Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1381 Will my grandson repay my debt?

At this time, Yue Kunpeng said: "The Corpse Exorcism Sect was destroyed by a fierce man in the 1960s. Many people speculated that it was Mr. Ji, but they couldn't verify it. Now it seems to be true."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a moment, feeling that the corpse exorcism sect was destroyed by the old ghost of the Ji family, so now he wanted to take revenge by killing his grandson.

"Damn it, he destroyed your corpse-catching sect, so you just come to him. Why come to me? If you can't beat the old one, you'll bully the younger ones. Do you still have the face?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

"Little bastard, after I kill you, I will naturally make Old Ghost Ji pay the price." The white-haired man said.

Yue Kunpeng added: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, but Mr. Ji disappeared fifty years ago. I'm afraid he can't be found even if he tries to find him."

Ji Wufeng instantly wanted to die. Damn it, this is really a disaster.

He has nothing to do with the Ji family, and he has never even met that damn grandfather, but now he is being blamed for it.

"Brother Baimao, actually I have never met Mr. Ji, and I have issues with the Ji family. If you want revenge, I think you might as well go to the Ji family. There are many Ji family members. If you kill one of them, you can't forgive your hatred. You can kill him." Two of them, if they are still dissatisfied, I have no objection to killing them all..."

Ji Wufeng felt that he was too unjust to take the blame. The white-haired man wanted revenge. The Ji family was the real owner and had nothing to do with Mao.

"Hehe, don't worry. After I kill you, I will find the Ji family. I heard that besides you, the Ji family also has an evil female doll. After I made her into a living corpse, I don't believe that old ghost Ji is still here. Don't show your head!" the white-haired man said.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed, and a cold murderous intention spread out.

He didn't care at all about the life and death of Ji's family, but he couldn't care less about Ji Qingchen. If this white-haired man dared to have Ji Qingchen's ideas, he couldn't let him go.

Ji Wufeng said in a solemn tone: "The old ghosts didn't kill all of you back then, and that's why you are such a weak fish today. No matter what, I will let the Corpse Exorcist Sect be completely wiped out today!"

"Haha... You little beast who doesn't know how high the sky is, just follow me if you have the guts!"

The white-haired man turned around and jumped into the air, flying away into the distance. Ji Wufeng felt a little uneasy, but thinking that with Yun Narcissus around, the safety of Liu Qingqing and Vivian should not be a problem.

"Hmph, Old Ghost Ji could kill you once sixty years ago, and I can kill you again sixty years later!" Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground and chased after him, with Xiao Feng and the others following closely behind.

It seemed that a big battle was unavoidable, and those who didn't want to miss it immediately started to catch up.

After everyone left, a strange man covered in a black robe appeared strangely.

The white-haired man fell to the ground, and Ji Wufeng chased after him, saying in a deep voice: "This time, your Corpse Exorcist Sect will not have another chance to revive."

"Jiejie, you will be the first price Ji Laogui pays today." The white-haired man chuckled.

Onlookers rushed over one after another, but suddenly four ghastly and terrifying auras fell from the sky, pressing down on everyone.

Suddenly, at least half of the people's eyes went dark. They lost their footing and almost collapsed on the ground. The aura was so terrifying that it made them feel as if they were in the gate of hell.

I saw four figures appearing beside the white-haired man. After seeing the appearance of these four people clearly, everyone present let out a "hiss" and gasped.

The skin on the four people’s bodies is actually

It was pale, with no trace of blood, and the palms were dry, like dried bacon. There was gray in the eyes, and there were dots of black light, which was the breath of death.

It is not difficult to guess that these four are not living people, but corpses, living corpses refined by the Corpse Expulsion Sect.

Everyone's hair stood on end and their bodies trembled slightly. After all, the corpse exorcism sect had been extinct for sixty years, and almost no one present had ever seen such a weird and terrifying scene.

"Jie Jie, these are the living corpses I refined. I will let you know how powerful they are later."

The white-haired man looked proud and said: "And after you die in my hands, I will also transform you into a living corpse for me to control."

"Hmph, evil heretic, kill!"

The first person who couldn't help it was Wu Chang. Whether it was the white-haired man or the four living corpses, they all made people feel very uncomfortable. Wu Chang had already had murderous intentions.

The sharp sword was unsheathed and soared into the sky with a blinding edge.

With the flying knife in hand, it turned into a peerless edge, as if it was about to pierce the sky!

Yue Kunpeng shouted lowly, his unparalleled energy was like a river bursting its banks!

Everyone has seen how powerful Xiao Feng and the three of them are, but unfortunately, the attacks of the three people did not seem to have much effect on the living corpse. The sword energy, sword light, and energy bombarded the living corpse. It makes a tinkling sound, like looking at gold and stone.

In an instant, everyone present was stunned. Even if they were standing very far outside the venue, they could feel the powerful and indestructible attacks of Xiao Feng and the others, but they were unable to shake the living corpse in the slightest.

"Ha ha……"

The white-haired man let out a sharp laugh and said: "Child Ji Wufeng, the power of living corpses is beyond the imagination of juniors like you. You will not be able to fly today!"

Xiao Feng and the three of them each fought against a living corpse, and the last living corpse roared and pounced on Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and punched out, hitting the living corpse that was rushing toward him.


With a loud noise, the ground shook violently, and the living corpse was hit hard on the ground by Ji Wufeng's punch, directly creating a huge pit in the ground.

The onlookers immediately couldn't help but make friends. No one except the corpse chasers had a good impression of the corpse, and it was a corpse that could walk freely. This was like a ghost.


But a roar suddenly sounded in the deep pit, and the living corpse rose into the sky, waving its arms to roll up the zombie aura and rush towards Ji Wufeng.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this?"

"Is this still a living corpse? It's just like a zombie!"

"It's too scary. This corpse exorcist is not human at all."

Everyone was frightened. It was scary enough that the corpse could move, but now it couldn't be killed. Could it be that it was really a zombie?

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he punched out. With a bang, the living corpse was blown away again. However, after landing, it rolled a few times and then got up again and rushed towards Ji Wufeng.

"Jie Jie, a living corpse is hard to be hurt by a sword. Your death has come." The white-haired man laughed wildly.

Ji Wufeng said with disdain on his face: "Do you really think you can kill me?"

"Hehe, actually my purpose is not to kill you, I just need to hold you back, but now it seems that killing you is more than enough." The white-haired man said. At this time, Yue Kunpeng said: "The Corpse Exorcism Sect was destroyed by a fierce man in the 1960s. Many people speculated that it was Mr. Ji, but they couldn't verify it. Now it seems to be true."

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a moment, feeling that the corpse exorcism sect was destroyed by the old ghost of the Ji family, so now he wanted to take revenge by killing his grandson.

"Damn it, he destroyed your corpse-catching sect, so you just come to him. Why come to me? If you can't beat the old one, you'll bully the younger ones. Do you still have the face?" Ji Wufeng said angrily.

"Little bastard, after I kill you, I will naturally make Old Ghost Ji pay the price." The white-haired man said.

Yue Kunpeng added: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, but Mr. Ji disappeared fifty years ago. I'm afraid he can't be found even if he tries to find him."

Ji Wufeng instantly wanted to die. Damn it, this is really a disaster.

He has nothing to do with the Ji family, and he has never even met that damn grandfather, but now he is being blamed for it.

"Brother Baimao, actually I have never met Mr. Ji, and I have issues with the Ji family. If you want revenge, I think you might as well go to the Ji family. There are many Ji family members. If you kill one of them, you can't forgive your hatred. You can kill him." Two of them, if they are still dissatisfied, I have no objection to killing them all..."

Ji Wufeng felt that he was too unjust to take the blame. The white-haired man wanted revenge. The Ji family was the real owner and had nothing to do with Mao.

"Hehe, don't worry. After I kill you, I will find the Ji family. I heard that besides you, the Ji family also has an evil female doll. After I made her into a living corpse, I don't believe that old ghost Ji is still here. Don't show your head!" the white-haired man said.

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly condensed, and a cold murderous intention spread out.

He didn't care at all about the life and death of Ji's family, but he couldn't care less about Ji Qingchen. If this white-haired man dared to have Ji Qingchen's ideas, he couldn't let him go.

Ji Wufeng said in a solemn tone: "The old ghosts didn't kill all of you back then, and that's why you are such a weak fish today. No matter what, I will let the Corpse Exorcist Sect be completely wiped out today!"

"Haha... You little beast who doesn't know how high the sky is, just follow me if you have the guts!"

The white-haired man turned around and jumped into the air, flying away into the distance. Ji Wufeng felt a little uneasy, but thinking that with Yun Narcissus around, the safety of Liu Qingqing and Vivian should not be a problem.

"Hmph, Old Ghost Ji could kill you once sixty years ago, and I can kill you again sixty years later!" Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground and chased after him, with Xiao Feng and the others following closely behind.

It seemed that a big battle was unavoidable, and those who didn't want to miss it immediately started to catch up.

After everyone left, a strange man covered in a black robe appeared strangely.

The white-haired man fell to the ground, and Ji Wufeng chased after him, saying in a deep voice: "This time, your Corpse Exorcist Sect will not have another chance to revive."

"Jiejie, you will be the first price Ji Laogui pays today." The white-haired man chuckled.

Onlookers rushed over one after another, but suddenly four ghastly and terrifying auras fell from the sky, pressing down on everyone.

Suddenly, at least half of the people's eyes went dark. They lost their footing and almost collapsed on the ground. The aura was so terrifying that it made them feel as if they were in the gate of hell.

I saw four figures appearing beside the white-haired man. After seeing the appearance of these four people clearly, everyone present let out a "hiss" and gasped.

The skin on the four people’s bodies is actually

It was pale, with no trace of blood, and the palms were dry, like dried bacon. There was gray in the eyes, and there were dots of black light, which was the breath of death.

It is not difficult to guess that these four are not living people, but corpses, living corpses refined by the Corpse Expulsion Sect.

Everyone's hair stood on end and their bodies trembled slightly. After all, the corpse exorcism sect had been extinct for sixty years, and almost no one present had ever seen such a weird and terrifying scene.

"Jie Jie, these are the living corpses I refined. I will let you know how powerful they are later."

The white-haired man looked proud and said: "And after you die in my hands, I will also transform you into a living corpse for me to control."

"Hmph, evil heretic, kill!"

The first person who couldn't help it was Wu Chang. Whether it was the white-haired man or the four living corpses, they all made people feel very uncomfortable. Wu Chang had already had murderous intentions.

The sharp sword was unsheathed and soared into the sky with a blinding edge.

With the flying knife in hand, it turned into a peerless edge, as if it was about to pierce the sky!

Yue Kunpeng shouted lowly, his unparalleled energy was like a river bursting its banks!

Everyone has seen how powerful Xiao Feng and the three of them are, but unfortunately, the attacks of the three people did not seem to have much effect on the living corpse. The sword energy, sword light, and energy bombarded the living corpse. It makes a tinkling sound, like looking at gold and stone.

In an instant, everyone present was stunned. Even if they were standing very far outside the venue, they could feel the powerful and indestructible attacks of Xiao Feng and the others, but they were unable to shake the living corpse in the slightest.

"Ha ha……"

The white-haired man let out a sharp laugh and said: "Child Ji Wufeng, the power of living corpses is beyond the imagination of juniors like you. You will not be able to fly today!"

Xiao Feng and the three of them each fought against a living corpse, and the last living corpse roared and pounced on Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and punched out, hitting the living corpse that was rushing toward him.


With a loud noise, the ground shook violently, and the living corpse was hit hard on the ground by Ji Wufeng's punch, directly creating a huge pit in the ground.

The onlookers immediately couldn't help but make friends. No one except the corpse chasers had a good impression of the corpse, and it was a corpse that could walk freely. This was like a ghost.


But a roar suddenly sounded in the deep pit, and the living corpse rose into the sky, waving its arms to roll up the zombie aura and rush towards Ji Wufeng.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this?"

"Is this still a living corpse? It's just like a zombie!"

"It's too scary. This corpse exorcist is not human at all."

Everyone was frightened. It was scary enough that the corpse could move, but now it couldn't be killed. Could it be that it was really a zombie?

Ji Wufeng's face turned pale and he punched out. With a bang, the living corpse was blown away again. However, after landing, it rolled a few times and then got up again and rushed towards Ji Wufeng.

"Jie Jie, a living corpse is hard to be hurt by a sword. Your death has come." The white-haired man laughed wildly.

Ji Wufeng said with disdain on his face: "Do you really think you can kill me?"

"Hehe, actually my purpose is not to kill you, I just need to hold you back, but now it seems that killing you is more than enough." The white-haired man said.

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