Two rays of light appeared out of thin air. One was Yue Kunpeng's domineering punch, and the other was the bright sword light struck by Muramasa. The two tyrannical forces collided together and made a crushing sound. Let go of the fortress. Break up the space.

Yue Kunpeng took three big steps back. At this time, he was sure that Muramasa's cultivation level was superior to his.

The corner of Muramasa's mouth raised a strange arc and said: "You are not qualified to be my opponent, but you are still qualified to die in my hands."


Yue Kunpeng snorted coldly, his Heaven Opening Technique was raised to the extreme. If his opponent was stronger than him, he could only go all out.

Wu Chang's injury has been stabilized off the court, Xiao Feng said: "Boss, can Xiao Yueyue do it?"

Ji Wufeng said calmly: "It depends on his own destiny!"

The fists of the two people on the field were like long knives, and they violently collided. Their speed increased to the extreme. Everyone in the field could only see two faint shadows. The violent energy burst out, and any entity in its path was be destroyed.


Finally, the fierce battle entered a fever pitch, and with a fierce blow, the two bodies retreated simultaneously.

And this blow produced huge destructive power, whipping up a storm and sweeping around. There was an explosion wherever it passed, and the martial arts field was cracked open, and the rubble was swept up and turned into ashes in the air.

The originally sturdy martial arts arena was now in a mess, almost in ruins.

The faces of both of them were extremely pale, and their chests were heaving violently. Muramasa's clothes were in tatters, and his exposed muscles were covered with charred marks.

However, Yue Kunpeng was covered in blood and could not withstand Muramasa's sharpness. There were many wounds on his body. The stabbing in the chest was very serious. The blood was dripping and the bones inside could be seen.

The superiority is very obvious. Although Yue Kunpeng is strong enough, he is not Muramasa's opponent!

\u003e However, Yue Kunpeng stared at Muramasa, with an extremely excited expression on his originally embarrassed face. His aura was rising crazily in an instant. At this time, he was like a peerless divine blade, spreading out this soaring energy to the sky. The edge!

Muramasa licked the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice: "The game should be over, because there is no need to continue playing with you."

Muramasa's sharp and sharp aura at this moment became stronger in an instant. Muramasa's next offensive will probably be several times more powerful than before. He will kill Yue Kunpeng in one fell swoop!


Yue Kunpeng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. A towering domineering aura instantly spread across the entire audience. At this time, he actually erupted with an aura that dominated the world!

Yue Kunpeng raised his head proudly. Under Muramasa's fierce momentum, he showed no trace of timidity. His body was as majestic and tall as Mount Tai, and his momentum was like a rainbow!

And the black light suddenly spread out from Muramasa's body, and the black light became more and more, almost covering Muramasa's entire body. At that moment, the ferocious aura from Muramasa's body burst out, and rushed into the sky, like a statue. God of death!

Looking at Muramasa, whose aura was getting stronger and stronger, Yue Kunpeng clenched his fists, and the aura on his body became more fierce and domineering.

Muramasa suddenly took a step forward. The moment his feet landed, the stones next to him were turned into stone powder by the energy he exuded. The long knife in his hand slowly pointed at Yue Kunpeng.

Yue Kunpeng's face was filled with excitement, and his arms suddenly shook. The surrounding gravel jumped up, and before it hit the ground, it was shattered by his violent breath.



With loud shouts, Yue Kunpeng's fist force exploded out like a mountain torrent and rushed towards Muramasa on the opposite side. Wherever the strong wind passed, all the stones exploded.

Such a majestic offensive, the whole field is full of color! You can feel the terrifying and fierce attack contained in Yue Kunpeng's fist!

Muramasa took a step forward and raised his long knife. The veins on his arms popped out, like squirming poisonous snakes.

Looking at Muramasa's long sword held high, everyone outside the venue couldn't help holding their breath. Under everyone's gaze, Muramasa's body suddenly jumped into the sky, and the long sword slashed down in the air.



Two loud shouts suddenly sounded, and instantly the long knife rolled out a black blade several meters long, bursting out like a broken bamboo!

The moment the sword light burst out, the space was surging wildly. A huge crack appeared in the ruins of the martial arts arena, and it spread rapidly forward along the path of the sword light.

The black sword light cut through the air like black lightning, and the crack became bigger and bigger, finally destroying the entire martial arts arena.

And Yue Kunpeng's fist force also burst out, blasting across the air, like Mount Tai pressing down, making people unable to breathe.


The two powerful forces were only in contact and had not yet started a real collision, but the destructive force produced had already formed an energy storm sweeping the entire place.

Everyone was shocked and retreated violently again. These two guys were so strong that they were so terrifying.

Finally, the two attacks collided hard, like two meteorites colliding from the sky.

I saw the black sword light colliding with the fierce and domineering fist power in mid-air, but surprisingly, there was no earth-shattering loud noise as everyone expected.

It's silent.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and saw that the place where the two attacks touched was twisted, as if the entire space was about to be crushed.

Yue Kunpeng stared closely at the place where the two attacks were connected. His face turned pale and his body began to tremble, as if he was about to collapse.

Compared with Yue Kunpeng, Muramasa looked slightly better, but his face was also bloodless, and his eyes were fixed on the place where the two attacks touched.

Everyone suddenly saw that the twisted space was suddenly rolling, as if it was about to boil.

They didn't know why, but everyone in the audience felt strongly uneasy because they all sensed the aura of destruction.

Suddenly Muramasa turned around and ran away, which stunned Yue Kunpeng. Even after beating him to death, he didn't expect that Muramasa, who had the upper hand, would run away.

Everyone outside the field was also stunned. They also didn't expect that Muramasa, who had looked invincible just now, would run away as if he had seen a ghost.

However, as soon as Muramasa left, the twisted space that was about to boil suddenly exploded, and a terrifying force full of destruction surged out.


Yue Kunpeng's skill had been exhausted, and he was directly impacted by this force and flew away. He hit the pillar of the martial arts field hard and blood spurted from his mouth.

Muramasa wasn't much better. He was about to run out of the field, but he was still affected by the force and threw himself to the ground, making him lose his shit.

Everyone looked horrified, because many people didn't know what was going on.

But some truly strong people knew that it was because the two were equally matched in strength and fell into a stalemate when they collided, and finally merged briefly.

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