Use Ji Wufeng as a threat to negotiate a deal with her that he was unwilling to do before.

"I'm a very strong person."

Qianye Yu stood up, walked to Jiang Shoushui, and lifted Jiang Shoushui's chin with his fingers. Jiang Shoushui wanted to dodge, but she didn't.

"And usually if a strong man wants something, he will get it at all costs."

Qianye Yu smiled and said: "But Miss Ruoshui can rest assured that although I am a strong person, I am not overbearing. No matter what I want, I will only do it voluntarily and will not force anyone. "

After speaking, Qianye Yu turned around and left. He paused at the door and said, "If Miss Ruoshui wants to have dinner with me at any time, you can come to me at any time. If I am free, I may keep the appointment. "

That's right, Qianye Yu wouldn't force Jiang Ruoshui to leave gracefully, that's because he was very sure that Jiang Ruoshui would take the initiative to find him without him forcing him.

The door was closed. Jiang Ruoshui seemed to have lost all his support and collapsed on the ground. His face was pale and he was at a loss. She didn't believe that Ji Wufeng was caught, but she knew that Qianye Yu would not deceive her about such a thing. , because that doesn't make sense.

In Dongyang Kyoto, looking at the large group of black heads, Zhao Jiaolong roared and said: "What the hell, there are so many people, I just haven't had enough of killing them!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Dongdong had already moved. He was not the strongest among them, but he was definitely the fastest. He knew that these two old men were very strong. As the saying goes, "Capture the thief first, capture the king first." Get rid of these two old men and the problem will be solved.

Yuan Dongdong was like a ghost, appearing strangely in front of the divine slave. The dagger in his hand shone with a cold edge. He was just a hair away, less than tenth of a millimeter, and could chop off an old man's head. .

But just as he had succeeded, Yuan Dongdong saw the ugly god slave grinning at him, his face

His expression was full of disdain and contempt. Yuan Dongdong was wondering, Damn, I'm so fast, how come this ugly old ghost still has time to laugh with me? And he was smiling so obscenely.

When Yuan Dongdong felt that his dagger had penetrated his flesh, he saw that the war slave finally moved, and he just raised his palm lightly, and something strange happened.

Yuan Dongdong's body appeared, hovering mid-air above Zhan Slave, but like a still photo, it was fixed there and could not move at all!

Yuan Dongdong's heart suddenly hit rock bottom, because he had found that he could not move, and the power in his body seemed to have frozen instantly, unable to mobilize at all!

He immediately understood that this was the royal space. He was pulled into the royal space by the battle slave in front of him. In the royal space, he was just an ant. He could do nothing but let it be his prey.

Although the time was not very long, Yuan Dongdong, Zhao Jiaolong and others grew up too fast, and it was inevitable that they would become proud and a little arrogant. At this time, he finally understood that the gap in martial arts was impossible to bridge.

"Hmph, you're just a little ant, but you dare to be so arrogant. Killing you feels like a waste of energy to me!" Zhan Nu sneered.

In the realm of martial arts, there is an insurmountable gap at every step. In front of a true kingly warrior, Yuan Dongdong is really weak and there is no big difference between him and an ant.

Before he finished speaking, Zhan Nu waved his hand, and Yuan Dongdong was able to move again. His body flew straight away, making bursts of snapping sounds. Zhan Nu's disease did not kill him, but it shattered more than 50% of the bones in his body.


Yuan Dongdong let out a tragic howl, and Zhao Jiaolong became angry, roared loudly, and waved his violent fist.

The head exploded.

The war slave snorted coldly, opened his palm, and smacked it across the air.


Zhao Jiaolong's body that had just jumped up seemed to have been slapped down by an invisible big hand, and his body hit the ground hard, creating a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

Zhao Jiaolong was seriously injured, but his body was much stronger than Yuan Dongdong's, and his injuries were not that severe. .??.

The war slave looked at the two of them in surprise, nodded and said: "Not bad, one has almost extreme speed, and the other has a body as strong as steel. If you take it back, you should be able to refine two top-quality war slaves!"

Hearing the word "war slaves", the expressions of those who knew that dark history suddenly changed. Back then, there was a notorious god-making corps in Dongyang. They launched inhumane biochemical experiments and developed biochemical warriors. Ordinary people may not have heard of it, but like dragons People like Wei know that the purpose of creating the God Legion was to cultivate fearless killing weapons called war slaves.

Now that I hear the word "war slave" from the people of Sakura Temple again, it proves one thing. The inhumane evil deeds of Dongyang Army back then were most likely controlled by Sakura Temple.

Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong were injured, and Nie Hu and others were furious. They were about to take action, but were stopped by Ji Wufeng. Since the Sakura Temple dispatched masters at the level of divine slaves, it was clear that they did not want them to leave alive.

Once the move was made, no one except Ji Wufeng and Long Wei could catch the divine slave's move.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's calmness, the Divine Slave smiled and said: "You are indeed a talent. I can't bear to turn you into a war slave. This is great. As long as you surrender now and come back with me, I can promise to Ying Ying God intercedes to keep you sane and prevent you from becoming a mindless walking zombie."

Although the situation in front of him was very unfavorable, Ji Wufeng had no habit of bowing his head and said with a smile: "You want to turn me into the Sakura God?"

The palace's lackey? "

"What's wrong with being a lackey? It's your lifelong honor to be Lord Sakuragami's dog." Shennu said with pride.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said, "I'm not in the habit of being a dog, and I'm still a bastard's lackey!"

The divine slave's face turned cold, and he said with a sinister murderous intent: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, but once I take you back, I'm afraid you will feel that death is a kind of mercy."

Ji Wufeng has great value, and Sakura Temple is reluctant to kill him.

"I'm not afraid of death anymore, what else is there to be afraid of?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"The Longwei family is indeed very strong. I originally had a love for talents, but you don't know how to praise me, so I don't have any psychological burden." Shennu nodded.

"Longwei family? What Longwei family?" Ji Wufeng asked in confusion.


The divine slave sneered: "As a member of the Longwei family, I don't know my identity. It seems that after Nie Changkong died, the Nie family really declined. Ji Hongtu came out, but he took a foreign surname and didn't even fulfill the family's mission." How dare you tell your son, it seems that God is going to destroy your Longwei family!"

"I don't know whether the Longwei family will be destroyed by the gods, but if you want to kill me today, you'd better stop daydreaming."

Ji Wufeng didn't know anything about the Longwei family, but it was not easy for the Divine Slave to keep him today.

"I appreciate you more and more, but Master Ying Shen has your destiny. I dare not disobey you. Come back with me!" The God slave sneered, opened his big hand, and swatted from the air!

Ji Wufeng greeted him with a fist without hesitation.


There was a violent collision, and the body of the Divine Slave shook. Ji Wufeng's feet sank into the ground and slid backwards for more than ten meters. His chest was trembling, and bloodshot eyes spilled from the corners of his mouth.

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