
He wanted to shout, but found that he could not make any sound at all. His body was still floating, getting further and further away from Wuchen.

Why is this happening? Do you really mean to die? Now he is not in a spiritual state, but a real ghost.

Just when Wuchen's figure became smaller and smaller, Wuchen suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately two hot rays of light shot directly at Ji Wufeng, and the burning feeling almost made Ji Wufeng burn.

With a sharp and long cry, Wuchen opened his arms. With a loud bang, extremely blazing flames burst out. A pair of dazzling golden wings stretched out from the flames. Wuchen disappeared, but appeared. A huge flying bird whose whole body was covered in flames dragged its long flaming tail straight towards Ji Wufeng.

Damn it, why did Wuchen turn into a bird? And it’s a bird whose whole body is on fire!

Ji Wufeng was shocked and stared at the big bird. Why did this bird look a bit like the legendary phoenix?

The big bird was getting closer and closer, and Ji Wufeng felt that he was about to burn and would be burned into a ball of ashes.

Ji Wufeng couldn't bear it any longer, and the Qianlong Ascension Technique started to operate on its own, and the powerful power burst out of his body.

"Roar……" ??

A thundering roar sounded, and a giant dragon with golden light all over his body sprang out from his body, roaring with its teeth and claws, and pounced on the big bird!


The big bird and the giant dragon collided hard, causing a violent shock. Ji Wufeng's body was almost shaken apart, but the next scene made him stunned.

I saw that the dragon and the bird did not fight, but were actually entangled together, constantly hovering in the air.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. Damn it, could it be that the power of the Hidden Dragon's Ascension Art was not enough to survive? Did you run out to pick up girls?

The woman's expression was dull, but her eyes were filled with brilliance, and she said: "A dragon and a phoenix are in the same body. There really is a dragon and a phoenix in the same body!"

The dragon was roaring, the phoenix was howling, and as if the thick gray fog around him was instantly dispersed, Ji Wufeng finally saw a new scene.

In reality, Ji Wufeng opened his eyes suddenly, and the divine light in his eyes was like a torch, fleeting like a god's sharp edge, like an hallucination that had never happened before. Ji Wufeng's eyes stared blankly at Wuchen in front of him.

As if Wuchen knew that Ji Wufeng was staring at her, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, her pink face turned red and she said angrily: "Don't look!"

The current dust-free jade body is like a fairy taking a bath in the hot pool water. That kind of sacred and charming scene cannot be described in words. It is probably far worse when I think about Concubine Yang taking a bath. .

"I didn't expect that Xiao Chenchen would make such a big sacrifice for me. I'm so touched." Ji Wufeng said the touching words, but the tears were almost flowing from his mouth.

"Hmph, I just don't want you to die so quickly. Don't forget, there is still an unfinished battle between us." Wuchen said coldly.

Ji Wufeng lowered his head and said, "Is Wuchen willing to make such a big sacrifice just to fight with me?"

When Wuchen knew that he had been discovered, his pink face instantly looked as if it had been roasted by fire, and he screamed: "I told you not to look!"

The wretchedness in Ji Wufeng's eyes disappeared in an instant, and his face was full of affection and shame, and he said: "How can Ji Wufeng be so virtuous and capable that Wuchen cares and sacrifices so much?"

\u003e Even if I beat him to death, I wouldn’t believe that Wuchen saved him just to have a fight with him. Who saves someone before fighting with him? And this is still the method used.

Wuchen's expression turned cold, and he said: "You can risk your life for me, but what does it matter if Wuchen does this? I just don't want to owe you too much!"

Ji Wufeng said disappointedly: "Is this the only reason?"

Wuchen was silent for a moment and said: "I admit that you are attracted to me, and I also admit that I really like you."

Ji Wufeng didn't expect Wuchen to express his love for him so frankly, and was immediately stunned.

After Wuchen hesitated for a moment, he said: "Lust is not what Wuchen wants in his life. However, if I can be with you once in life and death, Wuchen will be satisfied. There will be no other demands in this life!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly paled. Wuchen made it very clear. She admitted that she liked herself and was willing to sacrifice for herself, but this was enough. She had gotten what she wanted and had no demands for anything else.

After that, she and Ji Wufeng were destined to die!

"Your injury has healed. Come out. My master wants to see you."

Wuchen stood up calmly, turned around and put on his shirt, leaving Ji Wufeng with a back that was holy and glorious and could not be desecrated.

alright? Ji Wufeng had a puzzled look on his face. He knew how serious his injuries were, and he was already about to die. How could he get better so quickly after just talking to Wuchen?

After Wuchen left, Ji Wufeng checked in disbelief and found that the Qi in his body was already moving as soon as he performed the exercises. The strange thing was that the power of Yin and Chaos in his body actually took the lead, hovering in his sea of ​​Qi.

What's even more amazing is that his own true energy also flows out and is injected into the power of chaos, forming a dragon-shaped energy flow that makes roaring sounds and hovers in the sea of ​​air.

Then another strange force came out, its aura was extremely blazing, and he immediately felt the smell of Wuchen in this force. Could it be that they absorbed Wuchen's power in one fell swoop?

Just when he was wondering what was going on, the blazing power suddenly let out a long and passionate roar, ignited a blazing flame with a bang, and turned into a phoenix covered in fire, rushing towards the chaos. within the power.

The next scene was even more magical. A dragon and a phoenix circled together to form a beautiful scene, which gave Ji Wufeng an extremely mysterious feeling. The scene was like a world, with dragons and phoenixes appearing, and vitality constantly emerging. When he came out, his body was filled with endless powerful power.

Not only was his injury completely healed, but his cultivation level directly reached a new level.

Ji Wufeng was puzzled. Did he get the so-called Nirvana blood just from Wu Chen?

This seemed to be the only explanation. He always thought that Nirvana blood was the blood of Wuchen, but he never thought that Nirvana blood was actually the blood of Wuchen's virginity.

No wonder that old bastard couldn't get Nirvana blood when he snatched away all the saints. Maybe he didn't expect Nirvana blood to come from this, right?

Or maybe he thought about it, but he was unwilling to do so, and he couldn't force himself to do it, so he had to give up.

After thinking about it, Ji Wufeng felt extremely guilty. He and his son had caused such misery to the master and apprentice, but in the end, they still took away their most precious thing, and in this dirty way. "Chenless..."

He wanted to shout, but found that he could not make any sound at all. His body was still floating, getting further and further away from Wuchen.

Why is this happening? Do you really mean to die? Now he is not in a spiritual state, but a real ghost.

Just when Wuchen's figure became smaller and smaller, Wuchen suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately two hot rays of light shot directly at Ji Wufeng, and the burning feeling almost made Ji Wufeng burn.

With a sharp and long cry, Wuchen opened his arms. With a loud bang, extremely blazing flames burst out. A pair of dazzling golden wings stretched out from the flames. Wuchen disappeared, but appeared. A huge flying bird whose whole body was covered in flames dragged its long flaming tail straight towards Ji Wufeng.

Damn it, why did Wuchen turn into a bird? And it’s a bird whose whole body is on fire!

Ji Wufeng was shocked and stared at the big bird. Why did this bird look a bit like the legendary phoenix?

The big bird was getting closer and closer, and Ji Wufeng felt that he was about to burn and would be burned into a ball of ashes.

Ji Wufeng couldn't bear it any longer, and the Qianlong Ascension Technique started to operate on its own, and the powerful power burst out of his body.

"Roar……" .??.

A thundering roar sounded, and a giant dragon with golden light all over his body sprang out from his body, roaring with its teeth and claws, and pounced on the big bird!


The big bird and the giant dragon collided hard, causing a violent shock. Ji Wufeng's body was almost shaken apart, but the next scene made him stunned.

I saw that the dragon and the bird did not fight, but were entangled together, constantly hovering in the air.

Ji Wufeng was stunned. Damn it, could it be that the power of the Hidden Dragon's Ascension Art was not enough to survive? Did you run out to pick up girls?

The woman's expression was dull, but her eyes were filled with brilliance, and she said: "A dragon and a phoenix are in the same body. There really is a dragon and a phoenix in the same body!"

The dragon was roaring, the phoenix was howling, and as if the thick gray fog around him was instantly dispersed, Ji Wufeng finally saw a new scene.

In reality, Ji Wufeng opened his eyes suddenly, and the divine light in his eyes was like a torch, fleeting like a god's sharp edge, like an hallucination that had never happened before. Ji Wufeng's eyes stared blankly at Wuchen in front of him.

As if Wuchen knew that Ji Wufeng was staring at her, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, her pink face turned red and she said angrily: "Don't look!"

The current dust-free jade body is like a fairy taking a bath in the hot pool water. That kind of sacred and charming scene cannot be described in words. It is probably far worse when I think about Concubine Yang taking a bath. .

"I didn't expect that Xiao Chenchen would make such a big sacrifice for me. I'm so touched." Ji Wufeng said the touching words, but his lips were almost dripping with tears.

"Hmph, I just don't want you to die so quickly. Don't forget, there is still an unfinished battle between us." Wuchen said coldly.

Ji Wufeng lowered his head and said, "Is Wuchen willing to make such a big sacrifice just to fight with me?"

When Wuchen knew that he had been discovered, his pink face instantly looked as if it had been roasted by fire, and he screamed: "I told you not to look!"

The wretchedness in Ji Wufeng's eyes disappeared in an instant, and his face was full of affection and shame, and he said: "How can Ji Wufeng be so virtuous and capable that Wuchen cares and sacrifices so much?"

\u003e Even if I beat him to death, I wouldn’t believe that Wuchen saved him just to have a fight with him. Who saves someone before fighting with him? And this is still the method used.

Wuchen's expression turned cold, and he said: "You can risk your life for me, but what does it matter if Wuchen does this? I just don't want to owe you too much!"

Ji Wufeng said disappointedly: "Is this the only reason?"

Wuchen was silent for a moment and said: "I admit that you are attracted to me, and I also admit that I really like you."

Ji Wufeng didn't expect Wuchen to express his love for him so frankly, and was immediately stunned.

After Wuchen hesitated for a moment, he said: "Lust is not what Wuchen wants in his life. However, if I can be with you once in life and death, Wuchen will be satisfied. There will be no other demands in this life!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly paled. Wuchen made it very clear. She admitted that she liked herself and was willing to sacrifice for herself, but this was enough. She had gotten what she wanted and had no demands for anything else.

After that, she and Ji Wufeng were destined to die!

"Your injury has healed. Come out. My master wants to see you."

Wuchen stood up calmly, turned around and put on his shirt, leaving Ji Wufeng with a back that was holy and glorious and could not be desecrated.

alright? Ji Wufeng had a puzzled look on his face. He knew how serious his injuries were, and he was already about to die. How could he get better so quickly after just talking to Wuchen?

After Wuchen left, Ji Wufeng checked in disbelief and found that the Qi in his body was already moving as soon as he performed the exercises. The strange thing was that the power of Yin and Chaos in his body actually took the lead, hovering in his sea of ​​Qi.

What's even more amazing is that his own true energy also flows out and is injected into the power of chaos, forming a dragon-shaped energy flow that makes roaring sounds and hovers in the sea of ​​air.

Then another strange force came out, its aura was extremely blazing, and he immediately felt the smell of Wuchen in this force. Could it be that they absorbed Wuchen's power in one fell swoop?

Just when he was wondering what was going on, the blazing power suddenly let out a long and passionate roar, ignited a blazing flame with a bang, and turned into a phoenix covered in fire, rushing towards the chaos. within the power.

The next scene was even more magical. A dragon and a phoenix circled together to form a beautiful scene, which gave Ji Wufeng an extremely mysterious feeling. The scene was like a world, with dragons and phoenixes appearing, and vitality constantly emerging. When he came out, his body was filled with endless powerful power.

Not only was his injury completely healed, but his cultivation level directly reached a new level.

Ji Wufeng was puzzled. Did he get the so-called Nirvana blood just from Wu Chen?

This seemed to be the only explanation. He always thought that Nirvana blood was the blood of Wuchen, but he never thought that Nirvana blood was actually the blood of Wuchen's virginity.

No wonder that old bastard couldn't get Nirvana blood when he snatched away all the saints. Maybe he didn't expect Nirvana blood to come from this, right?

Or maybe he thought about it, but he was unwilling to do so, and he couldn't force himself to do it, so he had to give up.

After thinking about it, Ji Wufeng felt extremely guilty. He and his son had caused such misery to the master and apprentice, but in the end, they still took away their most precious thing, and in this dirty way.

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