Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1586 The Sincerity of the Dark Holy See

Ma Tianlin was the first to express his stance, stood up and left, saying: "I will go back to the ancestral land of Dao Zong first. I haven't fully understood the laws of heaven, so I am a bit weak."

Daozong is definitely a powerful force, but the division of Daozong took too long, and there are signs of decline. However, with the emergence of Tiandao Order, Daozong will definitely flourish, but the time is too short.

In addition, Ma Tianlin is too young and his cultivation level is indeed insufficient. It is understandable how difficult it is to fully understand the order of heaven in a short period of time.

Kong Ming and others also stood up and said goodbye with heavy faces. The war was about to start. They all clearly realized their own shortcomings and needed to go back to their masters to retreat, listen to the teachings of their elders, comprehend the profound inheritance of their masters, and improve their own strength. .

After Kong Ming and others left, Ji Wufeng looked at Yun Shuixian and said, "Please do me a favor."

"Say it."

Now that Yun Shuixian has completely sided with Ji Wufeng, she will naturally help him with all her strength.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Liu Qingqing and Vivian and said, "I need to teach them."

The power of chaos in the two women's bodies is very powerful. If they can be used properly, they will be absolutely invincible. If they receive the martial arts inheritance from the Yun family, they will most likely become significantly stronger in a short period of time. ??

"I will try my best to help them." Yun Shuixian readily agreed.

Liu Qingqing and Vivian didn't have any objections. Although they were usually quirky, they were not unreasonable people.

Finally, Ji Wufeng looked at Jiang Ruoshui and said, "Expedition International is yours, is there any problem?"

Jiang Ruoshui smiled calmly and said, "Leave it to me, you can rest assured."

With the addition of Qianye Yu, Yuanzheng International will definitely defeat the Tianfeng Group with a crushing momentum. Ji Wufeng needs Jiang Ruoshui to stop Yuanzheng International.

He was not worried about Jiang Ruoshui's methods in the mall. The only thing that worried him was her safety.

Jiang Ruoshui returned to Yuzhou that night, and Yun Shuixian also left with Liu Qingqing and Vivian. In extraordinary times, it was not a good thing for too many people to gather together.

After arranging everything, Ji Wufeng walked into a separate room. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Catherine smiling and saying: "My noble concubine, you have been waiting for me."

"I want to be the wife, not the concubine, what should I do?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile, his two evil eyes scanning Catherine's plump and enchanting body unscrupulously.

If it were another person who was stared at by Ji Wufeng with such a lewd look, I am afraid that she would have become angry a long time ago, but Catherine straightened her chest and said with a provocative face: "As long as you prove to be stronger than them, I will do it after I go back." Divorce them."

Ji Wufeng shuddered. She was really a witch. He knew that she was not talking about being stronger than them in a fight.

Jackson was obviously unhappy that this couple was getting bored here, and said, "Okay, let's get down to business first. I'm still waiting to find my beautiful girl from China."

The playful smiles on Ji Wufeng and Catherine's faces disappeared.

"Let me see your sincerity." Ji Wufeng said.

Although the Dark Holy See came to form an alliance, Ji Wufeng couldn't really trust them before seeing their sincerity. People's hearts are so far apart that if they stabbed them in the back at a critical moment, they simply couldn't afford it. This risk was absolutely Can't take any chances.

"We have all come in person, isn't sincerity enough?" Catherine said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, if I didn't guess wrong

, I’m afraid the people from the Holy Court have already arrived, right? "

The expressions of the Jackson brothers and sisters suddenly changed slightly, and they said, "You already know this?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "The Holy Court is your biggest enemy. You allied with me just to use my power to eradicate the Holy Court. Once the Holy Court withdraws from this fight, are you just coming to join in the fun after you are full?" Is that so? I don’t think the weak friendship between us is enough to allow you to take risks to offend Sakura Temple and Tiangong.”

The words have been spoken so straightforwardly, so there is no point in hiding it anymore. Jackson said with a solemn expression: "You are right, the people from the Holy Court are already here."

"Who's coming?"

Judging from Jackson's face, the person coming to the Holy Court this time is by no means a simple character. There is still a trace of hatred in Catherine's eyes. She must have suffered a loss from that person, otherwise she would not have such a big resentment. .

And the person who can make the Jackson brothers and sisters feel defeated is definitely on the same level as Qianye Yu.

"Lucas, the most powerful person in the history of the Holy Court." Jackson said.

"How strong is that?" This is the question Ji Wufeng is most concerned about.

Catherine gritted her teeth and said, "We may not be his opponents even if we work together."

Ji Wufeng was shocked and asked, "Has he already reached that point?"

The Jackson brothers and sisters have already had their first glimpse of the Holy Realm. Together, they are no match for Lucas. Could it be that he has already entered the Holy Realm? If this was the case, then Ji Wufeng would probably make a decisive decision and run away immediately.

"That's not true. He just controls the most powerful divine weapon of the Holy Court, the Archangel Sword!"

The Archangel Sword is the most desired holy weapon of the Holy Court. It possesses the sharpest and most terrifying power of the Holy Court. Legend has it that it contains the power of God's judgment and is simply irresistible to mortals.

Even if the rumors are exaggerated, it may not necessarily be terrifying to be taken so seriously by the Holy Court.

Although he had guessed something a long time ago, when it was confirmed, Ji Wufeng still felt the pressure doubled. The most powerful young men from the three holy places had arrived, and he was surrounded by enemies. How could he turn things around?

"Then show your sincerity." Ji Wufeng said again.

The situation is very critical. Even if the Jackson brothers and sisters join together, they cannot have a big effect. What he needs is the full strength of the Dark Holy See.

This time Catherine did not smile playfully, and said seriously: "I really should show our sincerity."

They naturally also know that it is impossible to become an ally with Ji Wufeng with just a few words. They must show true sincerity, and there is still a lot of sincerity.

Ji Wufeng didn't speak, and Jackson took a deep breath and said: "The Holy Court has always been cautious in its behavior, so this time only Lucas was dispatched."

Ji Wufeng immediately raised his eyebrows. He guessed something and said, "You want to keep Lucas."

"Yes, Lucas is too arrogant. Although he is powerful, he is far less cautious than Qianye Yu." Jackson said.

"So if Jude and I are the two of you, you have a high chance of killing Lucas, right?"

Ji Wufeng took a breath of air. The Jackson brothers were really bold enough to want to kill Licas. However, this also fully showed their sincerity. Even killing the most powerful descendant of the Holy Court was not enough. ?

"Is this sincerity enough?" Catherine asked eagerly. It seemed that her determination to kill Lucas was even higher than Jackson's. Ma Tianlin was the first to express his stance, stood up and left, saying: "I will go back to the ancestral land of Dao Zong first. I haven't fully understood the laws of heaven, so I am a bit weak."

Daozong is definitely a powerful force, but the division of Daozong took too long, and there are signs of decline. However, with the emergence of Tiandao Order, Daozong will definitely flourish, but the time is too short.

In addition, Ma Tianlin is too young and his cultivation level is indeed insufficient. It is understandable how difficult it is to fully understand the order of heaven in a short period of time.

Kong Ming and others also stood up and said goodbye with heavy faces. The war was about to start. They all clearly realized their own shortcomings and needed to go back to their masters to retreat, listen to the teachings of their elders, comprehend the profound inheritance of their masters, and improve their own strength. . ??

After Kong Ming and others left, Ji Wufeng looked at Yun Shuixian and said, "Please do me a favor."

"Say it."

Now that Yun Shuixian has completely sided with Ji Wufeng, she will naturally help him with all her strength.

Ji Wufeng pointed at Liu Qingqing and Vivian and said, "I need to teach them."

The power of chaos in the two women's bodies is very powerful. If they can be used properly, they will be absolutely invincible. If they receive the martial arts inheritance from the Yun family, they will most likely become significantly stronger in a short period of time.

"I will try my best to help them." Yun Shuixian readily agreed.

Liu Qingqing and Vivian didn't have any objections. Although they were usually quirky, they were not unreasonable people.

Finally, Ji Wufeng looked at Jiang Ruoshui and said, "Expedition International is yours, is there any problem?"

Jiang Ruoshui smiled calmly and said, "Leave it to me, you can rest assured."

With the addition of Qianye Yu, Yuanzheng International will definitely defeat the Tianfeng Group with a crushing momentum. Ji Wufeng needs Jiang Ruoshui to stop Yuanzheng International.

He was not worried about Jiang Ruoshui's methods in the mall. The only thing that worried him was her safety.

Jiang Ruoshui returned to Yuzhou that night, and Yun Shuixian also left with Liu Qingqing and Vivian. In extraordinary times, it was not a good thing for too many people to gather together.

After arranging everything, Ji Wufeng walked into a separate room. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Catherine smiling and saying: "My noble concubine, you have been waiting for me."

"I want to be the wife, not the concubine, what should I do?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile, his two evil eyes scanning Catherine's plump and enchanting body unscrupulously.

If it were another person who was stared at by Ji Wufeng with such a lewd look, I am afraid that she would have become angry a long time ago, but Catherine straightened her chest and said with a provocative face: "As long as you prove to be stronger than them, I will do it after I go back." Divorce them."

Ji Wufeng shuddered. She was really a witch. He knew that she was not talking about being stronger than them in a fight.

Jackson was obviously unhappy that this couple was getting bored here, and said, "Okay, let's get down to business first. I'm still waiting to find my beautiful girl from China."

The playful smiles on Ji Wufeng and Catherine's faces disappeared.

"Let me see your sincerity." Ji Wufeng said.

Although the Dark Holy See came to form an alliance, Ji Wufeng couldn't really trust them before seeing their sincerity. People's hearts are so far apart that if they stabbed them in the back at a critical moment, they simply couldn't afford it. This risk was absolutely Can't take any chances.

"We have all come in person, isn't sincerity enough?" Catherine said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, if I didn't guess wrong

, I’m afraid the people from the Holy Court have already arrived, right? "

The expressions of the Jackson brothers and sisters suddenly changed slightly, and they said, "You already know this?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "The Holy Court is your biggest enemy. You allied with me just to use my power to eradicate the Holy Court. Once the Holy Court withdraws from this fight, are you just coming to join in the fun after you are full?" Is that so? I don’t think the weak friendship between us is enough to allow you to take risks to offend Sakura Temple and Tiangong.”

The words have been spoken so straightforwardly, so there is no point in hiding it anymore. Jackson said with a solemn expression: "You are right, the people from the Holy Court are already here."

"Who's coming?"

Judging from Jackson's face, the person coming to the Holy Court this time is by no means a simple character. There is still a trace of hatred in Catherine's eyes. She must have suffered a loss from that person, otherwise she would not have such a big resentment. .

And the person who can make the Jackson brothers and sisters feel defeated is definitely on the same level as Qianye Yu.

"Lucas, the most powerful person in the history of the Holy Court." Jackson said.

"How strong is that?" This is the question Ji Wufeng is most concerned about.

Catherine gritted her teeth and said, "We may not be his opponents even if we work together."

Ji Wufeng was shocked and asked, "Has he already reached that point?"

The Jackson brothers and sisters have already had their first glimpse of the Holy Realm. Together, they are no match for Lucas. Could it be that he has already entered the Holy Realm? If this was the case, then Ji Wufeng would probably make a decisive decision and run away immediately.

"That's not true. He just controls the most powerful divine weapon of the Holy Court, the Archangel Sword!"

The Archangel Sword is the most desired holy weapon of the Holy Court. It possesses the sharpest and most terrifying power of the Holy Court. Legend has it that it contains the power of God's judgment and is simply irresistible to mortals.

Even if the rumors are exaggerated, it may not necessarily be terrifying to be taken so seriously by the Holy Court.

Although he had guessed something a long time ago, when it was confirmed, Ji Wufeng still felt the pressure doubled. The most powerful young men from the three holy places had arrived, and he was surrounded by enemies. How could he turn things around?

"Then show your sincerity." Ji Wufeng said again.

The situation is very critical. Even if the Jackson brothers and sisters join together, they cannot have a big effect. What he needs is the full strength of the Dark Holy See.

This time Catherine did not smile playfully, and said seriously: "I really should show our sincerity."

They naturally also know that it is impossible to become an ally with Ji Wufeng with just a few words. They must show true sincerity, and there is still a lot of sincerity.

Ji Wufeng didn't speak, and Jackson took a deep breath and said: "The Holy Court has always been cautious in its behavior, so this time only Lucas was dispatched."

Ji Wufeng immediately raised his eyebrows. He guessed something and said, "You want to keep Lucas."

"Yes, Lucas is too arrogant. Although he is powerful, he is far less cautious than Qianye Yu." Jackson said.

"So if Jude and I are the two of you, you have a high chance of killing Lucas, right?"

Ji Wufeng took a breath of air. The Jackson brothers were really bold enough to want to kill Licas. However, this also fully showed their sincerity. Even killing the most powerful descendant of the Holy Court was not enough. ?

"Is this sincerity enough?" Catherine asked eagerly. It seemed that her determination to kill Lucas was even higher than Jackson's.

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