Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1576 Yunshang’s Challenge

In that small world, the woman is the supreme ruler of everything. Although there are many people in front of her, no one can enter her eyes. She is arrogant and superior to all living beings!

Ji Wufeng's eyes were piercing, so profound. This woman had already glimpsed the threshold of the holy realm above the royal realm.

In the world of cultivation, the holy realm is equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage, where the soul can already leave the body, break away from the mortal world, and become a saint!

But among the warriors on earth, the holy realm is as sacred!

"Is this the so-called world of mortals? How should we understand it?" the woman murmured to herself.

But Ji Wufeng listened clearly. Is she trying to understand the world of mortals?

It seems that the woman only had a glimpse of the holy realm for the first time and did not step into it. Otherwise, she would not deliberately stand on the street and experience the world of mortals.

If you want to transcend the mortal world, you must first know what the mortal world is. If you don’t understand what the mortal world is, how can you transcend it? How can one transcend the ordinary and become a saint?

But no matter what, this woman must be a youth supreme, and she is also the most stunning young man he has seen so far. .??.

With the combat power in front of him, if he fights with a woman, he won't be able to take advantage. He still has a long way to go to recover to the Nascent Soul stage, but if he adds the power of chaos in his body, the situation will be different. different.

Everyone was shocked by the woman's peerless appearance and Chuchen's temperament, but Yun Shuixian's expression changed and she said, "Is it her?"

Everyone was suddenly filled with doubts. Did Yun Shuixian know this person? Ji Wufeng thought of something and his eyes narrowed.

"Is she Yun Shang?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Yun Shuixian nodded, and Lu Zifeng was immediately shocked. Before, he was just like Nie Hu and others, he said he didn't care, no matter how powerful he was, he was just a little girl, he could just be pushed down.

But when he saw the real person, he completely lost his previous thoughts, because he didn't dare at all, as if he was afraid of Yun Shang from the deepest part of his heart.

This is a kind of coercion. When a person is so powerful that he can only be looked up to, it is absolutely impossible

Feeling of blasphemy.

Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly. The Yun family was indeed the holy land of martial arts. This Yun Shang was ridiculously powerful. Although he had not seen Qianye Yu, he must not be much worse than Yun Shang.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Ji Wufeng felt a little numb just thinking about it!

Two cold eyes suddenly came through the air like two indestructible swords. Ji Wufeng was shocked. He looked up and saw Yun Shang's eyes. The two cold eyes were like two icebergs. Pressed down.

Ji Wufeng was unhappy, little girl, are you amazing because you are so good? You start showing off to me as soon as we meet, believe it or not, I will push you down?

How could Ji Wufeng allow himself to make a fool of himself in front of so many women? His skills started to work, a fiery and domineering aura burst out, and the two biting coldness disappeared instantly.

There was a trace of doubt in Yun Shang's eyes, and she actually strolled over. After knowing how terrifying this woman was, Lu Zifeng couldn't help but want to retreat.

"Sister Yun Shang." Yun Shuixian stepped forward to say hello.

Yun Rong made a rebellion and forced Yun Zhen away. Logically speaking, Yun Shuixian and Yun Shang were enemies, but Yun Shuixian didn't seem to have much hostility.

Yun Shang looked at Yun Shuixian and said with a smile: "Very good, it seems that you have worked hard during this time, and you are no worse than I was back then!"

Yun Shuixian looked a little embarrassed and said, "Then I'm still not as good as Sister Yun Shang. If you could come out earlier, you might be stronger than you are now, right?"

"This kind of thing depends on chance, there is no if."

Yun Shang looked at Yun Shuixian carefully, and then said: "I find that you have reached a bottleneck now. If it is convenient, we can find time to chat in private."

Upon hearing this, Yun Shuixian was overjoyed and said, "Can I break through?"


It shouldn't be a big problem. "

"That's great, thank you sister Yunshang." Yun Shuixian said.

"Since we are sisters, this is what we should do." Yun Shang said calmly.

Ji Wufeng was a little confused. Why did these two people look like good sisters? But after thinking about it, this is not a strange thing. Their elders are fighting, but it has nothing to do with their juniors. After all, they have grown up together since childhood and are a family in themselves.

After chatting with Yun Shuixian, Yun Shang looked at Ji Wufeng and asked, "Ji Wufeng?"

"That's me." Ji Wufeng said calmly.

Yun Shang looked at Ji Wufeng carefully, nodded, and said, "Can we fight?"

"I'll be with you anytime!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed.

Today, he has no room for retreat. Even if Yun Rong and Ying Shen come in person, he will not be timid at all. ??

Seeing Ji Wufeng accept the challenge, the others immediately panicked. Although Yun Shang had never made a move, no one dared to question her strength. Yun Shuixian even said anxiously: "Sister Yun Shang, why bother? Did you really agree to the Fourth Grandpa's promise?" ?"

The fourth grandfather she mentioned was Yun Rong, Yun Shang's grandfather. Now that Yun Shang came to trouble Ji Wufeng, it was clearly Yun Rong's instruction.

Yun Shang waved his hand and said, "Everything I do has nothing to do with my grandfather."

"Then what are you doing for?" Yun Shuixian said.

"Because he is worthy of being my opponent!" Yun Shang said lightly.

Ji Wufeng understood instantly that what Yun Shang said was true. She was not sent by Yun Rong. With her talent, how could she allow herself to become a tool for others to fight for power? Not even if that person is her grandfather.

She went down the mountain this time because she had initially glimpsed the threshold of the holy realm. She needed to understand the power of the mortal world. Only in this way could she transcend and truly take that step.

And her challenge to Ji Wufeng was just a moment of joy. What she was cultivating was the invincible road. She wanted to defeat all the powerful enemies in front of him along the way, and reach the pinnacle of martial arts with an invincible attitude!

"When?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Yun Shang shook his head slightly and said: "Now that you can't calm down and use your full strength, defeating you will be a bit weak!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He really couldn't calm down now. Yun Shang's sudden appearance made him unable to react for a while, and he was somewhat at a loss.

Seeing that Yun Shang didn't want to fight yet, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't relax. How could he relax when such a monster was thinking about him?

"No need, I'll take this battle!" Someone stood up, it was Ye Linglong.

Everyone knows how terrifying this female devil is, and during the Xiao family's battle, Ye Linglong had already demonstrated her unparalleled power, which was on par with the Saint Wuchen of the Jialuo Temple.

Yun Shang glanced at Ye Linglong, shook her head and said: "You can't do it. Although you are very strong, you are not practicing martial arts. You are not my opponent yet!"

"What did you say?" Ye Linglong was angry.

But what Yun Shang said is true. She did not follow martial arts, but relied on technology to obtain pure power. In other words, all her powers were copied. In a sense, those powers were not completely Belongs to her.

Now that Yun Shang is challenging Ji Wu Feng, she will naturally not take Ye Linglong seriously.

Yun Shang left, but Ji Wufeng couldn't relax yet.

He was not worried about Yun Shang's power, but he found more and more that he had underestimated the warriors of the earth. At the same time, he was also annoyed that his cultivation was too slow to recover. If he returned to his peak, any opponent would not be a problem.

But right now, if he didn't rely on the power of chaos, he wouldn't be able to get any advantage from Yun Shang.

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