Faced with the bombardment of the two young supremes, the Jackson brothers fought hard to resist. Even though they were at a disadvantage, the brothers and sisters had the same mind and cooperated very well. They could not pose a threat to Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang, but they could not do so in a short period of time. Will be hit hard.

On the battlefield ahead, Jackson hated Ji Wufeng so much that he spared no effort when he struck. The Archangel Sword bombarded Ji Wufeng with unparalleled strength. Ji Wufeng had been seriously injured by Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang just now. He would never be able to fight again. He couldn't stop Lucas' attack.

"Despicable aliens, accept God's judgment!"

Lucas yelled, with a ferocious expression on his face. His expression made him want to chop Ji Wufeng into meat paste, wrap it into buns and eat it without getting rid of his hatred.

Ji Wufeng, who was already seriously injured and depressed, suddenly straightened up, his pale and bloodless cheeks suddenly turned rosy, and he exuded a tyrannical aura.

Doesn't this look like he was seriously injured? It was clearly as fierce as a cow.

"Golden Retriever, this is your burial place today!"

Ji Wufeng sneered, swung the Guiwei in his hand upwards, and an extremely sharp sword shot up, slashing out with endless fighting intent.


The sword light that filled the sky was directly split by Ji Wufeng's sword, and the boundless energy hit the sky and then dissipated.

Lucas' eyelids twitched and he said in disbelief: "You're not hurt?"

If he can't see it now, then he is not the strongest descendant of the Holy Court, but the most brainless idiot of the Holy Court.

"I was indeed injured, but I healed faster. Don't you know I'm talented?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"This is impossible. No matter how strong your physique is, it is impossible for you to recover so quickly." Lucas naturally knew that Ji Wufeng's talent was amazing, but no talent could make him recover from his injuries so quickly.

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "It seems that you are indeed a big fool. You were beaten by Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang.

I didn’t even know it was sold, but I was here stupidly helping them count the money. "

"Are you colluding?"

Lucas' expression changed. Ji Wufeng had clearly withstood the attack from Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang. Even a tough man would have been deformed, but Ji Wufeng was intact. Could it be that they had colluded with each other a long time ago? Together, waiting to trick yourself?

But Lucas quickly sneered: "Do you think this low-level sowing discord will be useful to me?"

Shengting just wanted to come here to get a piece of the pie, but both Gu Tianyang and Qianye Yu had an insoluble grudge against Ji Wufeng, and there was no way they could cooperate!

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said with sympathy: "You are overthinking. You will definitely die today. Am I still trying to sow discord? I just want you to be a fool. But you are really stupid. I said it so clearly, but you still don’t believe it. Since you deliberately want to be a fool, I have no choice but to help you!"

"Hmph, do you think you can really kill me?" Jackson said with a grim look on his face.

"You're on the verge of death, and you're still talking arrogantly. Who will die sooner if you don't?"

Before he finished speaking, the Guiwei in his hand had already been slashed out. Lucas was fearless, the Archangel Sword was shining brightly, and he came to kill him!

"Suffer death!"

"Sending you on your way!"

The two of them roared at the same time, and the battle resumed. The sword light and blades shot up into the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be split open. The sky was darkened and the ground was darkened, with sand and rocks flying!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of fierce collisions and violent explosions raged crazily. All the vegetation and stones in sight were smashed into powder, and the entire area within a thousand meters became a desert!


Cass no longer held back, and his skills were raised to the extreme. The two were in a stalemate for a while, and Ji Wufeng was secretly frightened. The strongest descendant of the Holy Court was indeed not simple. If it weren't for his special physique, he might not be able to stop him. .

There is never a shortage of geniuses, but many of them are not discovered and are just buried. Even though Ji Wufeng is very strong and has been in the world of cultivation for thousands of years, he dare not say that he can defeat the invincible opponent in the world.


Ghost Cry collided with the Archangel Sword, and the huge backlash caused the swords to escape from the control of the two men and fly away. The Archangel Sword was too sharp. As long as it was still in Lucas's hand, Ji Wufeng would It's hard to kill him.

After losing the Archangel Sword, Lucas did not panic, but his fighting spirit became stronger. His long blond hair stood on end, his eyes were like daggers, he looked up to the sky and roared, he rushed towards Ji Wufeng and shouted sternly: "Guardian of the Archangel!"

Ji Wufeng once suffered a loss under the guardianship of angels, and it is undoubtedly Lucas's trump card to kill his opponents!

Ji Wufeng's face changed slightly, and he felt a terrifying force surrounding him. Once he was surrounded, the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Despicable alien, go to hell!" Lucas said ruthlessly, and he punched Ji Wufeng to death.

"I despise you, uncle!"

Ji Wufeng struggled for a while, roared loudly, raised his fist and hit Lucas in the face, causing blood to spurt out of his mouth.

"You..." Lucas was shocked. He never expected that Ji Wufeng would not be restrained by him and immediately retreated decisively.

But how could Ji Wufeng let him go so easily? His body turned into a stream of light and he chased after him. His fist smashed into the air and hit Lucas on the head.


This was a very violent punch. Lucas's body was shaken violently, and his eyes were filled with stars. Fortunately, he was very skilled. If it had been anyone else, he would have been smashed into a pulp.

His long golden hair fell down, his body shook, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

"You deserve to die, you forced me to do so, the power of divine punishment!"

Lucas suddenly let out a long roar, and his long golden hair flew away again, and his strong body sent out terrifying waves like an ocean.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. He actually felt a terrifying force surging out of Lucas. He was familiar with this force. It came from the Angel Star.

The Angel Star is the most precious treasure of the Holy Court. In the hands of the people of the Holy Court, it can greatly enhance their strength and improve their cultivation.

Did Lucas make a breakthrough? That's absolutely impossible. It's too difficult to completely enter the holy realm. It's not that Lucas's talent is not enough, but his young mind is far from being tempered to that realm.

The power of the angel star has been sealed in Lucas' body, ready to deal with a breakthrough at any time, but he didn't expect that it would be used to save his life today.


The golden light on Lucas' body was even more dazzling, and two more wings grew out of his back, and the four wings turned into six wings. He was really as divine as an angel descending from the mortal world.

With the six wings waving, Lucas did not turn around, but swept behind him. His arms sank like mountains, as if the entire space was about to collapse. It was hard to imagine how powerful this force was.

Ji Wufeng's eyebrows were racing. This stupid golden retriever actually had a trump card. It was not easy to deal with. But fortunately, he came prepared. Otherwise, Qianye Yu and Gu Tianyang would really kill him. If it's blocked, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape by then.

"Despicable alien, accept the punishment of blasphemy!" Lucas shouted, the six wings flapped, and the entire space instantly blew a sharp wind, which was sharper than a real knife.

"You're about to die, and you're still here bragging to me?"

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