Yun Feiyang raised his sword to the sky, and the light of the sword seemed to penetrate the heaven and earth. His momentum instantly rose to the extreme!

Another big step forward, the earth was trembling, and everyone felt violent vibrations. This shocking and powerful sword split the void, bursting with dazzling blazing light, and slashed forward across the sky. Down.

Is Chiba Yunying going to be defeated? Having been completely suppressed by Yun Feiyang, Yuan Dongdong and others became excited. What Yingshen, who is just famous in Dongyang, will be suppressed and beaten when he meets our uncle?

Including the people in the Sakura Temple, their faces turned pale, and their eyes were full of disbelief. Their supreme Sakura God could actually be defeated, and he was defeated so quickly. How could they accept it?

But Ji Wufeng doesn't think so. Although he doesn't like Qianye Yunying very much, he will not underestimate her strength. She is the god of Sakura Temple, a powerful person in the Holy Realm at the level of a Holy Lord, and the strongest person in Dongyang. , how could it be so vulnerable?

He also knew that when Nian Hongtu fought against Qianye Yunying, they didn't get any benefits. This showed that Qianye Yunying was not in vain. Even if he was not as good as Yun Feiyang, there would never be such a big difference. If he wanted to truly separate, Hero, it's too difficult, unless the two of them start a life-and-death showdown.

In the Holy Realm, it is impossible to engage in a life-and-death battle with others at will. Although there is a conflict now, it is not the time for life and death, so Qianye Yunying cannot be defeated now!

Although he had the upper hand, Yun Feiyang's expression was not relaxed and he said: "If you don't try your best, it may be impossible to achieve your goal today."

Qianye Yunying smiled and said: "Yunying was abrupt and underestimated Brother Yun."

Before she finished speaking, Qianye Yunying's long black hair began to flutter, emitting a dazzling colorful light, and a sacred aura spread throughout the entire place.

An overwhelming pressure surged from Qianye Yunying's body, and waves of terrifying waves spread in all directions. The surrounding trees continued to explode, forming towering pieces.

Omura suddenly exploded like a bubble under the strong pressure, and the sound of explosions filled the sky.

The pressure was overwhelming, and a huge force field seemed to be formed in the entire world, with energy flowing out wildly.

However, the most terrifying thing is the mental fluctuations like a stormy sea, and the pressure like a mountain makes people can't help but have the urge to worship!

The faces of Yuan Dongdong and others suddenly turned green. Just now, they thought the old woman was not very good, but she became so violent in the blink of an eye. It was almost scary to death.

They finally discovered that they could insult their enemies and fight against their enemies, but they could never underestimate their enemies, because doing so was not much different from committing suicide.

When Sakuragi and others saw Qianye Yunying's power, they suddenly shook up and their eyes glowed with blazing light. Only then did they think of the invincible and supreme Sakura God Yun Feiyang. No matter how powerful you are, what can you do? Definitely no match for Sakura God.

Did you think I really couldn't beat you when I let you occupy it just now? That's just to tease you!

"Sakura God!" Sakuragi shouted loudly.

This caused a response from the rest of the Sakura Temple, and all the disciples shouted in unison: "Sakura God!"

Seeing that the morale of the people over there had been mobilized, Nie Hu felt that they should also organize a cheerleading team here to wave the flag and shout. However, seeing Qianye Yunying's current momentum, he felt terrified again.

"Master, can our uncle do it? Can he do it better than this old woman?" Nie Hu asked weakly.

Others had the same idea in their minds. After all, the power Qianye Yunying showed was so terrifying that they couldn't help but be frightened even if they wanted to.

Ji Wufeng

He squinted his eyes and said, "If he can't beat that old woman, we will die. What do you think?"

Yun Feiyang was their only protection. If he failed, they would be doomed, and they would all be frightened.

Sakura Temple and others were frightened when they saw the people on Ji Wufeng's side, and they suddenly became arrogant. One guy even raised his middle finger to this side, and then made a wiping motion on his neck.

Qianye Yunying was too powerful. In their eyes, Ji Wufeng and the others were already dead.

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang's temperament changed in an instant. Fierce golden light surged out from his body and surrounded him. He stood in the sky like a golden-armored war god, and dazzling golden light shot out from his body and penetrated straight through. Yunxiao.

Yun Feiyang also exploded, and his momentum was also unparalleled. He was not at all superior to Qianye Yunying. Even though he did not cause much damage, it caused a huge impact on everyone's hearts.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang is the invincible God of War, invincible in the world!

Sakuragi and others immediately turned pale. Oh my god, how could he be so strong?

Yuan Dongdong and others' eyes widened, they became excited and couldn't help shouting at the top of their lungs. When the people from the Sakura Temple shouted "Sakura God" just now, they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but they didn't have it in their hearts at that time. I'm confident, I don't dare to shout!

"Uncle is mighty, uncle is undefeated!"

"Uncle, beat this old bitch as hard as you can!"

"Uncle is undefeated, uncle is undefeated, uncle is the undefeated East!"

Although the people in the Sakura Temple were shocked, their morale could not be weakened, and they shouted loudly: "The Sakura God is mighty!"

"The Sakura God is mighty!"

"The Sakura God is mighty

! "

Amidst the throat-breaking shouts of both sides, the two started a new round of collision. An earth-shattering loud noise covered everyone's voices. A shocking battle between the two peerless masters finally broke out.

Qianye Yunying stood quietly in the air, while Yun Feiyang rose into the air and pounced on the opponent almost at the same time. Both of them were dressed in white. Qianye Yunying's body was blooming with colorful brilliance, while Yun Feiyang's body was dazzling with golden light.

The speed of the two people was almost extremely fast, and they could not be caught clearly by the naked eye. They could only see two rays of light, one color and one gold, bursting out in the air. This was the first powerful attack of the two people, and the huge energy flow caused the entire area to tremble. The world shook.

Many people watching the battle were knocked to the ground by this huge wave, and they did not bother to continue shouting. They hurriedly retreated. It was really terrible. If their cultivation was not enough, even if only the remaining energy of the two people was affected, it would be very terrible. Death means injury.

All the shouts came to an abrupt end. Both Sakura Temple and Ji Wufeng seemed to have forgotten their positions. At this moment, they had the same identity, that is, they were witnesses of this unprecedented decisive battle.

Everyone watched with fascination. This may be the realm of martial arts that they can only look up to in their lives. No matter who they are, they have the urge to worship the two in the air. In their opinion, what the two people in the air have shown is The power that comes out is no longer human.

The sword light that ravaged the eight wastelands, and the sword energy that penetrated the sky, made everyone's heart surge with excitement. They had never thought about it before that someone who had reached the extreme level of cultivation could have such a power to destroy the world. of.

Colleagues, the people in the Sakura Temple did not dare to have any blasphemy towards Yun Feiyang. Ji Wufeng also had awe of Qianye Yunying, which had nothing to do with their stance.

As a warrior, they have no reason not to pay tribute to their predecessors who have reached the sacred realm. Even if they are enemies, they can kill them, but they cannot desecrate them.

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