The house had been demolished, and it would definitely cost a lot of money to repair it again. Ji Wufeng felt a headache in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He kicked away the corpse on the ground, gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, destroy my house." Break it up, Qianye Yu, just wait for me, I will settle this debt with you slowly, if I don’t play with your lust, I won’t be called Ji Wufeng!”

At this time, Qianye Yu, who was in the hotel, had been waiting for news, but when he gradually calmed down, he suddenly felt frightened. He finally remembered that if the two divine slaves were gone, wouldn't there be no defense force around him? ?

If Ji Wufeng had not died, with that bastard's despicable and shameless character, he would never have given up. Without the protection of the Divine Slave, what else could he use to resist?

If the two divine slaves succeed, the situation will be even worse. Ji Wufeng's forces will definitely launch crazy revenge. If he loses his mind, he will never get out of Yuzhou alive.

"We have to leave now!"

Qianye Yu made a quick decision, no matter whether Ji Wufeng was dead or alive, he could no longer stay in Yuzhou.

Just when he was about to leave, the door was opened, and a rough woman with a bucket waist walked in. She said in a cooing voice: "Brother, do you need special services? My kung fu is very good, sister. Guaranteed you will never come back..."

It's normal to encounter this kind of "special service" when staying in a hotel, but this fat lady is too confident, right? From Qianye Yu's aesthetic point of view, this aunt is clearly a sow, just ugly, but the key is that this fat aunt is still wearing a hotel waiter's uniform.

Qianye Feng was not stupid, on the contrary, he was very smart. He immediately thought that this fat aunt was not here to provide any special services, but was brought by Ji Wufeng to disgust him.

"I don't want any service, get out of here immediately!" Qianye Yu said coldly, if it were in Dongyang, this fat woman would already be a corpse.

"Oh, little brother, don't be shy. You look so tender. At worst, my sister will give you a discount!

"After the aunt finished speaking, she came over and wanted to stick it on Qianye Yu.

How could Qianye Yu let her touch his body? He sidestepped and said sternly: "Kick her out immediately!"

Although the two divine slaves are gone, Qianye Yu still has a few followers around him. They are not as powerful as the divine slaves, but they are still masters.

Two fat and strong men rushed in and wanted to take the fat aunt away, but the fat aunt was not nervous at all. Instead, she became more and more excited and said: "So little brother, you like heavy flavors? Okay, tonight Sister, I will satisfy you..."

After saying that, he was about to take off her clothes, but before she could take them off, Qianye Yu seemed to have seen her fat body, resisting the urge to vomit and yelled: "Get her out immediately!"

The two big men immediately reached out to catch the fat aunt. Unexpectedly, the fat aunt suddenly shouted with a look of horror: "Someone, come quickly, someone is going to rape me... Someone, please help me..."

The fat aunt howled and tore her hair and clothes hard. Finally, she reached out and slapped her face hard. Her face was swollen and her mouth was bleeding!

Qianye Yu and the two big men were dumbfounded at this time. Damn it, what is this fat woman doing? Could it be that he encountered a fairy jumping?

Qianye Yu immediately felt something was wrong, but it was too late. A group of tall, fat security guards rushed in waving batons and shouted: "Who is it? Who dares to cause trouble here?"

"It's him, no, it's a few of them. Are they going to rape me together? Help me!" The fat lady ran behind the security guard, her face full of fear, and her whole body was trembling like a bird.

"You are really

How dare you rape a decent woman in broad daylight? Catch them! "A security guard yelled angrily.

Qianye Yu knew that he had been trapped again, but he suppressed his anger and said: "This matter has nothing to do with me, you'd better investigate first!"

The security guards did not use force immediately, but said angrily: "Of course we must investigate clearly, but we are just security guards and do not have the power to investigate. I have already called the police. You should go to the police station. If you don't care about your business, The police comrades will naturally clear your name."

Qianye Yu was so angry that he wanted to scold her. Damn it, you guys came running when you heard that fat pig yelling. When did you call the police? Did you call the police in advance? Son of a bitch, he was even more sure that Ji Wufeng was plotting against him.

Click... click... click...

Several security guards suddenly took out their mobile phones and took pictures frantically. One of Qianye Yu's followers said angrily: "What are you doing?"

A security guard puffed out his chest and said confidently: "We have to leave evidence and cooperate with the police comrades in the investigation. There are not many good citizens like us now."

Qianye Yu's face turned green. He wanted to jump, and even more wanted to kill someone.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's phone rang. It was Yang Feiyun, who smiled and said: "Master, it's done. According to your instructions, I will find an aunt..."

Ji Wufeng was very happy. Since he wanted to play, of course he had to play bigger. Even if he couldn't kill that kid Qianye Yu, it still made him sick to death.

"Let's go back to play, it's just acting. Who are you looking for? It would be bad if it ruins their reputation." Ji Wufeng said.

"Master, don't worry. That damn fat woman is not a good person. She often seduces men during square dances. She will do anything for money. I told her at the time that she was just acting and not serious. She

Not happy yet. Yang Feiyun said.

Now Ji Wufeng was relieved. He didn't want to be a shameless shrew, Qianye Yu was enough to drink a pot.

"You must remember to leave evidence. I will be of great use when the time comes." Ji Wufeng ordered.

"Master, don't worry. The boys I arranged are all as good as monkeys. I guess everything has been settled by now." Yang Feiyun said with a sly smile.

The fat aunt was found by Yang Feiyun, and those security guards were not the real security guards of the hotel, but people from the Ming family. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence and such a tacit understanding?

Those security guards not only called the police in advance, but the police also came very quickly. They arrived in less than five minutes. Qianye Yu's face turned green. Do you, the Chinese police, use rockets to dispatch police? How did it come so fast!

The leader this time was Chen Tienan, because he didn't leave at all just now, so he said in a deep voice: "What happened?"

As soon as the fat aunt saw the police coming, she rushed over, licking her nose and crying with tears: "Comrade police, you are here, this little rabbit is fair and white, but he is full of bad things. I helped them clean up their room with good intentions, but they actually wanted to rape me!"

Qianye Yu was angry, but not because he was falsely accused of rape, but because he was falsely accused of raping such an ugly fat pig. He said coldly: "Comrade policeman, do you think what he said is possible? I will rape someone. Such an ugly fat woman, no, a dead fat pig?”

Everyone looked at the fat aunt, their cheeks twitching. Indeed, how strong is this taste to be able to swallow it?

"A fat pig? Am I fatting you up?"

The fat aunt was angry, pointed at Qianye Yu and said angrily: "Little bastard, what the hell are you talking about? Where am I fat? I am obviously plump. Open your dog eyes and see clearly!"

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