Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1538 It’s time to go to Huajing

The Ji Mansion is now very lively. Lin Yuantu's family and Lin Weiguo's couple also moved here, and more than a dozen workers were hired. It has become a grand scene of a wealthy family.

After putting Tianqi to sleep at night, everyone gathered together, and Tianfeng Group was temporarily stabilized. Because of Ji Wufeng's surprise, the other party did not notice it in time, and there was no situation in Shanghai.

Ji Wufeng's trip this time was a fruitful one, and everyone was very happy.

"I said that's about it. We should go to Huajing for a tour. Gu Tianyang is jumping very well now." Lu Zifeng said.

Ji Wufeng's gains here are not small, but Gu Tianyang is not idle either. Except for those held tightly by Yuwen Tiancheng and others, the rest basically fall into the hands of the Gu family. Now it can be said that Gu Tianyang is in control Over half of Huajing's power.

The war is about to break out, but the enemy's power has expanded so much. This is not a good thing!

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Peng Cheng and said, "Director Peng, is it time for the premiere of our own movie? And the premiere is in Huajing!"

Peng Cheng's film was completed a year ago, and the post-production stage has been completed. The next step is to promote the premiere.

Peng Cheng frowned slightly and said, "That's true. My plan was to hold the premiere in Huajing, but now a problem has arisen."

"Say." Ji Wufeng asked.

"Do you still remember that Huang Junpeng?"

Although the name was a little vague, Ji Wufeng still remembered that for the opening ceremony of his film company, Peng Cheng invited a lot of famous people in the film and television industry, and Huang Junpeng was one of them.

However, this Huang Junpeng was not a good person. He relied on his status as a big boss in the entertainment industry to make crooked ideas about those beautiful female stars. At that time, Ji Wufeng couldn't stand it, so he gave him a severe lesson. Finally, Huang Junpeng threatened to Revenge, but Ji Wufeng didn't take it to heart. His level was not worthy of Ji Wufeng's concern.

"I still remember, is that kid running out and jumping around again?" Ji Wufeng said depressedly.

Is it possible that that kid has shit in his head? I am at the height of my power now, but that boy still dares to provoke me. Doesn't he really know that the word "death" is a miscellaneous spelling?

Peng Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know if he did it deliberately, but our new movie was blocked by the Cultural Association at the last hurdle. I am trying my best to coordinate. If we can't coordinate it before the premiere, If so, I’m afraid it will come to nothing.”

Ji Wufeng was silent for a while. This thing was a bit strange. With his current unparalleled popularity, even if he had the guts of a bear, he would not dare to offend him easily. But this Huang Junpeng dared to do this. It seems that there is something in this Weird.

Ji Wufeng thought of something and asked: "Does the Cultural Association have the right to intervene in the media?"

"Of course, although the Cultural Association is a non-governmental organization, it is linked to the government and can handle the dissemination of all culture. Whether it is film, television or news media, it must be reviewed by the Cultural Association before it can be reported to the official." Peng Cheng said.

As soon as Ji Wufeng clapped his hands, he immediately understood. No wonder Huang Junpeng dared to be so arrogant. He had found an awesome backer.

Peng Cheng said with some worry: "If it is really intentional by the Cultural Association, then we will

There's trouble. "

If a document from the Cultural Association comes down, it cannot be reported, and all Peng Cheng's hard work during this period will be in vain.

"How many days until the premiere?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"There's still about a week left, I'm afraid it's too late. I'm considering whether to postpone or cancel." Peng Cheng said.

"No need, just continue to promote it vigorously as usual. This is the first film of our Tianfeng Group Film Company, and it must be an instant hit." Ji Wufeng said with a sneer in his eyes.

Peng Cheng asked in confusion: "Then what are you going to do?"

"If I guess correctly, this Huang family has probably defected to the Gu family." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they immediately thought that since the Cultural Association could influence the news media, all the previous unfavorable news information about Ji Wufeng must have passed through the hands of the Huang family, but the Huang family let them all go.

Now that Tianfeng Group Film Company's new movie is stuck, it is indeed doubtful that the Huang family has taken refuge with the Gu family, otherwise they would never have the guts to touch Ji Wufeng's tiger butt.

Ji Wufeng looked at the crowd and said, "I believe everyone has seen the power of public opinion. It can kill without blood."

Indeed, during this period, the news media reported all kinds of unfavorable news about Ji Wufeng, completely portraying him as a big devil who did all kinds of evil, which can be said to have lost the support of the people.

The people are kind, but they are also blind. If a person stands at the top, they will only support heroes one by one, instead of cruel villains like Ji Wufeng.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that water can carry a boat but also capsize it. If Ji Wufeng completely loses the support of the people, it will not be easy for his boat to sail smoothly.

Peng Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to..."

"Besides the Huang family, who has the highest say in the cultural association?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course it's Yang Kangning, the vice president of the Cultural Association." Peng Cheng said.

"Do you know this person?"

Peng Cheng thought for a while and said, "I don't think I know him very well. I have only met him a few times, but I am sure that this person is definitely not a young person."

"Then you take the whole crew to Huajing today and arrange matters related to the premiere as usual. I have one more thing to do. After finishing it, I will rush to meet you as soon as possible." Ji Wufeng said.

Since Ji Wufeng said so, Peng Cheng knew that he must have a way, and he no longer hesitated. After bidding farewell to Luo Luo, he set off immediately.

Late at night, stroking Tianqi's head while he was sleeping soundly, Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "What did this little bastard eat to grow up? It's a little evil."

Isn't that right? This kid is a freak. He has grown a lot in just two months. If a child from an ordinary family, he would definitely scare his parents.

Lu Shuangshuang also asked with some worry: "I'm also a little worried. Did he eat those strange things before? Did he eat them bad?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, this kid is doing very well now."

He has a wonderful connection with Tianqi, and he knows that he can feel Tianqi's current condition. He is obviously over-nourished, which is why he grows faster than ordinary children.

Lu Shuangshuang hugged Ji Wufeng gently and said, "Are you leaving again?" The Ji Mansion was very lively now. Lin Yuantu's family and Lin Weiguo's couple also moved here, and hired more than a dozen workers. It was already a wealthy family. magnificent scene.

After putting Tianqi to sleep at night, everyone gathered together, and Tianfeng Group was temporarily stabilized. Because of Ji Wufeng's surprise, the other party did not notice it in time, and there was no situation in Shanghai.

Ji Wufeng's trip this time was a fruitful one, and everyone was very happy.

"I said that's about it. We should go to Huajing for a tour. Gu Tianyang is jumping very well now." Lu Zifeng said.

Ji Wufeng's gains here are not small, but Gu Tianyang is not idle either. Except for those held tightly by Yuwen Tiancheng and others, the rest basically fall into the hands of the Gu family. Now it can be said that Gu Tianyang is in control Over half of Huajing's power.

The war is about to break out, but the enemy's power has expanded so much. This is not a good thing!

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Peng Cheng and said, "Director Peng, is it time for the premiere of our own movie? And the premiere is in Huajing!"

Peng Cheng's film was completed a year ago, and the post-production stage has been completed. The next step is to promote the premiere.

Peng Cheng frowned slightly and said, "That's true. My plan was to hold the premiere in Huajing, but now a problem has arisen."

"Say." Ji Wufeng asked. .??.

"Do you still remember that Huang Junpeng?"

Although the name was a little vague, Ji Wufeng still remembered that for the opening ceremony of his film company, Peng Cheng invited a lot of famous people in the film and television industry, and Huang Junpeng was one of them.

However, this Huang Junpeng was not a good person. He relied on his status as a big boss in the entertainment industry to make crooked ideas about those beautiful female stars. At that time, Ji Wufeng couldn't stand it, so he gave him a severe lesson. Finally, Huang Junpeng threatened to Revenge, but Ji Wufeng didn't take it to heart. His level was not worthy of Ji Wufeng's concern.

"I still remember, is that kid running out and jumping around again?" Ji Wufeng said depressedly.

Is it possible that that kid has shit in his head? I am at the height of my power now, but that boy still dares to provoke me. Doesn't he really know that the word "death" is a miscellaneous spelling?

Peng Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know if he did it deliberately, but our new movie was blocked by the Cultural Association at the last hurdle. I am trying my best to coordinate. If we can't coordinate it before the premiere, If so, I’m afraid it will come to nothing.”

Ji Wufeng was silent for a while. This thing was a bit strange. With his current unparalleled popularity, even if he had the guts of a bear, he would not dare to offend him easily. But this Huang Junpeng dared to do this. It seems that there is something in this Weird.

Ji Wufeng thought of something and asked: "Does the Cultural Association have the right to intervene in the media?"

"Of course, although the Cultural Association is a non-governmental organization, it is linked to the government and can handle the dissemination of all culture. Whether it is film, television or news media, it must be reviewed by the Cultural Association before it can be reported to the official." Peng Cheng said.

As soon as Ji Wufeng clapped his hands, he immediately understood. No wonder Huang Junpeng dared to be so arrogant. He had found an awesome backer.

Peng Cheng said with some worry: "If it is really intentional by the Cultural Association, then we will

There's trouble. "

If a document from the Cultural Association comes down, it cannot be reported, and all Peng Cheng's hard work during this period will be in vain.

"How many days until the premiere?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"There's still about a week left, I'm afraid it's too late. I'm considering whether to postpone or cancel." Peng Cheng said.

"No need, just continue to promote it vigorously as usual. This is the first film of our Tianfeng Group Film Company, and it must be an instant hit." Ji Wufeng said with a sneer in his eyes.

Peng Cheng asked in confusion: "Then what are you going to do?"

"If I guess correctly, this Huang family has probably defected to the Gu family." Ji Wufeng said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they immediately thought that since the Cultural Association could influence the news media, all the previous unfavorable news information about Ji Wufeng must have passed through the hands of the Huang family, but the Huang family let them all go.

Now that Tianfeng Group Film Company's new movie is stuck, it is indeed doubtful that the Huang family has taken refuge with the Gu family, otherwise they would never have the guts to touch Ji Wufeng's tiger butt.

Ji Wufeng looked at the crowd and said, "I believe everyone has seen the power of public opinion. It can kill without blood."

Indeed, during this period, the news media reported all kinds of unfavorable news about Ji Wufeng, completely portraying him as a big devil who did all kinds of evil, which can be said to have lost the support of the people.

The people are kind, but they are also blind. If a person stands at the top, they will only support heroes one by one, instead of cruel villains like Ji Wufeng.

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that water can carry a boat but also capsize it. If Ji Wufeng completely loses the support of the people, it will not be easy for his boat to sail smoothly.

Peng Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to..."

"Besides the Huang family, who has the highest say in the Cultural Association?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course it's Yang Kangning, the vice president of the Cultural Association." Peng Cheng said.

"Do you know this person?"

Peng Cheng thought for a while and said, "I don't think I know him very well. I have only met him a few times, but I am sure that this person is definitely not a young person."

"Then you take the whole crew to Huajing today and arrange matters related to the premiere as usual. I have one more thing to do. After finishing it, I will rush to meet you as soon as possible." Ji Wufeng said.

Since Ji Wufeng said so, Peng Cheng knew that he must have a way, and he no longer hesitated. After bidding farewell to Luo Luo, he set off immediately.

Late at night, stroking Tianqi's head while he was sleeping soundly, Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "What did this little bastard eat to grow up? It's a little evil."

Isn't that right? This kid is a freak. He has grown a lot in just two months. If a child from an ordinary family, he would definitely scare his parents.

Lu Shuangshuang also asked with some worry: "I'm also a little worried. Did he eat those strange things before? Did he eat them bad?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, this kid is doing very well now."

He has a wonderful connection with Tianqi, and he knows that he can feel Tianqi's current condition. He is obviously over-nourished, which is why he grows faster than ordinary children.

Lu Shuangshuang gently hugged Ji Wufeng and said, "Are you leaving again?"

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