Now that Kuang Long is gone, does the old lady have other children? She seems happy on the surface, but in fact she must be very miserable in her heart.

And because of Long Wei, the old lady may not necessarily be safe in the future. Maybe someone will try to take her to Ji Mansion. At least her safety will be guaranteed.

Just as he said, Ji Wufeng immediately called for someone and moved the things directly regardless of whether the old lady agreed or not. He took the old lady to Ji Mansion that same day.

The Ji Mansion has been renovated. It has a very large space and many rooms. Everyone welcomes the old lady very much, especially grandma Zhou Lan. The two are about the same age and they always talk when they meet.

In this way, the old lady was not so resistant and lived in Ji Mansion with peace of mind.

News finally came from the eastern region, from Impermanence, that a suspected undead warrior base was discovered in the eastern region, and Ji Wufeng ordered a close investigation.

However, there was new news the next day. It was determined that there was a base of undead warriors in the eastern region, and traces of Long Wei were also discovered.

Ji Wufeng immediately jumped up from his chair. No wonder there was no trace of Long Wei at all. He had been transported to the eastern region. This made him even more sure that Gu Tianyang was involved, because no one could know it except Gu Tianyang. Unknowingly, he controlled Long Wei and quietly transported him to the eastern region.

The order was given again, telling Wu Chang and others to stand still. Ji Wufeng was to go to the eastern region in person, destroy the undead warrior base, and bring everyone home intact.

In Huajing, when Gu Tianyang got the news that Ji Wufeng was going to the eastern region, he said: "Send the order immediately and the experiment will begin!"

I have just returned from Dongyang and have not yet recovered from my narrow escape. Now I am going to the eastern region again. This is almost like seeking death. Although no one said it, there were countless worries on their faces, especially Jiang Ruoshui and the others were reluctant to let Ji Wufeng go out again, but they couldn't say it out loud.

A woman, if her man wants to do something, as long as it is not a bad thing, she should fully support him, and the only thing they can do is to guard the home.

Lu Zifeng was a little worried and said, "When you leave, will Gu Tianyang take any action?"

The last time Ji Wufeng went to Dongyang, Qianye Yu came to cause trouble. This time, maybe something will happen to Gu Tianyang.

Ji Wufeng affirmed: "Probably not. Gu Tianyang will only be honest and will even give special orders not to cause us any trouble."

He calculated correctly that Gu Tianyang wanted him to leave at this time, and would even take the initiative not to provoke him, maximizing his time to make a breakthrough in the research of undead warriors. Once he caused trouble and Ji Wufeng came back, that would be Deliberately thinking about your own affairs.

This time Ji Wufeng asked Zhao Jiaolong and others to stay in Yuzhou. All the members of the second team of the Dragon Group stayed behind. Of course, Ji Wufeng could not go alone.

Fang Tianhua, Xiao Feng, Shangguan Yao, Hou Sheng, Huan Huan, Xiong Bao, Mingzhe and others will follow. This is the second team of Dragon Group 2 established by Ji Wufeng.

The previous Dragon Group was completely under the control of Gu Tianyang, and the Tiandihuang tribe's blind worship of Gu Tianyang had already lost the position of the Dragon Group. Ji Wufeng wanted to reorganize the Dragon Group.


As a member of the Dragon Team, strength is only one aspect, and actual combat experience is indispensable, especially for a team. Tacit understanding and cooperation during combat will make the combat power soar. Everyone needs to go through the test of blood and fire. Only through baptism can one become a true warrior, not a fool.

Since you want to join the Dragon Group, you must stand the test, establish the belief that the national interest is paramount, and never allow anyone with ulterior motives. Zhao Jiaolong and his group passed the test before, and now it is their turn.

This time there was one more person accompanying him, and that was Ye Linglong. Since we were dealing with undead warriors, having such a professional following us would get twice the result with half the effort.

Everyone knew about Long Wei, and Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask: "Brother Feng, if we leave now, wouldn't it mean that we are deliberately giving Gu Tianyang enough time?"

Everyone already knows how terrifying Long Wei is. What serious consequences will there be if Gu Tianyang really discovers something?

Ye Linglong said with disdain: "Hmph, is this lady's thing so easy to break through?"

Although everyone knows that Ye Linglong's brain is very powerful, isn't it a bit crazy to say this? Didn't your previous undead warriors have to be attacked by others? It's just that no one dares to say it.

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and said: "He wants to study honestly, and he needs my consent. They say that one monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat, hehe... "

Qianye Yu returned to Dongyang. His experience in Yuzhou had already spread all over the world, especially in Dongyang.

He used to be the idol of the entire young generation in Dongyang, the crown prince of Dongyang Wulin, and was worshiped and admired by everyone. But now the way everyone looks at him has changed, and the look on his face is no longer one of fanatical admiration, but I didn't dare to laugh if I wanted to, so I could only hold in my constipation expression with all my strength.

Qianye Yu was so angry that he was showered with feces and urine, wasn't he? Laugh at you uncle!

He was so angry that he would kill anyone who dared to look at him with that expression. But he didn't kill anyone because almost everyone looked at him with that expression. He couldn't kill them all, right?

In fact, being played by Ji Wufeng was not because Qianye Yu was stupid. Not only was he not stupid at all, but he was also very smart. Otherwise, he would not have been able to become Ying Shen's successor. He was an excellent leader and ranked first in strength, but Wisdom is absolutely indispensable. We cannot let a reckless warrior lead us.

It's just that he was too conceited when facing Qianye Yu, and his long-term pampering made him arrogant. He could never see the fight at the bottom. He had never been exposed to Ji Wufeng's dirty methods at the bottom, so he was obsessed with it. He understood Ji Wufeng’s words.

In fact, the scope of their realization is not in the same field at all. What is the meaning of the so-called tiger being bullied by a dog?

A fierce tiger can run rampant in the mountains and forests, but once it reaches the endless plains, it is not as good as a dog. For Qianye Yu, Dongyang is the mountains and forests, and Ji Wufeng's Yuzhou is the plains. If he is not bullied to death, his fortune will be Got it

This time Qianye Yu was humiliated, and Qianye Yunying was angry again. In anger, she tried to deal with him, but she didn't go too far. After all, Qianye Yu was the best of this generation. Now that Kuang Long is gone, does the old lady have other children? She seems happy on the surface, but in fact she must be very miserable in her heart.

And because of Long Wei, the old lady may not necessarily be safe in the future. Maybe someone will try to take her to Ji Mansion. At least her safety will be guaranteed.

Just as he said, Ji Wufeng immediately called for someone and moved the things directly regardless of whether the old lady agreed or not. He took the old lady to Ji Mansion that same day.

The Ji Mansion has been renovated. It has a very large space and many rooms. Everyone welcomes the old lady very much, especially grandma Zhou Lan. The two are about the same age and they always talk when they meet.

In this way, the old lady was not so resistant and lived in Ji Mansion with peace of mind.

News finally came from the eastern region, from Impermanence, that a suspected undead warrior base was discovered in the eastern region, and Ji Wufeng ordered a close investigation.

However, there was new news the next day. It was determined that there was a base of undead warriors in the eastern region, and traces of Long Wei were also discovered.

Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped up from his chair. No wonder there was no trace of Long Wei at all. He had been transported to the eastern region. This made him even more sure that Gu Tianyang was involved, because no one could know it except Gu Tianyang. Unknowingly, he controlled Long Wei and quietly transported him to the eastern region.

The order was given again, telling Wu Chang and others to stand still. Ji Wufeng was to go to the eastern region in person, destroy the undead warrior base, and bring everyone home intact.

In Huajing, when Gu Tianyang got the news that Ji Wufeng was going to the eastern region, he said: "Send the order immediately and the experiment will begin!"

I have just returned from Dongyang and have not yet recovered from my narrow escape. Now I am going to the eastern region again. This is almost like seeking death. Although no one said it, there were countless worries on their faces, especially Jiang Ruoshui and the others were reluctant to let Ji Wufeng go out again, but they couldn't say it out loud.

A woman, if her man wants to do something, as long as it is not a bad thing, she should fully support him, and the only thing they can do is to guard the home.

Lu Zifeng was a little worried and said, "When you leave, will Gu Tianyang take any action?"

The last time Ji Wufeng went to Dongyang, Qianye Yu came to cause trouble. This time, maybe something will happen to Gu Tianyang.

Ji Wufeng affirmed: "Probably not. Gu Tianyang will only be honest and will even give special orders not to cause us any trouble."

He calculated correctly that Gu Tianyang wanted him to leave at this time, and would even take the initiative not to provoke him, maximizing his time to make a breakthrough in the research of undead warriors. Once he caused trouble and Ji Wufeng came back, that would be Deliberately thinking about your own affairs.

This time Ji Wufeng asked Zhao Jiaolong and others to stay in Yuzhou. All the members of the second team of the Dragon Group stayed behind. Of course, Ji Wufeng could not go alone.

Fang Tianhua, Xiao Feng, Shangguan Yao, Hou Sheng, Huan Huan, Xiong Bao, Mingzhe and others will follow. This is the second team of Dragon Group 2 established by Ji Wufeng.

The previous Dragon Group was completely under the control of Gu Tianyang, and the Tiandihuang tribe's blind worship of Gu Tianyang had already lost the position of the Dragon Group. Ji Wufeng wanted to reorganize the Dragon Group.


As a member of the Dragon Team, strength is only one aspect, and actual combat experience is indispensable, especially for a team. Tacit understanding and cooperation during combat will make the combat power soar. Everyone needs to go through the test of blood and fire. Only through baptism can one become a true warrior, not a fool.

Since you want to join the Dragon Group, you must stand the test, establish the belief that the national interest is paramount, and never allow anyone with ulterior motives. Zhao Jiaolong and his group passed the test before, and now it is their turn.

This time there was one more person accompanying him, and that was Ye Linglong. Since we were dealing with undead warriors, having such a professional following us would get twice the result with half the effort.

Everyone knew about Long Wei, and Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask: "Brother Feng, if we leave now, wouldn't it mean that we are deliberately giving Gu Tianyang enough time?"

Everyone already knows how terrifying Long Wei is. What serious consequences will there be if Gu Tianyang really discovers something?

Ye Linglong said with a look of disdain: "Hmph, is my lady's thing so easy to break through?"

Although everyone knows that Ye Linglong's brain is very powerful, isn't it a bit crazy to say this? Didn't your previous undead warriors have to be attacked by others? It's just that no one dares to say it.

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and said: "He wants to study honestly, and he needs my consent. They say that one monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat, hehe... "

Qianye Yu returned to Dongyang. His experience in Yuzhou had already spread all over the world, especially in Dongyang.

He used to be the idol of the entire young generation in Dongyang, the crown prince of Dongyang Martial Arts, and was worshiped and admired by everyone. But now the way everyone looks at him has changed, and the look on his face is no longer one of fanatical admiration, but I didn't dare to laugh if I wanted to, so I could only hold in my constipation expression with all my strength.

Qianye Yu was so angry that he was showered with feces and urine, wasn't he? Laugh at you uncle!

He was so angry that he would kill anyone who dared to look at him with that expression. But he didn't kill anyone because almost everyone looked at him with that expression. He couldn't kill them all, right?

In fact, being played by Ji Wufeng was not because Qianye Yu was stupid. Not only was he not stupid at all, but he was also very smart. Otherwise, he would not have been able to become Ying Shen's successor. He was an excellent leader and ranked first in strength, but Wisdom is absolutely indispensable. We cannot let a reckless warrior lead us.

It's just that he was too conceited when facing Qianye Yu, and his long-term pampering made him arrogant. He could never see the fight at the bottom. He had never been exposed to Ji Wufeng's dirty methods at the bottom, so he was obsessed with it. He understood Ji Wufeng’s words.

In fact, the scope of their realization is not in the same field at all. What is the meaning of the so-called tiger being bullied by a dog?

A fierce tiger can run rampant in the mountains and forests, but once it reaches the endless plains, it is not as good as a dog. For Qianye Yu, Dongyang is the mountains and forests, and Ji Wufeng's Yuzhou is the plains. If he is not bullied to death, his fortune will be Got it

This time Qianye Yu was humiliated, and Qianye Yunying was angry again. In anger, she tried to deal with him, but she didn't go too far. After all, Qianye Yu was the best of this generation.

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