Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1644 You city dwellers still know how to play?

The news that the hotel where Qianye Yu was staying was besieged soon made the news again, arousing widespread public opinion. Therefore, it attracted more and more attention, and finally made it to the top international news media platforms.

At this time, Qianye Yu was still waiting full of hope for Gu Tianyang to save him. In just a few days, he had lost a lot of weight and was extremely decadent. He was completely different from the super rich and handsome man who was so proud of himself before. .

But a few days have passed, and Gu Tianyang has not arrived yet. Look at the people gathered below, chatting and laughing, eating and drinking. Some people even took out poker and mahjong, playing Landlord in a group of three, and a table of four. Playing mahjong is more pleasant than going on vacation.

What made Qianye Yu almost vomit blood again was that the food and drink supplies for these people were actually provided by the hotel owner.

Bastard, these people must be in the same group, and the hotel owner is also an accomplice.

Ji Wufeng gave the order, and someone finally took action. Damn you, do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't come out?

Qianye Yu couldn't go out, so she had to eat takeout. But as soon as Qianye Yu took two bites, she realized something was wrong. There was a growl in her stomach, indicating that she was about to have diarrhea. ??

But just after finishing, the hotel room attendant said that the air conditioner in the room was broken and asked them to change rooms. As soon as Qianye Yu arrived in the new room, he rushed into the bathroom again. Qianye Yu immediately understood, what a fool. Someone put laxatives in the takeaway.

After he finished defecating again, he wanted to flush the toilet, but something strange happened. The water did not flow downward, but sprayed upward like a fountain. Qianye Yu instinctively retreated, but the bathroom space was too small, and the water sprayed out. , sprayed all over the space, and naturally sprayed all over Chiba Yu's body.

Qianye Yu was stunned. He was actually sprayed all over his face by the water in the toilet. He seemed to remember that he had defecated in the toilet just now and peed.


He felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, but before he could vomit, he felt something was wrong again. He felt itchy all over his body. When he stretched out his hand to scratch it, it became even more itchy. He wanted to scratch his skin to pieces. What was even worse was that at this time, he felt a wave of excitement all over his body. heat.

No way, he actually wants to find a woman at this time. Is it possible to enjoy and tickle while doing that with a woman? He also took laxatives, and maybe he had to run to the toilet when he was feeling so passionate, enduring the torture of having a stomachache.

This time Qianye Yu didn't vomit or vomit blood, but he wanted to cry. He knew that all this was Ji Wufeng's fault. At this time, his hatred for Ji Wufeng could no longer be calculated in terms of quantity. It was simply higher than the sky and thicker than the earth. !

What Qianye Yu never expected was that there was a camera in the room. Ji Wufeng and his group had already seen Qianye Yu's extremely embarrassed appearance.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone was holding their stomachs and laughing wildly, including the most serious masked man, whose shoulders twitched with laughter.

First of all, Qianye Yu's funny look is really funny now. Secondly, because of Qianye Yu's calculations, Ji Wufeng and his group were almost killed in Dongyang. How could he not be happy to torture his life-and-death enemy like this?

Especially Yuan Dongdong and his group were wronged in Dongyang. Now they took it out. They held the table and covered their stomachs and said: "Oh my God, I can't stand it. My stomach hurts. It's so enjoyable, haha..."

Such evil methods can be

He learned it from Zou Yan. He also tricked Qianye Xiao, two Saint Realm experts, and was copied by Ji Wufeng and used on Qianye Yu.

However, Qianye Yu is a Dacheng Wangdao warrior who has just glimpsed the holy realm. These laxatives and itching powder will not have much effect on him. They only have a slight effect. As long as he works hard, he can force it out of the body.

Ji Wufeng didn't expect these medicines to have much effect. His purpose was to use a camera to capture Qianye Yu's embarrassed appearance.

It's been a day or two since the news about Qianye Yu's heavy taste, and everyone's enthusiasm for it has gradually subsided. It's like a TV show. The first episode is over and it's time to air the second episode.

Just when the audience was about to turn their attention away from Qianye Yu, Ji Wufeng once again revealed how embarrassed Qianye Yu was in the hotel just now, once again gathering the attention of the audience.

"Haha, it's both poop and urine. You city people can still play with it. Country people can't compare, they can't compare, hahaha..."

"Sir, don't put a shit basin on our city people's heads? We city people can't compare to Dongyang dwarf!"

"Yes, Dongyang people are really good at playing. I heard that they also have a traditional craft called dung wine. Could it be that this young master Qianye Yu is also good at it?"

In an instant, Chiba Yu once again became the focus of the global media. It can be said that it has attracted much attention. Moreover, the Chiba Consortium's business is so big that it has naturally offended many people. And how could those people miss this opportunity to attack the Chiba family? .

Therefore, not only Qianye Yu, but also the entire Qianye family was pushed to the forefront and became a laughing stock at the world level.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to plan what to do next, Yu Wen Zhengming personally called and warned Ji Wufeng not to go too far. After all, Qianye Yu entered the country as an investment foreign guest. If Qianye Yu was played Being half-dead will have an impact on China's international image.

Also, if it were known that everything that happened to Qianye Yu was deliberately designed by someone, it is estimated that more than half of the businessmen would not dare to invest in China, especially those who have a little trouble with China themselves.

All in all, the higher-ups do not care about Qianye Yu's life or death, but care about China's international image.

"Okay, let's let that kid go for a few days." Ji Wufeng graciously agreed.

Of course, he also knew not to push Qianye Yu too hard. After all, there was a Sakura Temple behind him. If Qianye Yunying got angry and took action in advance for the sake of the Qianye family's face, I'm afraid it would ruin everything. .

And considering the time, Gu Tianyang should take action. One Sakura Temple is enough to bear, but he cannot face the Nine-Headed Insect at the same time at this time.

Ji Wufeng immediately informed Chen Tienan and asked her to remove her surveillance of Qianye Yu.

The masked man asked in confusion: "Why should we let him go? Shouldn't we wait for Gu Tianyang to come and exchange for some favorable conditions?"

Everyone's idea was that after Gu Tianyang arrived, if he wanted to take Qianye Yu away, that would be fine, but he would have to pay some price.

Ji Wufeng had his own idea, and said with a smile: "Qianye Yu is not a fool. Gu Tianyang has not come for a long time. He must have thought that Gu Tianyang did it on purpose. If I guessed correctly, that kid has probably figured it out by now. Gu Tianyang is so angry." The news that the hotel where Qianye Yu was staying was besieged soon made the news again, arousing public opinion. Therefore, it attracted more and more attention, and eventually it was featured in the top international magazines. News media platform.

At this time, Qianye Yu was still waiting full of hope for Gu Tianyang to save him. In just a few days, he had lost a lot of weight and was extremely decadent. He was completely different from the super rich and handsome man who was so proud of himself before. .

But a few days have passed, and Gu Tianyang has not arrived yet. Look at the people gathered below, chatting and laughing, eating and drinking. Some people even took out poker and mahjong, playing Landlord in a group of three, and a table of four. Playing mahjong is more pleasant than going on vacation.

What made Qianye Yu almost vomit blood again was that the food and drink supplies for these people were actually provided by the hotel owner.

Bastard, these people must be in the same group, and the hotel owner is also an accomplice.

Ji Wufeng gave the order, and someone finally took action. Damn you, do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't come out?

Qianye Yu couldn't go out, so she had to eat takeout. But as soon as Qianye Yu took two bites, she realized something was wrong. There was a growl in her stomach, indicating that she was about to have diarrhea.

But just after finishing, the hotel room attendant said that the air conditioner in the room was broken and asked them to change rooms. As soon as Qianye Yu arrived in the new room, he rushed into the bathroom again. Qianye Yu immediately understood, what a fool. Someone put laxatives in the takeaway.

After he finished defecating again, he wanted to flush the toilet, but something strange happened. The water did not flow downward, but sprayed upward like a fountain. Qianye Yu instinctively retreated, but the bathroom space was too small, and the water sprayed out. , sprayed all over the space, and naturally sprayed all over Chiba Yu's body.

Qianye Yu was stunned. He was actually sprayed all over his face by the water in the toilet. He seemed to remember that he had defecated in the toilet just now and peed.


He felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, but before he could vomit, he felt something was wrong again. He felt itchy all over his body. When he stretched out his hand to scratch it, it became even more itchy. He wanted to scratch his skin to pieces. What was even worse was that at this time, he felt a wave of excitement all over his body. heat.

No way, he actually wants to find a woman at this time. Is it possible to enjoy and tickle while doing that with a woman? He also took laxatives, and maybe he had to run to the toilet when he was feeling so passionate, enduring the torture of having a stomachache.

This time Qianye Yu didn't vomit or vomit blood, but he wanted to cry. He knew that all this was Ji Wufeng's fault. At this time, his hatred for Ji Wufeng could no longer be calculated in terms of quantity. It was simply higher than the sky and thicker than the earth. !

What Qianye Yu never expected was that there was a camera in the room. Ji Wufeng and his group had already seen Qianye Yu's extremely embarrassed appearance.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone was holding their stomachs and laughing wildly, including the most serious masked man, whose shoulders twitched with laughter.

First of all, Qianye Yu's funny look is really funny now. Secondly, because of Qianye Yu's calculations, Ji Wufeng and his group were almost killed in Dongyang. How could he not be happy to torture his life-and-death enemy like this?

Especially Yuan Dongdong and his group were wronged in Dongyang. Now they took it out. They held the table and covered their stomachs and said: "Oh my God, I can't stand it. My stomach hurts. It's so enjoyable, haha..."

Such evil methods can be

He learned it from Zou Yan. He also tricked Qianye Xiao, two Saint Realm experts, and was copied by Ji Wufeng and used on Qianye Yu.

However, Qianye Yu is a Dacheng Wangdao warrior who has just glimpsed the holy realm. These laxatives and itching powder will not have much effect on him. They only have a slight effect. As long as he works hard, he can force it out of the body.

Ji Wufeng didn't expect these medicines to have much effect. His purpose was to use a camera to capture Qianye Yu's embarrassed appearance.

It's been a day or two since the news about Qianye Yu's heavy taste, and everyone's enthusiasm for it has gradually subsided. It's like a TV show. The first episode is over and it's time to air the second episode.

Just when the audience was about to turn their attention away from Qianye Yu, Ji Wufeng once again revealed how embarrassed Qianye Yu was in the hotel just now, once again gathering the attention of the audience.

"Haha, it's both poop and urine. You city people can still play with it. Country people can't compare, they can't compare, hahaha..."

"Sir, don't put a shit basin on our city people's heads? We city people can't compare to Dongyang dwarf!"

"Yes, Dongyang people are really good at playing. I heard that they also have a traditional craft called dung wine. Could it be that this young master Qianye Yu is also good at it?"

In an instant, Chiba Yu once again became the focus of the global media. It can be said that it has attracted much attention. Moreover, the Chiba Consortium's business is so big that it has naturally offended many people. And how could those people miss this opportunity to attack the Chiba family? .

Therefore, not only Qianye Yu, but also the entire Qianye family was pushed to the forefront and became a laughing stock at the world level.

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to plan what to do next, Yu Wen Zhengming personally called and warned Ji Wufeng not to go too far. After all, Qianye Yu entered the country as an investment foreign guest. If Qianye Yu was played Being half-dead will have an impact on China's international image.

Also, if it were known that everything that happened to Qianye Yu was deliberately designed by someone, it is estimated that more than half of the businessmen would not dare to invest in China, especially those who have a little trouble with China themselves.

All in all, the higher-ups do not care about Qianye Yu's life or death, but care about China's international image.

"Okay, let's let that kid go for a few days." Ji Wufeng graciously agreed.

Of course, he also knew not to push Qianye Yu too hard. After all, there was a Sakura Temple behind him. If Qianye Yunying got angry and took action in advance for the sake of the Qianye family's face, I'm afraid it would ruin everything. .

And considering the time, Gu Tianyang should take action. One Sakura Temple is enough to bear, but he cannot face the Nine-Headed Insect at the same time at this time.

Ji Wufeng immediately informed Chen Tienan and asked her to remove her surveillance of Qianye Yu.

The masked man asked in confusion: "Why should we let him go? Shouldn't we wait for Gu Tianyang to come and exchange for some favorable conditions?"

Everyone's idea was that after Gu Tianyang arrived, if he wanted to take Qianye Yu away, that would be fine, but he would have to pay some price.

Ji Wufeng had his own idea, and said with a smile: "Qianye Yu is not a fool. Gu Tianyang has not come for a long time. He must have thought that Gu Tianyang did it on purpose. If I guessed correctly, that kid has probably figured it out by now. Gu Tianyang is so angry."

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