Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1391 Overlord Swordsmanship

Although Wu Chang is a martial arts fanatic, Ji Wufeng knows that he is an absolutely calm person and will never appear rashly!

A sharp breath rushed out from Wu Chang's body, instantly forming a fierce and domineering aura on him, and it was still growing.


Ji Wufeng couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise. Wu Chang's swordsmanship had made another breakthrough. His sharpness remained unabated, and he gained a world-dominating power. Could it be that Wu Chang was about to leave the killing sword and enter the domineering sword?

No wonder Wu Chang will come on stage, he wants to sacrifice the mad ghost to the sword!

Although he did not officially accept a disciple, he was actually a master and apprentice. Ji Wufeng thought that his murderous intention was too strong to escape from the killing sword. After all, it would be difficult to achieve great success in swordsmanship. Now it seems that the old man Yunzhen's advice is very effective, and he has it so quickly. Breakout trend.

Impermanence moved, and the afterimages, with a violent and domineering aura, shot towards the motionless hungry ghost!

The distance of more than ten meters was reached in an instant, and the eyes of the two people came into contact. In an instant, two waves of fighting spirit burst out in a boil.

The long sword in Wu Chang's hand cut through the void, like a lightning bolt of divine punishment, slashing down hard at the motionless hungry ghost in front of him.

The incoming impermanence brought with it a strong wind, causing the hungry ghost's clothes to cling tightly to his body. However, the hungry ghost remained unmoved by the sword that came to kill him.

It wasn't until the sword edge was only a few centimeters away from his head that the hungry ghost's footsteps moved slightly.

The long sword slashed across the air, but it fell extremely dangerously against the hungry ghost's shoulder without causing any damage. At that moment, the hungry ghost's left claw suddenly flexed slightly and then swung out suddenly.

It seemed like it was just a random shot, but it was accurately shot on the sword body. A powerful force burst out, causing the sword to move in a large direction, just in time to interrupt Wu Chang's next offensive.

The next offensive was interrupted, and Wu Chang's whole momentum also stagnated at that moment, and the hungry ghost's sharp claws brought a strong wind and hit Wu Chang's chest hard.

Wu Chang's eyes showed sharpness, and the long sword was retracted, colliding with the claws of the hungry ghost.


The long sword and the sharp claws collided directly, and the energy from the rapid fire spread in all directions.

Wu Chang stepped back quickly, groaned, and a wisp of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Although he has made breakthroughs in his swordsmanship and his strength has improved, there is still a distance between him and the hungry ghost.

The flying knife appeared in his hand, Ji Wufeng said: "Wait a moment!"

Wu Chang's domineering sword has not yet been completed. Now is the perfect time to forge a sword. If Wu Chang does not die and kills the hungry ghost, he will forge himself into an indestructible domineering sword!


Wu Chang was knocked away, he got up with blood spurting from his mouth, and slashed out with a sword!


Flying out again!

boom! boom! boom!

Wu Chang didn't know how many times he was blasted away by the hungry ghosts, each time causing severe injuries to him. At this time, he was completely changed beyond recognition, and his body was covered with wounds torn by the hungry ghosts' sharp claws, dripping with blood.

However, Wu Chang seemed not to feel the slightest pain and never took a step back.

Everyone outside the field was shocked. They didn't understand that Wu Chang was obviously no match for the hungry ghost, but he still insisted on it. If he persisted, he would die. So what exactly was he insisting on?

"Stop it, admit defeat, keep going.

I'm going to die... Wuwu..." Some girls couldn't bear it and burst into tears.

"Brother, come down, you have done your best!"

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood, it's important to save your life, brother!"

Everyone outside the court couldn't help but start to persuade him. Although Wu Chang didn't win, he had won their respect. Wu Chang was a hero at this time.

Xiao Feng shouted in the audience: "Wuchang, are you crazy, you bastard? Come down quickly!"

Ning Tianyu also said anxiously: "Brother Ji, let him come down. It's not worth losing his life like this."

Ji Wufeng didn't seem to hear him, he just looked at the impermanence on the field quietly and said indifferently: "What is domination? It means to be superior to all living beings. If you can't even pass your own level, how can you do it?" Unrivaled in the world?"

Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng didn't understand what these words meant at all, but Wu Chang's almost torn body trembled violently, like five thunders hitting the top!

In an instant, a powerful aura that was several times more powerful than before rushed out of Wu Chang's body, like a giant beast from the wild, majestic on the martial arts field.

The hungry ghost looked shocked, and his body retreated violently!

What a domineering aura!

"Hahaha..." Wu Chang suddenly laughed wildly, and the domineering aura on his body continued to increase, spreading between heaven and earth.

Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng felt as if they had seen a ghost, but Ji Wufeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Chang had completely broken away from the way of killing swords and entered the way of dominating swords. His swordsmanship cultivation was one step closer to great achievement!

"Boss, what's going on with Wu Chang?" Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask, the changes on Wu Chang's body were too weird.

Ji Wufeng said: "Wuchang has already felt that he is about to break through, but there must be an opportunity, and Hungry Ghost just gave him this opportunity, and he broke through."

"Damn it, this bastard is too insidious. He broke through secretly? He didn't wait for me!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

"Your talents are almost the same, but now Wu Chang is one step ahead. It can only be said that he works harder than you. You should catch up quickly, otherwise you will only fall further and further behind." Ji Wufeng attacked.

Among the three of them, Wu Chang's talent is not the best, but he is the one who works the hardest and is the most persistent. He has already surpassed Xiao Feng and others and is heading towards the royal road.

Seeing Wu Chang on the court, they would rather die than take a step back. Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng showed determination, and two auras rose from them and continued to increase.


Ji Wufeng had a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that the two of them would have a breakthrough at this time. Ning Tianyu and others all looked at Ji Wufeng in shock. Why are all the people following this guy so evil?

Impermanence's breakthrough also brought a certain degree of impact to the hungry ghost, saying: "Jie Jie, you are much stronger than the trash just now, but unfortunately you are still no match for me. As long as you are willing to be my slave, I can consider sparing you." One life.”

The hungry ghost laughed ferociously, and before he finished speaking, his claws shot straight towards Wu Chang's chest, and the energy he released was extremely sharp. If he was hit by him, Wu Chang's defeat would be almost inevitable!


Wu Chang roared loudly, his sword aura moved forward with a domineering edge.


Another collision caused a shocking loud noise. The entire martial arts arena was shaking violently and trembling. The energy spread out in all directions and hit the faces of the spectators, as if they had been hit by a big mouth. It hurt. He covered his face and backed away. Although Wu Chang is a martial arts fanatic, Ji Wufeng knows that he is an absolutely calm person and will never appear rashly!

A sharp breath rushed out from Wu Chang's body, instantly forming a fierce and domineering aura on him, and it was still growing.


Ji Wufeng couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise. Wu Chang's swordsmanship had made another breakthrough. His sharpness remained unabated, and he gained a world-dominating power. Could it be that Wu Chang was about to leave the killing sword and enter the domineering sword?

No wonder Wu Chang will come on stage, he wants to sacrifice the mad ghost to the sword! ??

Although he did not officially accept a disciple, he was actually a master and apprentice. Ji Wufeng thought that his murderous intention was too strong to escape from the killing sword. After all, it would be difficult to achieve great success in swordsmanship. Now it seems that the old man Yunzhen's advice is very effective, and he has it so quickly. Breakout trend.

Impermanence moved, and the afterimages, with a violent and domineering aura, shot towards the motionless hungry ghost!

The distance of more than ten meters was reached in an instant, and the eyes of the two people came into contact. In an instant, two waves of fighting spirit burst out in a boil.

The long sword in Wu Chang's hand cut through the void, like a lightning bolt of divine punishment, slashing down hard at the motionless hungry ghost in front of him.

The incoming impermanence brought with it a strong wind, causing the hungry ghost's clothes to cling tightly to his body. However, the hungry ghost remained unmoved by the sword that came to kill him.

It wasn't until the sword edge was only a few centimeters away from his head that the hungry ghost's footsteps moved slightly.

The long sword slashed across the air, but it fell extremely dangerously against the hungry ghost's shoulder without causing any damage. At that moment, the hungry ghost's left claw suddenly flexed slightly and then swung out suddenly.

It seemed like it was just a random shot, but it was accurately shot on the sword body. A powerful force burst out, causing the sword to move in a large direction, just in time to interrupt Wu Chang's next offensive.

The next offensive was interrupted, and Wu Chang's whole momentum also stagnated at that moment, and the hungry ghost's sharp claws brought a strong wind and hit Wu Chang's chest hard.

Wu Chang's eyes showed sharpness, and the long sword was retracted, colliding with the claws of the hungry ghost.


The long sword and the sharp claws collided directly, and the energy from the rapid fire spread in all directions.

Wu Chang stepped back quickly, groaned, and a wisp of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Although he has made breakthroughs in his swordsmanship and his strength has improved, there is still a distance between him and the hungry ghost.

The flying knife appeared in his hand, Ji Wufeng said: "Wait a moment!"

Wu Chang's domineering sword has not yet been completed. Now is the perfect time to forge a sword. If Wu Chang does not die and kills the hungry ghost, he will forge himself into an indestructible domineering sword!


Wu Chang was knocked away, he got up with blood spurting from his mouth, and slashed out with a sword!


Flying out again!

boom! boom! boom!

Wu Chang didn't know how many times he was blasted away by the hungry ghosts, each time causing severe injuries to him. At this time, he was completely changed beyond recognition, and his body was covered with wounds torn by the hungry ghosts' sharp claws, dripping with blood.

However, Wu Chang seemed not to feel the slightest pain and never took a step back.

Everyone outside the field was shocked. They didn't understand that Wu Chang was obviously no match for the hungry ghost, but he still insisted on it. If he persisted, he would die. So what exactly was he insisting on?

"Stop it, admit defeat, keep going.

I'm going to die... Wuwu..." Some girls couldn't bear it and burst into tears.

"Brother, come down, you have done your best!"

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood, it's important to save your life, brother!"

Everyone outside the court couldn't help but start to persuade him. Although Wu Chang didn't win, he had won their respect. Wu Chang was a hero at this time.

Xiao Feng shouted in the audience: "Wuchang, are you crazy, you bastard? Come down quickly!"

Ning Tianyu also said anxiously: "Brother Ji, let him come down. It's not worth losing his life like this."

Ji Wufeng didn't seem to hear him, he just looked at the impermanence on the field quietly and said indifferently: "What is domination? It means to be superior to all living beings. If you can't even pass your own level, how can you do it?" Unrivaled in the world?"

Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng didn't understand what these words meant at all, but Wu Chang's almost torn body trembled violently, like five thunders hitting the top!

In an instant, a powerful aura that was several times more powerful than before rushed out of Wu Chang's body, like a giant beast from the wild, majestic on the martial arts field.

The hungry ghost looked shocked, and his body retreated violently!

What a domineering aura!

"Hahaha..." Wu Chang suddenly laughed wildly, and the domineering aura on his body continued to increase, spreading between heaven and earth.

Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng felt as if they had seen a ghost, but Ji Wufeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Chang had completely broken away from the way of killing swords and entered the way of dominating swords. His swordsmanship cultivation was one step closer to Dacheng!

"Boss, what's going on with Wu Chang?" Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask, the changes on Wu Chang's body were too weird.

Ji Wufeng said: "Wuchang has already felt that he is about to break through, but there must be an opportunity, and Hungry Ghost just gave him this opportunity, and he broke through."

"Damn it, this bastard is too insidious. He broke through secretly? He didn't wait for me!" Xiao Feng said angrily.

"Your talents were almost the same, but now Wu Chang is one step ahead. It can only be said that he works harder than you. You should catch up quickly, otherwise you will only fall further and further behind." Ji Wufeng attacked.

Among the three of them, Wu Chang's talent is not the best, but he is the one who works the hardest and is the most persistent. He has already surpassed Xiao Feng and others and is heading towards the royal road.

Seeing Wu Chang on the court, they would rather die than take a step back. Xiao Feng and Yue Kunpeng showed determination, and two auras rose from them and continued to increase.


Ji Wufeng had a strange look on his face. He didn't expect that the two of them would have a breakthrough at this time. Ning Tianyu and others all looked at Ji Wufeng in shock. Why are all the people following this guy so evil?

Impermanence's breakthrough also brought a certain degree of impact to the hungry ghost, saying: "Jie Jie, you are much stronger than the trash just now, but unfortunately you are still no match for me. As long as you are willing to be my slave, I can consider sparing you." One life.”

The hungry ghost laughed ferociously, and before he finished speaking, his claws shot straight towards Wu Chang's chest, and the energy he released was extremely sharp. If he was hit by him, Wu Chang's defeat would be almost inevitable!


Wu Chang roared loudly, his sword aura moved forward with a domineering edge.


Another collision caused a shocking loud noise. The entire martial arts arena was shaking violently and trembling. The energy spread out in all directions and hit the faces of the spectators, as if they had been hit by a big mouth. It hurt. He covered his face and backed away.

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