Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1632 Don’t practice cultivation when you are old

Zou Yan chuckled and said, "Don't worry, by the time they react, they won't be able to care about us anymore."

Ji Wufeng knew that since Zou Yan wanted to take them away, he must be sure of it, but suddenly he thought of Yun Feiyang and said, "We are leaving like this, where is my uncle?"

They ran away, but Yun Feiyang has not left yet. What if the Sakura Temple becomes anxious and tries its best to capture Yun Feiyang?

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? If that kid runs away, can we still leave?"

Ji Wufeng understood what Zou Yan said. Yun Feiyang was trying to cut off the enemy's rear and stop the master from pursuing behind the Sakura Temple.

No matter how great Ji Wufeng's potential is, he has not really grown up yet. Yun Feiyang is different. The power of a genuine Saint Realm powerhouse may not be comparable to the current combined value of one hundred thousand Ji Wufeng.

If you can only choose one of the two, Sakura Temple will definitely choose Yun Feiyang.

"I can't leave yet!" Ji Wufeng said.

Whether it was Yun Feiyang or Zou Yan, they all came for him. Now that Yun Feiyang had cut off the throne alone for him and put himself in a desperate situation, he could not feel at ease.

Of course Zou Yan knew what he meant. He glared and said angrily: "You little brat, have you lost your mind and gone crazy? I've wasted all my efforts and you won't leave even if you say you won't? Hurry up, or I'll kill you!" ??

"You take the others and leave first!" Ji Wufeng said with great determination.


Zou Yan's pipe hit him directly on the head. Ji Wufeng immediately rolled his eyes and fainted. Then Zou Yan said to the others: "Damn it, what are you doing standing still? Pick him up and run away, otherwise If you run away, you will really come after me."

Nie Hu understood immediately, picked up Ji Wufeng and ran away.

At this time, Yun Feiyang and Qianye Yunying were still confronting each other. A disciple from the Cherry Blossom Temple rushed over. Qianye Yunying had a cold look on his face. Zou Yan actually came and took Ji away.

A group of people without front.

Yun Feiyang chuckled and said, "It seems that Zou Yan and the others have left, so I can start."

Before he finished speaking, his body was shot into the distance like lightning. Qianye Yunying's eyes were cold and he said: "Pass me the Cherry Blossom Order to encircle and suppress Yun Feiyang with all your strength. Qianye Xiao and Qianye Xie will pursue Zou Yan! "

What Zou Yan said was absolutely correct. Comparatively speaking, Yun Feiyang was more valuable, but he was unwilling to give up on Ji Wufeng. He only sent two masters here, not to mention overwhelming Zou Yan, but only to contain Zou Yan. , wait until Yun Feiyang is taken down, and then go back and clean up.

After passing the order, Qianye Yunying could no longer maintain her previous elegance and calmness. Her eyes revealed a hint of coldness as she said, "Ji Hongtu can run away, but Yun Feiyang must not run away!"

When Ji Hongtu broke into the Sakura Temple alone and made a big fuss, he walked away. This was a shame and humiliation that the Sakura Temple had never experienced before. However, that time Ji Hongtu was caught off guard and the Sakura Temple did not react at all.

But this time it was different. The moment Qianye Yunying saw Yun Feiyang, she had secretly sent an order, and all the masters came out to surround and kill Yun Feiyang. It can be said that Yun Feiyang is now a turtle in the urn.

Most of the masters from the Sakura Temple have gone down the mountain. They participated in the containment of Yun Feiyang, which shows how much they attach importance to him. They can't blame them for being cautious. Back then, Yun Feiyang was so fierce that two or three strong men of the same level could not do anything. It's not enough to see, let alone to capture him.

But just when everyone was about to come out of the Sakura Temple, Qianye Yunying suddenly received a piece of news that almost made her jump. Yun Feiyang actually broke into the Sakura Temple. No one expected that Yun Feiyang would do the opposite. , this was the time when the Sakura Temple was most empty. Four divine slaves were killed in a row, and a Sakura Master was cut in half with two swords.

All this happened too fast. After cutting a Sakura Lord in half, Yun Feiyang immediately ran away, but before leaving, he struck the throne of the Sakura God, the highest symbol of power in the Sakura Temple, with a knife, split it in two, and took it away with him. The four demon swords and magic weapons enshrined in the main hall.

At this time, the entire Dongyang Wulin simply exploded. Someone once again broke into the Sakura Temple. It was the holy land of the Dongyang Wulin. When I was young, I had made it through once, but now Yun Feiyang was gone again.

Some warriors who worshiped the Sakura Temple crazily felt like they were going crazy. At the same time, the Sakura Temple issued the Sakura Order, mobilizing almost the entire Dongyang Wulin to contain Yun Feiyang with all their strength.

Ying Shen gave an order, and the entire Dongyang Wulin was in shock. The three war god families took the lead in taking action, and the masters came out in full force!

At a place where Ji Wufeng and others had just passed by, two old men who were over seventy years old were already chasing after them. One of them was Qianye Xiao, and the other old man was about the same age as Qianye Xiao. He must be at the level of Sakura Master. Old monster. .??.??

"Just left not long ago, chase after me!"

Ji Wufeng and a group of people ran to the beach. There was a plane parked in the open space. Yuwen Tiancheng inside the plane shouted loudly: "Come up quickly!"

Yuwen Tiancheng was not called by Ji Wufeng. It was obviously arranged by Zou Yan and the others. Everyone got on the plane. Yuwen Tiancheng stepped on the accelerator and the plane took off immediately. At this time, Qianye Xiao and two others also chased after them. They saw that they were already in the air. The plane in the middle laughed ferociously: "It's not that easy to leave!"

The bodies of Qianye Xiao and Qianye Xiao flew into the air and punched out. The destructive power of the Saint Realm powerhouse was so strong that it was like a human-shaped nuclear bomb. With one punch from this arrogant man, the plane would be blown to pieces. .

Seeing Qianye Xiao taking action, Yuan Dongdong's face turned green with fright. He took Zou Yan's hand and shouted, "Senior, take action quickly, or we will be doomed!"

Unexpectedly, Zou Yan was holding it in his mouth

He smoked the dry tobacco pipe and squinted his eyes and said: "How can a little Karami of this level still need me to take action? You are deliberately trying to make me lower the price, right?"

Everyone is a black line. How long has it been since you uncle, are you still here bragging?

I heard Yuwen Tiancheng suddenly chuckle and say: "Hey, look at me!"

The plane suddenly turned around. Yuwen Tiancheng smiled evilly and pressed a button. Two shells immediately shot out of the plane and rushed towards Qianye Xiao and the two of them.

Suddenly a cannonball came over. Qianye Xiao and the two were so shocked that they didn't even bother to smash the plane and punched the cannonball directly.

boom! boom!

The shell was bombed. Although the power was not great, it only slightly injured Qianye Xiao and the other two, but it blocked their progress and the plane took the opportunity to run away.

Although they successfully escaped, Yuan Dongdong and others were speechless. Is it a bit unruly to open fire on this powerful man in the holy realm?

Zou Yan asked Yuwen Tiancheng again: "Boy, did you add the things I asked you to add to the shells?"

"How dare I not do what you told me, old man? I added them all." Yuwen Tiancheng said with a grin.

Nie Hu asked strangely: "What should I add?"

"Nothing, just medicine for breeding horses, some laxatives, and some itching powder to ensure that those two old bastards are so horny that they can't stop, haha..." Yuwen Tiancheng had a sly smile on his face.

Everyone's face turned green this time. It wouldn't matter if they were poisoned, but they were actually those obscene ones.

"Haha, you did a great job. You said those two bastards were itching uncontrollably when they were doing that thing, and they couldn't help but want to run away. What do you think would happen?" Zou Yan said proudly. He said, seeming extremely proud of this masterpiece.

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