Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1563 Isn’t it too shameless?

How could he not see Ji Wufeng's purpose? These people cannot be Ji Wufeng's opponents. Once they take action, they will definitely bear Ji Wufeng's cruel blows. However, for a group of people with high aspirations, cruel blows may cause them to suffer fatal wounds.

What he needs is a heart as strong as iron and an invincible strength, not a group of people who are beaten and mentally decadent.

"Haha, have you all heard this? Not only do I look down on you, but even your master looks down on you, haha..."

Ji Wufeng burst into laughter, turned around and walked away, loudly saying: "It's really disappointing. They are just such a bunch of trash. This is the wrong leader of the team. They have tarnished my reputation!"

"Stop!" .??.??

Suddenly there was a roar, and a fierce aura appeared on the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It felt like an ancient giant beast falling from the sky, trying to swallow everything.

This woman was so powerful that Ji Wufeng doubted whether she was actually a woman and not a man with a beard pretending to be a woman.

"I, the Tyrannosaurus, now quit the dragon group and challenge you, life or death!" the Tyrannosaurus said sternly.

Everyone was shocked. Did they hear it correctly? Tyrannosaurus actually wants to quit the dragon group!

"I, Long Fei, also quit the dragon group and challenge you, life or death!" Long Fei also shouted loudly.

Now everyone was stunned. The two leaders of the Dragon Team, Gu Tianyang's two most powerful assistants, actually quit the Dragon Team.

However, everyone said they could understand that Gu Tianyang had his destiny first and they could not disobey it, but the humiliation Ji Wufeng gave them was really unbearable for them.

Therefore, if they want to attack Ji Wufeng without violating Gu Tianyang's last wish, they can only withdraw from the Dragon Group first, so that they will not disobey Gu Tianyang's order.

Gu Tianyang's eyes immediately erupted with two gleams of coldness, which disappeared in an instant. He said with a smile: "We are all our own people, why should we take it so seriously? Since we are so interested, let's discuss it."

r\u003e What he meant by this was that Tyrannosaurus and the others did not need to withdraw from the dragon group, and he agreed with them to challenge Ji Wufeng.

Hearing Gu Tianyang's final words, everyone became excited. Little bastard, I wonder how you will be arrogant later? I'll beat you so hard today that even your mother won't be able to recognize you!

Seeing that everyone was ready to make a move, Gu Tianyang waved his hand and said: "It's just a discussion, just stop at the point. Let Long Fei, Black Eagle, Tyrannosaurus and Long Wei take action."

Everyone wants to take action, but Gu Tianyang cannot let them all take action. If all the members of the Dragon Team take action, even if they win, the reputation of the Dragon Team will probably be ruined.

All members of the Dragon Team teamed up to beat one person. Are you, Gu Tianyang, still shameless?

It is most appropriate for the four team leaders to take action. They are strong enough. Even if they lose, it will not have much impact.

Long Fei and the other three immediately filed out, surrounding Ji Wufeng, with fierce and cold expressions on their faces. Long Wei hesitated for a moment, and then walked out with a look of indifference on his face, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

Are you finally going to do it? Everyone in the Dragon Group was excited, but Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of sharpness.

He never thought that Ji Wufeng would be so despicable, forcing Tyrannosaurus and the others to quit the Dragon Group and accept the challenge. Although he had already compromised, the root of the disaster was laid. Since Tyrannosaurus and the others said they wanted to withdraw from the Dragon Group, , proved to have created a gap between them.

"Kill!" Long Fei roared violently.

"Wait a minute!" Ji Wufeng shouted.

"Are you scared?" Tyrannosaurus sneered.

"Am I afraid of you? It's just that I never fight with people casually. We have to get some luck."

Ji Wufeng looked like a thief

He smiled and said: "I never fight in vain. I have already said that as long as one of you can beat me, I will recommend him to be the leader of the second team of the Dragon Team!"

Everyone was stunned, what did Ji Wufeng want to do? Does he really not care about this dragon team leader? Or does he have absolute confidence in himself?

"What do you want if we lose?" Black Hawk asked.

This bet was indeed difficult for the Dragon Team to refuse, but they were not stupid. They knew that Ji Wufeng must have his own agenda when he threw out such a big bait.

"If you lose, of course you can't just settle it like this. You have to pay some price."

Ji Wufeng smiled and said: "But what I want is not something valuable, so you don't need to be nervous."

"What do you want?" Long Fei asked impatiently.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Long Wei and said, "I want Long Wei and the Xuan Zi Group!" ??

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly shocked, with very different expressions on their faces. First it was Long Fei and others. They didn't understand why Ji Wufeng made such a request, but they all realized very clearly in their hearts that since Ji Wufeng If he brought it up, there must be his intention.

The people in the Xuanzi group were both funny and angry. They were laughing because Ji Wufeng wanted them by name, which meant that this bastard was very sure of them. But they were angry because the fact that I was such a majestic Dragon group warrior had turned into a bet.

What made them even more crazy was that Ji Wufeng had said before, "I don't want anything valuable." It's your grandfather's. Who do you think is a thing? Who do you think is worthless?

Of course, it was impossible for Long Fei and others to make the decision on such a major matter. They all looked at Gu Tianyang, but Gu Tianyang smiled slightly and said, "Although I am their boss, I have no power to control their destiny outside of the mission." , their fate should be in their own hands, rather than being treated as a bet by their superiors!"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. This kid was indeed so sinister. He didn't fall for his trick and even bit him back!

Since he made such a request, of course he had his own purpose. If Gu Tianyang didn't agree, he would definitely be at a disadvantage in terms of morale. If you don't dare to agree, aren't you just afraid of losing?

If you are afraid of losing, forget it, then give it a hammer!

But if he agrees, the situation will be even worse. What will the people in the Xuanzi group think?

You agreed when someone said it casually. Did you deliberately take this opportunity to kick me away? After all, the Xuanzi Group is also a member of the Dragon Group. Gu Tianyang's attitude towards them will directly affect the entire Dragon Group.

But Gu Tianyang did not fall into the trap. Instead, he simply refused to express his position and left it to others to decide without interfering.

In this way, he not only showed his democratic side, but also gave the Xuanzi group enough respect!

Seeing that Gu Tianyang was not fooled, Ji Wufeng felt a headache and said, "What should we do? Don't you even have anyone here who can make the decision?"

He looked at Gu Tianyang and said with a smile: "As long as I haven't been appointed as the leader of the second group of the Dragon Group, then I will still be the leader of the Xuanzi Group now, right?"

Gu Tianyang's eyes fluctuated, and he nodded and said, "That's right."

Ji Wufeng chuckled, turned to the people in the Xuanzi group and said, "In that case, I will be the one in charge. I am your group leader. I will make the decision. You don't have any objections, right?"

Everyone's faces were filled with black lines. You are too shameless, bastard, aren't you? How long have you been the team leader for just a few days? The house was sold in the blink of an eye, and the buyer was also you. Did the left hand turn to the right hand?

However, the people in the Xuanzi group had already had some gaps with Gu Tianyang before. No one spoke, but looked at Long Wei. Although Long Wei was the deputy leader, he was now their backbone.

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