Yun Shuixian was immediately furious: "You bastard, I told you to spare his life, but you still dare to kill him?"

The person whom I, Miss Yun, personally said I would spare, was actually killed like this. I really didn’t take this lady seriously.

In anger, the sword in Yun Shuixian's hand immediately struck down, and the huge sword light struck at the head of Baqi Xiao.

The long sword in Baqi Xiao's hand slashed upwards, and immediately burst out with a dark sword light that covered the sky and the sun, and rose up in a mighty manner.


The swords collided, making bursts of thunder-like sounds, and the qi energy shot out was crazy, and another fierce battle began.

This Yamata Owl is obviously not the hungry ghost just now, comparable to Muramasa and his ilk. He has a long knife that is like the soul-catching sickle from the hand of the god of death in hell. The black energy is soaring into the sky. When he collides with Unnarcissus, he is not at a disadvantage at all.

This is a Dongyang strongman who is not inferior to Yun Shuixian. Because the two are too powerful, the battlefield is constantly expanding. The small martial arts field cannot satisfy the two of them at all, and the venue is constantly changing.

Wherever the two of them went, rocks collapsed and the sky was dark and the ground was dark. The martial arts arena that had been turned into ruins before was directly razed to the ground this time, and not even a complete stone could be found.

Yun Shuixian let out a long roar, leaped high into the sky and dived suddenly. After the sword edge in his hand struck the long knife in Baqi Xiao's hand, the two did not collide, and the swords were tightly connected together.

Powerful skills continued to surge along the sword in her hand, and she was going to use violent attacks to directly shatter the Yamata owl.


Baqi Xiao snorted coldly, holding the long knife with both hands, resisting the infinite power of Yun Shuixian, and roared: "Kill!"


Yun Shuixian was slashed into the air by Yamata Owl, but was not harmed. The expression on his face became even more fanatical, and his body dived again, shouting: "Kill!"

With a sword slashed out, the boundless power fell from the sky, like a stormy sea, and the sharp sword light split the ground.

Before, everyone thought Yun Narcissus was very cute, and some even wanted to get close to her, capture An Xin, and eventually become the son-in-law of the Yun family of Tiangong.

But no one dares to have such an idea at this time. He is already so vigorous at such a young age. Will he still be able to do it in a few years? If you marry a wife like this, let alone your life, it will probably be good to be alive.

The Baqi Xiao Demon Sword pointed toward the sky, and the powerful sword light that came down was blocked by his protective aura and wreaked havoc on the side.

Yun Shuixian did not stop there, and swooped down again with the divine sword in hand, slashing down hard with the terrifying sword edge. Baqi Xiao felt as if it was a peerless divine punishment that a mortal body could not resist.

He felt like he was about to be crushed, and his bones made a "click" sound as he tried desperately to resist.

This girl was so strong that he felt powerless.


Baqi Xiao couldn't help but raise his head to the sky and roar, the long knife in his hand flew up into the air, and collided hard with Yun Shuixian's divine sword.


The swords collided, emitting a bright light as bright as the sun, and a crazy energy flow swept through the entire martial arts field.

Yun Narcissus was blasted into the air, and Yamata Owl himself was blasted dozens of meters away. However, without even letting him take a breath, Yun Narcissus dived down with his body and sword together again, and this sword was even more terrifying. , before anyone arrived, the entire ground was already shaking under the pressure of the surging energy.

Everyone in the audience

With a face full of fanaticism, Yun Shuixian is simply invincible at this moment, and this sword will definitely kill Baqi Xiao.

Everyone was engrossed in the fierce battle in the field of attention, and they were completely unaware that the eyes of Baqibeng and others were extremely cold.

Baqi Xiao felt unprecedented pressure. The long knife in his hand pointed at Yun Shuixian. The tyrannical energy surged, and the billowing black energy was like a dark cloud, wrapping around his body.

"The Infernal Demon Sword!"

Baqi Xiao roared, and the black sword light that covered the sky rose up into the air and collided with Yun Shuixian's bright sword energy.

boom! boom! boom!

There seemed to be thunder in the air, and thunderous sounds continued to roar.

"Holy War to the Eight Wastes!"

Yun Shuixian also shouted softly, and like the God of War in the Nine Heavens, he struck down a sword with a sharp edge, and violently collided with the long sword in Baqi Xiao's hand.



After a sharp and piercing metal collision, Yun Shuixian flew into the sky. The long knife in Baqi Xiao's hand shattered, and he knelt on the ground with one knee, blood spurting out from his mouth!

Yun Shuixian waved her hands and said: "You are too good, who is next!"

The gesture was like a child's movements after getting tired of playing games in kindergarten.

Everyone is marveling. As for the black line on your face again, you two want to tear down Linhai City, and you still talk about other people's food?

However, this is relative. Compared with the tyranny of Yun Shuixian, Baqi Xiao is indeed too weak.

Suddenly, a melodious flute sound resounded throughout the world. In an instant, everyone looked intoxicated. The flute sound was so sweet, just like the sound of nature.

The people who were intoxicated seemed to see that everything around them had changed. The martial arts arena was no longer there, but they were in a fairyland on earth full of birdsong and the fragrance of flowers.

"The Phantom Sound of Heavenly Demon!" Ning Tianyu's face turned pale.

Lin Tiannan said with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect that the Kagura family would produce such a genius, the demon phantom sound, who can kill people without being seen!"

Xiao Feng shook his head, which was not very clear, and asked: "What is the phantom sound of the devil?"

Monk Kong Ming said: "The phantom sound of the demon is an extremely advanced state of the sound wave skill of the Kagura family of the three war gods of Dongyang. If you are not cultivated enough, or your mind is not firm enough, you will be confused by the music, and the gods and demons will dominate. Killing Ren is very scary!"

Xiao Feng looked into the crowd and saw that at least half of the people present looked intoxicated. If someone raised a butcher knife at this time, they would probably stretch their necks.

Yun Shuixian frowned slightly, slashed out with a sword, and shouted in a deep voice: "Pretend to be a ghost, come out!"

Yun Shuixian's voice was not loud, but it was like a bolt from the blue. Those who had been confused by the demon's phantom sound suddenly woke up, and saw Yun Shuixian's sword light striking towards a group of people in Dongyang.

And suddenly, the melodious flute sound suddenly became shrill and shrill, full of murderous aura, and the sharp aura soared into the sky, facing Yun Shuixian's sword light.


There was a violent tremor, and a beautiful woman wearing a green gown gently walked onto the stage holding a green bamboo flute, and said with an easy-going smile: "Little sister Yun, I'm here to ask for advice!"

"She is so beautiful!" Someone in the audience looked at the woman in green clothes and said with a fascinated look on her face.

Countless people in the audience were staring at the woman in green clothes, their faces full of obsession, as if they were seeing a fairy descending from the nine heavens to earth. Yun Shuixian was immediately furious: "You bastard, I told you to spare his life, but you still dare to kill him?"

The person whom I, Miss Yun, personally said I would spare, was actually killed like this. I really didn’t take this lady seriously.

In anger, the sword in Yun Shuixian's hand immediately struck down, and the huge sword light struck at the head of Baqi Xiao.

The long sword in Baqi Xiao's hand slashed upwards, and immediately burst out with a dark sword light that covered the sky and the sun, and rose up in a mighty manner.


The swords collided, making bursts of thunder-like sounds, and the qi energy shot out was crazy, and another fierce battle began.

This Yamata Owl is obviously not the hungry ghost just now, comparable to Muramasa and his ilk. He has a long knife that is like the soul-catching sickle from the hand of the god of death in hell. The black energy is soaring into the sky. When he collides with Unnarcissus, he is not at a disadvantage at all.

This is a Dongyang strongman who is not inferior to Yun Shuixian. Because the two are too powerful, the battlefield is constantly expanding. The small martial arts field cannot satisfy the two of them at all, and the venue is constantly changing.

Wherever the two of them went, rocks collapsed and the sky was dark and the ground was dark. The martial arts arena that had been turned into ruins before was directly razed to the ground this time, and not even a complete stone could be found.

Yun Shuixian let out a long roar, leaped high into the sky and dived suddenly. After the sword edge in his hand struck the long knife in Baqi Xiao's hand, the two did not collide, and the swords were tightly connected together.

Powerful skills continued to surge along the sword in her hand, and she was going to use violent attacks to directly shatter the Yamata owl.


Baqi Xiao snorted coldly, holding the long knife with both hands, resisting the infinite power of Yun Shuixian, and roared: "Kill!"


Yun Shuixian was slashed into the air by Yamata Owl, but was not harmed. The expression on his face became even more fanatical, and his body dived again, shouting: "Kill!"

With a sword slashed out, the boundless power fell from the sky, like a stormy sea, and the sharp sword light split the ground.

Before, everyone thought Yun Narcissus was very cute, and some even wanted to get close to her, capture An Xin, and eventually become the son-in-law of the Yun family of Tiangong.

But no one dares to have such an idea at this time. He is already so vigorous at such a young age. Will he still be able to do it in a few years? If you marry a wife like this, let alone your life, it will probably be good to be alive.

The Baqi Xiao Demon Sword pointed toward the sky, and the powerful sword light that came down was blocked by his protective aura and wreaked havoc on the side.

Yun Shuixian did not stop there, and swooped down again with the divine sword in hand, slashing down hard with the terrifying sword edge. Baqi Xiao felt as if it was a peerless divine punishment that a mortal body could not resist.

He felt like he was about to be crushed, and his bones made a "click" sound as he tried desperately to resist.

This girl was so strong that he felt powerless.


Baqi Xiao couldn't help but raise his head to the sky and roar, the long knife in his hand flew up into the air, and collided hard with Yun Shuixian's divine sword.


The swords collided, emitting a bright light as bright as the sun, and a crazy energy flow swept through the entire martial arts field.

Yun Narcissus was blasted into the air, and Yamata Owl himself was blasted dozens of meters away. However, without even letting him take a breath, Yun Narcissus dived down with his body and sword together again, and this sword was even more terrifying. , before anyone arrived, the entire ground was already shaking under the pressure of the surging energy.

Everyone in the audience

With a face full of fanaticism, Yun Shuixian is simply invincible at this moment, and this sword will definitely kill Baqi Xiao.

Everyone was engrossed in the fierce battle in the field of attention, and they were completely unaware that the eyes of Baqibeng and others were extremely cold.

Baqi Xiao felt unprecedented pressure. The long knife in his hand pointed at Yun Shuixian. The tyrannical energy surged, and the billowing black energy was like a dark cloud, wrapping around his body.

"The Infernal Demon Sword!"

Baqi Xiao roared, and the black sword light that covered the sky rose up into the air and collided with Yun Shuixian's bright sword energy.

boom! boom! boom!

There seemed to be thunder in the air, and thunderous sounds continued to roar.

"Holy War to the Eight Wastes!"

Yun Shuixian also shouted softly, and like the God of War in the Nine Heavens, he struck down a sword with a sharp edge, and violently collided with the long sword in Baqi Xiao's hand.



After a sharp and piercing metal collision, Yun Shuixian flew into the sky. The long knife in Baqi Xiao's hand shattered, and he knelt on the ground with one knee, blood spurting out from his mouth!

Yun Shuixian waved her hands and said: "You are too good, who is next!"

The gesture was like a child's movements after getting tired of playing games in kindergarten.

Everyone is marveling. As for the black line on your face again, you two want to tear down Linhai City, and you still talk about other people's food?

However, this is relative. Compared with the tyranny of Yun Shuixian, Baqi Xiao is indeed too weak.

Suddenly, a melodious flute sound resounded throughout the world. In an instant, everyone looked intoxicated. The flute sound was so sweet, just like the sound of nature.

The people who were intoxicated seemed to see that everything around them had changed. The martial arts arena was no longer there, but they were in a fairyland on earth full of birdsong and the fragrance of flowers.

"The Phantom Sound of Heavenly Demon!" Ning Tianyu's face turned pale.

Lin Tiannan said with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect that the Kagura family would produce such a genius, the demon phantom sound, who can kill people without being seen!"

Xiao Feng shook his head, which was not very clear, and asked: "What is the phantom sound of the devil?"

Monk Kong Ming said: "The phantom sound of the demon is an extremely advanced state of the sound wave skill of the Kagura family of the three war gods of Dongyang. If you are not cultivated enough, or your mind is not firm enough, you will be confused by the music, and the gods and demons will dominate. Killing Ren is very scary!"

Xiao Feng looked into the crowd and saw that at least half of the people present looked intoxicated. If someone raised a butcher knife at this time, they would probably stretch their necks.

Yun Shuixian frowned slightly, slashed out with a sword, and shouted in a deep voice: "Pretend to be a ghost, come out!"

Yun Shuixian's voice was not loud, but it was like a bolt from the blue. Those who had been confused by the demon's phantom sound suddenly woke up, and saw Yun Shuixian's sword light striking towards a group of people in Dongyang.

And suddenly, the melodious flute sound suddenly became shrill and shrill, full of murderous aura, and the sharp aura soared into the sky, facing Yun Shuixian's sword light.


There was a violent tremor, and a beautiful woman wearing a green gown gently walked onto the stage holding a green bamboo flute, and said with an easy-going smile: "Little sister Yun, I'm here to ask for advice!"

"She is so beautiful!" Someone in the audience looked at the woman in green clothes and said with a fascinated look on her face.

Countless people in the audience were staring at the woman in blue, their faces full of obsession, as if they were seeing a fairy descending from the nine heavens to earth.

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