
Ji Wufeng flew out, but the Divine Slave didn't feel well either. He took several steps back before regaining his balance.

Although Ji Wufeng was not injured, he was shocked in his heart. This divine slave was indeed not simple. Even if he tried his best to attack, he could only barely resist.

"Dear me, are you serious about coming with me? Didn't you just say a few words about this old woman? Why are you working so hard? Are you and that old woman having an affair? But I don't think that old woman has a good taste. You guys are so ugly, but I can even look at you!"

Ji Wufeng was angry, standing there with his hands on his hips and yelling curses.

"You go to hell!"

The divine slaves were completely furious. This time, two divine slaves joined forces to attack. There was no room for action. Zhao Jiaolong and others felt that the entire space was about to be crushed. Oh my god, these two old ugly ghosts are too fierce. ? .??.

Ji Wufeng felt the most uncomfortable being targeted. He felt like he was locked by the energy of the two divine slaves. He could barely block them alone, but with two of them together, he might not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

"I said brother, please help me quickly, otherwise I will really be killed by them. If a young hero like me is buried in a foreign land like this, it will be a huge loss to our country and people. Can you really bear it? "Ji Wufeng became anxious and howled at the top of his lungs.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was about to be hit, the man in white suddenly waved his hand, and the whole sky seemed to move with it, crushing downwards. The offensive of the two divine slaves seemed to be boundless, but now But it was as if it were made of paper, and was instantly disintegrated and dissipated invisible!

boom! boom!

The two divine slaves were thrown away, and the man in white snorted coldly: "My nephew, Yun Feiyang, do you two slaves have the right to touch him?"

The whole place suddenly fell silent. Everyone in the Sakura Temple was filled with shock. Ji Wufeng and others were also dumbfounded. Is he Yun Feiyang?

Anyone who is in the martial arts world has heard too many legends about Yun Feiyang. He was once a peerless strongman among the young generation, invincible in the world, and unrivaled. He was simply an undefeated myth, and suffered a whole generation. of worship.

At that time, apart from Xiao Pojun, who had always been low-key, there were four people who stood out the most. These four people were Ji Hongtu, Yun Feiyang, Gu Yunfei, and Chu Tianshu.

The first three are all amazingly talented and unrivaled in strength. Although Chu Tianshu has never shown any force, he is famous all over the world for his unpredictable wisdom. He is as famous as the first four, but no one dares to do so. Thinking that he is just a weak scholar with no strength.

These five people were respected as the strongest of the young generation, and they dominated the entire era, and no one dared to compete!

Especially the battle in which five people went to snipe the Sakura Temple, it was even more intimidating to the world. The Nine-Headed Insect did not dare to show its face for decades, and the Sakura Temple did not dare to step into China for decades.

Unfortunately, heroes also come to an end. In that earth-shattering battle, Gu Yunfei died in battle, Xiao Pojun was secretly executed, Yun Feiyang was seriously injured and became a disabled person, Chu Tianshu lost his mind and his whereabouts were uncertain, Ji Hongtu lost his memory and wandered around. End of the world.

Ji Wufeng looked at Yun Feiyang, his eyes flickering, but he didn't expect that he was the unscrupulous Yun Feiyang back then!

However, hadn't Ji Wufeng heard that Yun Feiyang was seriously injured that year and was like a cripple? Why are you still so violent?

"That big brother, I..." Ji Wufeng wanted to say hello.

Unexpectedly, Yun Feiyang glared, stretched out his hand and hit him on the head with a bang. He glared and cursed: "Brother, it's your head, I'm your uncle!"

Ji Wufeng was hit with stars in his eyes and wanted to fight back, but what he said seemed to be right. In terms of seniority, he was indeed his uncle. Back then, the five of them were sworn brothers, and Yun Feiyang was the eldest.

Also, if he wants to fight back, he has to beat them.

Old man, just wait for me. When I recover 10% of my skill, I have to settle today's accounts clearly.

Ji Wufeng was filled with hatred, but Yun Feiyang sighed and said, "I didn't expect that so many years have passed in such a blink of an eye, and you have grown up."

How high-spirited were the five brothers who dominated the world back then? However, things have changed now.

As he spoke, Yun Feiyang pointed to the two divine slaves and said, "But now that you have grown up, you should be an upright hero. Go and kill these two ugly monsters!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately, his eyes widened and he said, "What did you say? You want me to fuck them both by myself?"

"Of course, as my nephew Yun Feiyang, if you can't even handle two dog slaves who can't get married, what will happen in the future? If word gets out, won't it bring shame to me?" Yun Feiyang said righteously The words spoke loudly.

Ji Wufeng almost vomited blood and died. Damn it, who wants to be your nephew? If anyone becomes your nephew, he will definitely be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Although these two old guys are a bit uglier, their strength is not sloppy. They are both peerless masters who have stepped into the holy realm with one foot. One of them is enough for Ji Wufeng to drink a pot, and now he has to fight against two. , didn’t you intend to have him beheaded?

Uncle, although it was my nephew's fault that I called you big brother twice before, but you are playing like this, you are trying to kill your elder nephew!

Before he could shout out, Yun Feiyang had already turned his head and said coldly to the two divine slaves: "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance to fight with my eldest nephew, you two together, but no one else can interfere!"

I originally thought Yun Feiyang was joking, but after he said these words, he was serious. What did he want to do? Do you really want to kill your eldest nephew?

Everyone else felt that Yun Feiyang wanted Ji Wufeng to die, but the two divine slaves had angry faces. They concluded that Ji Wufeng was not their opponent, but Yun Feiyang was standing nearby. If he really made a move, Ji Wufeng would be killed. If it was done, might he stand idly by?

This is like playing a game in the ring. The referee is the opponent, so how can there be a chance of winning?

The Divine Slave wanted to refuse, but Yun Feiyang snorted coldly and said: "I said, this is your chance, you have the right to refuse, but I can guarantee that of all the people present at the Sakura Temple today, no one can leave alive. !”

This is simply an honest threat. If the God Slave does not agree, Yun Feiyang will kill everyone present in the Sakura Temple.

Sakuragi and others all stomped their feet angrily. Although they all knew that Yun Feiyang was very powerful, they had never seen it with their own eyes. In their hearts, the supreme Sakura God was the most invincible person in the world. Although Lord Shennu was not as good as Sakura God Powerful, but after all, he was also someone who could compete with the Sakura God. This Yun Feiyang was too arrogant. Kill him. boom!

Ji Wufeng flew out, but the Divine Slave didn't feel well either. He took several steps back before regaining his balance.

Although Ji Wufeng was not injured, he was shocked in his heart. This divine slave was indeed not simple. Even if he tried his best to attack, he could only barely resist.

"Dear me, are you serious about coming with me? Didn't you just say a few words about this old woman? Why are you working so hard? Are you and that old woman having an affair? But I don't think that old woman has a good taste. You guys are so ugly, but I can even look at you!"

Ji Wufeng was angry, standing there with his hands on his hips and yelling curses. .??.

"You go to hell!"

The divine slaves were completely furious. This time, two divine slaves joined forces to attack. There was no room for action. Zhao Jiaolong and others felt that the entire space was about to be crushed. Oh my god, these two old ugly ghosts are too fierce. ?

Ji Wufeng felt the most uncomfortable being targeted. He felt like he was locked by the energy of the two divine slaves. He could barely block them alone, but with two of them together, he might not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

"I said brother, please help me quickly, otherwise I will really be killed by them. If a young hero like me is buried in a foreign land like this, it will be a huge loss to our country and people. Can you really bear it? "Ji Wufeng became anxious and howled at the top of his lungs.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was about to be hit, the man in white suddenly waved his hand, and the whole sky seemed to move with it, crushing downwards. The offensive of the two divine slaves seemed to be boundless, but now But it was as if it were made of paper, and was instantly disintegrated and dissipated invisible!

boom! boom!

The two divine slaves were thrown away, and the man in white snorted coldly: "My nephew, Yun Feiyang, do you two slaves have the right to touch him?"

The whole place suddenly fell silent. Everyone in the Sakura Temple was filled with shock. Ji Wufeng and others were also dumbfounded. Is he Yun Feiyang?

Anyone who is in the martial arts world has heard too many legends about Yun Feiyang. He was once a peerless strongman among the young generation, invincible in the world, and unrivaled. He was simply an undefeated myth, and suffered a whole generation. of worship.

At that time, apart from Xiao Pojun, who had always been low-key, there were four people who stood out the most. These four people were Ji Hongtu, Yun Feiyang, Gu Yunfei, and Chu Tianshu.

The first three are all amazingly talented and unrivaled in strength. Although Chu Tianshu has never shown any force, he is famous all over the world for his unpredictable wisdom. He is as famous as the first four, but no one dares to do so. Thinking that he is just a weak scholar with no strength.

These five people were respected as the strongest of the young generation, and they dominated the entire era, and no one dared to compete!

Especially the battle in which five people went to snipe the Sakura Temple, it was even more intimidating to the world. The Nine-Headed Insect did not dare to show its face for decades, and the Sakura Temple did not dare to step into China for decades.

Unfortunately, heroes also come to an end. In that earth-shattering battle, Gu Yunfei died in battle, Xiao Pojun was secretly executed, Yun Feiyang was seriously injured and became a disabled person, Chu Tianshu lost his mind and his whereabouts were uncertain, Ji Hongtu lost his memory and wandered around. End of the world.

Ji Wufeng looked at Yun Feiyang, his eyes flickering, but he didn't expect that he was the unscrupulous Yun Feiyang back then!

However, hadn't Ji Wufeng heard that Yun Feiyang was seriously injured that year and was like a cripple? Why are you still so violent?

"That big brother, I..." Ji Wufeng wanted to say hello.

Unexpectedly, Yun Feiyang glared, stretched out his hand and hit him on the head with a bang. He glared and cursed: "Brother, it's your head, I'm your uncle!"

Ji Wufeng was hit with stars in his eyes and wanted to fight back, but what he said seemed to be right. In terms of seniority, he was indeed his uncle. Back then, the five of them were sworn brothers, and Yun Feiyang was the eldest.

Also, if he wants to fight back, he has to beat them.

Old man, just wait for me. When I recover 10% of my skill, I have to settle today's accounts clearly.

Ji Wufeng was filled with hatred, but Yun Feiyang sighed and said, "I didn't expect that so many years have passed in such a blink of an eye, and you have grown up."

How high-spirited were the five brothers who dominated the world back then? However, things have changed now.

As he spoke, Yun Feiyang pointed to the two divine slaves and said, "But now that you have grown up, you should be an upright hero. Go and kill these two ugly monsters!"

Ji Wufeng was stunned immediately, his eyes widened and he said, "What did you say? You want me to fuck them both by myself?"

"Of course, as my nephew Yun Feiyang, if you can't even handle two dog slaves who can't get married, what will happen in the future? If word gets out, won't it bring shame to me?" Yun Feiyang said righteously The words spoke loudly.

Ji Wufeng almost vomited blood and died. Damn it, who wants to be your nephew? If anyone becomes your nephew, he will definitely be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Although these two old guys are a bit uglier, their strength is not sloppy. They are both peerless masters who have stepped into the holy realm with one foot. One of them is enough for Ji Wufeng to drink a pot, and now he has to fight against two. , didn’t you intend to have him beheaded?

Uncle, although it was my nephew's fault that I called you big brother twice before, but you are playing like this, you are trying to kill your elder nephew!

Before he could shout out, Yun Feiyang had already turned his head and said coldly to the two divine slaves: "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance to fight with my eldest nephew, you two together, but no one else can interfere!"

I originally thought Yun Feiyang was joking, but after he said these words, he was serious. What did he want to do? Do you really want to kill your eldest nephew?

Everyone else felt that Yun Feiyang wanted Ji Wufeng to die, but the two divine slaves had angry faces. They concluded that Ji Wufeng was not their opponent, but Yun Feiyang was standing nearby. If he really made a move, Ji Wufeng would be killed. If it was done, might he stand idly by?

This is like playing a game in the ring. The referee is the opponent, so how can there be a chance of winning?

The Divine Slave wanted to refuse, but Yun Feiyang snorted coldly and said: "I said, this is your chance, you have the right to refuse, but I can guarantee that of all the people present at the Sakura Temple today, no one can leave alive. !”

This is simply an honest threat. If the God Slave does not agree, Yun Feiyang will kill everyone present in the Sakura Temple.

Sakuragi and others all stomped their feet angrily. Although they all knew that Yun Feiyang was very powerful, they had never seen it with their own eyes. In their hearts, the supreme Sakura God was the most invincible person in the world. Although Lord Shennu was not as good as Sakura God Powerful, but after all, he was also someone who could compete with the Sakura God. This Yun Feiyang was too arrogant. Kill him.

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