Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1612 I want to acquire Yuanzheng International

Seeing that Qianye Yu didn't speak, Jiang Ruoshui sneered: "You can't even come up with a small amount of five trillion, and you still talk about acquiring Tianfeng Group. Aren't you afraid that someone will laugh out loud, Master Qianye?"

Qianye Yu knew that Jiang Ruoshui was simply playing tricks on him by offering such a price, and said with an ugly face: "Does Miss Ruoshui think that if she resists to the end like this, she will definitely be able to keep the Tianfeng Group?"

"As long as I go all out, the result is not important to me." Jiang Ruoshui said firmly.

Qianye Yu smiled and said: "Isn't Miss Ruoshui afraid that Yuanzheng International will go all out to attack Tianfeng Group next?"

Since it cannot be solved peacefully, it can only resort to violent means. With several super consortiums joining forces to attack with all their strength, can Tianfeng Group really be able to withstand it?

"Then let's wait and see!" Jiang Ruoshui sneered.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and then someone walked in directly. It was an equally beautiful woman. Qianye Yu's eyes suddenly focused because he recognized this woman.

An adopted daughter of the Qianye family, Qianye Qingzi, now named Ji Qingzi, is also Ji Wufeng's.

It was very impolite to come in without Jiang Ruoshui's permission, but Jiang Ruoshui didn't seem to care at all, but smiled and said, "Qingzi, are you okay?" ??

Ji Qingzi naturally saw Qianye Yu, smiled slightly at Jiang Ruoshui and said: "I am here to report to you that the Miteng family has withdrawn its capital from Expedition International and is going all out to support Tianfeng Group."

When Jiang Ruoshui heard this, his eyes suddenly shone with brilliance.

Chiba Yu's expression suddenly changed, because the Mitō family is an important part of the Chiba Consortium. Once they withdraw, it will directly affect the financial operations of the Chiba Consortium.

"Whether the Mitō family withdraws its capital or not, and who to support or not, it doesn't seem like you have the final say, right?"

"What I said before may not count, but now it does." Ji Qingzi said with confidence.

Chibaha's phone rang, and after he got through it, he received a message, a message that made him almost jump out of his chair and curse. The head of the Mitō family, Mitō Sho, had actually made all his assets into Kiharuko's. In other words, Ji Qingzi is indeed qualified to say such things now.

It was Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng actually ran to Dongyang under such circumstances and easily took over the Miteng family. Now the Miteng family is in the hands of Ki Haruko. She has defected to Ji Wufeng's side, which means that the Qianye Consortium will appear. In turmoil, the situation of the six-party expeditionary international alliance will no longer be stable.

"Master Qianye, I want to negotiate a deal with you now." Jiang Ruoshui said with a smile.

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to acquire Yuanzheng International, please set a price."

Qianye Yu came here today for two purposes. The first was that he admired Jiang Ruoshui and wanted to kiss Fangze. However, it was obvious that the first purpose was not achieved, and he was not looked down upon at all.

The second is to put pressure on Jiang Ruoshui, but unfortunately, his goal has not been achieved. He just announced that he would acquire Tianfeng Group, and his own backyard is on fire, and they in turn want to acquire him.

In terms of financial resources alone, the loss of one Mitou family will not have a big impact on the Chiba Consortium, but it will inevitably lead to a short-term rupture in the funds of the Chiba Consortium.

Expedition International has always been extremely high-profile. Suddenly there is a problem on one side, which will cause very serious consequences. If

Giving everyone a phenomenon of internal instability will directly affect the cohesion of peripheral groups.

In terms of armed strength, the Mitō family is insignificant, but in terms of financial resources, the Mitō family is the right-hand man of the Chiba Consortium, but now Chiba Yu's arm has been chopped off.

The Midō family is a dog of the Sakura Shrine and the Chiba family, and it is also an extremely loyal dog. Now this loyal dog has turned around and bit its owner. This is a naked slap in the face of the Chiba family.

This has also seriously affected the prestige of the Chiba family and the Sakura Temple, as well as their influence among the people.

Qianye Yu wanted to go crazy, even kill someone, but at this time he could only suppress the overwhelming anger in his heart and squeeze out a smile. He must be graceful in front of beautiful women. I am the eldest son of the Qianye family, not a random person. The angry, angry little loser.

"It's not impossible for Miss Ruoshui to go on an international expedition." Qianye Yu said with a smile.

Jiang Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, wasn't it impossible? Is Qianye Yu's brain covered in pig manure?

"That's great, please ask Master Qianye to propose a price." Jiang Ruoshui naturally would not believe that Qianye Yu would really betray Yuanzheng International, even if he had the power.

"To me, money is just a flurry of numbers and has no meaning." Qianye Yu said.

"Then what does Master Qianye want?"

"I want you, Miss Weak Shui!"

Qianye Yu looked directly at Jiang Ruoshui, and said with gleaming eyes: "Only a peerless beauty with both beauty and wisdom like Miss Ruoshui is truly priceless to me."

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and said: "Ruoshui never thought that he could be worth so much money, that even Yuanzheng International could buy it."

Qianye Yu shook his head and said: "Your value is more than just an expeditionary international? As long as you want, you can even own the Qianye family that is envied by the world, and have more power than one person in Dongyang than ten thousand people."

Jiang Ruoshui was really stunned now. She understood the meaning of Qianye Yu's words. He actually intended to make her the mistress of the Qianye family.

Although it was his first time to come into contact with Qianye Yu, Qianye Yu's name was well known. An extremely wealthy and most charming man in the world would actually pursue him.

If it were another woman, she would definitely go crazy in an instant. With the most charming husband in the world, wealth that rivals the entire country, and the power of one person over ten thousand people, what else is there worth pursuing in this life?

Jiang Ruoshui looked at Qianye Yu and saw sincerity and passion in his eyes. She didn't know whether Qianye Yu was sincere or fake, but at least it seemed true for now. This man was indeed the most attractive in the world. One of the men.

Even if he doesn't have any wealth or power, this charming look is enough to drive women crazy.

Jiang Ruoshui let out a long breath, shook his head and said, "Thank you very much, Master Qianye, for your kindness, but Ruoshui cannot agree."

Qianye Yu seemed to have guessed Jiang Ruoshui's decision a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Miss Ruoshui, there is no need to make a decision in a hurry. You can think about it slowly and carefully. I will wait for you."

"I will consider it seriously and carefully." Jiang Ruoshui said calmly.

After Qianye Yu left, Ji Qingzi asked, "Why don't you reject him directly?"

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and said: "Qingzi, if it were you, would you seriously consider it?" Seeing Qianye Yu's silence, Jiang Ruoshui sneered: "I can't even afford five trillion yuan. , and also said that he wanted to acquire Tianfeng Group, isn’t Master Qianye afraid that someone will laugh out loud?”

Qianye Yu knew that Jiang Ruoshui was simply playing tricks on him by offering such a price, and said with an ugly face: "Does Miss Ruoshui think that if she resists to the end like this, she will definitely be able to keep the Tianfeng Group?"

"As long as I go all out, the result is not important to me." Jiang Ruoshui said firmly.

Qianye Yu smiled and said: "Isn't Miss Ruoshui afraid that Yuanzheng International will go all out to attack Tianfeng Group next?"

Since it cannot be solved peacefully, it can only resort to violent means. With several super consortiums joining forces to attack with all their strength, can Tianfeng Group really be able to withstand it?

"Then let's wait and see!" Jiang Ruoshui sneered.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and then someone walked in directly. It was an equally beautiful woman. Qianye Yu's eyes suddenly focused because he recognized this woman.

An adopted daughter of the Qianye family, Qianye Qingzi, now named Ji Qingzi, is also Ji Wufeng's.

It was very impolite to come in without Jiang Ruoshui's permission, but Jiang Ruoshui didn't seem to care at all, but smiled and said: "Qingzi, are you okay?"

Ji Qingzi naturally saw Qianye Yu, smiled slightly at Jiang Ruoshui and said: "I am here to report to you that the Miteng family has withdrawn its capital from Expedition International and is going all out to support Tianfeng Group."

When Jiang Ruoshui heard this, his eyes suddenly shone with brilliance.

Chiba Yu's expression suddenly changed, because the Mitō family is an important part of the Chiba Consortium. Once they withdraw, it will directly affect the financial operations of the Chiba Consortium.

"Whether the Mitō family withdraws its capital or not, and who to support or not, it doesn't seem like you have the final say, right?"

"What I said before may not count, but now it does." Ji Qingzi said with confidence.

Chibaha's phone rang, and after he got through it, he received a message, a message that made him almost jump out of his chair and curse. The head of the Mitō family, Mitō Sho, had actually made all his assets into Kiharuko's. In other words, Ji Qingzi is indeed qualified to say such things now.

It was Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng actually ran to Dongyang under such circumstances and easily took over the Miteng family. Now the Miteng family is in the hands of Ki Haruko. She has defected to Ji Wufeng's side, which means that the Qianye Consortium will appear. In turmoil, the situation of the six-party expeditionary international alliance will no longer be stable.

"Master Qianye, I want to negotiate a deal with you now." Jiang Ruoshui said with a smile.

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to acquire Yuanzheng International, please set a price."

Qianye Yu came here today for two purposes. The first was that he admired Jiang Ruoshui and wanted to kiss Fangze. However, it was obvious that the first purpose was not achieved, and he was not looked down upon at all.

The second is to put pressure on Jiang Ruoshui, but unfortunately, his goal has not been achieved. He just announced that he would acquire Tianfeng Group, and his own backyard is on fire, and they in turn want to acquire him.

In terms of financial resources alone, the loss of one Mitou family will not have a big impact on the Chiba Consortium, but it will inevitably lead to a short-term rupture in the funds of the Chiba Consortium.

Expedition International has always been extremely high-profile. Suddenly there is a problem on one side, which will cause very serious consequences. If

Giving everyone a phenomenon of internal instability will directly affect the cohesion of peripheral groups.

In terms of armed strength, the Mitō family is insignificant, but in terms of financial resources, the Mitō family is the right-hand man of the Chiba Consortium, but now Chiba Yu's arm has been chopped off.

The Midō family is a dog of the Sakura Shrine and the Chiba family, and it is also an extremely loyal dog. Now this loyal dog has turned around and bit its owner. This is a naked slap in the face of the Chiba family.

This has also seriously affected the prestige of the Chiba family and the Sakura Temple, as well as their influence among the people.

Qianye Yu wanted to go crazy, even kill someone, but at this time he could only suppress the overwhelming anger in his heart and squeeze out a smile. He must be graceful in front of beautiful women. I am the eldest son of the Qianye family, not a random person. The angry, angry little loser.

"It's not impossible for Miss Ruoshui to go on an international expedition." Qianye Yu said with a smile.

Jiang Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, wasn't it impossible? Is Qianye Yu's brain covered in pig manure?

"That's great, please ask Master Qianye to propose a price." Jiang Ruoshui naturally would not believe that Qianye Yu would really betray Yuanzheng International, even if he had the power.

"To me, money is just a flurry of numbers and has no meaning." Qianye Yu said.

"Then what does Master Qianye want?"

"I want you, Miss Weak Shui!"

Qianye Yu looked directly at Jiang Ruoshui, and said with gleaming eyes: "Only a peerless beauty with both beauty and wisdom like Miss Ruoshui is truly priceless to me."

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and said: "Ruoshui never thought that he could be worth so much money, that even Yuanzheng International could buy it."

Qianye Yu shook his head and said: "Your value is more than just an expeditionary international? As long as you want, you can even own the Qianye family that is envied by the world, and have more power than one person in Dongyang than ten thousand people."

Jiang Ruoshui was really stunned now. She understood the meaning of Qianye Yu's words. He actually intended to make her the mistress of the Qianye family.

Although it was his first time to come into contact with Qianye Yu, Qianye Yu's name was well known. An extremely wealthy and most charming man in the world would actually pursue him.

If it were another woman, she would definitely go crazy in an instant. With the most charming husband in the world, wealth that rivals the entire country, and the power of one person over ten thousand people, what else is there worth pursuing in this life?

Jiang Ruoshui looked at Qianye Yu and saw sincerity and passion in his eyes. She didn't know whether Qianye Yu was sincere or fake, but at least it seemed true for now. This man was indeed the most attractive in the world. One of the men.

Even if he doesn't have any wealth or power, this charming look is enough to drive women crazy.

Jiang Ruoshui let out a long breath, shook his head and said, "Thank you very much, Master Qianye, for your kindness, but Ruoshui cannot agree."

Qianye Yu seemed to have guessed Jiang Ruoshui's decision a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Miss Ruoshui, there is no need to make a decision in a hurry. You can think about it slowly and carefully. I will wait for you."

"I will consider it seriously and carefully." Jiang Ruoshui said calmly.

After Qianye Yu left, Ji Qingzi asked, "Why don't you reject him directly?"

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and said, "Qingzi, if it were you, would you seriously consider it?"

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