Ji Wufeng was anxious. He must not let himself be taken away by them. His mind was spinning rapidly. How should he die now?

I saw a big rock next to me and hit it with all my strength. I hit my head and died here, smashing my head to pieces. Let’s see what you can do?

"Humph, it's not that easy!"

The thin old man snorted coldly and slapped Ji Wufeng with his palm. Ji Wufeng thought that it was over now and he had no chance to die. Do he have to bite his tongue and commit suicide? Does that hurt a little?


There was a loud noise, and the ground was shaking. Ji Wufeng was not caught by the old man, and he hit his head on the big rock as he wished. However, he didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and there was no scene of his brain bursting. It was like he hit his head on a ball of cotton. It seemed that not only did it not hurt, it was soft and quite comfortable.

"You little bastard, why are you in such a daze? Get up quickly and break my waist. Do you want to break my waist? Ouch..." A big cigarette pipe hit Ji Wufeng's head, knocking him until stars appeared in his eyes. , it hurt so much that I burst into tears.

The person holding the dry pipe was a short and thin old man. Ji Wufeng pressed his stomach, as if he was in pain. He grinned for a while, as happy as a monkey.

Ji Wufeng didn't know who the short old man was, but the onlookers saw clearly how he acted just now. When the thin old man attacked Ji Wufeng, the short old man fell from the sky and smashed the dry pipe in his hand lightly.

The thin old man's attack was instantly neutralized, and his face was filled with astonishment.

"Zou Yan?" The thin old man looked at the short old man with a shocked and wary expression.

"Your uncle, is it comfortable? Keep it up for me and get out of here!"

The short old man kicked Ji Wufeng aside, who was still in a daze. He turned to the thin old man and squinted his eyes. His face was full of disdain and said: "Qianye Xiao, I haven't seen you for decades. You are becoming more and more promising. You are still as shameless as you were back then, no, you are even more shameless than you were back then."

The whole audience was shocked. They had not seen each other for decades, which meant that the old man named Zou Yan and the Sakura Master named Qianye Xiao were the same generation, and they were old monsters of the same level.

And listening to his tone, it seemed that he didn't regard Chiba Owl as a piece of food at all and looked down on him. It was obvious that he was a fierce super master.

Ji Wufeng and others' eyes immediately gleamed, and they almost shed tears. Ke was the savior. No matter what the background of this Zou Yan was, he must have saved Ji Wufeng just now and failed to deal with Qianye Xiao. people.

"Humph, Zou Yan, when the Zou family was destroyed, you were the only one who could escape. How dare you go to the countryside and wait for the coffin to be put into the coffin?" Qianye Xiao snorted coldly.

Zou Yan slapped his forehead and said as if he was remembering: "Yes, the Zou family has been destroyed, and I am the only one left. There is no point in living anyway, so why not kill a few enemies before you die? .”

Qianye Xiao was immediately shocked and said in a deep voice: "Zou Yan, how dare you? Have you forgotten the agreement you made back then?"

"The agreement back then?"

Zou Yan's eyes instantly became sharp. He looked at the cold corpses of the two divine slaves on the ground and said, "I clearly heard those two dog slaves just say that anyway, the Chinese martial arts world

Now that it’s no longer possible, do we still need to care about the agreement? "

Everyone was stunned when these words came out, especially Ji Wufeng and others. Since he had heard this, it meant that he had been here a long time ago and was just hiding aside to watch the show secretly.

Ji Wufeng was dissatisfied and said: "I said you are too bad, old man? Since you have already come here, why do you just watch us being beaten there?"

Zou Yan said with a smile: "I don't want to give you young people more opportunities. I am so powerful and domineering. If I show up early, wouldn't all these rotten eggs be scared away? When the time comes, where will you young people have any room to play?”

Ji Wufeng had a dark face and said angrily: "Then do you know that I was almost killed?"

Zou Yan said confidently: "You haven't been killed yet, and think about it, you guys came to Dongyang and killed the shit out of others, especially your eighteen-year-old kid This young boy killed two half-step saints in the Sakura Temple in one breath. Although he is just a slave, he is a real master. If this news spreads, you are not famous all over the world. Such a good thing, if it weren't for me Where can you find fulfillment? You should thank me, right?"

Everyone was speechless. What Zou Yan said was true. Dongyang's achievements were destined to make them famous all over the world. However, the price was a bit high. They almost gave up their lives. Their hearts are still pounding now. Jumping around, scaring someone to death.

Ji Wufeng understood everything. Zou Yan had come with Yun Feiyang a long time ago, but he had been hiding aside to watch the show, and would only show up at critical moments.

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Ji Wufeng had nothing to say. These two super fierce men were here, and he would never let anything happen to them. He just wanted to polish young people like them.

Qianye Xiao was angry and said angrily: "Zou Yan, I couldn't get rid of you back then, but you still dare to come forward today. I'm afraid you will never go back."

"Tch, you are not very capable, but your tone is not small. If you want to keep your grandfather and me, it will be enough unless your three brothers come together."

Zou Yan's face was full of disdain, and he suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "By the way, I remembered that it was me who you three Sakura Saints dealt with back then, but it's a pity that the other two have been beaten to death by me. , decades have passed, and the corpse is probably turned into yellow mud."

The Three Saints of Sakura?

People in the martial arts world would never dare to call those who are holy easily, unless their strength has truly transcended the realm of saints. It is conceivable that these Sakura Three Saints must be three strong men in the holy realm, and they were there decades ago.

These words aroused everyone's shock. Three Saint Realm experts from decades ago actually joined forces to deal with Zou Yan, and Zou Yan killed two of them in one breath. Oh my god, isn't this Zou Yan? An old monster.

Ji Wufeng concluded that Zou Yan's strength was undoubtedly at the holy level, and his seniority must be frighteningly high. He was probably on the same level as Yun Zhen.

However, these were things that happened decades ago. Some younger generations have never heard of them. However, Qianye Xiao's face was ashen. It was obvious that what Zou Yan said was true. Back then, Zou Yan fought one against three. Two were also shot to death.

Qianye Xiao said angrily: "Don't forget, no matter how strong you are in Dongyang, it doesn't matter how strong you are. Even if you can escape unscathed, you will never be able to protect these people." Ji Wufeng was anxious and must not let himself be taken away by them. My mind was spinning rapidly, how could I die now?

I saw a big rock next to me and hit it with all my strength. I hit my head and died here, smashing my head to pieces. Let’s see what you can do?

"Humph, it's not that easy!"

The thin old man snorted coldly and slapped Ji Wufeng with his palm. Ji Wufeng thought that it was over now and he had no chance to die. Do he have to bite his tongue and commit suicide? Does that hurt a little?


There was a loud noise, and the ground was shaking. Ji Wufeng was not caught by the old man, and he hit his head on the big rock as he wished. However, he didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and there was no scene of his brain bursting. It was like he hit his head on a ball of cotton. It seemed that not only did it not hurt, it was soft and quite comfortable.

"You little bastard, why are you in such a daze? Get up quickly and break my waist. Do you want to break my waist? Ouch..." A big cigarette pipe hit Ji Wufeng's head, knocking him until stars appeared in his eyes. , it hurt so much that I burst into tears.

The person holding the dry pipe was a short and thin old man. Ji Wufeng pressed his stomach, as if he was in pain. He grinned for a while, as happy as a monkey.

Ji Wufeng didn't know who the short old man was, but the onlookers saw clearly how he acted just now. When the thin old man attacked Ji Wufeng, the short old man fell from the sky and smashed the dry pipe in his hand lightly.

The thin old man's attack was instantly neutralized, and his face was filled with astonishment.

"Zou Yan?" The thin old man looked at the short old man with a shocked and wary expression.

"Your uncle, is it comfortable? Keep it up for me and get out of here!"

The short old man kicked Ji Wufeng aside, who was still in a daze. He turned to the thin old man and squinted his eyes. His face was full of disdain and said: "Qianye Xiao, I haven't seen you for decades. You are becoming more and more promising. You are still as shameless as you were back then, no, you are even more shameless than you were back then."

The whole audience was shocked. They had not seen each other for decades, which meant that the old man named Zou Yan and the Sakura Master named Qianye Xiao were the same generation, and they were old monsters of the same level.

And listening to his tone, it seemed that he didn't regard Chiba Owl as a piece of food at all and looked down on him. It was obvious that he was a fierce super master.

Ji Wufeng and others' eyes immediately gleamed, and they almost shed tears. Ke was the savior. No matter what the background of this Zou Yan was, he must have saved Ji Wufeng just now and failed to deal with Qianye Xiao. people.

"Humph, Zou Yan, when the Zou family was destroyed, you were the only one who could escape. How dare you go to the countryside and wait for the coffin to be put into the coffin?" Qianye Xiao snorted coldly.

Zou Yan slapped his forehead and said as if he was remembering: "Yes, the Zou family has been destroyed, and I am the only one left. There is no point in living anyway, so why not kill a few enemies before you die? .”

Qianye Xiao was immediately shocked and said in a deep voice: "Zou Yan, how dare you? Have you forgotten the agreement you made back then?"

"The agreement back then?"

Zou Yan's eyes instantly became sharp. He looked at the cold corpses of the two divine slaves on the ground and said, "I clearly heard those two dog slaves just say that anyway, the Chinese martial arts world

Now that it’s no longer possible, do we still need to care about the agreement? "

Everyone was stunned when these words came out, especially Ji Wufeng and others. Since he had heard this, it meant that he had been here a long time ago and was just hiding aside to watch the show secretly.

Ji Wufeng was dissatisfied and said: "I said you are too bad, old man? Since you have already come here, why do you just watch us being beaten there?"

Zou Yan said with a smile: "I don't want to give you young people more opportunities. I am so powerful and domineering. If I show up early, wouldn't all these rotten eggs be scared away? When the time comes, where will you young people have any room to play?”

Ji Wufeng had a dark face and said angrily: "Then do you know that I was almost killed?"

Zou Yan said confidently: "You haven't been killed yet, and think about it, you guys came to Dongyang and killed the shit out of others, especially your eighteen-year-old kid This young boy killed two half-step saints in the Sakura Temple in one breath. Although he is just a slave, he is a real master. If this news spreads, you are not famous all over the world. Such a good thing, if it weren't for me Where can you find fulfillment? You should thank me, right?"

Everyone was speechless. What Zou Yan said was true. Dongyang's achievements were destined to make them famous all over the world. However, the price was a bit high. They almost gave up their lives. Their hearts are still pounding now. Jumping around, scaring someone to death.

Ji Wufeng understood everything. Zou Yan had come with Yun Feiyang a long time ago, but he had been hiding aside to watch the show, and would only show up at critical moments.

Although he was unhappy in his heart, Ji Wufeng had nothing to say. These two super fierce men were here, and he would never let anything happen to them. He just wanted to polish young people like them.

Qianye Xiao was angry and said angrily: "Zou Yan, I couldn't get rid of you back then, but you still dare to come forward today. I'm afraid you will never go back."

"Tch, you are not very capable, but your tone is not small. If you want to keep your grandfather and me, it will be enough unless your three brothers come together."

Zou Yan's face was full of disdain, and he suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "By the way, I remembered that it was me who you three Sakura Saints dealt with back then, but it's a pity that the other two have been beaten to death by me. , decades have passed, and the corpse is probably turned into yellow mud."

The Three Saints of Sakura?

People in the martial arts world would never dare to call those who are holy easily, unless their strength has truly transcended the realm of saints. It is conceivable that these Sakura Three Saints must be three strong men in the holy realm, and they were there decades ago.

These words aroused everyone's shock. Three Saint Realm experts from decades ago actually joined forces to deal with Zou Yan, and Zou Yan killed two of them in one breath. Oh my god, isn't this Zou Yan? An old monster.

Ji Wufeng concluded that Zou Yan's strength was undoubtedly at the holy level, and his seniority must be frighteningly high. He was probably on the same level as Yun Zhen.

However, these were things that happened decades ago. Some younger generations have never heard of them. However, Qianye Xiao's face was ashen. It was obvious that what Zou Yan said was true. Back then, Zou Yan fought one against three. Two were also shot to death.

Qianye Xiao said angrily: "Don't forget, no matter how strong you are in Dongyang, it doesn't matter how strong you are. Even if you can escape unscathed, you can never protect these people."

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