Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1557 Gu Tianyang bows his head

"Damn it, are you willing to do it?"

"Why can't I let go? You're not a girl, why can you sleep with me?"

These two guys were blushing and had thick necks, and they were about to fight each other, but they were filled with a strong sense of brotherhood. So Gu Tianyang was wrong. He was wrong because he should not regard the passionate brotherhood as his bargaining chip.

He thought that everyone was like him and would do anything to achieve his goals!

Since Xue Qingming was safe and sound, Ji Wufeng's murder charge naturally disappeared, and he was immediately released and returned home.

However, this storm has not subsided at all. On the contrary, it has just begun.

After missing for several days, where did Xue Qingming go? Everyone wanted to know the answer, but Xue Qingming never mentioned it.

Just when everyone thought this matter was about to become a mystery, the old man of the Xue family jumped out again. Xue Qingming disappeared before, and old man Xue wanted to cut Ji Wufeng into pieces, but this time the finger was directed at Gu Tianyang.

I heard that old man Xue was jumping on his feet and yelling: "Child of the Gu family, you have gone too far. Do you think our Qingming is just a kitten or a puppy? You can kill him if you want? Do you have the ability to kill another one?" Show me..."

After the news spread, the entire Huajing City was shocked.


Gu Tianyang wants to kill Xue Qingming?

Soon, an extremely detailed version was spread. Due to some kind of interest relationship, Gu Tianyang actually wanted to kill Xue Qingming, whom he had known for more than 20 years. In order to survive, Xue Qingming had to temporarily hide away from the limelight. .

The reason why Xue Qingming dared to show up was because Ji Wufeng came forward to defend him, otherwise he might be a corpse now.

After the news spread, everyone asked Xue Qingming for confirmation. Xue Qingming denied it, saying it was all a misunderstanding. However, every time he said it was just a misunderstanding, the old man of the Xue family jumped out and cursed Gu Tianyang.


Is it really a misunderstanding?

Of course, it couldn't be a misunderstanding. Qi Mingle soon stood up and confirmed that the rumors were true, because he had received an order from Gu Tianyang to kill Xue Qingming. However, thinking of the brotherhood of more than 20 years, he No matter what, you can't do it.

And Xue Qingming doesn't want to admit it because he still thinks about brotherhood and doesn't want to damage Gu Tianyang's reputation. Old man Xue doesn't care. You are going to kill my grandson. I can't even scold you for a few words?

Xue Qingming is safe and sound and has no excuse to cause trouble to Gu Tianyang, but it does not mean that this matter is over. The Xue family will not let it go, especially old man Xue. If he doesn't stomp his feet and curse at home every day, he simply can't stand it. After dinner, I couldn't sleep.

In the past, the Xue family and the Gu family could be said to be very close, and they had a lot of close cooperation with each other. But in just a few days, all the people in the Xue family turned against each other and went against the Gu family. For a while, the Gu family had no idea. When he reacted, he was caught off guard for a moment.

Not only the Xue family, but also several major families closely related to the Xue family expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the Gu family after receiving the news. Some people threatened to terminate the friendly relationship with the Gu family on the spot.

Not only the Xue family, but after Qi Mingle announced that Gu Tianyang wanted him to kill Xue Qingming, another group of families broke away from the Gu family.

In just a few days, one-third of the forces under the Yuan Gu family chose to defect. Due to the fierce fight between Xue Qingming, Qi Mingle and Ji Wufeng, these people quickly switched to Ji Wufeng's side.

As for those people and forces who had been in a wait-and-see state, wavering, seeing this situation, they made a decisive decision and took the label of Ji Wufeng.

The situation before

It was Gu Tianyang who had the upper hand over Ji Wufeng, but now it was suddenly reversed, and this incident was widely publicized. After the news spread, it dealt a serious blow to Gu Tianyang's reputation. Now he seems to have never A great hero turned into a sinister villain who could ruthlessly kill even his brothers in order to achieve his goals.

Although few people knew the real inside story of this matter, everyone knew very well that this was a very fierce confrontation between Ji Wufeng and Gu Tianyang, but the result was that Gu Tianyang lost and Ji Wufeng won a great victory.

It took half a month for the turmoil to gradually subside, and everything seemed to be in peace, but no one was stupid enough to ignore the changes in the situation in Huajing during this period.

Ji Wufeng had been called the Prince of Yuzhou a long time ago, but when it collided with Gu Tianyang's name, people still preferred to call Gu Tianyang the prince. However, at this time, everyone was finally willing to call him Ji Wufeng. Prince.

The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy, this is the eternal iron law!

Compared with the bustling traffic situation half a month ago, the Gu family is obviously much deserted now, but the entire Gu family compound has a cold atmosphere.

Seeing Han Chong and the others in a nervous silence, Gu Tianyang flicked the table with his fingers and asked indifferently: "Do you know where we lost this time?"

No one spoke first, because they all knew that Gu Tianyang must be in a very bad mood at this time, and when he was in a bad mood, someone would be unlucky.

Just when the atmosphere in the room became more and more depressing, Gu Tianyang stood up, bent down and bowed deeply to everyone.

Everyone was immediately shocked, and Han Chong jumped up, grabbed Gu Tianyang and said, "Prince, what are you doing?"

This made everyone even more frightened. Gu Tianyang has always been kind to people, but on the surface

There seemed to be no airs on him, but they all knew that Gu Tianyang was proud of himself.

He can smile kindly to others, but he will never bow to them.

But now he lowered his head, put down his arrogant attitude, and bowed to everyone.

Gu Tianyang waved his hands and said: "You don't have to say anything. The reason for our failure this time is mine, and I should bear full responsibility!"

He looked up to the sky and sighed, saying: "I have failed everyone because I was so eager to win that I neglected the brotherhood between us. I, Gu Tianyang, am not worthy of being this prince."

He then waved his hand and said, "Let's all disperse. I don't have the face to face everyone anymore."

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Did he make everyone disperse? Are we going to break up?

Is he crazy? The decisive battle with Ji Wufeng had just begun, and he actually broke up at this time. Was he admitting defeat to Ji Wufeng?


Han Chong suddenly became angry, grabbed Gu Tianyang's shoulders, and said angrily: "You are the prince, we have followed you for more than 20 years, and now you have given up like this. Are you worthy of your brothers?"

Gu Tianyang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I am indeed no match for Ji Wufeng. His brothers are completely loyal to him, but my brother who has been with me for many years has betrayed me. Why should I continue to fight with him?"

Han Chong said angrily: "Xue Qingming, a beast, betrayed the prince for profit, and Qi Mingle ignored our years of brotherhood for a woman. This beast is not worthy of being our brother!"

He turned to face everyone and said in a deep voice: "Are you also questioning the prince's actions, thinking that the prince cannot tolerate Xue Qingming and Qi Mingle?"

Everyone was silent. Although they didn't dare to say anything, they really doubted it in their hearts.

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