Expedition International plans to establish an executive headquarters in Huajing, which has aroused strong repercussions around the world. Harris's invitation is naturally attracting much attention. That night, the entire Huajing City was quiet. This time Harris held a cocktail party, which was clearly A strong statement.

It is said that not only all the partners of Yuanzheng International are invited, but also the top management of Tianfeng Group will be present. What kind of collision sparks will be produced by then?

As the saying goes, when you see a temple and add incense, not only the partners and opponents of Yuanzheng International, but also the dignitaries of the entire Huajing City have received invitations. It can be said that there will be an extremely grand event tonight.

However, those who knew the truth were a little uneasy on the way there. They understood that the target of Yuanzheng International was Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng would also come today, but where this bastard appeared, nothing good would happen.

Many people can't even think about it, but they don't want to miss this good show, so they can only go ahead with trepidation.

Harris's reception was held at the Yuanzheng International Hotel, a recently built hotel with a very large scale that could accommodate the guests who came today. From this, we can see the ambition of Yuanzheng International.

In the Yuanzheng International Hotel, Qianye Yu smiled lightly and said, "Will he come today?"

Gu Tianyang said directly: "There is no doubt that he will arrive today."

"It seems that you really value him." Qianye Yu said.

Gu Tianyang shook his head slightly and said, "It's not that I attach great importance to him, but that I know him very well."

He really knew Ji Wufeng too well, and this time he was clearly demonstrating to Ji Wufeng. With Ji Wufeng's temper, if he didn't come today, then he wouldn't be Ji Wufeng.

"You make me look forward to him more and more." Qianye Yu said with excitement in his expression.

"Don't worry, he won't let you down."

Gu Tianyang was smiling, with an intriguing light in his eyes.


Wu Feng and his group finally arrived. As soon as they entered the door, they saw that many people had gathered. Many of them were dignitaries in Huajing City. Others were all new faces they had never met before, and they were people of different skin colors and races. Yes, everyone's temperament is not simple, and those who can receive invitations from Harris are not simple characters.

As soon as Ji Wufeng arrived, the crowd automatically gave way to a path. Many of these people had met Ji Wufeng more than once on such occasions, and knew that as long as this guy was around, nothing good would happen.

Most of the people in this group looked at Ji Wufeng with fear, but more people were in awe. Now Ji Wufeng's reputation in Huajing has surpassed that of Gu Tianyang, and more than half of the people here are now from Ji Wufeng's lineage.

Many people came forward to say hello respectfully, and Ji Wufeng responded one by one, with a kind smile, but with a hint of power, just like a king on patrol. Some people who had not thought highly of Ji Wufeng were amazed in their hearts, this man who was once loved by everyone The despised good-for-nothing prodigal has finally become a climate!

Ji Wufeng has been in many such situations, and every time someone comes up to provoke him without opening his eyes, but not this time. There are all kinds of looks, but there is no contempt, because no one has that qualification!

Although there were many people present, and they were all big shots, there was no one who really mattered in Ji Wufeng's eyes. From this, we could see the arrogance of Yuanzheng International. These people were just invited to watch the ceremony, and the real heavyweights must be elsewhere.

Sure enough, a very handsome Western young man came over and said with a gentleman's smile: "Is this Mr. Ji Wufeng, Miss Jiang Ruoshui?"

No one knew this man, but it could be seen from his words and deeds that he looked like a noble Western aristocrat.

"it's me

them. "Ji Wufeng said calmly.

"I am Hades. My brother Harris has been waiting for me for a long time. I am here to invite you." The young man's attitude was very friendly.

"Lead the way!" Ji Wufeng said with an arrogant look.

Even though Hades acted like he was very hospitable, it was just Sima Zhao's intention. Everyone on the street knew that Ji Wufeng was too lazy to give him a good look.

Passing through the noisy hall, there is a quiet courtyard at the back. At first glance, it is clearly a Western aristocratic manor, with a very strong Western atmosphere, luxurious decoration and full of nobility.

But the more this happened, the angrier Ji Wufeng felt. Harris had made it clear that he wanted to build his own back garden in Huajing.

Are you stretching your hand too far when building a back garden on my property? The more Ji Wufeng thought about it, the angrier he became.

Walking into the garden, Ji Wufeng found several rockery pavilions, and there were four groups of people in total. He saw Gu Tianyang, followed by a large number of his followers. Harris had invited all the dignitaries of Hua Jing, and Gu Tianyang was bound to come.

Sure enough, Gu Tianyang's temperament had changed, and there was a faint hint of coercion. His cultivation had obviously reached a higher level, and he was more than a little more tyrannical than before.

There were also several young people in another pavilion, one of whom Ji Wufeng had seen, it was Yun Shang, sitting quietly alone, without saying a word, like an old monk in meditation. Ji Wufeng's arrival made her immediately cast a look at her. There is a hint of strange color.

Ji Wufeng could tell that she was excited, because she had noticed Ji Wufeng's breakthrough, and her eyes became very eager.

When several Yun family disciples saw Ji Wufeng, their expressions were obviously unkind and showed a sense of hostility. One of them was even murderous. Ji Wufeng knew him. It was Yun Fan who came to deliver some holy order during the previous battle with the six major families.

I don’t know if it was because I couldn’t see through it before, or if Yunfan made another breakthrough

, Ji Wufeng found that he was very powerful. If the two of them fought for the first time, he might not be Yunfan's opponent.

The other young people are not simple either. They exude a tyrannical power all over their bodies. They are all young and strong men, and their strength is definitely not inferior to Kong Ming and others.

Ji Wufeng sighed for a while. No wonder the Yun family could become a holy place in the martial arts world. A young master like this could be respected among his peers, but in the Tiangong Palace he could only become Yun Chang's follower.

Turning to look at the third party, a young man among them was sitting there, with Baqi Aoki standing respectfully aside. When Ji Wufeng's eyes came into contact with the young man, his eyes instantly became sharp.

He is Qianye Yu, the number one young person in Dongyang!

With sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, he was as handsome as jade. He was so handsome that even Ji Wufeng, the most handsome man in the world, felt jealous. However, what made Ji Wufeng even more angry was that this pretty boy was indeed very strong, not inferior to Yun Shang.

No matter who among the three takes that step first, it will probably be a disaster for him, but he doesn't care. The slightest difference is a thousand miles away. It is not easy to take that half step.

If you want to reach the top, you must transcend the world of mortals. Although the three of them are amazing, they are still grinding in the world of mortals. That step is still far away from them, and he has been drifting away for thousands of years.

The last group of people was headed by Harris, Aqina, Xin'an Prince Thomas, and a short guy.

The host this time is Harris. No matter what the respective positions are, the etiquette must be thorough. Harris personally came down to greet him and said with a smile: "Brother Ji, I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Ji is even more elegant than before!"

"Haha, how can Brother Harris be so prosperous?" Although Ji Wufeng wanted to slap him a few times and stomp on his face, he still responded politely. He now has A big shot with status and status must have cultivation and quality.

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