As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the Yang family was pushed open, and two people rushed in while kneeling on the ground. One of them, Yang Kangning, was very familiar with him. He was Huang Junpeng, the son of his old rival, the president of the Cultural Association, Huang Huihuang.

A man kneeling next to Huang Junpeng banged his head on the ground, pointed at Huang Junpeng and cried: "President Yang, this matter has nothing to do with me. It was Huang Junpeng who gave me 500,000 yuan to let me I'll hit you with a car!"

Huang Junpeng seemed to be frightened out of his wits, and cried to Yang Kangning: "Uncle Yang, I was just confused for a moment. I shouldn't have found someone to kill you. Please, for the sake of my father, please spare me this time." , please, don’t kill me..."

Yang Kangning looked angry. He didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill him would be Huang Junpeng. But after being angry, his eyes suddenly lit up. Now that Huang Junpeng has been caught, Huang Huihuang will have a hard time. As long as Huang Junpeng is sent away When he goes to the police station, Huang Huihuang will definitely be implicated.

By then, even if Huang Huihuang escapes suspicion, he will never be able to stay in his current position. Then Yang Kangning will lose his opponent, and the Cultural Association will be dominated by Yang Kangning alone. ??

Ji Wufeng said it was a great gift, but it was not a light one.

"You can arrange the rest by yourself. I believe you will do it beautifully!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

What does Yang Kangning do? Now that I have such a good card in my hand, I will definitely make good use of it and never give up until I squeeze out all the value.

Ji Wufeng believes that it won't be long before most of the unfavorable remarks about him will disappear, and some voices of sympathy and support for him will appear.

Yang Kangning acted quickly, and all the information was flying all over the sky the next day, proving that all the people involved in the creation of Tianfeng Group's new film were not coerced by Ji Wufeng, but were all willing!

The situation suddenly took a big turn. Basically no one insulted Ji Wufeng anymore, but a new problem arose. Since Ji Wufeng was framed, who was framed him?

Who else is so bold as to dare to frame him?

While everyone was still speculating, a netizen anonymously posted a comment: A bunch of idiots, if Ji Wufeng falls, whoever benefits the most will be the one who did it!

Although they didn't call him by name, everyone instantly guessed who it was. Ji Wufeng collapsed? Who benefits most? Who dares to deal with Ji Wufeng? The identity of this person is coming to light.

Then another explosive news emerged. Yang Kangning, the vice president of the Cultural Association, was assassinated and was almost killed by a car. The man behind the scenes turned out to be Huang Junpeng, the son of the president Huang Huihuang.

Moreover, Huang Junpeng has truthfully confessed and left a statement with the police, and the evidence is conclusive.

The situation exploded instantly. The vice-president of the Cultural Association was assassinated. The assassin was the son of the president. Oh my god, if there was nothing wrong here, no one would believe it.

The news came soon. The police took Huang Huihuang back to the police station to assist in the investigation on the grounds that he was a major suspect. The duties of the cultural association were temporarily handled by Yang Kangning. Although it was only a temporary assistance in the investigation, the clothes on his crotch Huang Niba is either shit or shit. It is basically impossible for him to regain power.

Subsequently, the premiere of Tianfeng Film Company's new movie will finally begin as scheduled.

Because of the large amount of negative news on the Internet, the entire crew was not in the mood to hold a celebration party, but Peng Cheng's new movie is very popular

Confidence, promising to hold a grand celebration banquet after the box office hit.

The premiere was held at the International Cinema in Huajing. All the creative staff were present that day, and Peng Cheng also strongly requested Ji Wufeng to go out and make a debut.

"I'm not an actor, what should I do?" Ji Wufeng said.

"But you are the boss, and the money earned from the movie goes into your pocket."

Peng Cheng then whispered: "Besides, this is a great opportunity to clear the name."

"How to wash?" Ji Wufeng asked in surprise.

"You will know when the time comes, but you have to obey my arrangements in everything."

Peng Cheng chuckled, and then shouted: "Bring it up!"

His assistant brought a suit and handed it to Ji Wufeng's hand, saying, "Go put it on quickly!"

Ji Wufeng didn't know what Peng Cheng was up to, but since he had a good time to go, of course he had to go. He went to the dressing room to change his clothes, walked out, looked in the mirror at the door, and said, "I didn't expect that I became handsome again."

There was also a locker room next door. The people inside were probably in a hurry to come out and bumped into Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng recognized that the person who bumped into him was Zi Tong, and was about to make fun of him, but found Zi Tong staring at him with a dull look on his face.

In Zi Tong's impression, although Ji Wufeng is not ugly, his careless image makes it difficult to put him together with handsome.

But in Zi Tong's eyes at this time, if she hadn't been sure that she really knew Ji Wufeng, she would never have associated the handsome guy in front of her with that wretched guy.

There was a divine light in his eyes, but there was a sunny smile on his face. He had shaved his head before and grew it back without repairing it. It looked a little messy, but there was a sense of drifting and his face was handsome.

He has a tall and straight figure and is full of energy, which makes people feel that he is sharp, but the smile on the corner of his mouth does not make people feel inaccessible.

However, these are not what surprises Zitong the most. What surprises her is the change in Ji Wufeng's temperament. He was arrogant before, but now he has a sense of arrogance, the kind of arrogance that can only be found at the top of the site. .

Seeing Zi Tong staring straight at him, Ji Wufeng immediately puffed up his chest, touched his nose and said, "Hey, although I am a handsome guy, you won't make your eyes fall to the ground, right?"

Originally, Zi Tong was still immersed in Ji Wufeng's unique temperament, but when he opened his mouth, that temperament disappeared in an instant, and he turned into that bad ruffian again.

Angry at Ji Wufeng's words, Zi Tong rolled her eyes and said, "You are a handsome guy, and I am a beauty."

But as soon as she finished speaking, her expression immediately changed. She was so bold that she dared to talk to Ji Wufeng like this. As she got to know Ji Wufeng, she knew how terrifying this man was.

Seeing that Zitong's pink face turned green with fear, Ji Wufeng's face was filled with black lines, why were he so scared? I don't eat people.

"Beauty, can you do me a favor and get me a pair of shoes? These shoes don't seem to fit me!" Ji Wufeng raised his feet and said.

Zi Tong lowered her head and looked at Ji Wufeng's feet and almost burst into laughter. He was now wearing a expensive suit and a pair of flip-flops on his feet. The size was a bit too big, and half of his feet were covered in front. Stretched on the ground. As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the Yang family was pushed open, and two people rushed in while kneeling on the ground. One of them, Yang Kangning, was very familiar with him. He was Huang Junpeng, the son of his old rival, the president of the Cultural Association, Huang Huihuang.

A man kneeling next to Huang Junpeng banged his head on the ground, pointed at Huang Junpeng and cried: "President Yang, this matter has nothing to do with me. It was Huang Junpeng who gave me 500,000 yuan to let me I'll hit you with a car!"

Huang Junpeng seemed to be frightened out of his wits, and cried to Yang Kangning: "Uncle Yang, I was just confused for a moment. I shouldn't have found someone to kill you. Please, for the sake of my father, please spare me this time." , please, don’t kill me..."

Yang Kangning looked angry. He didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill him would be Huang Junpeng. But after being angry, his eyes suddenly lit up. Now that Huang Junpeng has been caught, Huang Huihuang will have a hard time. As long as Huang Junpeng is sent away When he goes to the police station, Huang Huihuang will definitely be implicated.

By then, even if Huang Huihuang escapes suspicion, he will never be able to stay in his current position. Then Yang Kangning will lose his opponent, and the Cultural Association will be dominated by Yang Kangning alone.

Ji Wufeng said it was a great gift, but it was not a light one.

"You can arrange the rest by yourself. I believe you will do it beautifully!" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

What does Yang Kangning do? Now that I have such a good card in my hand, I will definitely make good use of it and never give up until I squeeze out all the value.

Ji Wufeng believes that it won't be long before most of the unfavorable remarks about him will disappear, and some voices of sympathy and support for him will appear.

Yang Kangning acted quickly, and all the information was flying all over the sky the next day, proving that all the people involved in the creation of Tianfeng Group's new film were not coerced by Ji Wufeng, but were all willing!

The situation suddenly took a big turn. Basically no one insulted Ji Wufeng anymore, but a new problem arose. Since Ji Wufeng was framed, who was framed him?

Who else is so bold as to dare to frame him?

While everyone was still speculating, a netizen anonymously posted a comment: A bunch of idiots, if Ji Wufeng falls, whoever benefits the most will be the one who did it!

Although they didn't call him by name, everyone instantly guessed who it was. Ji Wufeng collapsed? Who benefits most? Who dares to deal with Ji Wufeng? The identity of this person is coming to light.

Then another explosive news emerged. Yang Kangning, the vice president of the Cultural Association, was assassinated and was almost killed by a car. The man behind the scenes turned out to be Huang Junpeng, the son of the president Huang Huihuang.

Moreover, Huang Junpeng has truthfully confessed and left a statement with the police, and the evidence is conclusive.

The situation exploded instantly. The vice-president of the Cultural Association was assassinated. The assassin was the son of the president. Oh my god, if there was nothing wrong here, no one would believe it.

The news came soon. The police took Huang Huihuang back to the police station to assist in the investigation on the grounds that he was a major suspect. The duties of the cultural association were temporarily handled by Yang Kangning. Although it was only a temporary assistance in the investigation, the clothes on his crotch Huang Niba is either shit or shit. It is basically impossible for him to regain power.

Subsequently, the premiere of Tianfeng Film Company's new movie will finally begin as scheduled.

Because of the large amount of negative news on the Internet, the entire crew was not in the mood to hold a celebration party, but Peng Cheng's new movie is very popular

Confidence, promising to hold a grand celebration banquet after the box office hit.

The premiere was held at the International Cinema in Huajing. All the creative staff were present that day, and Peng Cheng also strongly requested Ji Wufeng to go out and make a debut.

"I'm not an actor, what should I do?" Ji Wufeng said.

"But you are the boss, and the money earned from the movie goes into your pocket."

Peng Cheng then whispered: "Besides, this is a great opportunity to clear the name."

"How to wash?" Ji Wufeng asked in surprise.

"You will know when the time comes, but you have to obey my arrangements in everything."

Peng Cheng chuckled, and then shouted: "Bring it up!"

His assistant brought a suit and handed it to Ji Wufeng's hand, saying, "Go put it on quickly!"

Ji Wufeng didn't know what Peng Cheng was up to, but since he had a good time to go, of course he had to go. He went to the dressing room to change his clothes, walked out, looked in the mirror at the door, and said, "I didn't expect that I became handsome again."

There was also a locker room next door. The people inside were probably in a hurry to come out and bumped into Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng recognized that the person who bumped into him was Zi Tong, and was about to tease him, but found Zi Tong staring at him with a dull look on his face.

In Zi Tong's impression, although Ji Wufeng is not ugly, his careless image makes it difficult to put him together with handsome.

But in Zi Tong's eyes at this time, if she hadn't been sure that she really knew Ji Wufeng, she would never have associated the handsome guy in front of her with that wretched guy.

There was a divine light in his eyes, but there was a sunny smile on his face. He had shaved his head before and grew it back without repairing it. It looked a little messy, but there was a sense of drifting and his face was handsome.

He has a tall and straight figure and is full of energy, which makes people feel that he is sharp, but the smile on the corner of his mouth does not make people feel inaccessible.

However, these are not what surprises Zitong the most. What surprises her is the change in Ji Wufeng's temperament. He was arrogant before, but now he has a sense of arrogance, the kind of arrogance that can only be found at the top of the site. .

Seeing Zi Tong staring straight at him, Ji Wufeng immediately puffed up his chest, touched his nose and said, "Hey, although I am a handsome guy, you won't make your eyes fall to the ground, right?"

Originally, Zi Tong was still immersed in Ji Wufeng's unique temperament, but when he opened his mouth, that temperament disappeared in an instant, and he turned into that bad ruffian again.

Angry at Ji Wufeng's words, Zi Tong rolled her eyes and said, "You are a handsome guy, and I am a beauty."

But as soon as she finished speaking, her expression immediately changed. She was so bold that she dared to talk to Ji Wufeng like this. As she got to know Ji Wufeng, she knew how terrifying this man was.

Seeing that Zitong's pink face turned green with fear, Ji Wufeng's face was filled with black lines, why were he so scared? I don't eat people.

"Beauty, can you do me a favor and get me a pair of shoes? These shoes don't seem to fit me!" Ji Wufeng raised his feet and said.

Zi Tong lowered her head and looked at Ji Wufeng's feet and almost burst into laughter. He was now wearing a expensive suit and a pair of flip-flops on his feet. The size was a bit too big, and half of his feet were covered in front. Stretched on the ground.

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