This is also the reason why they have been frantically sniping at Tianxiang and Tianfeng Group for three months, but have never made any other moves.

Because they were afraid that Ji Wufeng was really not dead, they didn't dare.

The battle in Linhai City could be said to be a killing spree. Ji Wufeng's magic sword was in his hand, which made everyone frightened. Even if they didn't see it with their own eyes, they were frightened just by hearing about it. They were afraid of Ji Wufeng's counterattack.

They attacked Lu Shuangshuang. If Ji Wufeng was not dead, then his wife and children were in danger, then he would definitely show up. If he still didn't show up, it would prove that he was really dead, and then they would have no worries from now on. .

Archina sneered: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Everyone's faces were full of excitement. They hoped that Ji Wufeng would die, but what they wanted more was to see Yuanzheng completely suppress Tianfeng. If the Yuanzheng Group could become the sole leader, it would once again lead a business revolution.

"I don't care what plans you have, but Ji Wufeng's scoundrel cannot die!" A cold voice sounded, and a burly young man in black walked in.

Yaqi Aoki said unconvinced: "You'd better not forget that the Nine-Headed Insect and Sakura Temple are only in a cooperative relationship, and you have no right to interfere with our plans!"

"I think even if I kill you now, Sakura Temple will not terminate its cooperation with the Nine-Headed Insect."

A cold murderous aura enveloped Yaqi Aoki, and Yaqi Aoki's eyes were immediately full of panic. He knew that the young man in black was right. Even if he killed himself, there would be no way that the two parties would terminate their cooperation.

"We are all allies and close partners. Why should we hurt our friendship? Our target is just Ji Wufeng, a little scoundrel. If the Nine-Headed Insect is interested, just take it away." Harris stood up and smiled at the young man in black. road.

"It's best!" The young man in black turned and left.

"This bastard is too arrogant!" Archina said angrily.

Chen Kaifan smiled nonchalantly and said: "But he has the capital to be arrogant. After all, this is his territory. If Ji Wufeng is really not dead, we may not be able to kill him."

"There's no need to argue anymore. Since the time is almost ripe, let's start implementing the plan in a short time." Harris stood up and left.

Jiang Ruoshui took over Tianfeng Group and stabilized the situation in just half a month. Although Tianfeng Group suffered heavy losses, it had stopped the losses in time and the situation would not worsen again.

The only remaining partners of Tianfeng Group were calmed down. Everyone saw Jiang Ruoshui's methods. Could she really be Nalan Tianxin's second best?

In the conference room, the old ghost let out a sigh of relief and said, "We are finally stable."

Ren Feixing and Qianye Lingxin also looked cheerful. They were absolute business elites. They didn't expect Jiang Ruoshui to turn the situation around in such a short period of time, and his methods were amazing.

Jiang Ruoshui frowned slightly and said: "But now is definitely not the time when we should be happy. Before, they were invincible. As soon as I made a move, they backed away. Do you really think that I am stronger than you all combined? ?”

Everyone immediately frowned. This situation was indeed a bit strange, just like they had faced a ferocious tiger before, but after someone was replaced, the tiger instantly turned into paper.

A woman's intuition is definitely not comparable to that of a man. Qianye Lingxin's expression changed and she said, "Do you think..."

"I think this is just the calm before the storm, if I

As expected, it was hard to get, but once I relaxed, there would be a thunderous strike, and I would be doomed! "

Everyone's expressions instantly became solemn. They thought they were not as good as Jiang Ruoshui, but they would never be too far apart.

When things are abnormal, there must be monsters, and this current situation is too abnormal!

"I'm sure they will attack again in a short time, because they can't wait too long, and we definitely can't let our guard down at this time!"

Everyone's expressions were extremely grim. If they faced a powerful enemy, could they withstand the first round of attacks?

"Then what should we do next?" Qianye Lingxin asked.

"Funds, extremely huge funds. Since this is a commercial war, the most powerful weapon is funds." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Huge funds?

Everyone's expressions became serious again. In the past three months, Tianfeng Group had suffered heavy losses and lost a large amount of funds. Even the reserve funds could be used for the most basic operations.

After hesitating for a while, the old ghost said: "We have plenty of funds, we are not short of money."

Not short of money?

The old ghost said: "After Black Prison came under the control of the young master, it was built into the world's top training base and underground boxing ring, and a large amount of funds have been gathered."

Everyone's faces were filled with surprise. Qianye Ling thought to herself: "Then let the Black Prison deliver the funds immediately!"

The old ghost shook his head and said: "Although the Black Prison has huge funds, only four people are qualified to use it, and they must be present in person!"

One of them must be Ji Wufeng, but who are the other three?

"One is Mistress Qin, one is Mr. Lu Shuangshuang, and the other is you, Miss Jiang." The old ghost looked at Jiang Ruoshui and said.

Qin Yi is Ji Wufeng's closest relative, while Lu Shuangshuang and Jiang Ruoshui are the helmsmen of Ji Wufeng's future huge business empire. Only the three of them have the power to mobilize everything in the black prison.

There is no shortage of funds, but someone has to go there in person.

Although this is a commercial battlefield, it contains endless murderous intent. Whoever leaves Yuzhou at this time will most likely face interception and execution.

Lu Shuangshuang didn't think about it. No one was willing to let Qin Yi put herself in danger, so the only candidate was Jiang Ruoshui.


A sword shot into the sky, followed by bursts of wind and thunder!

With a stunning strike, the clouds moved in all directions!

The oriental girl is tall and tall, like a fairy on earth, while the western girl is blond and blue-eyed, like a fairy tale elf!

A burly man wearing a silver mask stood with his hands behind his back and shouted: "That's not enough, continue!"

Liu Qingqing and Vivian looked aggrieved, but they did not dare to disobey and waved the swords in their hands again!

The masked man turned around and said indifferently: "Is something wrong?"

"Senior, how are Qingqing and Vivian doing now?" Jiang Shoushui asked respectfully.

"They have made great progress, but you don't have extra time, so they are still not fast enough!"

The first thing Liu Qingqing and Vivian did when they woke up was to find the masked man, because he was very strong, and they also wanted to become strong!

In three months, under the training of the masked man, the two of them made extremely amazing progress, and the speed moved everyone!

"Thank you for your hard work, senior." Jiang Ruoshui said respectfully. This is also the reason why they have been frantically sniping at Tianxiang and Tianfeng Group for three months, but have never made any other moves.

Because they were afraid that Ji Wufeng was really not dead, they didn't dare.

The battle in Linhai City could be said to be a killing spree. Ji Wufeng's magic sword was in his hand, which made everyone frightened. Even if they didn't see it with their own eyes, they were frightened just by hearing about it. They were afraid of Ji Wufeng's counterattack.

They attacked Lu Shuangshuang. If Ji Wufeng was not dead, then his wife and children were in danger, then he would definitely show up. If he still didn't show up, it would prove that he was really dead, and then they would have no worries from now on. .

Archina sneered: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Everyone's faces were full of excitement. They hoped that Ji Wufeng would die, but what they wanted more was to see Yuanzheng completely suppress Tianfeng. If the Yuanzheng Group could become the sole leader, it would once again lead a business revolution. ??

"I don't care what plans you have, but Ji Wufeng's scoundrel cannot die!" A cold voice sounded, and a burly young man in black walked in.

Yaqi Aoki said unconvinced: "You'd better not forget that the Nine-Headed Insect and Sakura Temple are only in a cooperative relationship, and you have no right to interfere with our plans!"

"I think even if I kill you now, Sakura Temple will not terminate its cooperation with the Nine-Headed Insect."

A cold murderous aura enveloped Yaqi Aoki, and Yaqi Aoki's eyes were immediately full of panic. He knew that the young man in black was right. Even if he killed himself, there would be no way that the two parties would terminate their cooperation.

"We are all allies and close partners. Why should we hurt our friendship? Our target is just Ji Wufeng, a little scoundrel. If the Nine-Headed Insect is interested, just take it away." Harris stood up and smiled at the young man in black. road.

"It's best!" The young man in black turned and left.

"This bastard is too arrogant!" Archina said angrily.

Chen Kaifan smiled nonchalantly and said: "But he has the capital to be arrogant. After all, this is his territory. If Ji Wufeng is really not dead, we may not be able to kill him."

"There's no need to argue anymore. Since the time is almost ripe, let's start implementing the plan in a short time." Harris stood up and left.

Jiang Ruoshui took over Tianfeng Group and stabilized the situation in just half a month. Although Tianfeng Group suffered heavy losses, it had stopped the losses in time and the situation would not worsen again.

The only remaining partners of Tianfeng Group were calmed down. Everyone saw Jiang Ruoshui's methods. Could she really be Nalan Tianxin's second best?

In the conference room, the old ghost let out a sigh of relief and said, "We are finally stable."

Ren Feixing and Qianye Lingxin also looked cheerful. They were absolute business elites. They didn't expect Jiang Ruoshui to turn the situation around in such a short period of time, and his methods were amazing.

Jiang Ruoshui frowned slightly and said: "But now is definitely not the time when we should be happy. Before, they were invincible. As soon as I made a move, they backed away. Do you really think that I am stronger than you all combined? ?”

Everyone immediately frowned. This situation was indeed a bit strange, just like they had faced a ferocious tiger before, but after someone was replaced, the tiger instantly turned into paper.

A woman's intuition is definitely not comparable to that of a man. Qianye Lingxin's expression changed and she said, "Do you think..."

"I think this is just the calm before the storm, if I

As expected, it was hard to get, but once I relaxed, there would be a thunderous strike, and I would be doomed! "

Everyone's expressions instantly became solemn. They thought they were not as good as Jiang Ruoshui, but they would never be too far apart.

When things are abnormal, there must be monsters, and this current situation is too abnormal!

"I'm sure they will attack again in a short time, because they can't wait too long, and we definitely can't let our guard down at this time!"

Everyone's expressions were extremely grim. If they faced a powerful enemy, could they withstand the first round of attacks?

"Then what should we do next?" Qianye Lingxin asked.

"Funds, extremely huge funds. Since this is a commercial war, the most powerful weapon is funds." Jiang Ruoshui said.

Huge funds?

Everyone's expressions became serious again. In the past three months, Tianfeng Group had suffered heavy losses and lost a large amount of funds. Even the reserve funds could be used for the most basic operations.

After hesitating for a while, the old ghost said: "We have plenty of funds, we are not short of money."

Not short of money?

The old ghost said: "After Black Prison came under the control of the young master, it was built into the world's top training base and underground boxing ring, and a large amount of funds have been gathered."

Everyone's faces were filled with surprise. Qianye Ling thought to herself: "Then let the Black Prison deliver the funds immediately!"

The old ghost shook his head and said: "Although the Black Prison has huge funds, only four people are qualified to use it, and they must be present in person!"

One of them must be Ji Wufeng, but who are the other three?

"One is Mistress Qin, one is Mr. Lu Shuangshuang, and the other is you, Miss Jiang." The old ghost looked at Jiang Ruoshui and said.

Qin Yi is Ji Wufeng's closest relative, while Lu Shuangshuang and Jiang Ruoshui are the helmsmen of Ji Wufeng's future huge business empire. Only the three of them have the power to mobilize everything in the black prison.

There is no shortage of funds, but someone has to go there in person.

Although this is a commercial battlefield, it contains endless murderous intent. Whoever leaves Yuzhou at this time will most likely face interception and execution.

Lu Shuangshuang didn't think about it. No one was willing to let Qin Yi put herself in danger, so the only candidate was Jiang Ruoshui.


A sword shot into the sky, accompanied by bursts of wind and thunder!

With a stunning strike, the clouds moved in all directions!

The oriental girl is tall and tall, like a fairy on earth, while the western girl is blond and blue-eyed, like a fairy tale elf!

A burly man wearing a silver mask stood with his hands behind his back and shouted: "That's not enough, continue!"

Liu Qingqing and Vivian looked aggrieved, but they did not dare to disobey and waved the swords in their hands again!

The masked man turned around and said indifferently: "Is something wrong?"

"Senior, how are Qingqing and Vivian doing now?" Jiang Shoushui asked respectfully.

"They have made great progress, but you don't have extra time, so they are still not fast enough!"

The first thing Liu Qingqing and Vivian did when they woke up was to find the masked man, because he was very strong, and they also wanted to become strong!

In three months, under the training of the masked man, the two of them made extremely amazing progress, and the speed moved everyone!

"Thank you for your hard work, senior." Jiang Ruoshui said respectfully.

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