This may seem like a curse, but it's actually true. She couldn't develop those undead warriors, aren't they their ancestors?

Ye Linglong stomped on the ground hard, and the hard cement floor was immediately shattered, shocking Yueqiu.

Yueqiu turned around and looked around, took Ye Linglong's hand and said, "You guys come with me!"

After getting on Yueqiu's car, the car drove directly into the largest house in the city. Two rows of armed guards stood at the door. It seemed that this was the residence of Chief Yueqiu.

Entering the house, he saw that the decoration inside was extremely luxurious. Even the walls and pillars were golden. Ji Wufeng walked in and saw that the walls were actually gold-plated. Looking at the other furnishings in the room, they were all gold, silver and jade. Every piece was decorated with gold, silver and jade. It is a priceless treasure.

Ji Wufeng was a little speechless. Even wealthy people are so good at showing off.

Ye Linglong seemed to know what he was thinking and said with a smile: "This is nothing surprising. In comparison, this place is low-key. Some small tribes' palaces even have floors paved with diamonds."

This was Ji Wufeng's first time in the eastern region. He didn't know much about it, so he asked in astonishment: "Is it really so extravagant?"

"Of course, don't you know that the eastern region is the world's largest producer of oil and diamonds?"

Ye Linglong said: "Although the civilians in the eastern region are very poor, that is because a large number of resources in the eastern region are in the hands of those in power. The rich and the poor are polarized, so they are naturally rich."

The two of them were taken into a room by Yueqiu. Judging from the decoration, it should be her room. Yueqiu said: "I will go and make arrangements first, and we will talk later. In order to control us, those people planted a lot of spies here."

Biochemical experiments are too sensitive and must not be leaked. It is normal for someone to monitor Yueqiu. Once it is discovered that there is a possibility of leakage, the entire Yueqiu royal family will probably be wiped out directly.

After Yueqiu left, Ji Wufeng was moved in his heart and said to Ye Linglong: "You are so enthusiastic about Yueqiu, don't you have any crooked ideas?"

Ye Linglong said: "You guessed it right, the eastern region has extremely rich oil reserves. Even for a small tribe, the reserves are immeasurable. It's a pity that the eastern region has always been forbidden by the Western countries. We China has no way to intervene."

Ji Wufeng immediately understood that Ye Linglong was interested in the oil in the eastern region, and said: "Then it's useless even if you are interested in it. The eastern region has cooperated with the Western countries for such a long time, and there is no mutual relationship between them. The connection has already been deeply rooted, what can you do?"

"What you said is not entirely correct. It is not the entire eastern region that cooperates with the Western countries, but the four major tribes in the entire eastern region. As long as we deal with these four major tribes, it may not be impossible."

There are many small tribes like Yueqiu in the eastern region, at least eighty if not a hundred, and the largest forces in the eastern region are the four major tribes in the eastern region. Aqina, who worked with Harris and others to form the Expedition International, is the four The heir to one of the great tribes.

These tribes are huge and powerful, controlling several or even dozens of small tribes, intimidating the entire eastern region. No one dares to disobey, and if they don't go their way even a little bit, they will

It will attract cruel blows, and with the power of those small tribes, they can be destroyed overnight.

Like Yueqiu, it is attached to the Aqina tribe.

Although the tribes in the eastern region have abundant oil reserves, the actual control is in the hands of the four major tribes. Each small tribe extracts the oil and hands it over to the four major tribes, who then give it to the developed countries in the west.

Of course, the price charged by the four major tribes for oil is extremely low, even pitifully low. Ye Linglong once learned that the price of oil offered by the four major tribes to Western countries is three yuan a liter, and they are purchasing oil from various small tribes. The price is not even a dollar.

This is very tragic, but even so, looking at the decoration of Yueqiu Palace, Ji Wufeng can still amass such a huge wealth, which shows how amazing the oil storage capacity in the eastern region is.

Ye Linglong continued: "It is impossible to enter the eastern region in the name of China. That will only cause strong protests from Western countries. Petroleum energy represents everything, and there is a possibility of causing a world war, but we can Settling into the eastern region in the name of a company group or family.”

"Is this possible?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Why not? It is natural that Tianfeng Group needs oil to enter the energy industry. Maybe Western countries will resist it, but so what? Don't forget, we Tianfeng still have several branches, especially Marcus and Ai Rick, their family is a super giant in the West and has great influence."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up. This statement is really making a difference. If it were just the Tianfeng Group, the Western countries would not agree, but if Marcus and Eric's families were involved, it would be different. , those two are super giants who are enough to influence the political situation of Western countries.

Why did Yuanzheng International rise so quickly and suppress Tianfeng Group so tightly? It is because they control the continuous flow of oil in the eastern region through Aqina and Harris.

Not to mention that it can cut off the oil supply of Yuanzhang International, if Tianfeng Group can also obtain part of the oil supply in the eastern region, then the pressure from Yuanzheng International will not exist.

Ye Linglong's plan is to use Yueqiu as a breakthrough point to first solve the problems in the Yueqiu tribe, establish friendship with Yueqiu, and then purchase oil from Yueqiu at a high price. Profit comes first. As long as Yueqiu tastes the sweetness, the small tribes around Yueqiu will definitely do the same. swarms of people.

Of course, if you want to achieve this goal, you must first solve the problem of the four major tribes. In the eastern region, the four major tribes represent the supreme royal power. Under their crushing, the tribes in the eastern region have no courage to disobey them. will.

However, the four major tribes must have extremely strong strength to dominate the eastern region for many years. It must be extremely difficult to make them surrender. But Ji Wufeng has made up his mind. Anyway, he has a grudge against Archina, so he will kill him first. ticket.

Yueqiu came back. After closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What are your plans? I can provide weapons, submachine guns, and high-explosive bombs."

Ji Wufeng smiled. Neither submachine guns nor high-explosive bombs were very lethal to the undead warriors. What's more, he planned to take the undead warrior base here as his own. What if it was destroyed? This may seem like a curse, but it's actually true. She couldn't develop those undead warriors, aren't they their ancestors?

Ye Linglong stomped on the ground hard, and the hard cement floor was immediately shattered, shocking Yueqiu.

Yueqiu turned around and looked around, took Ye Linglong's hand and said, "You guys come with me!"

After getting on Yueqiu's car, the car drove directly into the largest house in the city. Two rows of armed guards stood at the door. It seemed that this was the residence of Chief Yueqiu.

Entering the house, he saw that the decoration inside was extremely luxurious. Even the walls and pillars were golden. Ji Wufeng walked in and saw that the walls were actually gold-plated. Looking at the other furnishings in the room, they were all gold, silver and jade. Every piece was decorated with gold, silver and jade. It is a priceless treasure.

Ji Wufeng was a little speechless. Even wealthy people are so good at showing off.

Ye Linglong seemed to know what he was thinking and said with a smile: "This is nothing surprising. In comparison, this place is low-key. Some small tribes' palaces even have floors paved with diamonds."

This was Ji Wufeng's first time in the eastern region. He didn't know much about it, so he asked in astonishment: "Is it really so extravagant?"

"Of course, don't you know that the eastern region is the world's largest producer of oil and diamonds?"

Ye Linglong said: "Although the civilians in the eastern region are very poor, that is because a large number of resources in the eastern region are in the hands of those in power. The rich and the poor are polarized, so they are naturally rich."

The two of them were taken into a room by Yueqiu. Judging from the decoration, it should be her room. Yueqiu said: "I will go and make arrangements first, and we will talk later. In order to control us, those people planted a lot of spies here."

Biochemical experiments are too sensitive and must not be leaked. It is normal for someone to monitor Yueqiu. Once it is discovered that there is a possibility of leakage, the entire Yueqiu royal family will probably be wiped out directly.

After Yueqiu left, Ji Wufeng was moved in his heart and said to Ye Linglong: "You are so enthusiastic about Yueqiu, don't you have any crooked ideas?"

Ye Linglong said: "You guessed it right, the eastern region has extremely rich oil reserves. Even for a small tribe, the reserves are immeasurable. It's a pity that the eastern region has always been forbidden by the Western countries. We China has no way to intervene."

Ji Wufeng immediately understood that Ye Linglong was interested in the oil in the eastern region, and said: "Then it's useless even if you are interested in it. The eastern region has cooperated with the Western countries for such a long time, and there is no mutual relationship between them. The connection has already been deeply rooted, what can you do?"

"What you said is not entirely correct. It is not the entire eastern region that cooperates with the Western countries, but the four major tribes in the entire eastern region. As long as we deal with these four major tribes, it may not be impossible."

There are many small tribes like Yueqiu in the eastern region, at least eighty if not a hundred, and the largest forces in the eastern region are the four major tribes in the eastern region. Aqina, who worked with Harris and others to form the Expedition International, is the four The heir to one of the great tribes.

These tribes are huge and powerful, controlling several or even dozens of small tribes, intimidating the entire eastern region. No one dares to disobey, and if they don't go their way even a little bit, they will

It will attract cruel blows, and with the power of those small tribes, they can be destroyed overnight.

Like Yueqiu, it is attached to the Aqina tribe.

Although the tribes in the eastern region have abundant oil reserves, the actual control is in the hands of the four major tribes. Each small tribe extracts the oil and hands it over to the four major tribes, who then give it to the developed countries in the west.

Of course, the price charged by the four major tribes for oil is extremely low, even pitifully low. Ye Linglong once learned that the price of oil offered by the four major tribes to Western countries is three yuan a liter, and they are purchasing oil from various small tribes. The price is not even a dollar.

This is very tragic, but even so, looking at the decoration of Yueqiu Palace, Ji Wufeng can still amass such a huge wealth, which shows how amazing the oil storage capacity in the eastern region is.

Ye Linglong continued: "It is impossible to enter the eastern region in the name of China. That will only cause strong protests from Western countries. Petroleum energy represents everything, and there is a possibility of causing a world war, but we can Settling into the eastern region in the name of a company group or family.”

"Is this possible?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Why not? It is natural that Tianfeng Group needs oil to enter the energy industry. Maybe Western countries will resist it, but so what? Don't forget, we Tianfeng still have several branches, especially Marcus and Ai Rick, their family is a super giant in the West and has great influence."

Ji Wufeng's eyes suddenly lit up. This statement is really making a difference. If it were just the Tianfeng Group, the Western countries would not agree, but if Marcus and Eric's families were involved, it would be different. , those two are super giants who are enough to influence the political situation of Western countries.

Why did Yuanzheng International rise so quickly and suppress Tianfeng Group so tightly? It is because they control the continuous flow of oil in the eastern region through Aqina and Harris.

Not to mention that it can cut off the oil supply of Yuanzhang International, if Tianfeng Group can also obtain part of the oil supply in the eastern region, then the pressure from Yuanzheng International will not exist.

Ye Linglong's plan is to use Yueqiu as a breakthrough point to first solve the problems in the Yueqiu tribe, establish friendship with Yueqiu, and then purchase oil from Yueqiu at a high price. Profit comes first. As long as Yueqiu tastes the sweetness, the small tribes around Yueqiu will definitely do the same. swarms of people.

Of course, if you want to achieve this goal, you must first solve the problem of the four major tribes. In the eastern region, the four major tribes represent the supreme royal power. Under their crushing, the tribes in the eastern region have no courage to disobey them. will.

However, the four major tribes must have extremely strong strength to dominate the eastern region for many years. It must be extremely difficult to make them surrender. But Ji Wufeng has made up his mind. Anyway, he has a grudge against Archina, so he will kill him first. ticket.

Yueqiu came back. After closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What are your plans? I can provide weapons, submachine guns, and high-explosive bombs."

Ji Wufeng smiled. Neither submachine guns nor high-explosive bombs were very lethal to the undead warriors. What's more, he planned to take the undead warrior base here as his own. What if it was destroyed?

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