Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1369 Great Beauty and Two Beauties

"Have you heard? The one who won the championship today is called the Great Beauty and the Second Beauty. She is not very young, but she is really strong. She has won almost ten games!"

"I know they are two girls. Although they are wearing veils, they are certainly not very old, but they are indeed powerful. No one has been able to match them since they came on stage."

"It's indeed very strong, but it's just a bit shady in what I do. I either poke my eyes or kick my thighs!"

Two beauties?

Ji Wufeng almost laughed when he heard the name. What kind of brain could come up with such a name?

Turning around, he saw Wu Chang looking at him with a strange look on his face, and finally said: "According to the news from Gouhun, Miss Liu and Miss Vivian ran away from home, heading towards Linhai City."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly widened. Damn it, it couldn't be those two little bitches, right?

A group of people rushed to the edge of the ring, and saw an unusually tall masked girl shouting wildly on the ring: "Come on, do you still want to see the power of my beauty?"

"I come!"

A young man jumped onto the ring and said politely: "This girl, I'm in Kongtong, hiss..."

Before the young man could finish speaking, the masked girl punched him in the eye socket like lightning. The young man subconsciously covered his eyes, but before he could cover his eyes, the masked girl kicked him again. On the thigh.

The young man suddenly took a breath of air, jumped up and down while squatting, and finally rolled off the stage.

If you dare to go on stage, you must be a master, but the speed of the masked girl is so fast that they can't see clearly, let alone dodge.

The masked girl seemed to be very dissatisfied with the young man's performance and said: "Hurry up to the next one, I haven't really made a move yet."

Although his face was covered, Ji Wufeng could still recognize Liu Qingqing at a glance. It was almost impossible to find another person with such a figure.

After confirming Liu Qingqing's identity, Xiao Feng said speechlessly: "Isn't this method too despicable?"

But before Ji Wufeng could answer, a burly young man standing next to her glared and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid? Who is being despicable?"

Xiao Feng said: "What nonsense am I talking about? Isn't it despicable enough to kick someone in the thigh without waiting for them to finish speaking?"

"Go to hell, beat up those bastards in Dongyang. Do you still need to be fair and aboveboard? To deal with them, you have to use whatever method works. Attack them without waiting for them to finish their words. Dongyang people are so insidious and cunning. Can you wait for them to say something? over?"

The young man was filled with righteous indignation and said: "You know a hammer? Damei is just training us, warning us that we must not be merciful when beating the Dongyang people, otherwise we will fall into the Dongyang people's tricks. What a kind girl, all these are For our own good."

Ji Wufeng and his team's faces were immediately covered with black lines, and Xiao Feng, who was sprayed with foam on his face, almost spit out blood.

It’s true that beauties are popular wherever they go. If he had used such despicable methods on stage, he would have become a public enemy.

But when she arrived at Liu Qingqing's place, she turned into a kind-hearted girl who did good for everyone.

Someone came up to the stage to challenge again. This time it was a handsome young man. Someone in the audience immediately said: "It's Zhou Pengfei from Longhumen."

"What a tragedy. Now the two beauties are probably going to lose."

"That's for sure. This week Pengfei

But he is a strong person on the young master list. "

Indeed, Ji Wufeng could see that Zhou Pengfei's strength was not simple, but he was somewhat interested in the young master list and asked: "Brother, what is the young master list?"

"How did he get on the stage? But the peerless Shuangjiao is definitely no match for him!"

Ji Wufeng has long been famous, but not everyone has seen him. For example, the young man in front of him just arrived last night and has never seen Ji Wufeng.

"You don't even know the young master list? What a country bumpkin!"

The young man put on a know-it-all attitude and said: "This young master list is to rank the masters of the younger generation according to their strength. A total of one hundred people have been ranked. Only those with extraordinary strength can be on the list. This Zhou Pengfei He is a master of Longhumen, ranked seventeenth on the list."

"Oh, who are the top ten people in that row?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"The first place is of course Ning Tianyu from Taiji Sect, the second is Xia Luofeng from Zhengqi Sect, the third is Shi Yiren from Shennong Valley, Shi Xianzi, the fourth is Kong Ming from Jinlong Temple, and the fifth is Xue Mo from Yinsha Sect. North, sixth is Lin Tiannan from Kunlun..."

Among the ten people ranked in the top ten, Ji Wufeng only knew Shi Yiren and Kong Ming, but based on their strength, they could only be ranked third or fourth. It seems that this ranking is indeed full of experts, and those who can be on the list are all. A real master.

Xiao Feng was a little angry and said: "What kind of bad ranking is this? Ji Wufeng can't even be ranked?"

The young man said with disdain: "You are not happy that you are a country bumpkin. Ji Wufeng is one of the top three youths. Does he still need to compete with us for this ranking?"

Xiao Feng was speechless with contempt, but Ji Wufeng nodded secretly. He felt that besides him, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin, there must be many unknown masters who have not entered the rankings.

"Pengfei next week, please give me some advice from this young lady!" Zhou Pengfei said to Liu Qingqing with a smile.

This guy was very polite, but Liu Qingqing didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, she glared and said angrily: "Who do you think is the lady? I think you are the lady. Your whole family is a lady."

The disciples from the Longhu Sect in the audience were angry and said, "Smelly girl, are you too arrogant?"

Zhou Pengfei didn't mind at all and said, "Sorry, I did say the wrong thing. If this girl doesn't mind, how about we make an agreement?"

"Speak out first and let my aunt listen." Liu Qingqing said arrogantly.

"If I lose at the hands of a girl, then of course I am not as good as others and will be laughed at. But if I win even one and a half moves, how about asking the girl to let me see her beauty?" Zhou Pengfei said with a smile.

Someone in the audience immediately started booing, saying, "No wonder he came on stage to join in the fun. It turns out he's attracted to this girl."

That's right, now that Zhou Pengfei has been ranked on the young master list and is already famous, there is no need to go on stage to compete with a girl.

"Hahaha, girl, just obey them and stop fighting."

"That's right, if I accidentally hurt you, people will feel sorry for you, hahaha..."

Liu Qingqing had an unusually graceful figure and big delicate eyes. Even with her face covered, she knew that she must be a beautiful woman. Naturally, there were people who wanted to win over her.

Liu Qingqing was immediately furious and said: "Hey, you bastard, you dare to take advantage of my aunt, I have to teach you a lesson today." "Have you heard? What is the name of the big beauty and the second beauty who won the championship today? They’re not big, but they’re really strong, and they’ve won almost ten games!”

"I know they are two girls. Although they are wearing veils, they are certainly not very old, but they are indeed powerful. No one has been able to match them since they came on stage."

"It's indeed very strong, but it's just a bit shady in what I do. I either poke my eyes or kick my thighs!"

Two beauties?

Ji Wufeng almost laughed when he heard the name. What kind of brain could come up with such a name?

Turning around, he saw Wu Chang looking at him with a strange look on his face, and finally said: "According to the news from Gouhun, Miss Liu and Miss Vivian ran away from home, heading towards Linhai City."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly widened. Damn it, it couldn't be those two little bitches, right?

A group of people rushed to the edge of the ring, and saw an unusually tall masked girl shouting wildly on the ring: "Come on, do you still want to see the power of my beauty?"

"I come!"

A young man jumped onto the ring and said politely: "This girl, I'm in Kongtong, hiss..."

Before the young man could finish speaking, the masked girl punched him in the eye socket like lightning. The young man subconsciously covered his eyes, but before he could cover his eyes, the masked girl kicked him again. On the thigh.

The young man suddenly took a breath of air, jumped up and down while squatting, and finally rolled off the stage.

If you dare to go on stage, you must be a master, but the speed of the masked girl is so fast that they can't see clearly, let alone dodge.

The masked girl seemed to be very dissatisfied with the young man's performance and said: "Hurry up to the next one, I haven't really made a move yet."

Although his face was covered, Ji Wufeng could still recognize Liu Qingqing at a glance. It was almost impossible to find another person with such a figure.

After confirming Liu Qingqing's identity, Xiao Feng said speechlessly: "Isn't this method too despicable?"

But before Ji Wufeng could answer, a burly young man standing next to her glared and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid? Who is being despicable?"

Xiao Feng said: "What nonsense am I talking about? Isn't it despicable enough to kick someone in the thigh without waiting for them to finish speaking?"

"Go to hell, beat up those bastards in Dongyang. Do you still need to be fair and aboveboard? To deal with them, you have to use whatever method works. Attack them without waiting for them to finish their words. Dongyang people are so insidious and cunning. Can you wait for them to say something? over?"

The young man was filled with righteous indignation and said: "You know a hammer? Damei is just training us, warning us that we must not be merciful when beating the Dongyang people, otherwise we will fall into the Dongyang people's tricks. What a kind girl, all these are For our own good."

Ji Wufeng and his team's faces were immediately covered with black lines, and Xiao Feng, who was sprayed with foam on his face, almost spit out blood.

It’s true that beauties are popular wherever they go. If he had used such despicable methods on stage, he would have become a public enemy.

But when she arrived at Liu Qingqing's place, she turned into a kind-hearted girl who did good for everyone.

Someone came up to the stage to challenge again. This time it was a handsome young man. Someone in the audience immediately said: "It's Zhou Pengfei from Longhumen."

"What a tragedy. Now the two beauties are probably going to lose."

"That's for sure. This week Pengfei

But he is a strong person on the young master list. "

Indeed, Ji Wufeng could see that Zhou Pengfei's strength was not simple, but he was somewhat interested in the young master list and asked: "Brother, what is the young master list?"

"How did he get on the stage? But the peerless Shuangjiao is definitely no match for him!"

Ji Wufeng has long been famous, but not everyone has seen him. For example, the young man in front of him just arrived last night and has never seen Ji Wufeng.

"You don't even know the young master list? What a country bumpkin!"

The young man put on a know-it-all attitude and said: "This young master list is to rank the masters of the younger generation according to their strength. A total of one hundred people have been ranked. Only those with extraordinary strength can be on the list. This Zhou Pengfei He is a master of Longhumen, ranked seventeenth on the list."

"Oh, who are the top ten people in that row?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"The first place is of course Ning Tianyu from Taiji Sect, the second is Xia Luofeng from Zhengqi Sect, the third is Shi Yiren from Shennong Valley, Shi Xianzi, the fourth is Kong Ming from Jinlong Temple, and the fifth is Xue Mo from Yinsha Sect. North, sixth is Lin Tiannan from Kunlun..."

Among the ten people ranked in the top ten, Ji Wufeng only knew Shi Yiren and Kong Ming, but based on their strength, they could only be ranked third or fourth. It seems that this ranking is indeed full of experts, and those who can be on the list are all. A real master.

Xiao Feng was a little angry and said: "What kind of bad ranking is this? Ji Wufeng can't even be ranked?"

The young man said with disdain: "You are not happy that you are a country bumpkin. Ji Wufeng is one of the top three youths. Does he still need to compete with us for this ranking?"

Xiao Feng was speechless with contempt, but Ji Wufeng nodded secretly. He felt that besides him, Gu Tianyang and Tian Wuxin, there must be many unknown masters who have not entered the rankings.

"Pengfei next week, please give me some advice from this young lady!" Zhou Pengfei said to Liu Qingqing with a smile.

This guy was very polite, but Liu Qingqing didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, she glared and said angrily, "Who do you think is the lady? I think you are the lady. Your whole family is a lady."

The disciples from the Longhu Sect in the audience were angry and said, "Smelly girl, are you too arrogant?"

Zhou Pengfei didn't mind at all and said, "Sorry, I did say the wrong thing. If this girl doesn't mind, how about we make an agreement?"

"Speak out first and let my aunt listen." Liu Qingqing said arrogantly.

"If I lose at the hands of a girl, then of course I am not as good as others and will be laughed at. But if I win even one and a half moves, how about asking the girl to let me see her beauty?" Zhou Pengfei said with a smile.

Someone in the audience immediately started booing, saying, "No wonder he came on stage to join in the fun. It turns out he's attracted to this girl."

That's right, now that Zhou Pengfei has been ranked on the young master list and is already famous, there is no need to go on stage to compete with a girl.

"Hahaha, girl, just obey them and stop fighting."

"That's right, if I accidentally hurt you, people will feel sorry for you, hahaha..."

Liu Qingqing had an unusually graceful figure and big delicate eyes. Even with her face covered, she knew that she must be a beautiful woman. Naturally, there were people who wanted to win over her.

Liu Qingqing was immediately furious and said, "Hey, you bastard, you dare to take advantage of my aunt, I have to teach you a lesson today."

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