Everyone was shocked. This was only the second round, and Ji Wufeng had already defeated one person, and it seemed that he didn't even have any effort. Isn't this guy too strong?

Suddenly, someone remembered that this man was Ji Wufeng. He was one of the three most famous young men with the same reputation as Gu Tianyang. He defeated six of the eight major martial arts families and killed two holy places in Linhai City. The ghosts cried and the gods howled...

Many people in the audience broke into cold sweat. They felt that they were too arrogant just now. Although they are strong and belong to the Dragon Group, it does not mean that they can be arrogant!

The strength that Ji Wufeng unleashed was so astonishing that Black Eagle and Tyrannosaurus looked at each other with a look of horror on their faces. After hesitating for a while, they stepped forward again. Although the two of them were afraid, their faces were proud. They are not allowed to back down.

Even though he had already chosen his camp, Long Wei did not hesitate at all and rushed towards Ji Wufeng before the two of them, leaving no room for action.

Black Eagle and Tyrannosaurus followed closely, and the four of them fought fiercely together again, each raising their own skills to the extreme to resist the sharp edges struck by Ji Wu Feng.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "It's really pointless to continue fighting like this. I think it's better to end it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng's body jumped up high and struck down with a punch across the air.

Kuang Ba's power rushed down, violently impacting the three Black Eagles. Everyone on the sidelines felt violent vibrations under their feet. Some people exclaimed: "It's not good, the ground is about to collapse!"

They all felt violent vibrations under their feet. If Ji Wufeng did not stop his strength, the entire ground would crack, and the entire Dragon Group base would collapse.

Gu Tianyang frowned slightly and said: "Activate level one alert!"

The instruments throughout the base immediately made a rapid chirping sound, and the walls and ground began to glow with silver light. The metal parts of the entire base were instantly strengthened, and their hardness was several times stronger than before.

The first-level alert will only be activated when the base suffers a devastating blow. Is Ji Wufeng already so tyrannical?


Black Eagle, who was the most sensitive and physically fragile, found that he had nowhere to hide. His entire body was shrouded in a terrifying force. A mouthful of blood spurted out and his body flew away.

Dragon Power is a type of power. Although Tyrannosaurus is a woman, her physique is the strongest among the four. However, when the two of them withstood this powerful force, their bodies were shaky and they could only Trying to hold on.

boom! boom!

In the end, the two of them could not resist, and were thrown away by the unparalleled force, and their bodies hit the wall hard.

Everyone watching the battle suddenly looked horrified and shouted: "Oh no, he is too strong, defend quickly!"

After Ji Wufeng's power defeated the three Tyrannosaurs, he did not stop attacking there. Instead, more violent power raged out, rushing toward the others. Even the three Tyrannosauruses could not block the power. If the others If you are hit, half of your life will be taken away even if you don't die!

In an instant, the entire dragon group was in a state of panic. Everyone raised their skills to the extreme in order to resist Ji Wufeng's terrifying power.

Just as the terrifying power was about to explode, Ji Wufeng saw Gu Tianyang standing aside with a cold smile in the corner of his eyes.

Hehe, do you think I don’t know who you are?

What is the bastard thinking? If you don't fall into my trap, I won't fall into your trap either!

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of explosions and roars, and almost everything visible in the base exploded and turned into a ball of fly ash. Everyone felt that they were in a terrifying and destructive atmosphere.

After the explosion, everyone found that they were not harmed at all. Everything in front of them was destroyed, but only the people were not damaged at all.

The violent aura disappeared from Ji Wufeng's body, and he could only be seen smiling and saying: "Why are you so nervous? They said it was just a sparring session, and that's all. I won't mess around."

Everyone's faces turned red and their necks were thick with anger, and they all gathered their strength to prepare for his attack, but he suddenly deflated like a balloon with a hole in it. It was very uncomfortable for people to have nowhere to vent their pent-up energy.

Some people wanted to yell and curse, but when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they all kept their mouths shut.

Oh my god!

Except for the walls and the ground, everything else in the base no longer existed. It was simply a white field. The perfectly good base was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Didn't you just say you wouldn't mess around? Isn’t this called messing around?

However, Ji Wufeng destroyed everything in the base without harming anyone. Such terrifying power was controlled so accurately, it was astonishing!

Ji Wufeng won, and in a very short time. Before anyone could react, he defeated the four leaders of the Dragon Team that they were proud of. It was a completely crushing power of thunder!

While everyone was horrified, their hearts were shaking even more. It was so abnormal!

The people in the Dragon Group usually feel that they are strong enough, and most of the opponents they come into contact with are extremely powerful, but this bastard in front of them makes all of them feel cowardly and powerless!

That's right, it's the feeling of cowardice and powerlessness. They all know that no one can be strong when facing someone like Ji Wufeng!

Gu Tianyang was once an undefeated myth in their eyes and their invincible god of war!

However, at this time, they were a little shaken. They knew that Gu Tianyang was very strong, but Ji Wufeng was also very strong. They had always believed that Gu Tianyang could win against any opponent, but facing Ji Wufeng, they were not sure!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gu Tianyang's face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely cold, but Ji Wufeng felt happy in his heart.

The purpose of his coming here today is to defeat Gu Tianyang's deified image in the minds of the Long Group people. It is obvious that this purpose has basically been achieved.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it back for a moment. I broke so many things. They must be valuable!" Ji Wufeng asked with a look of shame.

Hearing this, everyone including the Xuanzi group wanted to go up and strangle this bastard to death. Damn it, you couldn't hold it back? Can you help it? You fucking lie to me!

Very valuable?

More than just valuable?

The Dragon Team is the most elite special operations team. The equipment used is all top-notch, and its value cannot be measured by money at all.

But now it was completely ruined by Ji Wufeng. This bastard must have done it on purpose!

Everyone was filled with anger, but when facing Ji Wufeng, they did not dare to vent it out because they found that they did not have the courage to face Ji Wufeng directly. Everyone was shocked. This was only the second round, and Ji Wufeng had already defeated one person, and it seemed that he didn't even have any effort. Isn't this guy too strong?

Suddenly, someone remembered that this man was Ji Wufeng. He was one of the three most famous young men with the same reputation as Gu Tianyang. He defeated six of the eight major martial arts families and killed two holy places in Linhai City. The ghosts cried and the gods howled...

Many people in the audience broke into cold sweat. They felt that they were too arrogant just now. Although they are strong and belong to the Dragon Group, it does not mean that they can be arrogant!

The strength that Ji Wufeng unleashed was so astonishing that Black Eagle and Tyrannosaurus looked at each other with a look of horror on their faces. After hesitating for a while, they stepped forward again. Although the two of them were afraid, their faces were proud. They are not allowed to back down.

Even though he had already chosen his camp, Long Wei did not hesitate at all and rushed towards Ji Wufeng before the two of them, leaving no room for action.

Black Eagle and Tyrannosaurus followed closely, and the four of them fought fiercely together again, each raising their own skills to the extreme to resist the sharp edges struck by Ji Wu Feng.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "It's really pointless to continue fighting like this. I think it's better to end it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng's body jumped up high and struck down with a punch across the air.

Kuang Ba's power rushed down, violently impacting the three Black Eagles. Everyone on the sidelines felt violent vibrations under their feet. Some people exclaimed: "It's not good, the ground is about to collapse!"

They all felt violent vibrations under their feet. If Ji Wufeng did not stop his strength, the entire ground would crack, and the entire Dragon Group base would collapse.

Gu Tianyang frowned slightly and said: "Activate level one alert!"

The instruments throughout the base immediately made a rapid chirping sound, and the walls and ground began to glow with silver light. The metal parts of the entire base were instantly strengthened, and their hardness was several times stronger than before.

The first-level alert will only be activated when the base suffers a devastating blow. Is Ji Wufeng already so tyrannical?


Black Eagle, who was the most sensitive and physically fragile, found that he had nowhere to hide. His entire body was shrouded in a terrifying force. A mouthful of blood spurted out and his body flew away.

Dragon Power is a type of power. Although Tyrannosaurus is a woman, her physique is the strongest among the four. However, when the two of them withstood this powerful force, their bodies were shaky and they could only Trying to hold on.

boom! boom!

In the end, the two of them could not resist, and were thrown away by the unparalleled force, and their bodies hit the wall hard.

Everyone watching the battle suddenly looked horrified and shouted: "Oh no, he is too strong, defend quickly!"

After Ji Wufeng's power defeated the three Tyrannosaurs, he did not stop attacking there. Instead, more violent power raged out, rushing toward the others. Even the three Tyrannosauruses could not block the power. If the others If you are hit, half of your life will be taken away even if you don't die!

In an instant, the entire dragon group was in a state of panic. Everyone raised their skills to the extreme in order to resist Ji Wufeng's terrifying power.

Just as the terrifying power was about to explode, Ji Wufeng saw Gu Tianyang standing aside with a cold smile in the corner of his eyes.

Hehe, do you think I don’t know who you are?

What is the bastard thinking? If you don't fall into my trap, I won't fall into your trap either!

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of explosions and roars, and almost everything visible in the base exploded and turned into a ball of fly ash. Everyone felt that they were in a terrifying and destructive atmosphere.

After the explosion, everyone found that they were not harmed at all. Everything in front of them was destroyed, but only the people were not damaged at all.

The violent aura disappeared from Ji Wufeng's body, and he could only be seen smiling and saying: "Why are you so nervous? They said it was just a sparring session, and that's all. I won't mess around."

Everyone's faces turned red and their necks were thick with anger, and they all gathered their strength to prepare for his attack, but he suddenly deflated like a balloon with a hole in it. It was very uncomfortable for people to have nowhere to vent their pent-up energy.

Some people wanted to yell and curse, but when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they all kept their mouths shut.

Oh my god!

Except for the walls and the ground, everything else in the base no longer existed. It was simply a white field. The perfectly good base was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Didn't you just say you wouldn't mess around? Isn’t this called messing around?

However, Ji Wufeng destroyed everything in the base without harming anyone. Such terrifying power was controlled so accurately, it was astonishing!

Ji Wufeng won, and in a very short time. Before anyone could react, he defeated the four leaders of the Dragon Team that they were proud of. It was a completely crushing power of thunder!

While everyone was horrified, their hearts were shaking even more. It was so abnormal!

The people in the Dragon Group usually feel that they are strong enough, and most of the opponents they come into contact with are extremely powerful, but this bastard in front of them makes all of them feel cowardly and powerless!

That's right, it's the feeling of cowardice and powerlessness. They all know that no one can be strong when facing someone like Ji Wufeng!

Gu Tianyang was once an undefeated myth in their eyes and their invincible god of war!

However, at this time, they were a little shaken. They knew that Gu Tianyang was very strong, but Ji Wufeng was also very strong. They had always believed that Gu Tianyang could win against any opponent, but facing Ji Wufeng, they were not sure!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gu Tianyang's face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely cold, but Ji Wufeng felt happy in his heart.

The purpose of his coming here today is to defeat Gu Tianyang's deified image in the minds of the Long Group people. It is obvious that this purpose has basically been achieved.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it back for a moment. I broke so many things. They must be valuable!" Ji Wufeng asked with a look of shame.

Hearing this, everyone including the Xuanzi group wanted to go up and strangle this bastard to death. Damn it, you couldn't hold it back? Can you help it? You fucking lie to me!

Very valuable?

More than just valuable?

The Dragon Team is the most elite special operations team. The equipment used is all top-notch, and its value cannot be measured by money at all.

But now it was completely ruined by Ji Wufeng. This bastard must have done it on purpose!

Everyone was filled with anger, but when facing Ji Wufeng, they did not dare to vent it out because they found that they did not have the courage to face Ji Wufeng directly.

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