and said: "What kind of demon transformation? The name is very powerful, but in fact it is just a self-inflicted rubbish kung fu. It can double a person's skill in a short period of time, but as the skill increases, he will not die in the end." You have to become an idiot too.”

Ji Wufeng looked understanding, nodded and said: "No wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out you have practiced such rubbish martial arts."

No matter what kind of martial arts, you must pay attention to step-by-step and down-to-earth practice. Martial arts that enhance one's skills in a short period of time will have certain side effects and should not be taken into consideration.

"Hehe... No matter what, as long as I can kill you, that's enough." Jun Yaqi sneered sinisterly.

Ji Wufeng's face was full of indifference. Even though Baqi Jun had practiced the Demonic Transformation, he didn't take this kind of thing seriously. Killing him was just a matter of raising his hand.

His real opponent is the master of Sakura Temple who has secretly sneaked into China. After the Youth Supreme Tournament is over, he will go to Dongyang to challenge the real strong men of Dongyang Wulin.

"Baqi Jun, I was too lazy to kill you before. I didn't expect you to have the courage to come back. It's okay. I let you run away twice when you came to China. It would be so shameless to let you run away again today!"

Ji Wufeng had a look of contempt on his face. It was impossible for him to kill everyone, but if he encountered them, don't even think about leaving sadly. .??.??

Seeing the contempt on Ji Wufeng's face, Baqijun's expression suddenly changed and became extremely ugly, and he said sternly: "Then you will die!"


There was a vast red light surrounding Yamata Jun's body, and a terrifying blood-red figure slowly condensed around him. The red figure was as tall as Yamata Jun, and even his vague appearance was different from that of Yamata Jun. He is very similar.

"The devil transforms and the devil robs his body!"

Yamata Jun yelled: "Kill!"

In an instant, Mo Jie exuded overwhelming demonic power, and everyone in the audience immediately retreated for fear of being affected.

Mo Jie stomped on the ground and disappeared on the spot. Then he appeared in front of Ji Wu Feng out of thin air and stretched out his bloody claws to grab Ji Wu Feng.

However, Baqijun was destined to be disappointed. If Ji Wufeng had not entered the Shura Field before, he might have really made Ji Wufeng hateful on the spot.

Although he had a demonic body that greatly increased his strength, Ji Wufeng's strength had not been improving slowly during this period.

Facing Jun Baqi, Ji Wufeng certainly would not show mercy. He raised his palm and smacked him, his powerful palm force pressing down like a mountain.

The arrogant and unparalleled energy hit the demon body fiercely, and the blood-red figure was immediately blasted away. Yamata Jun in the distance spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

The Demonic Tribulation Body is the secret secret skill of the Baqi family. It does have very terrifying power, but it also has fatal weaknesses. The Demonic Tribulation Body is closely connected with the main body. If the Demonic Tribulation Body is severely damaged, the main body will also suffer the same damage. trauma.

After a brief moment of daze, Yamata Jun spat out a mouthful of blood, and then roared like a wild beast, saying: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"Don't you understand now?" Ji Wufeng said coldly.

Jun Yaqi was shocked and said with an expression of disbelief: "I don't understand, my skill has obviously increased dramatically, why am I still not your opponent!"

"If you don't understand, then go to the underworld and think about it slowly."

Ji Wufeng's murderous intent was fierce and he punched out. Today he will use a strong stance to punch

Baqi Jun blasted and killed, shocking Dongyang Martial Arts!


Someone blocked Ji Wufeng's fist, and his energy suddenly spread wildly around him. Everyone in the audience immediately hurriedly retreated!

The person who blocked Ji Wufeng was not Jun Baqi, but Yun Shuixian.

Yun Shuixian glared at Ji Wufeng and said, "Why are you such a scoundrel? These eight horses clearly belong to me. I haven't had enough of them yet. Why do you take them away?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless and said: "Haha, I was wrong, I'll give it back to you."

Yamata Jun was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He even fought over me as if he were a toy, and shouted sternly: "You all go to hell!"

The terrifying blood light rose up again, and the demon body reappeared outside of Jun Baqi's body. He dodged, leaving behind a trail of afterimages, and rushed toward the two of them like thunder.

"You big bad guy, I'm warning you, these eight horses are mine, if you dare to steal them from me..."

As soon as Yun Shuixian finished speaking, his body rose into the sky, and he leaned down and rushed down. The sword blade was as sharp as a rainbow. Before the person arrived, the sword energy had already begun to destroy the ground, and the entire competition stage was shaking violently.

"You little bitch, you're looking for death!"

Yamata Jun roared, Mojie raised his arms high, and struck the air with a palm. The violent blood energy went up against the sky and collided with Yun Shuixian's unparalleled sword energy.


In an instant, Yun Shuixian's sword edge shattered the demon's arm, and the sharp sword light continued to slash downwards, straight towards Yamata Jun. Yun Narixian's left hand suddenly opened, and at the same time, he struck at Yamata Jun's demon arm. Robbery.

Mo Jie's body suddenly seemed to be imprisoned by invisible hands, and he struggled and roared.


Yamaki Jun screamed and flew away. His body was pierced by the edge of the sword, his face was hideous and terrifying, his whole body was twitching, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

The outcome has been decided, Jun Yaqi is no match for Unnarcissus, and the difference is more than a star!

"Admit defeat and admit that you are a loser. I never kill losers!" Yun Shuixian said loudly.

"Don't even think about it!"

Yamata Jun roared wildly, suddenly letting out a tragic roar, and blood was spraying crazily from his mouth, obviously suffering inhuman pain.

The Demon Tribulation body suddenly let out bursts of roars, and its size more than doubled in an instant. The terrifying aura full of blood smelled like crazy and rushed toward Yun Shuixian.

However, Jun Yaqi suddenly stopped his feet, and his body turned into a stream of blood and rushed out of the field quickly. He was actually trying to escape!

"Humph, you want to leave now? It's already too late. If I just let you go, how will I, Miss Yun, be able to survive in the future?"

Yun Shuixian was furious and swung his palm across the air to strike down the demon.


With an extremely violent explosion, Mo Jie's body was shattered to pieces, a dazzling red light erupted in the air, and a fishy smell spread throughout the space.

Everyone could feel the terrifying power emanating from the Demon Tribulation body, but it was destroyed by Yun Shuixian with a wave of his hand. Everyone was horrified. This beautiful little girl was so powerful. Could it be that she was a monster?

The demon body was destroyed, and Yamata Jun, who was running in the distance, was implicated. He felt like it was torn apart and almost collapsed on the ground, but he could only resist the urge to spurt blood from his mouth and move forward. Run wildly.

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